Final Fantasy 5

Final Fantasy 5

15.10.2013 18:48:02
Final Fantasy Five
Version 1.0
By: Mystery Moogle E-Mail Address:
Created On: January 9, 2000

1) Updates
2) Characters
3) Walkthough List
4) Tough Spots
5) Jobs
6) The Abilities As The Appear In The Abilities Section Of The Menu
7) Black Magic
8) White Magic
9) Effect Magic
10) Blue Magic
11) Caller Magic
12) Songs
13) Sword Magic
14) Armor List
15) Weapon List
16) Item List
17) Special/Rare Items
18) Bosses
19) Monster List
20) Monster Classes
21) Steal Command (What Can Be Stolen And From Who)
22) Inn Prices
23) Weapon Shops And Their Prices
24) Armor Shops And Their Prices
25) Magic Shops And Their Prices
26) Item Shops And Their Prices
27) Odds And Ends
28) Author's Notes
29) Credits

1) Updates
Created On: January 9, 2000- No Updates!

2) Characters
*Jason- Our hero. When you first meet Jason, he and Boco (Jason's Pet
Chocobo) are sitting by a fire. When a Meteor crashes to earth, you and Boco
rush off to see what happened. You run into our next character, Leena, here.
You are one of the Light Warriors trying to stop the shattering of the 4
Crystals sealing Exdeath (the Ultimate Evil of the game). Unfortunately
Exdeath is released and the focus of the Light Warriors shifts from trying to
save the Crystals to trying to stop Exdeath from trying to control the power
of the Void.
*Leena- She is the Princess of The Kingdom Of Tycoon. You first meet Leena an
the balcony of Tycoon Castle. Her father, King Tycoon, is about to get on the
Hiryuu (Dragon) to try and figure out why the wind has stopped. Leena gets
worried and follows him. She makes it as far as the Tycoon Meteor and is
attacked by Goblins- Jason rescues her. She is one of the Light Warriors.
*Gaulf- You first meet Gaulf at the Tycoon Meteor (The same time you meet
Leena). He is passed out next to the Meteor and has amnesia. [DON'T READ
another world and is a King! The King Of Bal Castle. He is one of the 4
Warriors Of Dawn That sealed Exdeath away on Jason's world 30 years ago.
Gaulf came to this world, riding the Tycoon Meteor. He came to try to stop
the crystals on this world from shattering- releasing Exdeath. He helps for
awhile in the battle against Exdeath, but later on in the game, in World 3,
Exdeath will kill Gaulf.]
*Faris- You first meet Faris in the Pirate's Base North West of Tycoon. He
comes and throws you in jail when you try to steal his ship. After he sees
Leena's pendant (well a little while after) he agrees to help you. [DON'T
really a man! He is really a she! She is really Princess Sarisa, the 2nd
Princess of Tycoon and Leena's older sister! She only pretended to be male so
the pirates wouldn't make fun of her.] Faris will accompany you on your
journey as one of the 4 Light Warriors!
*Cara- This is Gaulf's Granddaughter. She has the ability to hear animals
Gaulf's Death, Cara will join you and remain with you for the rest of the
*King Tycoon- He is the Ruler of the Kingdom Of Tycoon. In the beginning of
the game, he is getting on the Hiryuu to go to the Wind Shrine to see why the
SPOILED FOR YOU! King Tycoon is the Father of Leena and Faris. He isn't seen
for awhile after going to the Wind Shrine- you see him again when you get to
the Ruined City. He seems to be under the control of somebody- you realize
later that somebody is Exdeath! He comes out of it later on (and is actually
deceased) and helps you at the end of the game. He helps you to avoid the
*Zokk- You will find in in the Village of Tule. He knows Leena and is the
builder of the Torna Canal. At first, he tells you that he lost the key to
the Canal- and insists that you spend the night. During the night, Jason gets
out of bed and speaks to Zokk- he will give you the Key and ask that you take
care of Leena.
*Boco- This is Jason's pet Chocobo. You see Jason riding Boco in the
beginning of the game. After you come back from the Wind Shrine, Boco is no
longer outside of the Pirate's Cave where you left him. Boco was hurt inside
the Pirate's Cave and a man inside the Pirate's Base promises to care for Boco
until he is well again. [SPOILER! Jason and Boco are reunited again in World
3. Boco is healthy again and will introduce you to his new wife, Coco! Boco
helps you in the beginning of World 3 by acting as your transportation].
*Coco- Boco's Wife. You meet her in World Three.
*Syldra- Faris Sea Dragon Pet. Faris and Syldra grew up together. Syldra
pulls Faris' ship. [SPOILER! Syldra Dies after completing the Torna Canal].
*Stella- This is Jason's Mother. [SPOILER! You will see her death in a Cut
Scene in Lix. She is burried in Lix].
*Hiryuu- The Dragon at Tycoon Castle is the last one left. Most died in the
War 50 Years Before.
*Minister- The person in charge of the Kingdom Of Tycoon while the King is
*Cid- He is the person that created the machine that amplified the Fire
Crystal. He will modify your airship a few times during the game so that you
may go to the Lonka Ruins, so it can be used as a boat, or even used as a
*Queen Karnak- She is the person on the Fire Powered Ship. She also (like
King Tycoon) seems to be under the control of something- Exdeath Maybe!? She
tells you (Once she snaps out of it) that it isn't only the amplifying of the
crystals that is destroying them. There is a Dark Force that is trying to use
the Crystals to revive.
*Kelgar- One of the 4 Warriors Of Dawn that sealed Exdeath away 30 years ago.
Kelgar is a Wolf and is the leader of The Village Of Kelb. He is injured
during a battle with Jason. He helps you when you go to Exdeath's Castle by
taking Exdeath's illusion away. He and the other 3 Warriors Of Dawn help you
in the final battle by keeping the Void at bay.
*Mid- He is Cid's Grandson (or Granddaughter, I can't tell the difference!)
You meet Mid in the Basement of the Ancient Library- you go down there to
rescue him/her. Mid helps Cid make improvements to your airship.
*Mark- One of Jason's childhood friends in Lix. You see a flashback in Lix of
when Jason was a child. You learn here why Jason is afraid of heights (kinda
like my husband... ah nevermind...)
*Dorgan- Jason's father and one of the 4 Warriors of Dawn that sealed Exdeath
away 30 years ago. He was the only one of the 4 Warriors Of Dawn that stayed
behind to watch the seal on Exdeath. He really didn't want to seal Exdeath on
an innocent world- but did what needed to be done. Jason will change his
Mother's gravestone from "Stella Rests Here" to "Dorgan And His Beloved Wife
Stella, Rests Here". Dorgan asked that Jason bury him with Stella.
*Exdeath- The source of all evil. He is the dark Sorcerer that the 4 Warriors
of Dawn sealed away 30 years ago by using 4 Crystals. Exdeath has been using
his powers to cause the 4 Crystals sealing him to shatter. His goal is to
make the world as it once was- the two first worlds were once one big world.
He wants to do this to open the way to the Cleft Of Dimension- where he seeks
the ultimate power of the Void.
*Guido- A 700 Year Old turtle that is very wise. He gives you information
about Exdeath and also gives you the Old Branch to access the Mua Forest and
The Oldest Tree. Exdeath sinks Guido's home when he attempts to help you.
*Gilgamesh- One of Exdeath's henchmen. He has more lives than Ultros!!! He
was banished to the Cleft Of Dimension years ago (You know for someone who was
supposed to have been banished to the Cleft Of Dimension- he sure gets around
outside of it!)
*Zeza- One of the 4 Warriors Of Dawn that sealed Exdeath away 30 years ago.
He helps you destroy the barrier around Exdeath's Castle in World 2 by giving
you access to the Barrier Tower via the Submarine. He sacrifices his life to
give you the easier (and less life- threatening) task in the Barrier Tower-
destroying the Antenna.

3) Walkthough List
1. World #1
2. The Wind Stops- Opening Scenes, Meet Leena And King Tycoon
3. Pirates- Meet Faris, Their Leader
4. Meteor Crashes
5. Meet Jason And His Pet Chocobo, Boco
6. Go To The Meteor
7. Save Leena From Goblins
8. Formally Meet Leena
9. Meet Gaulf, He Is Passed Out My The Meteor
10. Leave And Hop Back On Boco
11. Boco Leads You To A New Area
12. Fight Some Goblins
13. Rescue Leena And Gaulf
14. Leena And Gaulf Join You!
15. Pirate's Cave- Walk Through It (It Might Be Wise To Gain Some Levels
16. Pirate's Base
17. Try To Take The Ship On The Other Side Of The Bridge By Walking Up To The
18. Faris Will Throw You In Jail
19. After A Little While Faris Will Let You Out And Agree To Help You
20. Faris Joins!- You Also Get The Ship!
21. When The Pirate Asks If You Know The Way To The Wind Shrine, Tell Him
Yes- You Don't Want To Go There Yet.
22. The Town Of Tule
23. Buy Armor, Weapons, Magic, Items... If You Don't Have Enough Money, Go
Outside The Town And Fight. You Should Be At Least Level 5 Before Venturing
To The Wind Shrine.
24. Wind Shrine
25. Fight Wing Raptor
26. The Wind Crystal Shatters
27. You Receive Your First Jobs From The Shards Of The Shattered Wind
Crystal. They Are: Knight, Monk, Thief, White Wizard, Black Wizard, and Blue
28. Town Of Tule Revisited
29. Zokk's House
30. When You Spend The Night You Will See A Cut Scene Where Jason Will
Remember Something About His Childhood. Zokk Will Give You The Key To The
31. Torna Canal
32. Fight Karlabos
33. Syldra Dies?
34. Ship Graveyard
35. Find World Map Here
36. Fight Siren- Level 9 Is Recommended Here
37. Village Of Carwen
38. Learn About The Hiryuu And About The Kingdom Of Walse
39. Northern Mountain (North Of The Village Of Carwen)
40. Fight Magisa
41. Fight Forza (If You Don't Take Out Magisa Quickly Enough)
42. Get The Hiryuu!
43. Tycoon Castle- For Treasure!
44. The Kingdom Of Walse
45. Stock Up An Everything In The Town (Weapons, Armor, Magic, Items) And
Then Go To See The King In The Castle
46. Another Meteor Will Crash
47. Walse Tower (Near Where The Meteor Crashed) And The Water Crystal
48. Fight Galura
49. The Water Crystal Shatters
50. You Recieve New Jobs From The Shards Of The Shattered Water Crystal.
They Are: Time Mage, MysticKnight, Caller, Berserker, And Red Mage
51. Walse Castle
52. Visit The King In His Room
53. Walse Meteor
54. Walk Into The Opening In The Meteor
55. Step On The Warp Tile In The Second Room
56. You Will Be Warped To The Meteor Near Karnak
57. Walk Out Of The Meteor
58. Karnak Is To The South West Of The Meteor Crash Site
59. Town Of Karnak
60. Try To Buy Something In One Of The Shops
61. You Will Be Arrested And Thrown In Jail
62. Cid Will Be In The Jail Cell To The Left Of Yours- He Will Help You
63. Once You Get Out Of Jail- Go Back To Town And Stock Up On Armor, Weapons,
items And Magic
64. Meet Cid On The Fire Powered Ship
65. The Basement Of The Fire Powered Ship (See Tough Spots Section For More
66. Fight LiquiFlame
67. The Fire Crystal Will Shatter
68. You Recieve New Jobs From The Shards Of The Shattered Fire Crystal. They
Are: Elementl, Trainer, And Ninja
69. Escape From Karnak Castle! You Only Have 10 Minutes To Do So!
70. Fight Sergeant
71. The Wall Blocking The Way To The Ancient Library Will Be Destroyed When
The Karnak Castle Blows Up
72. Go West And Down To The Ancient Library (It Is The Building Just About
Due South Of Karnak- But The Path That Leads You To It Is Not Direct) It Is
The Building Surrounded By A Forest That Kind Of Looks Like The Wind Shrine
73. The Ancient Library
74. The Scholars Here Tell You That Mid, The Grandchild Of Cid, Is Missing
75. Ancient Library Basement
76. Fight Ifrit
77. Fight Byblos
78. Save Mid- Once Upstairs Again Make Sure To Talk To Mid Again Before
Leaving The Ancient Library Again
79. Town Of Karnak Revisited
80. See Cid Inside The Pub, Upstairs
81. Get The Fire Powered Ship!
82. Village Of Jacole
83. Stock Up On Weapons, Armor, Magic, Items...
84. Dungeon Of Jacole- There Isn't Really Anything To Do Here Now. There Is
A Wall To Climb Here In The Back, But It Won't Lead You Anywhere Until World 3
85. Crescent Island And The Town Of Crescent
86. Once You Go into The Town And Talk To The Man In The Robe, An Earthquake
Will Hit. Your Ship Will Sink! (Drats! And I Was Just Starting To Like That
87. Go South West Of The Town To The Sort Of Round Forest
88. Chocobo Forest
89. Catch The Black Chocobo! (Press The "A" Button When Near Him To Catch
90. The Chocobo Swallowed Crystal Shards And Can't Fly- Faris Gets It To Spit
Them Out
91. You Recieve Two More Jobs Here From The Shards Of The Fire Crystal. They
Are: Archer And Bard
92. Get The Black Chocobo!
93. Fly To The Town North Of The Wind Shrine
94. Village Of Lix (Jason's Hometown)
95. This Town Gives You A Bit Of Background About Jason's Childhood
96. Town Of Istory (The Town To The Far NorthWest)
97. Stock Up On New Weapons, Armor, Magic, Items...
98. The Ancient Library
99. Talk To Cid And Mid
100. The Moving Desert
101. Fight Sand Worm
102. Ruined City
103. Follow King Tycoon? Around
104. Fall Into A Trap
105. Fight Cray Claw
106. Get Airship!
107. The Tycoon Meteor
108. Fight Adamant T.
109. Get Adamantite
110. Bring The Adamantite Back To Cid. He Is In The Place You Launched The
Airship From
111. Go Back To The Ruined City
112. The Lonka Ruins Will Rise
113. Lonka Ruins
114. Fight Sol Cannon
115. Fight ArcheoAvis Part 1
116. Fight ArcheoAvis Part 2
117. The Earth Crystal Shatters
118. You Will Recieve Now Jobs From The Shards Of The Shattered Earth Crystal.
They Are: Samurai, Dragoon, Chemist, And Dancer.
119. Exdeath Returns! Oh Crap!
120. Go Back To The Place You Launched The Airship From And Read Cid's Letter
121. Tycoon Meteor
122. Karnak Meteor
123. Fight Titan
124. Walse Meteor
125. Fight Puroboros
126. Ruined City Meteor
127. Fight Chim. Brain
128. Go To The Warp Tile Where The Energy Of The Meteors Meet
129. End World 1
130. Begin World 2
131. Solitary Island
132. Sleep For The Night In A Tent
133. Leena And Faris Are Kidnaped
134. Fight Abductor
135. Win Or Lose, Abductor Takes All Three Of You
136. Exdeath's Castle, Basement
137. You Must Rescue Jason, Leena, And Faris Using Only Gaulf
138. Fight Gilgamesh
139. Rescue Jason, Leena, And Faris
140. Big Bridge
141. Fight Gilgamesh
142. Town Of Rugor
143. Buy Weapons, Armor, Magic, Items...
144. Sealed Castle Of Koozer
145. Just Remember This Place- This Is Where The 12 Legendary Weapons That
Defeated Enuo Are Stored. Once You Find A Stone Tablet (There Are 4 Of Them)
You May Come Back Here And Select 3 Weapons.
146. Moogle Forest
147. Fight Tyrasaurus
148. Moogle Town
150. Bal Castle- See The Ill Hiryuu
151. Buy Weapons, Armor, Magic, Items...
152. Go North To The Village Of Kelb
153. Meet Kelgar, One Of The 4 Warriors Of Dawn
154. Valley Of The Hiryuu
155. Fight HiryuuSou
156. Bal Castle Revisited- Feed The Hiryuu The HiryuuSou
157. Guido's Abode- It Will Sink
158. Surgate Castle (It Is West Of Guido's)
159. Buy Weapons, Armor, Magic, Items...
160. Learn About Zeza, One Of The 4 Warriors Of Dawn
161. Zeza's Fleet Is East Of Exdeath's Castle- Go There And Land The Hiryuu On
The Big Ship
162. Take A Snooze
163. Monsters Attack
164. Fight Gilgamesh With Enkidou
165. Use Submarine!
166. Barrier Tower
167. Fight Atomos
168. Take The Submarine To The Sunken Remains Of Guido's Abode
169. Get Old Branch!
170. Mua Village (Use The Submarine To Get Here, The Village Is Surrounded By
171. Buy Weapons, Armor, Magic, Items...
172. Mua Forest (To The East Of Mua Village)
173. Once You Reach A Certain Part Of The Forest (Near The Center) Exdeath
(That Jerk) Will Set Fire To The Forest. Run Around For A Moment And A Moogle
will Come Up From Underground, And You Will Jump Down The Hole
174. Once The Moogle Moves Away From The Right Path, Go Bac Up Topside. The
Forest Is Toast!
175. The Oldest Tree
176. Fight (They Have No Names- They look Like Things- A Monster You Meet
177. Oh Crap! Exdeath Kills Gaulf! Cara Joins!
178. Exdeath's Castle
179. Fight Gilgamesh
180. Fight Exdeath
181. Exdeath Returns The World To What It Once Was- He Merges The 2 Worlds
182. End World 2
183. Begin World 3
184. Tycoon Castle- Some Cute Cut Scenes Here. You Leave With Only Jason And
185. Pirate's Cave- Boco Is Well Again And Introduces You To Mrs Boco!
186. Boco Joins You For A Bit
187. Fight Antilion
188. Faris Rejoins!
189. Guido's Abode- See Exdeath Again
190. Ancient Library
191. Get The Book Of The Seal!
192. The Pyramid In The Previously Moving Desert
193. Get Your First Stone Tablet
194. Walk Back In The Direction Of The Ancient Library
195. You Will Walk Into A Forest That Just Happens To Be The Remains Of The
Mua Forest.
196. Oldest Tree
197. Fight Mereugene
198. Leena Rejoins!
199. The Sealed Castle Of Koozer- You May Choose 3 Legendary Weapons To Take
200. Crescent Town
201. Go To The Sort Of Circular Forest South West Of The Town Of Crescent
202. It Will Seem Like You Are Being Drawn Into A Battle Here- But You Are
Really Being Sucked Into The Town Of Mirage. It Rests On The Surface Of The
Cleft Of Dimension
203. Buy Weapons. Armor, Magic, Items...
204. There Is A Black Chocobo Here As Well. Make Sure To At Least Find Him
Here. You Will Need Him Later On.
205. The Shrine On The Big Bridge
206. Fight Stalker
207. Get Stone Tablet!
208. The Sealed Castle Of Koozer- You May Choose 3 Legendary Weapons To Take
209. The Fork Tower On Crescent Island
210. You Must Split Up Into 2 Groups Here (Kinda Stinky They Both Groups Only
Have 2 Members In Each- But I Don't Make Up The Rules!) I Suggest That Your 2
Strongest Magic Users Venture Into The Tower Of Magic And Your 2 Strongest
Physical Attackers Venture Into The Tower Of Power. KEEP THIS IN MIND! At
The Top, When You Fight The Bosses: Make Sure That You Use Magic On The Boss
Of The Tower Of Power, And Physical Attacks On The Boss Of The Tower Of Magic.
So Keep The Abilities Balanced When You Near The Top!
211. Fight Omniscient (The Boss Of The Tower Of Magic)
212. Fight Minotarous (The Boss Of The Tower Of Power)
213. Get The Magic Of Meteo!
214. Get The Magic Of Holy!
215. Once You Complete The Fork Tower And Get Both Magics, It Will Blow Up.
This Will Once Again Give You Access To The Launcher, Where You First Got The
216. Speak To Cid, He Will Modify The Airship So It Can Also Be Used As A
217. The Great Deep
218. Fight Neregeid (Blue)
219. Fight Phobos (Green)
220. Fight Triton (Red)
221. Get Stone Tablet!
222. The Sealed Castle Of Koozer- You May Choose 3 Legendary Weapons To Take
223. Phoenix Tower
224. This Is A LOOOONNGGG Dungeon, Something Like 25 Floors. The Phoenix
Summon Is Your Reward
225. Istory Falls
226. You Must Use The Submarine To Access The Cave That Leads You To The
Actual Falls
227. Fight Leviathan
228. Get The Last Stone Tablet!
229. The Sealed Castle Of Koozer- You May Take The Last 3 Legendary Weapons!
230. The Cleft Of Dimension
231. There Are 6 Sections Here- The Ruins, The Forest, The Dungeon, The
Towers, The Castle, And The Final Floors
232. Fight Carfisteri (The Forest)
233. Fight Omega (He Is Optional, You Are Able To Run Past Him If You Are
Quick and Watck Out For Where He Is)
234. Fight Apanda
235. Fight Apocalypse
236. Fight Catastroph
237. Fight Halicarnas
238. Fight Twin Tania
239. Fight Shinryuu (He Is Optional As Well. He Is Hiding In A Treasure Chest
In The Final Floors)
240. Fight Necrofobia With Gilgamesh (He Shows Up Later In The Battle)
242. Fight Exdeath
243. Fight NeoExdeath
244. Victory!

4) Tough Spots
*The Fire Powered Ship:
1. Make your way to the area with 3 doors on top and 4 openings on the bottom
2. The far right opening will lead to a GrnBeret
3. The 3rd opening from the left will lead to the Thief Glove
4. The 2nd opening from the left leads to the next section of the area
5. You will fall down a hole
6. Go into the left hand door
7. Save your game
8. Big Puzzle!
9. Press the first switch you are able to
10. Get off the platform you are on and press the switch all the way left
11. Now, press the switch to the left/up
12. A platform will extend to the other side of the room
13. Go across it
14. Press both switches over here
15. Go down and press the upper of the two switches while standing to the
right of it
16. You will ride the platform you are standing on to the upper part of this
side of the room
17. Click the next switch you see
18. This will bring you by a Treasure Chest containing an Elixir
19. Take the Elixir
20. Go through the door to meet your Boss, LiquiFlame!

5) Jobs
Where Job Is Gained- Black Chocobo Forest, Crescent Island
What The Archer Can Equip- Knives and Bows
Abilities- !Animals, !Aim, Equip (Bows), !X-Fight
What The Archer Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit Points
Are Up By 2%, Your Magic Points Are Down By 9%, Your Power Is Up By 57%, Your
Agility Is Up By 48%, And Your Magic Power Is Down By 20%.
Where Job Is Gained- Black Chocobo Forest, Crescent Island
What The Bard Can Equip- Knives, Harps
Abilities- !Conceal, Equip (Harps), !Sing
What The Bard Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit Points Are
Down By 15%, Your Magic Points Are Up By 19%, Your Power Is Down By 28%, Your
Agility Is Up By 32%, And Your Magic Power Is Up By 44%.
Where Job Is Gained- Walse Tower, After The Destruction Of The Water Crystal
What The Berserker Can Equip- Knives, Axes, Shields
Abilities- Berserk, Equip (Axes)
What The Berserker Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit
Points Are Up By 37%, Your Magic Points Are Down By 40%, Your Power Is Up By
70%, Your Agility Is Down By 36%, And Your Magic Power Is Down By 92%.
*Black Wizard-
Where Job Is Gained- Wind Crystal Shrine, After The Destruction Of The Wind
What The Black Wizard Can Equip- Knives, Rods
Abilities- !Black Level 1, !Black Level 2, !Black Level 3, !Black Level 4,
!Black Level 5, !Black Level 6, MP 30% Up
What The Black Wizard Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit
Points Are Down By 3%, Your Magic Points Are Up By 54%, Your Power Is Down By
32%, Your Agility Is Up By 0%, And Your Magic Power Is Up By 124%.
*Blue Mage-
Where Job Is Gained- Wind Crystal Shrine, After The Destruction Of The Wind
What The Blue Mage Can Equip- Knives, Swords, Rods, Shields
Abilities- !Peep, Learning, !Blue, !Scan
What The Blue Mage Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit
Points Are Up By 5%, Your Magic Points Are Up By 40%, Your Power Is Down By
28%, Your Agility Is Up By 4%, And Your Magic Power Is Up By 92%.
Where Job Is Gained- Walse Tower, After The Destruction Of The Water Crystal
What The Caller Can Equip- Knives, Rods
Abilities- !Call Level 1, !Call Level 2, !Call Level 3, !Call Level 4, !Call
Level 5, !Summon
What The Caller Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit Points
Are Down By 2%, Your Magic Points Are Up By 58%, Your Power Is Down By 35%,
Your Agility Is Down By 4%, And Your Magic Power Is Up By 132%.
Where Job Is Gained- Lonka Ruins, After The Destruction Of The Earth Crystal
What The Chemist Can Equip- Knives, Staves
Abilities- Medicine, !Mix, !Drink, !Health, !Revive
What The Chemist Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit Points
Are Up By 10%, Your Magic Points Are Down By 7%, Your Power Is Up By 7%, Your
Agility Is Up By 12%, And Your Magic Power Is Down By 16%.
Where Job Is Gained- Lonka Ruins, After The Destruction Of The Earth Crystal
What The Dancer Can Equip- Knives
Abilities- !Flirt, !Dance, Equip (Ribbons)
What The Berserker Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit
Points Are Down By 17%, Your Magic Points Are Down By 9%, Your Power Is Up By
18%, Your Agility Is Up By 20%, And Your Magic Power Is Down By 20%.
Where Job Is Gained- Lonka Ruins, After The Destruction Of The Earth Crystal
What The Dragoon Can Equip- Knives, Spears, Shields
Abilities- !Jump, !DrgnSwd, Equip (Spears/Lances)
What The Berserker Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit
Points Are Up By 25%, Your Magic Points Are Down By 21%, Your Power Is Up By
64%, Your Agility Is Up By 20%, And Your Magic Power Is Down By 48%.
Where Job Is Gained- Fire Ship, Karnak, After The Destruction Of The Fire
What The Elementl Can Equip- Knives, Lances
Abilities- !Terrain, Pitfalls, DmgFloor
What The Elementl Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit Points
Are Up By 7%, Your Magic Points Are Up By 42%, Your Power Is Up By 14%, Your
Agility Is Up By 18%, And Your Magic Power Is Up By 96%.
Where Job Is Gained- Wind Crystal Shrine, Afetr The Destruction Of The Wind
What The Knight Can Equip- Knives, Sword, Shields
Abilities- !Cover, !Protect, BothHand, Equip (Shields), Equip (Armor), Equip
What The Knight Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit Points
Are Up By 34%, Your Magic Points Are Down By 25%, Your Power Is Up By 82%,
Your Agility Is Up By 4%, And Your Magic Power Is Down By 56%.
Where Job Is Gained- Sunken Walse Tower
What The Mimic Can Equip-
Abilities- !Mimic
Where Job Is Gained- Wind Crystal Shrine, After The Destruction Of The Wind
What The Monk Can Equip-
Abilities- !BuildUp, Brawl, !Chakra, Counter, HP 10% Up, HP 20% Up, HP 30% Up
What The Monk Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit Points Are
Up By 37%, Your Magic Points Are Down By 40%, Your Power Is Up By 93%, Your
Agility Is Up By 4%, And Your Magic Power Is Down By 92%.
Where Job Is Gained- Fire Ship, Karnak, After The Destruction Of The Fire
What The MysticKnight Can Equip- Knives, Sword, Shields
Abilities- Barrier, !MgcSwrd
What The MysticKnight Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit
Points Are Up By 24%, Your Magic Points Are Up By 2%, Your Power Is Up By 50%,
Your Agility Is Up By 56%, And Your Magic Power Is Up By 4%.
Where Job Is Gained- Fire Ship, Karnak, After The Destruction of The Fire
What The Ninja Can Equip- Knives
Abilities- !Smoke, !Image, 1st Attack, !Throw, 2-Handed
What The Ninja Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit Points
Are Up By 5%, Your Magic Points Are Down By 18%, Your Power Is Up By 54%, Your
Agility Is Up By 56%, And Your Magic Power Is Down By 40%.
*Red Mage-
Where Job Is Gained- Walse Tower, After The Destruction Of The Water Crystal
What The Red Mage Can Equip- Knives, Swords, Rods, Staves
Abilities- Wht/Blk, X-Magic
What The Red Mage Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit Points
Are Down By 10%, Your Magic Points Are Up By 14%, Your Power Is Up By 28%,
Your Agility Is Up By 20%, And Your Magic Power Is Up By 32%.
Where Job Is Gained- Lonka Ruins, After The Destruction Of The Earth Crystal
What The Samurai Can Equip- Knives, Swords, Shields
Abilities- !SwdSlap, !GP Toss, Evade, Equip (Katanas), !Slash
What The Samurai Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit Points
Are Up By 32%, Your Magic Points Are Down By 21%, Your Power Is Up By 68%,
Your Agility Is Up By 8%, And Your Magic Power Is Down By 48%.
Where Job Is Gained- Wind Crystal Shrine, After The Destruction Of The Wind
What The Thief Can Equip- Knives
Abilities- Passages, !Escape, Dash, !Steal, Caution, !Capture, Restless
What The Thief Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit Points
Are Up By 3%, Your Magic Points Are Down By 11%, Your Power Is Up By 4%, Your
Agility Is Up By 64%, And Your Magic Power Is Down By 24%.
*Time Mage-
Where Job Is Gained- Walse Tower, After The Destruction Of The Water Crystal
What The Time Mage Can Equip- Knives, Rods, Staves
Abilities- !Effect Level 1, !Effect Level 2, !Effect Level 3, !Effect Level 4,
!Effect Level 5, !Effect Level 6, Equip (Rods)
What The Time Mage Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit
Points Are Down By 5%, Your Magic Points Are Up By 42%, Your Power Is Down By
17%, Your Agility Is Up By 8%, And Your Magic Power Is Up By 96%.
Where Job Is Gained- Fire Ship, Karnak, After The Fire Crystal Shatters
What The Trainer Can Equip- Knives, Whips
Abilities- !Tame, !Control, Equip (Whips), !Catch
What The Trainer Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit Points
Are Up By 14%, Your Magic Points Are Down By 5%, Your Power Is Up By 46%, Your
Agility Is Up By 4%, And Your Magic Power Is Down By 12%.
*White Wizard-
Where Job Is Gained- Wind Crystal Shrine, After The Destruction Of The Wind
What The White Wizard Can Equip- Staves
Abilities- !White Level 1, !White Level 2, !White Level 3, !White Level 4,
!White Level 5, !White Level 6, MP 10% Up
What The White Wizard Job Does To Your Stats (From No Job At All)- Your Hit
Points Are Unaffected, Your Magic Points Are Up By 44%, Your Power Is Down By
25%, Your Agility Is Up By 4%, And Your Magic Power Is Up By 100%.

6) The Abilities As The Appear In The Abilities Section Of The Menu
!Fight !Protect
!BuildUp !Chakra
!Escape !Steal
!Capture !Jump
!DrgnSwd !Smoke
!Image !Throw
!SwdSlap !GP Toss
!Slash !Animals
!Aim !X-Fight
!Summon !Peep
!Scan !Tame
!Control !Catch
!Mix !Drink
!Health !Revive
!Terrain !Conceal
!Sing !Flirt
!Dance !Mimic
!MgcSwrd !White
!Black !Effect
!Call !Wht/Blk
!X-Magic !Blue
Equip (Shield) Equip (Armor)
Equip (Ribbons) Equip (Sword)
Equip (Spears/Lances) Equip (Katanas)
Equip (Axes) Equip (Bows)
Equip (Whips) Equip (Harps)
Restless HP 10% Up
HP 20% Up HP 30% Up
MP 10% Up MP 30% Up
Brawl BothHand
2-Handed Medicine
Cover Counter
Evade Learning
Barrier Berserk
Caution 1st Attack
Passages DmgFloor
Pitfalls Equip (Rods)
This is a description of what each ability is (Most descriptions come right
from the game):
*1st Attack- Preemptive Attack Rate Up. [Ninja Level 3]
*2-Handed- Be Able To Wield Each Weapon In Both Hands. [Ninja Level 5]
*!Aim- Hit % Up. [Archer Level 2]
*!Animals- Call Upon Our Forest Friends. [Archer Level 1]
*Barrier- Automatic Magic Barrier When Near-Death. [MysticKnight Level 1]
*Berserk- Continue Attacking Until Enemy Is Annihiliated. [Berserker Level
*!Black- Use Black Magic Spells [Black Wizard Levels 1-6]
*!Blue- Use Blue Magic Spells, The Spells Of Monsters. [Blue Mage Level 3]
*BothHand- Hold One-Handed Swords/Katanas/Axes In Both Hands. [Knight Level
*Brawl- Attack Empty handed As Well As A Monk. [Monk Level 2]
*!BuildUp- Build Up Strength And Double Attack Power. [Monk Level 1]
*!Call- Call A Specific Call Beast.
*!Capture- Steal Treasure While Attacking An Enemy. [Thief Level 6]
*Caution- Prevent "Back Attacks". [Thief Level 5]
*!Chakra- Restore Hp, Cure Poison And Darkness. [Monk Level 3]
*!Conceal- Hide Oneself Not To Be Attacked By Enemies. [Bard Level 1]
*!Control- Control A Monster's Body. [Trainer Level 2]
*Counter- Counter When Attacked. [Monk Level 4]
*Cover- Cover Near-Death Allies. [Knight Level 1]
*!Dance- Dance Mysterious Dances. [Dancer Level 2]
*Dash- Hold Down B While Walking To Move Faster. [Thief Level 3]
*DmgFloor- Be Unharmed On Damage Floors. [Elementl Level 3]
*!DrgnSwd- Absorb HP And MP. [Dragoon Level 2]
*!Drink- Drink Power Up Drinks. [Chemist Level 3]
*!Effect- Use Effect Magic Spells. [Time Mage Levels 1-6]
*Equip (Armor)- Be Able To Equip Armor. [Knight Level 5]
*Equip (Axes)- Be Able To Equip Axes. [Berserker Level 2]
*Equip (Bows)- Be Able To Equip Bows. [Archer Level 3]
*Equip (Harps)- Be Able To Equip Harps. [Bard Level 2]
*Equip (Katanas)- Be Able To Equip Katanas. [Samurai Level 4]
*Equip (Ribbons)- Be Able To Equip Ribbons. [Dancer Level 3]
*Equip (Rods)- Be Able To Equip Rods. [Time Mage Level 7]
*Equip (Shields)- Be Able To Equip Shields. [Knight Level 4]
*Equip (Spears/Lances)- Be Able To Equip Spears And Lances. [Dragoon Level 3]
*Equip (Swords)- Be Able To Equip Swords. [Knight Level 6]
*Equip (Whips)- Be Able To Equip Whips. [Trainer Level 3]
*!Escape- Run Away Speedily, Most Enemies Can's Run. [Thief Level 2]
*Evade- Evade More Attacks. [Samurai Level 3]
*!Fight- Able To Use Fight Command.
*!GP Toss- Throw Coins To Damage All Enemies. [Samurai Level 2]
*!Health- Heal Various Conditions. [Chemist Level 4]
*HP 10% Up- Max HP Up 10%. [Monk Level 5]
*HP 20% Up- Max HP Up 20% [Monk Level 6]
*HP 30% Up- Max Hp Up 30%. [Monk Level 7]
*!Image- Double Evade Of Physical Attacks. [Ninja Level 2]
*!Item- Able To Use Items.
*!Jump- Jump Attack/Attack Power 2x If Attacking With Spear. [Dragoon Level
*Learning- Learn Speacial Of Monsters Like A Blue Mage. [Blue Mage Level 2]
*Medicine- Effect Of Potions/Ethers Doubles. [Chemist Level 1]
*!Mimic- Copy The Previous Person's Command. [Mimic Level 1]
*!Mix- Mix A New Potion From 2 Old Ones In A Bottle. [Chemist Level 2]
*MP 10% Up- Max MP Up 10%. [White Wizard Level 7]
*MP 30% Up- Max MP Up 30%. [Black Wizard Level 7]
*Passages- See Hidden Passages. [Thief Level 1]
*!Peep- Check An Enemies HP And Weak Point(s). [Blue Mage Level 1]
*Pitfalls- Spot Pitfalls. [Elementl Level 2]
*!Protect- Block Physical Attacks. [Knight Level 2]
*Restless- Become As Agile As A Thief. [Thief Level 7]
*!Revive- Heal Unconcious Party Members. [Chemist Level 5]
*!Scan- See An Enemies Level/HP/Weak Point(s)/Conditions. [Blue Mage Level
*!Sing- Sing Songs Of Magic. [Bard Level 3]
*!Slash- Scamper Away From The Enemy. [Samurai Level 5]
*Smoke- Run Away Speedily, Most Enemies Can't Run. [Ninja Level 1]
*!Steal- Steal Monster's Treasure. [Thief Level 4]
*!Summon- Randomly Summon A Call Beast Without Using MP. [Caller Level 6]
*!SwdSlap- Paralyze Enemies. [Samurai Level 1]
*!Tame- Tame Demon/Beast Type Monsters. [Trainer Level 1]
*!Terrain- Utilize Nature's Power To Attack The Enemies. [Elementl Level 1]
*!Throw- Attack By Throwing Weapons And Other Objects. [Ninja Level 4]
*!White- Use White Magic Spells. [White Wizard Levels 1-6]
*!Wht/Blk- Cast Elementary White And Black Magic. [Red Mage Level 3]
*!X-Fight- Four Consecutive Attacks. [Archer Level 4]
*!X-Magic- Cast Two Spells Consecutively. [Red Mage Level 4]

7) Black Magic
This is a list of all of the Black Magic Spells in Final Fantasy 5 as they
appear in the menu of the game:
Fire Ice Bolt
Poisn Sleep Toad
Fire2 Ice2 Bolt2
Drain Break Bio
Fire3 Ice3 Bolt3
Flare Death Aspil
This is a description of what each Black Magic Spell does:
Aspil- Drain targets Magic Points and take them for yourself. Costs 1 Magic
Bio- Attack with Bio, a Poison type attack. Costs 16 Magic Points.
Bolt- Attack with Bolt, a Lightning attack. Costs 4 Magic Points.
Bolt2- Attack with Bolt2, stronger than Bolt. Costs 10 Magic Points.
Bolt3- Attack with Bolt3, stronger than Bolt2. Costs 25 Magic Points.
Break- Turn target to stone. Costs 15 Magic Points.
Death- Causes Death to target. Costs 29 Magic Points.
Drain- Drain Hit Points from target and take them for yourself. Costs 13
Magic Points.
Fire- Attack using Fire. Costs 4 Magic Points.
Fire2- Attacks using Fire2, stronger than Fire. Costs 10 Magic Points.
Fire3- Attack using Fire3, stronger that Fire2. Costs 25 Magic Points.
Flare- Attacks using Flare, the strongest Fire based attack. Costs 39 Magic
Ice- Attack using Ice. Costs 4 Magic Points.
Ice2- Attack using Ice2, stronger than Ice. Costs 10 Magic Points.
Ice3- Attack using Ice3, stronger than Ice2. Costs 25 Magic Points.
Poisn- Attack using Poison, poisons target. Costs 2 Magic Points.
Sleep- Puts target to sleep. Costs 3 Magic Points.
Toad- Turns tagret into a Toad, also cures "Toad" status. Costs 8 Magic

8) White Magic
This is a list of all of the White Magic in Final Fantasy 5, as they appear in
the menu of the game:
Cure Libra Pure
Quiet Safe Mini
Cure2 Raise Charm
Blink Shell Esna
Cure3 Wall Bersk
Arise Holy Dispel
This is a description of what each White Magic spell does:
Arise- A stronger version of Raise. Costs 50 Magic Points.
Bersk- Target will attack when ready. Costs 8 Magic Points.
Blink- Creates a dual image to evade attack. Costs 6 Magic Points.
Charm- Confuses target. Costs 4 Magic Points.
Cure- Restores Hit Points. Costs 4 Magic Points.
Cure2- Restores more Hit Points than Cure. Costs 9 Magic Points.
Cure3- Restores more Hit Points that Cure2. Costs 27 Magic Points.
Dispel- Removes status changes and barriers like Float and Wall. Costs 12
Magic Points.
Esna- Heals status ailments like Stone, Frog, and Mini. Costs 10 Magic
Holy- Ultimate White Magic attack. Costs 20 Magic Points.
Libra- Acts like Scan. Costs 1 Magic Point.
Mini- Causes target to become tiny, also cures "Mini" status. Costs 6 Magic
Pure- Cures Poison status. Costs 2 Magic Points.
Quiet- Casts Mute, target cannot cast Magic. Costs 2 Magic Points.
Raise- Brings wounded party member back to sense. Costs 29 Magic Points.
Safe- Raises target's defense. Costs 3 Magic Points.
Shell- Protects target from enemy Magic. Costs 5 Magic Points.
Wall- Creates a Magic Barrier. Costs 15 Magic Points.

9) Effect Magic
This is a list of Effect Magic Spells in Final Fantasy 5, as they appear in
the menu of the game:
Speed Slow Regen
Mute Fast Float
Demi Stop Exit
Comet Slow2 Retrn
Qrter Fast2 Old
Meteo Quick XZone
This is a description of what each Effect Spell does:
Comet- A weak version of Meteo. Costs 7 Magic Points.
Demi- Takes away 1/2 of target's Hit Points. Costs 7 Magic Points.
Exit- Escape from battle or go back to the beginning of a dungeon. Costs 9
Magic Points.
Fast- Speeds up attack time. Costs 5 Magic Points.
Fast2- A better version of Fast. Costs 15 Magic Points.
Float- Causes target to Float off the ground. Costs 10 Magic Points.
Meteo- A very strong version of Comet, hits all enemies. Costs 42 Magic
Mute- Mutes target, they cannot cast Magic. Costs 3 Magic Points.
Old- Causes target to get old, attacks become weaker. Costs 4 Magic Points.
Qrter- A stronger version of Demi. Costs 18 Magic Points.
Quick- A very fast version of Fast2. Costs 77 Magic Points.
Regen- Gradually recover Hit Points over the life of the spell. Costs 3 Magic
Retrn- Returns you to the beginning of the current battle. Costs 1 Magic
Slow- Causes target's fight bar to move slowly, they attack less frequently.
Costs 3 MP.
Slow2- Stronger version of Slow. Costs 8 Magic Points.
Speed- Speeds attack time up. Costs 1 Magic Point.
Stop- Stops enemy from attacking. Costs 8 Magic Points.
XZone- Sucks target into the Cleft Of Dimension. Costs 20 Magic Points.

10) Blue Magic
This is the list of Blue Magic spells in Final Fantasy 5, as they appear in
the menu of the game.
Condemn Roulette
L5 Doom L4Grav2 L2 Old
DeathClaw Aero Aero
Aero3 Emission
DrkShock Guard Off Fusion
MndBlast BloodSck

This is a description of what each Blue Magic Spell does:
????- Physical punching attack. Costs 3 Magic Points.
Aero- Wind Based Spell. Costs 4 Magic Points.
Aero2- Wind Based Spell, stronger than Aero. Costs 10 Magic Points.
Aero3- Wind Based Spell, stronger that Aero2. Costs 24 Magic Points.
AquaBrth- Water Based Attack, hits all enemies. Costs 38 Magic Points.
BloodSck- Drains target's Hit Points and take them for yourself. Costs 2
Magic Points.
BlowFish- Causes 1000 Points of damage to target.
Condemn- Sentinces target to Death in 30 seconds. Costs 10 Magic Points.
DeathClaw- Brings target's Hit Points down to just a few. Costs 21 Magic
DrkShock- Drops target's level by 1/2. Costs 27 Magic Points.
Emission- Flame based attack. Costs 5 Magic Points.
Flash- Blinds target. Costs 7 Magic Points.
FrogSong- Changes target into a Frog. Costs 5 Magic Points.
Fusion- Costs 13 Magic Points.
GblinPnch- Weaker version of ????. Costs 0 Magic Points.
GuardOff- Costs 19 Magic Points.
L2 Old- Casts Old on any target that has a Level that is a multiple of 2.
Costs 11 MP.
L4Grav2- Casts Grav2 on any target that has a Level that is a multiple of 4.
Costs 9 MP.
L5 Doom- Casts Doom on any target that has a Level that is a multiple of 5.
Costs 22 MP.
Melody- Casts "Mini" on target. Costs 5 Magic Points.
MgHammer- Drops target's level by 1/2. Costs 3 Magic Points.
Missile- Costs 7 Magic Points.
MndBlast- Costs 6 Magic Points.
Roulette- A pointer goes around and whomever it lands on- Doom is cast on
them, even if it happens to land on the caster. Costs 1 Magic Point.

11) Caller Magic
This is a list of all of the Monsters that can be summoned by a Caller:
Chocob Sylph Remora
Shiva Ramuth Ifrit
Titan Golem Shoat
Syldra Odin
Phenix Leviat Bahamu
This is a description of what each Caller Spell does:
*Bahamu- Casts "Meganuke"- the strongest Flare attack, hits all enemies.
Gained on the Northern Mountain, World Three. Costs 66 Magic Points.
*Chocob- Casts "Chocobo Kick"- a physical attack. Can Be Purchased In The
Town Of Walse for 300 Gold Pieces. Costs 4 Magic Points.
*Golem- Casts "Earth Wall"- protects party from physical attacks. Gained in
the Valley Of The Hiryuu if you can prevent Golem from being killed by 2
monsters. Costs 18 Magic Points.
*Ifrit- Casts "Blazes Of Hell"- a fire based attack on all enemies. Gained in
the Ancient Library, World One. Costs 11 Magic Points.
*Leviat- Casts "Clean Sweep"- a strong Water based attack on all enemies.
Gained in the Istory Falls, World Three. Costs 39 MP.
*Odin- Casts "True Edge"- slices all enemies on the screen. Gained by
climbing the back wall in the Jacole Dungeon, World Three. Costs 48 Magic
*Phenix- Casts "Fire Of Resurrection"- Brings back fallen party member and
attacks enemy. Gained by climbing to the top of the Phoenix Tower, World
Three. Costs 99 Magic Points.
*Ramuth- Costs "Bolt Of Judgement"- a Lightning based attack that hits all
enemies. Gained in the forest East of Istory, World One. Costs 12 Magic
*Remora- Casts "Latch-On". Can be purchased in the Town Of Walse for 250 Gold
Pieces. Costs 2 Magic Points.
*Shiva- Casts "Diamond Dust"- an Ice based attacks that hits all enemies.
Gained at the Waterfall in the Castle of Walse, World One. Costs 10 MP.
*Shoat- Casts "Demon Eye"- turns target to stone. There is an underground
cave in World 2, go through the cave and you will come up to a forest. Shoat
will appear eventually. Fight it and you will get an item. Use the item
named "Catoblepa" to gain the Call Beast Shoat. Costs 33 Magic Points.
*Syldra- Casts "Thunderstorm"- a Water/Lightning based attack on all enemies.
Gained In The Pirate's Base, World Three. Costs 32 Magic Points.
*Sylph- Casts "Whispering Wind"- cures entire party (very little) and attacks
enemy (very weakly). Can be purchased in the Town Of Walse for 250 Gold
Pieces. Costs 8 Magic Points.
*Titan- Casts "Earth Shaker"- a Quake attack, on all enemies that are on the
ground (as oppose to floating). Gained in the Karnak Meteor after defeating
Titan. Costs 25 Magic Points.

12) Songs
This is a list of Songs a Bard Character can use in Final Fantasy 5:
Power Song SpeedSong
Life Song Requiem
Love Song CharmSong
This is a description of what each Song does:
CharmSong- Casts Charm
Life Song- Revives Wounded Party Member
Love Song-
PowerSong- Increases Strength
Requiem- Harms Undead Creatures
SpeedSong- Increases Speed

13) Sword Magic
This is a list of the Sword Magic that a MysticKnight can use in Final Fantasy
Fire Ice Bolt
Poisn Quiet Sleep
Fire2 Ice2 Bolt2
Drain Break Bio
Fire3 Ice3 Bolt3
Holy Flare Aspil
This is a description of what each Sword Magic Spell does:
Aspil- Drain targets Magic Points and take them for yourself. Costs 1 Magic
Bio- Attack with Bio, a Poison type attack. Costs 3 Magic Points.
Bolt- Attack with Bolt, a Lightning attack. Costs 2 Magic Points.
Bolt2- Attack with Bolt2, stronger than Bolt. Costs 5 Magic Points.
Bolt3- Attack with Bolt3, stronger than Bolt2. Costs 15 Magic Points.
Drain- Drain Hit Points from target and take them for yourself. Costs 6 Magic
Fire- Attack using Fire. Costs 2 Magic Points.
Fire2- Attacks using Fire2, stronger than Fire. Costs 5 Magic Points.
Fire3- Attack using Fire3, stronger that Fire2. Costs 15 Magic Points.
Flare- Attacks using Flare, the strongest Fire based attack. Costs 30 Magic
Holy- Ultimate White Magic attack. Costs 10 Magic Points.
Ice- Attack using Ice. Costs 2 Magic Points.
Ice2- Attack using Ice2, stronger than Ice. Costs 5 Magic Points.
Ice3- Attack using Ice3, stronger than Ice2. Costs 15 Magic Points.
Poisn- Attack using Poison, poisons target. Costs 1 Magic Point.
Quiet- Casts Mute, target cannot cast Magic. Costs 1 Magic Point.
Sleep- Puts target to sleep. Costs 2 Magic Points.

14) Armor List
(Body Armor)
*Bone Mail
*Copper Armor
*Crystal Armor
*Diamond Armor
*Diamond Plate
*Genji Armor
*Gold Armor
*Leather Armor
*Mirage Vest
*Mithril Armor
*Silver Armor
*Crystal Helmet
*Dark Hood
*Diamond Helmet
*Feather Helmet
*Gold Helmet
*Hypno Helmet
*Iron Helmet
*Lamian Helmet
*Leather Helmet
*Magus Hat
*Mithril Helmet
*Mitre Helmet
*Plumed Hat
*Ribbon Helmet
*Socklet Helmet
*Tigr Mask
*Tricorn Helmet
*Angel Ring
*Coral Ring
*Cursed Ring
*Diamond Ring
*Flame Ring
*Giant's Glove
*Guard Ring
*Hermes' Ring
*KaiserKn Ring
*Leather Ring
*Mithril Ring
*Power Wrist
*Protect Ring
*Red Shoes
*Silver Ring
*Thief Ring
*Wall Ring
*Bard Robe
*Black Robe
*Cotton Robe
*Earth Robe
*Kenpo Robe
*Lumina Robe
*Rainbow Robe
*Silk Robe
*Strength Robe
*White Robe
*Aegis Shield
*Crystal Shield
*Diamond Shield
*Flame Shield
*Gold Shield
*Ice Shield
*Iron Shield
*Leather Shield
*Mithril Shield

15) Weapon List
*Mithril Hammer
*Thor's Hammer
*Warhammer Axe
*Air Knife
*Air Lancet
*Staff Of Judgement
*Blood Sword
*Broad Sword
*Coral Sword
*Defender Sword
*Enhancer Sword
*Excalibur Sword
*Excalipur Sword
*Flame Sword
*Forged Sword
*Great Sword
*Ice Brand Sword
*Long Sword
*Mithril Sword
*Rune Sword
*Slumber Sword
*Tempest Sword
*Beastkill Whip

16) Item List
This is a listing of all of the Items in Final Fantasy 5 and their uses:
*Antidote- Cures "Poison" Status.
*Bolt Tech- Damages All Enemies When Thrown In Battle.
*Cottage- Rest A Night To Recover Health.
*DrgnFang- Ingredient For "Mix".
*DrkMatter- Ingredient For "Mix".
*Elixir- Completely Restores HP/MP.
*Ether- Restores MP.
*Eyedrop- Cures "Darkness" Status.
*FenixDown- Recovers The Wounded.
*Flame Tech- Damages All Enemies When Thrown In Battle.
*Fuuma- Damages A Single Enemy When Thrown In Battle.
*Giant- Doubles Max HP When Drunk In Battle.
*Hero- Raises All Powers When Drunk During Battle.
*Hi-Potion- Restores HP.
*HolyWater- Cures "Zombie" Status.
*LuckMallet- Cures "Mini" Status.
*MaidnKiss- Cures "Frog" Status.
*Potion- Restores HP.
*Power- Raises Attack Power When Drunk In Battle.
*Protect- Raises Defense Power When Drunk In Battle.
*Shuriken- Damages A Single Enemy When Thrown In Battle.
*Soft- Cures "Stone" Status.
*Soot- Ingredient For "Mix".
*Speed- Has Effect Of "Fast" When Drunk During Battle.
*Tent- Rest A Night To Recover Health.
*TurtlShell- Ingredient For "Mix".
*Water Tech- Damages All Enemies When Thrown In Battle.

17) Special/Rare Items
*Adamantite- Received at the Karnak Meteor. Take it to Cid so he can modify
your airship so it can reach the Lonka Ruins.
*Gaulf's Brace- You get this after Gaulf Dies. This will give Cara all of his
*Hisohisou- This is used to make the Hiryuu well.
*Old Branch- This gives you access to the Oldest Tree in the Mua Forest.
*Pendant- Leena's Pendant
*Pendant- Faris' Pendant
*Seal Book- This book opens the seals to Temples in World Three.
*Tablet #1- One of the 4 Tablets that give you access to the Sealed Weapons
that defeated Enuo. Located in the Pyramid in World Three.
*Tablet #2- One of the 4 Tablets that give you access to the Sealed Weapons
that defeated Enuo. Located in the Big Bridge Temple in World Three.
*Tablet #3- One of the 4 Tablets that give you access to the Sealed Weapons
that defeated Enuo. Located in the Great Deep in World Three.
*Tablet #4- One of the 4 Tablets that give you access to the Sealed Weapons
that defeated Enuo. Located in the Istory Falls In World Three.
*World Map- Found in the Ship Graveyard in World One.

18) Bosses
Level: 22
Hit Points: 1,500
Location: Solitary Island
Party Recommendation: Jason As A Monk (Before You Sleep In The Tent) With The
Ability Of !Blue
Strategy: You only have Jason in this battle. If you have made him what I
recommended you do, it shouldn't be that hard. Just use the Blue Spell "Death
Claw" on him, or just pummel him with normal attacks.
*Adamant T.
Level 20
Hit Points: 2,000
Location: Tycoon Meteor
Party Recommendation: Take All Monks! 1 Should Have The !Call Ability, 1 With
The !Black Ability, 1 With The !Blue Ability, And 1 With The !White Ability
Strategy: This battle is REALLY PATHETIC! Note his level~ Level 20! A
MULTIPLE OF 5! Use L5Doom if you have acquired it by now (and you really
should have by now!) and just wipe him out. If not use the Call Beast Shiva
or any Ice Spells.
Hit Points:
Location: Western Valley
Party Recommendation: 2 Samurais Both With White Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: Just pund him with !GP Toss. He's fairly easy. Heal if necessary.
Level: 59
Hit Points: 22,000
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Party Recommendation: Take Along 4 Mimics. All Should Have The GP Toss
Ability And The !Black Ability. From Then On 1 Should Have The !White
Ability, 1 The !Call Ability, 1 The !Throw Ability, And The Last Should Have
The !Blue Ability.
Strategy: Just nail him with the Call Beast Ifrit and Fire3. He has a
weakness to Fire. Just remember to heal as necessary.
Level: 57
Hit Points: 28,000
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension Dungeon
Party Recommendation: Bring Along 4 Mimics. All Should Have The !Black And
!GP Toss Abilities. From There, 2 Should Have The !White Ability, 1 Should
Have The !Call Ability, and Another Should Have The !X-Magic Ability.
Strategy: Hit him with BIO! Hit him as frequently as possible! Use !X-Magic
and nail him twice by one character! Heal as necessary.
*ArcheoAvis Part 1
Level: 19
Hit Points: 6,400
Location: Lonka Ruins
Party Recommendation: Take Along 4 Monks. Have 1 With !Blue Abilities, 1 With
!Black Abilities, 1 With A !Toss Ability, And One With !White Abilities.
Strategy: Just keep pummeling him with physical attacks, and heal as it is
necessary. He should fall in no time. But just keep in mind, once you take
him out, he will revive himself- this is a two part battle!
*ArcheoAvis Part 2
Level: 20
Hit Points: 2,500
Location: Lonka Ruins
Party Recommendation: Take Along 4 Monks. Have 1 With !Blue Abilities, 1 With
!Black Abilities, 1 With A !Toss Ability, And One With !White Abilities.
Strategy: Easy~ Just NOTE THE LEVEL! 20! A MULTIPLE OF 5! Just hit him with
L5Doom and he's toast!
Level: 41
Hit Points: 20,000
Location: Barrier Tower
Party Recommendation: Take Along 2 Monks And 2 Samurais. Just Make Sure To
Have 2 Members Of The Party With The Ability To Cure The Group (!White).
Strategy: Just use physical attacks like GP Toss. Have the Monks just use
regular attacks. Heal as necessary.
Level: 99
Hit Points: 40,000
Location: Northern Mountain, World Three
Party Recommendation: Take Along 4 Mimics. Make Sure 2 Party Members Have
This Combination- The Job Of Mimic With The !Black, !White, And !X-Magic
Abilities. The Other 2 Party Members Should Have This Combination- The Job Of
Mimic With The !GP Toss, !Throw, And !Effect Abilities.
Strategy: Hit him with EVERYTHING you have! This is a VERY difficult battle.
He wiped me out 2 times before I got the best of him. Hit him with Meteo,
Flare, Holy, Shurikens, GP Toss... And DEFINATELY remember to HEAL! When he
hits you with Meganuke it is very powerful! Just keep on hitting him with
your best stuff and eventually he will die. !X-Magic using Flare and Holy
works very well.
Level: 24
Hit Points: 3,600
Location: Ancient Library
Recommended Party: Take Along 2 Summoners And 2 Monks. The Two Monks Should
Have The !Black Ability And One Of The Summoners Should Have The !White
Strategy: Just hit him with Fire Spells- like Ifrit and Fire2. Heal as
Level: 68
Hit Points: 18,000
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension Forest
Recommended Party: Take Along 4 Samurais, All With !White Abilities.
Strategy: Just hit this one with GP Toss- and heal as necessary.
Level: 71
Hit Points: 28,000
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension Dungeon
Recommended Party: Take Along 4 Mimics. Just Make Sure All 4 Have The Ability
Of !GP Toss, and !White.
Strategy: Have all party members use !GP Toss, and just heal as necessary.
*Chim. Brain
Level: 19
Hit Points: 3,300
Location: Ruined City Meteor
Recommended Party: Have 2 Monks Here With !Blue Abilities, And 2 Samurais with
!White Abilities.
Strategy: The Monks with the !Blue abilities should attack with Death Claw
while the Samurais use !GP Toss. If you don't have Death Claw, have the Monks
use regular attacks. Heal as needed.
*Cray Claw
Level: 40
Hit Points: 2,000
Location: The Launch Site Of The First Airship
Party Recommendation: Have 2 Callers Here with !White Abilities And 2 Monks
With !Black Abilities.
Strategy: The best strategy here is to use the Call Beast Ramuth and Bolt.
Heal as necessary.
Level: 29
Hit Points: 4,000
Location: Zeza's Ship (With Gilgamesh)
Party Recommendation: 2 Monks And 2 Samurais- 2 Should Have White Wizard
Abilities, 1 Should Have !Call Abilities, And The Last Should Have Black
Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: Enkidou will appear with Gilgamesh on Zeza's Ship- just keep in mind
that Enkidou should be attacked with Magic and Gilgamesh should be attacked
with physical attacks. Attacks Enkidou with !Call and !Black Magic, the best
you have.
Level: 66
Hit Points: 33,000
Location: Exdeath's Castle
Party Recommendation: Take Along 2 Monks And 2 Samurais. Make Sure To Have 1
With The !Call Ability, 1 With The !White Ability, 1 With The !Black Ability,
and 1 With The !Throw Ability.
Strategy: Make sure to cast the Call Beast Golem when you begin the battle.
It takes a bit of the edge off his physical attacks. Then, just hammer him
with !GP Toss, !Throw Shurikens, pull out all of your heavy attacks. Heal as
necessary (And you will certainly have to!) and remember to re-cast Golem when
you need to.
Hit Points: 850
Location: Northern Mountain (With Magisa)
Party Recommendation: 4 Monks All With White Wizard Abilities
Strategy: Just ATTACK! If you attack and kill Magisa swiftly, Magisa won't
even get the chance to call Forza. But if she does, just pummel him with
regular Monk attacks, and heal as necessary.
Level: 3
Hit Points: 1,200
Location: Walse Tower
Party Recommendation: 4 Monks All But One With White Wizard Abilities, the 4th
should have Blue Mage Abilities.
Strategy: If you would like (and you have it to use), you can have the Blue
Mage cast FrogSong- which will weaken Galura. But if you use it or not, just
pummel Galura with the Monk's regular attacks.
Level: ???
Hit Points: ???
Location: Exdeath's Castle
Party Recommendation: 2 Monks And 2 Samurais, 2 With White Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: Just use GP Toss and the Monk's Physical attacks. As always, heal
as necessary.
Level: ???
Hit Points: ???
Location: The Big Bridge
Party Recommendation: 2 Monks And 2 Samurais- 2 Should Have White Wizard
Abilities, 1 Should Have Black Wizard Abilities, And The Last Should Have
Caller Abilities.
Strategy: Cast Quiet at the start of the battle, this will prevent him from
casting protective magic on himself (if he does this, the battle becomes
difficult). After you cast Quiet, just pound on him with the Monk's regular
attacks and the Samurais GP Toss.
Level: ???
Hit Points: ???
Location: Zeza's Ship
Party Recommendation: 2 Monks And 2 Samurais- 2 Should Have White Wizard
Abilities, 1 Should Have !Call Abilities, And The Last Should Have Black
Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: Enkidou will appear with Gilgamesh on Zeza's Ship- just keep in mind
that Enkidou should be attacked with Magic and Gilgamesh should be attacked
with physical attacks. Attacks Enkidou with !Call and !Black Magic, the best
you have. Attacks Gilgamesh with GP Toss and with the Monk's regular attacks.
Level: ???
Hit Points: ???
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Party Recommendation: 4 Mimics, All With White Wizard Abilities, 2 With Black
Wizard Abilities, 2 With !Effect Magic, 2 With !Call Abilities, and 2 With !GP
Toss Ability.
Strategy: Just hit him with !GP Toss, this isn't that long of a battle. It's
just a little encounter with him. But you will see him again here, with
Level: ???
Hit Points: ???
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension (With Necrofobia)
Party Recommendation: 4 Mimics, All With White Wizard Abilities, 2 With Black
Wizard Abilities, 2 With !Effect Magic, 2 With !Call Abilities, and 2 With !GP
Toss Ability.
Strategy: Here he appears after you get Necrofobia to under 6000 Hit Points
left- Necrofobia and Gilgamesh will take each other out at this point. You
can still fight the two of them if you wish, but what's the point?
Level: ???
Hit Points: ???
Location: The Sunken Walse Tower, World Three
Party Recommendation: Doesn't Really Matter, Just Don't Bring Such A Weak
Party That You Die On The Way Down To Gogo (He Is At The Bottom Of The Tower
So There Are Lots Of Monsters Along The Way To Contend With- So Keep That In
Mind). I Would Recomend 4 Monks Or 4 Samurais. Make Sure To Have White
Wizard Abilities, Just In Case.
Strategy: DO NOTHING!!!!!! The ONLY way to get the Mimic Job is to do what
Level: 97
Hit Points: 33,333
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension Throne Room
Party Recommendation: 4 Mimics, All With White Wizard Abilities, 2 With Black
Wizard Abilities, 2 With !Effect Magic, 2 With !Call Abilities, And 2 With !GP
Toss Ability.
Strategy: Just attack with !GP Toss, have the two that don't know how to use
!GP Toss Mimic it. She will use an attack that turns your entire party into
frogs. When she does this, don't worry about healing everyone- heal the Magic
users only. The ones using !GP Toss will still be able to use !GP Toss, so
just keep using it even if that member is a frog. But the Magic users can't
use Magic in frog form. Heal as necessary.
Level: 29
Hit Points: 12,000
Location: Valley Of The Hiryuu
Party Recommendation: 4 Samurais- 2 With !Call Abilities, And The Other Two
With White Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: Use the Call Beast Golem to start the battle, this will stop most of
the physical attacks this Boss can dish out. Then after that use !GP Toss.
Heal as necessary.
Level: 22
Hit Points: 3,000
Location: The Ancient Library
Party Recommendation: 2 Caller And 2 Monks, One Monk With White Wizard
Abilities, and One Monk With Black Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: Attack with the Call Beast Shiva and Ice Spells. He is a Fire
elemental and weak against Ice. Heal as necessary.
Hit Points: 650
Location: The Canal
Party Recommendation: 4 Black Wizards, All With White Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: Hit him as often as you can with Bolt since that is his weakness.
Heal as necessary.
Level: 39
Hit Points: 40,000
Location: Istory Falls
Party Recommendation: 4 Mimics All With White And Black Wizard Abilities, 1
With !GP Toss Abilities, 1 With !Effect Magic Abilities, and 2 With Caller
Strategy: You really need to pull out all of the heavy attacks here- Holy,
Meteo, Flare, Shurikens... And, something that might help are Coral Rings-
they take a bit of the edge off his attacks. Make sure TO HEAL! This can be
a very LONG battle!
Level: 19
Hit Points: 3,000
Location: Flame Ship
Party Recommendation: 4 Black Wizards, 3 With White Wizard Abilities, And 1
With Call Abilities.
Strategy: Just attack with ICE! Use Ice and the Call Beast Shiva. Heal as
Level: 8
Hit Points: 650
Location: The Northern Mountain (She Can Call Forza To Attack You)
Party Recommendation: 4 Monks All With White Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: Just ATTACK! If you attack and kill Magisa swiftly, Magisa won't
even get the chance to call Forza. But if she does, just pummel him with
regular Monk attacks, and heal as necessary.
Level: 33
Hit Points: 20,000
Location: Oldest Tree, World Three
Party Recommendation: 4 Black Wizards, 2 With White Wizard Abilities, 1 With
Blue Mage Abilities, And One With The !Scan Ability.
Strategy: Use the !Scan ability to see what she is currently weak against and
use it on her. Every time she uses "Barrier Change", !Scan her again to find
out her current weakness. Heal as necessary.
Level 37
Hit Points: 20,000
Location: The Tower Of Power (Part Of The Fork Tower)
Party Recommendation: 2 Samurais, 1 With Caller Abilities And The Other With
White Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: Just keep casting Syldra and Ramuth, or Bolt. Heal as necessary.
Level: 66
Hit Points: 44,000
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension (With Gilgamesh Eventually)
Party Recommendation: 4 Mimics, All With White Wizard Abilities, 2 With Black
Wizard Abilities, 2 With !Effect Magic, 2 With !Call Abilities, and 2 With !GP
Toss Ability.
Strategy: Hit Necrofobia with !GP Toss, and the 2 in the group that don't have
the ability to use it- have them Mimic it. Heal as necessary. Gilgamesh
appears after you get Necrofobia to under 6000 Hit Points left- Necrofobia and
Gilgamesh will take each other out at this point. You can still fight the two
of them if you wish, but what's the point?
*Neregeid (Blue)
Level: 20
Hit Points: 13,333
Location: The Great Deep
Party Recommendation: 4 Black Wizards, 2 With White Wizard Abilities, 1 With
Blue Mage Abilities And 1 With !Call Abilities.
Strategy: Neregeid is weak against Fire, so hit him with that. Heal as
Level: 2
Hit Points: 17,000
Location: Jacole Dungeon
Party Recommendation: 4 Mimics, All With White Wizard Abilities, 2 With Black
Wizard Abilities, 2 With !Call Abilities, 2 With !GP Toss Abilities, 1 With
!Effect Magic Abilities, And 2 With !Throw Abilities.
Strategy: This battle can be difficult- since you only have 60 Seconds to beat
Odin. If you fail to beat him within 60 Seconds, Odin will cast True Edge and
wipe your party out! As I said with Leviathan, pull out all of the heavy
attacks. Use Flare, Meteo, Holy, Shurikens... Whatever you have at the time
that is strong. I recommend waiting to take Odin on until after you have
Meteo, Flare, and Holy. Strong Magic, Shurikens, and !GP Toss make the battle
easier. And, one more piece of advise, have the Mimic Job as well before you
go facing Odin, Bahamut, OR Leviathan!
Level: 119
Hit Points: 55,550
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Party Recommendation: 4 Mimics, All With !Call And Black Wizard Abilities, 2
With White Wizard Abilities, And 2 With !GP Toss Abilities.
Strategy: Omega can be very difficult. But, just remember his weakness-
Lightning! Hit him with the Call Beasts Syldra and Ramuth, and also use
Bolt3. Hit him with !GP Toss if you would like, but the Lightning based
attacks work well. Heas as necessary.
Level: 53
Hit Points: 17,000
Location: The Tower Of Magic
Party Recommendation: 2 Callers, Both With The !GP Toss Ability.
Strategy: Just use !GP Toss on him, and use Items to heal if necessary.
*Phobos (Green)
Level: 39
Hit Points: 13,333
Location: The Great Deep
Party Recommendation: 4 Black Wizards, 2 With White Wizard Abilities, 1 With
Blue Mage Abilities And 1 With !Call Abilities.
Strategy: Phobos is weak against Earth, so hit him with that. Use the Blue
Magic Spell Areo and the Call Beast Titan. Use Heal as necessary.
Level: 22
Hit Points: 2,200
Location: The Walse Meteor
Party Recommendation: 4 Samurais All With White Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: This is SO SIMPLE! Just use !GP Toss! It should take them all out
in one shot!
Level: 21
Hit Points: 4,000
Location: The Forest East Of Istory, Across The Bridge
Party Recommendation: 4 Monks, All With White Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: Just attack him with the Monk's regular attacks, and heal as
*Sand Worm
Level: 18
Hit Points: 300
Location: The Moving Desert
Party Recommendation: 2 Blue Mages And 2 Monks. All Should Have White Wizard
Strategy: The Blue Mages should attack using Aqua Breath; when the Monks
aren't healing (which I never had to do) they should use regular attacks.
Hit Points:
Location: Karnak Castle, During The Countdown
Party Recommendation: 4 Monks- All With White Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: Just use the Monks regular attacks. Make sure to heal the character
that feels the effect of Sergeant's Death Claw attack.
Level: 97
Hit Points: 55,500
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension, In A Treasure Chest
Party Recommendation: 4 Mimics- All With The !GP Toss Ability, 2 With White
Wizard Abilities, 2 With Black Wizard Abilities, 2 With !Call Abilities, And 2
With !Effect Magic Abilities.
Strategy: MAKE SURE TO EQUIP CORAL RINGS ON EVERYONE!!! This will block some
of his more devistating attacks that he uses to start the battle off. As I
said before with Odin, Bahamut, and Leviathan- Use your BEST Attacks! Use
Meteo, Flare, Syldra, Bahamut, Leviathan... But DON'T USE HOLY! It will HEAL
HIM! Just keep attacking and healing Hit Points, Magic Points, and Status
Ailments as you need to. This is a LONG Battle- but keep at it... If he beats
you, don't give up!
Hit Points: Walse Castle
Party Recommendation: 4 Monks 3 With Black Wizard Abilities, And 1 With White
Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: Attack with Fire2! Just use that and heal Hit Points and Magic
Points as necessary.
Hit Points: 900
Location: The Ship Graveyard
Party Recommendation: 4 Monks All With White Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: Just attack normally when she is in normal form (The blue dress, she
actually looks pretty in this form) and use Cure on her when she is in her
Undead form (she looks brown and her veins show on her face). Heal if needed.
*Sol Cannon
Level: 36
Hit Points: 22,000
Location: The Entrance To The Lonka Ruins
Experience Points: 40
Gold Pieces: 40
Party Recommendation: 4 Monks- 1 With Blue Mage Abilities, 2 With White Wizard
Abilities, And 1 With !Call Abilities.
Strategy: To begin the battle, use L5Doom to take out the launchers (they are
really hard to see). After that, use regular Monk attacks on the main Cannon.
Heal as necessary, and it will be necessary.
Level: 7
Hit Points: 22,000
Location: Oldest Tree Inside
Party Recommendation: 4 Samurais, All With White Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: Use !GP Toss! This will take them all out in no time! Cure as
Level: 1
Hit Points: 2,500
Location: The Karnak Meteor
Party Recommendation: 4 Monks, One Or Two With White Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: Just use regular Monk attacks on him until he dies (he will cast
Earth Shaker just before he expires), cure as necessary.
*Triton (Red)
Level: 37
Hit Points: 13,333
Location: The Great Deep
Party Recommendation: 4 Black Wizards, 2 With White Wizard Abilities, 1 With
Blue Mage Abilities And 1 With !Call Abilities.
Strategy: Triton is weak against Ice. Just use the Call Beasts Syldra and
Shiva and Ice3. Heal as neseccary.
*Twin Tania
Level: 39
Hit Points: 50,000
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension, Just Before The Final Floors
Party Recommendation: 4 Mimics, All Should Have White Wizard Abilities and
!Call Abilities. !GP Toss Is Not Necessary But Can Be Helpful.
Strategy: Cast Holy any chance you get! Do this, healing as necessary, until
he speaks to you. At this point, you should cast the Call Beast Odin. This
should do him in when timed as I have mentioned.
Level: 29
Hit Points: 5,000
Location: The Moogle Cave
Party Recommendation: 4 Black Wizards All With White Wizard Abilities.
Strategy: This is an Undead Boss... He is weak against Flame, Holy, and Cure.
Use Cure, Holy, Any Fire Based Spells, or- if you have it and want to have the
Bard Ability, you can use Requiem.
*Wing Raptor
Hit Points: 250
Location: The Wind Shrine
Party Recommendation: You Have No Choices Here For Party Makeups. You Have No
Jobs Yet!
Strategy: Just attack. But keep this in mind... DO NOT ATTACK WHEN HIS WINGS
ARE CLOSED! Only attack when they are open! Use Potions to heal if

19) Monster List
Location: Hiryuu Valley
Level: 52
Hit Points: 3200
Weakness: Water
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Level: 30
Hit Points: 900
Experience Points: 137
Gold Pieces: 137
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Moogle Forest
Level: 37
Hit Points: 3650
Experience Points: 275
Gold Pieces: 275
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Exdeath's Castle
Level: 14
Hit Points: 180
Experience Points: 40
Gold Pieces: 40
Location: Near Karnak
Level: 47
Hit Points: 4500
Experience Points: 750
Gold Pieces: 750
Location: Istory Falls
Level: 48
Hit Points: 2780
Experience Points: 292
Gold Pieces: 292
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Level: 24
Hit Points: 1450
Experience Points: 130
Gold Pieces: 130
Weakness: Earth
Anku Heggu
Level: 48
Hit Points: 2780
Weakness: Cold
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension Desert
Level: 31
Hit Points: 800
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Before Kelb Village
Level: 34
Hit Points: 1050
Experience Points: 187
Gold Pieces: 187
Location: Exdeath's Castle
Level: 35
Hit Points: 9960
Weakness: Earth, Flame
Location: Pyramid
Level: 25
Hit Points: 800
Weakness: Cold
Location: Lonka Ruins
Level: 25
Hit Points: 1500
Experience Points: 0
Gold Pieces: 0
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Sea, World Three
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension Castle Dungeon
Level: 35
Hit Points: 1290
Location: Pyramid
Level: 49
Hit Points: 7000
Weakness: Water
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Level: 37
Hit Points: 260
Weakness: Flame
Location: Exdeath's Castle
Hit Points: 10,000
Weakness: Flame
Location: Phoenix Tower
Bander S.
Hit Points: 120
Experience Points: 15
Gold Pieces: 15
Location: Just Before The Canal
Level: 48
Hit Points: 3000
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Level: 55
Hit Points: 6000
Experience Points: 0
Gold Pieces: 0
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension Final Floors
Bella Donna
Level: 49
Hit Points: 3900
Location: Phoenix Tower
Location: The Tower Of Magic
Level: 8
Hit Points: 90
Location: Just Before The Canal
Location: Crescent Island
Black Goblin
Level: 7
Hit Points: 25
Experience Points: 5
Gold Pieces: 5
Location: Wind Shrine
Black Flame
Hit Points: 220
Weakness: Water
Location: Near Istory (World One)
Level: 40
Hit Points: 2100
Experience Points: 233
Gold Pieces: 233
Weakness: Cold
Location: Pyramid
Blind Wolf
Level: 33
Hit Points: 900
Experience Points: 125
Gold Pieces: 125
Weakness: Flame
Location: Exdeath's Castle
Level: 45
Hit Points: 2300
Experience Points: 300
Gold Pieces: 300
Weakness: Flame
Location: Near Rugor, World Three
Level: 12
Hit Points: 50
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Northern Mountain, World One
Blood Slime
Level: 29
Hit Points: 600
Experience Points: 91
Gold Pieces: 91
Weakness: Flame
Location: Moogle Forest Cave
Blue Dragon
Level: 38
Hit Points: 6900
Location: Exdeath Castle Floor 7
Level: 52
Hit Points: 3290
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Level: 21
Hit Points: 440
Experience Points: 29
Gold Pieces: 29
Location: Crescent Island
Bone Dragon
Level: 37
Hit Points: 3000
Location: Flame
Location: Hiryuu Valley
Location: Desert World Two
Hit Points: 75
Experince Points: 10
Gold Pieces: 10
Location: Thunder
Location: Ship Graveyard
Level: 49
Hit Points: 3800
Location: Phoenix Tower
Level: 49
Hit Points: 4000
Location: Phoenix Tower
Level: 12
Hit Points: 100
Location: Northern Mountain World One
Hit Points: 600
Location: Flame Ship
Level: 31
Hit Points: 1000
Location: Before Kelb Village
Level: 46
Hit Points: 2150
Experience Points: 317
Gold Pieces: 317
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Istory Falls
Level: 29
Hit Points: 2800
Experience Points: 0
Gold Pieces: 0
Location: Sea World One
Hit Points: 580
Location: Crescent Island
Crew Dust
Hit Points: 240
Experince Points: 33
Gold Pieces: 33
Location: Flame Ship
Cursed One
Level: 44
Hit Points: 1980
Experience Points: 600
Gold Pieces: 600
Location: Pyramid
D. Chimera
Level: 23
Hit Points: 1000
Location: Desert Before The Ancient Library World One
Level: 36
Hit Points: 1999
Weakness: Holy
Location: Exdeath's Castle
Hit Points: 16
Experience Points: 2
Gold Pieces: 2
Weakness: Cold
Location: Pirate's Cave
Death Claw
Level: 51
Hit Points: 4000
Location: The Cleft of Dimension Castle
Hit Points: 260
Experience Points: 37
Gold Pieces: 37
Location: Flame Ship
Level: 28
Hit Points: 1000
Location: Just After The Big Bridge World Two
Level: 27
Hit Points: 1000
Location: Just After The Big Bridge World Two
Dim Master
Level: 43
Hit Points: 2600
Location: The Tower Of Power
Doom Dealer
Level: 63
Hit Points: 3000
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Double Liz
Level: 21
Hit Points: 700
Weakness: Cold
Location: Crescent Island
Level: 32
Hit Points: 900
Experience Points: 135
Gold Pieces: 135
Weakness: Poison
Location: Hiryuu Valley
Level: 44
Hit Points: 2200
Location: Sea Bed
Duel Knight
Location: The Tower Of Magic
Elf Toad
Location: Northern Mountain World One
Elm Gigas
Level: 39
Hit Points: 4170
Location: Past Ancient Library Going Toward The Moving Desert
Level: 1
Hit Points: 20,000 Approx.
Weakness: Holy
Location: Sealed Castle Of Koozer
Faerie Ore
Level: 28
Hit Points: 1000
Location: Just After The Big Bridge World Two
Level: 47
Hit Points: 4000
Experience Points: 333
Gold Pieces: 333
Location: Pyramid
Level: 48
Hit Points: 2580
Experience Points: 346
Gold Pieces: 346
Weakness: Poison
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Hit Points: 400
Experience Points: 75
Gold Pieces: 75
Location: Big Bridge
Flame Gun
Hit Points: 2400
Location: Entrance To Lonka Ruins
Level: 44
Hit Points: 3000
Location: Tower Of Power
Flying Killr
Hit Points: 450
Experience Points: 75
Gold Pieces: 75
Location: Big Bridge
Level: 47
Hit Points: 3500
Weakness: Water, Holy
Location: Great Deep
Level: 41
Hit Points: 2500
Weakness: Holy
Location: Great Deep
Level: 47
Hit Points: 6500
Experience Points: 500
Gold Pieces: 500
Weakness: Holy
Location: Great Deep
Level: 46
Hit Points: 2500
Weakness: Holy
Location: Great Deep
Level: 50
Hit Points: 5000
Weakness: Water
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Level: 24
Hit Points: 1200
Experience Points: 222
Gold Pieces: 222
Location: Zeza's Ship
Level: 34
Hit Points: 75
Experience Points: 187
Gold Pieces: 187
Location: Mua Forest
Gala Cat
Level: 12
Hit Points: 100
Experience Points: 13
Gold Pieces: 13
Location: Northern Mountain
Level: 33
Hit Points: 5000
Location: Entrance To Great Deep, Phoenix Tower, etc...
Level: 20
Hit Points: 666
Weakness: Wind, Earth, Thunder, Water, Cold, Flame, Holy, Poison
Location: Walse Castle Basement
Level: 7
Hit Points: 80
Experience Points: 7
Gold Pieces: 7
Location: Ship Graveyard
Gel Water
Level: 46
Hit Points: 3300
Experience Points: 317
Gold Pieces: 317
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Istory Falls
Giant Bird
Level: 29
Hit Points: 9000
Experience Points: 0
Gold Pieces: 0
Location: Sea, World Three
Location: Karnak Castle, During The Countdown
Hit Points: 16
Location: Near Tycoon Meteor And Tule
Level: 3
Hit Points: 2500
Location: Hiryuu Valley
Level: 51
Hit Points: 10,000
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Level: 42
Hit Points: 1800
Location: Crescent Island
Grass Turtl
Hit Points: 250
Location: Outside Near Karnak
Level: 51
Hit Points: 10,000
Experience Points: 475
Gold Pieces: 475
Weakness: Water
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Level: 47
Hit Points: 3000
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Level: 37
Hit Points: 1000
Location: West Of Ancient Library World Three
Level: 26
Hit Points: 3000
Location: Lonka Ruins
Level: 25
Hit Points: 2000
Experience Points: 450
Gold Pieces: 450
Location: Lonka Ruins
Hit Points: 160
Location: Northern Mountain
Level: 36
Hit Points: 2000
Experience Points: 210
Gold Pieces: 210
Location: Mua Forest
Location: Tower Of Magic
Iron Dress
Level: 44
Hit Points: 220
Weakness: Cold
Location: Sea Bed
Iron Giant
Level: 61
Hit Points: 18,000
Experience Points: 2500
Gold Pieces: 2500
Weakness: Water
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension Castle
Level: 45
Hit Points: 2300
Experience Points: 500
Gold Pieces: 500
Location: Near Rugor
Level: 42
Hit Points: 2000
Experience Points: 325 Pieces: 325
Location: The Temple On The Big Bridge World Three
Jail Bear
Level: 27
Hit Points: 380
Experience Points: 89
Gold Pieces: 89
Location: Exdeath's Castle Basement
Jura Avis
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension Dungeon
K. Behemoth
Level: 82
Hit Points: 18,000
Weakness: Water
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension Final Floors
Location: Karnak Castle, During The Countdown
Killer Bee
Level: 1
Hit Points: 20
Experience Points: 4
Gold Pieces: 4
Location: Near Tycoon Castle And Tule
Level: 24
Hit Points: 900
Experience Points:122
Gold Pieces: 122
Weakness: Cold: Lonka Ruins
Land Crawl
Level: 48
Hit Points: 22,000
Location: Desert Near The Moogle Village
Level Check
Level: 54
Hit Points: 5000
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Level: 32
Hit Points: 500
Experience Points: 75
Gold Pieces: 75
Weakness: Flame
Location: Hiryuu Valley
Lil Chariot
Location: Big Bridge
Level: 63
Hit Points: 9000
Weakness: Cold
Location: Phoenix Tower
Lonka Knight
Level: 24
Hit Points: 860
Experience Points: 95
Gold Pieces: 95
Location: Lonka Ruins
Level: 27
Hit Points: 1000
Location: Just After The Big Bridge
Level: 37
Hit Points: 7200
Location: Pyramid
Level: 36
Hit Points: 2900
Experience Points: 300
Gold Pieces: 300
Weakness: Wind, Poison
Location: Exdeath's Castle
Magic Pot
Location: Phoenix Tower
Level: 33
Hit Points: 1200
Experience Points: 153
Gold Pieces: 153
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Barrier Tower
Level: 35
Hit Points: 1700
Experience Points: 174
Gold Pieces: 174
Weakness: Flame
Location: Mua Forest
Level: 28
Hit Points: 1000
Weakness: Flame
Location: After The Big Bridge
Mani Wizard
Hit Points: 20
Experience Points: 5
Gold Pieces: 5
Location: Wind Crystal Shrine
Mercury Bat
Level: 46
Hit Points: 500
Experience Points: 255
Gold Pieces: 255
Location: Istory Falls
Level: 43
Hit Points: 7000
Experience Points: 5
Gold Pieces: 5
Weakness: Water, Wind
Location: Guido's Shrine
Level: 53
Hit Points: 4700
Experience Points: 0
Gold Pieces: 0
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension Final Floors
Mini Dragon
Hit Points: 1000
Location: Forest To The East Of Istory, Over The Bridge
Mini Mage
Level: 11
Hit Points: 1100
Experience Points: 151
Gold Pieces: 151
Location: Mua Forest
Mithril Drgn
Level: 16
Hit Points: 600
Experience Points: 67
Gold Pieces: 67
Location: Forest To The East Of Istory, Over The Bridge
Mold Wind
Hit Points: 20
Location: The Wind Shrine
Level: 23
Hit Points: 1000
Experience Points: 166
Gold Pieces: 166
Weakness: Thunder
Location: The Moogle Forest
Level: 48
Hit Points: 5000
Experience Points: 380
Gold Pieces: 380
Weakness: Water, Flame
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Level: 38
Hit Points: 3300
Weakness: Thunder, Cold, Flame
Location: Exdeath's Castle, Floor 8
Motor Trap
Hit Points: 240
Location: Flame Ship
Level: 42
Hit Points: 2000
Experience Points: 300
Gold Pieces: 300
Location: Crescent Island
Level: 27
Hit Points: 2900
Location: Pyramid
Experience Points: 75
Gold Pieces: 75
Location: Big Bridge
Level: 33
Hit Points: 700
Experience Points: 150
Gold Pieces: 150
Location: Barrier Tower
Level: 38
Hit Points: 1200
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Pyramid
Level: 52
Hit Points: 5000
Experience Points: 300
Gold Pieces: 300
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Nut Eater
Level: 1
Hit Points: 20
Location: Near Tycoon and Tule
Hit Points: 60
Location: Canal
Level: 49
Hit Points: 2100
Experience Points: 388
Gold Pieces: 388
Weakness: Water, Earth
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Level: 53
Hit Points: 1000
Location: Exdeath's Castle, Floor 7
Hit Points: 280
Location: Near Or On The Northern Mountain
Page 32
Level: 19
Hit Points: 480
Weakness: Flame
Location: Ancient Library Basement
Page 64
Level: 20
Hit Points: 500
Experience Points: 17
Gold Pieces: 17
Weakness: Flame
Location: Ancient Library Basement
Page 128
Level: 20
Hit Points: 700
Weakness: Flames
Location: Ancient Library Basement
Page 256
Level: 21
Hit Points: 900
Weakness: Flame
Location: Ancient Library Basement
Location: Shrine On The Big Bridge World Three
Level: 27
Hit Points: 500
Location: Solitary Island
Psycho Head
Hit Points: 90
Experience Points: 13
Gold Pieces: 13
Location: Ship Graveyard
Pyra Layer
Level: 41
Hit Points: 2200
Experience Points: 267
Gold Pieces: 267
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Pyramid
Level: 39
Hit Points: 1800
Weakness: Cold
Location: Near Pyramid
Level: 40
Hit Points: 900
Weakness: Flame: Guido's Shrine
Ra Mage
Level: 19
Hit Points: 760
Location: Lonka Ruins
Red Dragon
Level: 30
Hit Points: 7500
Weakness: Water, Earth, Cold
Location: Barrier Tower
Level: 31
Hit Points: 1380
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Before Kelb Village
Hit Points: 100
Experience Points: 19
Gold Pieces: 19
Location: Near Karnak
Hit Points: 2500
Location: Entrance To The Lonka Ruins
Rock Garter
Level: 11
Hit Points: 120
Experience Points: 12
Gold Pieces: 12
Weakness: Flame
Location: Northern Mountain
Level: 20
Hit Points: 550
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Sea
Sand Bear
Level: 24
Hit Points: 1000
Experience Points: 90
Gold Pieces: 90
Location: Moving Desert
Sand Crawl
Level: 29
Hit Points: 15,000
Location: Desert Before Moogle Village
Sand Killer
Level: 23
Hit Points: 620
Experience Points: 38
Gold Points: 38
Location: Moving Desert
Sand Porky
Level: 23
Hit Points: 420
Location: Moving Desert
Sea Devil
Level: 30
Hit Points: 5000Points: 0
Gold Pieces: 0
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Sea, World Three
Sea Ibis
Hit Points: 25
Experience Points: 50
Gold Pieces: 50
Location: Sea, World One
Sea Scorpio
Level: 26
Hit Points: 500
Experience Points: 4
Gold Pieces: 4
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Sea, World Three
Level: 41
Hit Points: 6000
Location: Pyramid
Level: 40
Hit Points: 1000
Location: Pyramid
Level: 43
Hit Points: 4480
Location: Shrine On The Big Bridge
Level: 29
Hit Points: 19,999
Location: Sealed Castle Of Koozer
Level: 38
Hit Points: 5000
Location: Forest
Silent Bee
Level: 16
Hit Points: 220
Location: Near Karnak
Hit Points: 70
Experience Points: 9
Gold Pieces: 9
Weakness: Holy, Flame
Location: Ship Graveyard
Skull Eater
Level: 32
Hit Point: 1
Experience Points: 75
Gold Pieces: 75
Weakness: Use Throw Command Bolt Tech, He Doesn't Respond To Physical Attacks
Location: Jacole Dungeon
Level: 36
Hit Points: 1600
Experience Points: 175
Gold Pieces: 175
Location: West Of Ancient Library World Three
Level: 43
Hit Points: 2400
Location: Shrine On The Big Bridge
Level: 42
Hit Points: 1820
Weakness: Flame
Location: Near Rugor
Location: Karnak Castle, During The Countdown
Level: 39
Hit Points: 2300
Experience Points: 312
Gold Pieces: 312
Location: Near Rugor
Level: 45
Hit Points: 3300
Experience Points: 25
Gold Pieces: 25
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Bal Castle Basment
Steel Bat
Hit Points: 20
Experience Points: 3
Gold Pieces: 3
Location: Pirate's Base
Sting Eagle
Level: 32
Hit Points: 100
Experience Points: 125
Gold Pieces: 125
Location: Hiryuu Valley
Stone Golem
Stoned Mask
Level: 24
Hit Points: 450
Location: Lonka Ruins
Stray Cat
Location: Around Wind Shrine World One
Hit Points: 20
Experience Points: 3
Gold Pieces: 3
Location: Pirate's Base
Hit Points: 50
Location: Canal
Level: 48
Hit Points: 3000
Experience Points: 600
Gold Pieces: 600
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Level: 27
Hit Points: 200
Experience Points: 88
Gold Pieces: 88
Weakness: Cold
Location: Exdeath's Castle Basement
Level: 8
Hit Points: 100
Experience Points: 12
Gold Pieces: 12
Weakness: Cold, Water
Location: Near The Exit Of The Ship Graveyard
Th. Anemone
Location: Sea
Level: 52
Hit Points: 3
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
Tiny Mage
Location: The Tower Of Power
Level: 46
Hit Points: 39,393
Experience Points: 317
Gold Pieces: 317
Location: Istory Falls
Tote Avis
Level: 47
Hit Points: 33,090
Location: Temple On The Big Bridge
Level: 33
Hit Points: 1400
Experience Points: 145
Gold Pieces: 145
Location: Barrier Tower
Level: 37
Hit Points: 2200
Weakness: Flame
Location: Outside The Sealed Castle Of Koozer
Level: 34
Hit Points: 1300
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Barrier Tower
Twin Lizard
Level: 33
Hit Points: 1500
Experience Points: 180
Gold Pieces: 180
Weakness: Cold
Location: Crescent Island
Undead Rusk
Hit Points: 130
Experience Points: 11
Gold Pieces: 11
Weakness: Wind, Thunder
Location: Ship Graveyard
Wall Knight
Level: 33
Hit Points: 1600
Experience Points: 175
Gold Pieces: 175
Location: Barrier Tower
Wall Mage
Level: 36
Hit Points: 1300
Location: Exdeath's Castle
Water Buzz
Level: 26
Hit Points: 600
Experience Points: 82
Gold Pieces: 82
Weakness: Thunder
Location: Outside Exdeath's Castle
Level: 31
Hit Points: 900
Weakness: Cold
Location: Before Kelb Village
Whirl Demon
Level: 24
Hit Points: 1000
Experience Points: 117
Gold Pieces: 117
Location: Lonka Ruins
White Flame
Level: 49 Points: 1600
Experience Points: 358
Gold Pieces: 358
Location: The Cleft Of Dimension
White Snake
Hit Points: 25
Experience Points: 5
Gold Pieces: 5
Weakness: Cold
Location: The Wind Shrine
Wild Nack
Level: 15
Hit Points: 95
Experience Points: 23
Gold Pieces: 23
Weakness: Flame
Location: Near Karnak
Level: 36
Hit Points: 2700
Experience Points: 550
Gold Pieces: 550
Location: Mua Forest
Level: 38
Hit Points: 8500
Experience Points: 650
Gold Pieces: 650
Location: Exdeath's Castle, Floor 8
Level: 53
Hit Points: 3780
Experience Points: 571
Gold Pieces: 571
Location: Pyramid
Level: 43
Hit Points: 3000
Location: Oldest Tree
Level: 24
Hit Points: 4590
Experience Points: 412
Gold Pieces: 412
Weakness: Flame
Location: Hiryuu Valley
Level: 15
Hit Points: 850
Experience Points: 90
Gold Pieces: 90
Location: Near Karnak

20) Monster Classes
This is a section dedicated to the types of monsters in Final Fantasy 5. Most
monsters that look alike have similar weaknesses- so if you see a monster that
looks like one you have already seen, it is likely that they are weak against
the same things. I hope you find this useful!
Undead Rusk
Stone Golem
*Soldiers With Shields-
Ice Soldier
Bone Dragon
D. Chimera
Crew Dust
*Woman In Mist-
*Cursed Ones-
Cursed One
Doom Dealer
*Wart Covered Thing-
Sand Porky
Th. Anemone
Sea Ibis
Sting Eagle
*Shrimp Shaped Thing With Fangs-
Anku Heggu
Sand Killer
Dark Wizard
*Fish People-
Death Claw
Iron Claw
Shield Drgn
Tote Avis
Rock Garter
*Spiked Small Round Things-
*Mages With Beards
Ra Mage
Bander S.
*Body Guards-
Body Guard
*Dragons (Back Turned)-
Bella Donna
Bland Lamia
Blind Wolf
Wind Nack
Black Goblin
Black Flame
*Creatures With Crescent Shaped Weapons
*Soldiers With 2-Sided Axe-
Boi Soldier
Wall Knight
*Round Flying Demons-
Whirl Demon
*Big Flying Birds-
Tote Avis
Wall Mage
Water Buzz
*Venus Flytraps-
Dim Master
*Short, Hooded Creatures-
Form Unknown 1
Form Unknown 2
Form Unknown 3
Elm Gigas
Fall Guard
*Mages, Thin-
Mani Wizard
*Flying Cats-
Gala Cat
*Dragons, Big-
*Dragons, Small-
Mini Dragon
*Dragns, Flying-
Iron Dress
*Winged Demons-
Jail Bear
Sand Bear
*Upset Cats-
Stray Cat
*Short Hooded-
Mini Mage
Tiny Mage
Killer Bee
Silent Bee
*Live Trees-
Mercury Bat
Steel Bat
*Woman Riding Crescent Moon-
Page 32
Page 64
Page 128
Page 256
Nut Eater
Skull Eater

21) Steal Command (What Can Be Stolen And From Who)
*Abductor- Potion
*Abductor- Potion
Achelone- TurtlShell
Acrophese- Potion
AdamaGolem- Potion
*Adamant T.
Aegil- Potion
Alcumia- MaidnKiss
Ammona- HiPotion
Anku Heggu- Potion
*Apanda- Soot
*Apocalypse- Elixir (You Can Also Rarely Steal A Giant's Glove)
Aquathone- Potion Potion
*ArcheoAvis Part 1
*ArcheoAvis Part 2
Aspis- Antidote
*Atomos- Ether
AvisDragon- Trident Spear (You Can Also Rarely Steal An Artemis Bow)
BandelKuar- Soft
Bander S.
Bardandels- TurtlShell
*Barrier- HiPotion
Belfegor- FullMoon
Bella Donna- Rainbow Robe
Berserker- Speed
BioSoldier- Speed
Black Goblin
Black Flame
BlandLamia- MaidnKiss
Blind Wolf- EyeDrop
Blocks- Glasses
Blood Slime- HolyWater
Blue Dragon
Bodyguard- Cottage (You Can Also Rarely Steal A Tempest Sword)
Bone Dragon- Soft
*Catastroph- Cottage
Chamcubia- Wall Ring (You Can Also Rarely Steal A Ribbon Helmet)
Cherie- RedShoes
Chim. Brain
Cockatrice- Soft
Conago- Potion
Coral- Potion
Corvette- Trident Spear
*Cray Claw- CoralSword
Crescent- Silver Bow
Crew Dust- Potion
Cursed One
D. Chimera
DarkWizard- Venom Rod
Death Claw- Hero (You Can Also Rarely Steal A Thor's Hammer)
Dilure- Potion
Dim Master- Potion
Doom Dealer- HolyWater
Double Liz
Drippy- Mithril Hammer
Druid- Druid (You Can Also Rarely Steal An Angel Ring)
Duel Knight
Elf Toad
Elm Gigas
*Exdeath Battle #1 (Not In The Cleft Dimension)
ExdeathSoul- Has Nothing
Faerie Ore- HolyWater
FallGuard- Bandana
Farfarerro- Speed (You Can Also Rarely Steal A Lillith Rod)
Flame Gun
Flying Killr
FormUnknwn3- HiPotion
Fury- Wall Ring (You Can Also Rarely Steal A Cursed Ring)
Gabbledak- Potion
Gajera- EyeDrop
Gala Cat- Potion
Gargoyle- Potion
Gel Water- Potion
*Gilgamesh (Exdeath's Castle)
*Gilgamesh (Big Bridge)
*Gilgamesh (Zeza's Fleet)- Genji Gauntlet
*Gilgamesh (Exdeath's Castle)
*Gilgamesh (The Cleft Of Dimension)
*Gilgamesh (The Cleft Of Dimension- With Necrofobia)- Genji Armor
Goblin- Potion
Grass Turtl
Grenade- HiPotion
*Halicarnas- Light Staff
Hedgehog- Soft
IceSoldier- Mithril Knife
*Ifrit- FenixDown
Imp- Potion
Ion- Giant
Iron Dress- Potion
Iron Giant- IronHelmet
Isteritos- Antidote (You Can Also Rarely Steal A Staff Of Judgement)
Jail Bear
Jura Avis
K. Behemoth- FenixDown (You Can Also Rarely Steal A Drain Sword)
Killer Bee
Lamia- MaidnKiss
Land Crawl- Ancient Sword
Level Check- Potion
*Leviathan- Elixir
Likaon- HiPotion
Lil Chariot- Has Nothing
LiquiFlame- LuckMallet
Lonka Knight- HiPotion
Lunenta- EyeDrop
MachinHead- Ether
Magic Pot
Magnetes- Has Nothing
Mani Wizard
Mercury Bat
Metamorpha- HiPotion
Mini Dragon
Mini Mage
Mithril Drgn- Potion
Mold Wind
MooglEater- Potion
MossFungus- HiPotion
MotorDrive- Potion
Motor Trap
Mukare- Silk Robe (You Can Also Rarely Steal A Doom Axe)
Mummy- Potion
*Necrofobia- Elixir
Neon- Speed
*Neregeid (Blue)
Nile- Has Nothing
Ninja- Shuriken (You Can Also Rarely Steal A Forged Sword)
Nut Eater- Potion
*Odin- Guard Ring
*Omega- Had Nothing
Orcat- DrkMatter
Owazoral- HiPotion (You Can Also Rarely Steal A Mirage Vest)
Page 32- Potion
Page 64- Potion
Page 128- Ether
Page 256- HiPotion
Pao- Potion
*Phobos (Green)
Psycho Head
*Puroboros- Eyedrop
Pyra Layer- Power
Python- Antidote
Ra Mage
Red Dragon- Hi Potion
Ridicule- MaidnKiss
Rocket- Potion
Rock Garter- Potion
Sahagin- Potion
Sand Bear- Javelin
Sand Crawl
Sand Kille Has Nothing
Sand Porky- Potion
*Sand Worm
Sea Ibis
Sekmet- HiPotion
ShdwDancer- Power Ring (You Can Also Rarely Steal A Dancing Knife)
ShieldDrgn- MithrilShield
*Shiva- Potion
Silent Bee- Has Nothing
Skull Eater- Tent
Sleepy- Healing Staff
Slownin- Katana
Slug- Potion (You Can Also Rarely Steal A Guard Ring)
*Sol Cannon- Ether
Spizner- Potion
*Stalker- DrkMatter
Statue- HiPotion
Steel Bat- Potion
Sting Eagle- Gale Bow
Stone Golem
Stoned Mask
Stray Cat
SwrdDancer- DrkMatter (You Can Also Rarely Steal An Enhancer Sword)
Th. Anemone
Thing- Ether (You Can Also Rarely Steal A Crystal Shield)
Tiny Mage
*Titan- Potion
Tonberi- Plumed Hat
Tote Avis- KillerBow
Traveler- Dream Harp
Treeman- Power
Tricker- Potion
*Triton (Red)
Twin Lizard- Has Nothing
*Twin Tania- Has Nothing
Undead Rusk
Wall Knight- Warhammer Axe
Wall Mage
Water Buzz
Weresnake- Potion
Whirl Demon- Potion
White Flame- Eyedrop
White Snake
Wild Nack- Potion
*Wing Raptor
Wyrm- Antidote
YellowDrgn- Thunder Rod
ZepherZone- Potion
Ziggernaut- Potion
ZombieDrgn- DrkMatter

22) Inn Prices
*Bal Castle Inn- 50 Gold Pieces
*Carwen Town Inn- 10 Gold Pieces
*Crescent Town Inn- 30 Gold Pieces
*Istory Village Inn- 30 Gold Pieces
*Jacole Town Inn- 30 Gold Pieces
*Karnak Town Inn- 20 Gold Pieces
*Kelb Village Inn- 60 Gold Pieces
*Lix Village Inn- NO Gold Pieces! It's Free!
*Mirage Town Inn- 70 Gold Pieces
*Mua Village Inn- 70 Gold Pieces
*Rugor Village Inn- Free The First Stay And 40 Gold Pieces After That
*Surgate Castle Inn- 60 Gold Pieces
*Tule Village Inn- 10 Gold Pieces
*Worus Town Inn- 20 Gold Pieces

23) Weapon Shops And Their Prices
*Bal Castle Weapon Shop
Orialcon Knife- 3400 Gold Pieces
Warhammer Axe- 6400 Gold Pieces
Ashura Katana- 5800 Gold Pieces
Slumber Sword- 5600 Gold Pieces
Wind Spear- 5400 Gold Pieces
Darkness Bow- 3800 Gold Pieces
Dream Herp- 1600 Gold Pieces
Chain Whip- 3300 Gold Pieces
*Carwen Town Weapon Shop
Dagger- 300 Gold Pieces
Long Sword- 480 Gold Pieces
Rod- 200 Gold Pieces
Staff- 200 Gold Pieces
*Crescent Town Weapon Shop
Flame Bow- 2500 Gold Pieces
Frost Bow- 2500 Gold Pieces
Thunder Bow- 2500 Gold Pieces
Silver Harp- 800 Gold Pieces
*Istory Village Weapon Shop

*Jacole Town Weapon Shop
Ogre Axe- 3200 Gold Pieces
Coral Sword- 2800 Gold Pieces
MageMash Knife- 900 Gold Pieces
Trident Spear- 2700 Gold Pieces
Ashura Ninja Sword- 5800 Gold Pieces
Silver Bow- 1500 Gold Pieces
*Karnak Town Weapon Shop (Before The Destruction Of The Fire Crystal)
Mithril Knife- 450 Gold Pieces
Mithril Sword- 880 Gold Pieces
Mithril Axe- 1050 Gold Pieces
Fire Rod- 750 Gold Pieces
Ice Rod- 750 Gold Pieces
Thunder Rod- 750 Gold Pieces
Flail- 780 Gold Pieces
*Karnak Town Weapon Shop (After The Destruction Of The Fire Crystal)
(The Man Walking Around In The Center Of The Room)Spear- 790 Gold Pieces
Kunai Knife- 600 Gold Pieces
Whip- 1100 Gold Pieces
Giyama Spear- 500 Gold Pieces
*Kelb Village Weapon Shop
(Left Side)
Kodachi Knife- 5100 Gold Pieces
Killer Bow- 5000 Gold Pieces
Poison Rod- 1500 Gold Pieces
Shuriken- 2500 Gold Pieces
Flame Tech- 200 Gold Pieces
Water Tech- 200 Gold Pieces
Bolt Tech- 200 Gold Pieces
(Right Side)
Orialcon Knife- 3400 Gold Pieces
Warhammer Axe- 6400 Gold Pieces
Ashura Katana- 5800 Gold Pieces
Slumber Sword- 5600 Gold Pieces
Wind Spear- 5400 Gold Pieces
Darkness Bow- 3800 Gold Pieces
Dream Harp- 1600 Gold Pieces
Chain Whip- 3300 Gold Pieces
*Lix Village Weapon Shop
Kunai Knife- 600 Gold Pieces
Shuriken- 2500 Gold Pieces
Flame Tech- 200 Gold Pieces
Water Tech- 200 Gold Pieces
Bolt Tech- 200 Gold Pieces
*Mirage Town Weapon Shop
(1st Shop)
Flame Sword- 10,000 Gold Pieces
Ice Brand Sword- 10,000 Gold Pieces
Earth Axe- 12,800 Gold Pieces
MornStar Staff- 7800 Gold Pieces
Menfuuji Bow- 10,000 Gold Pieces
Kiku Katana- 14,800 Gold Pieces
Partisan Spear- 10,200 Gold Pieces
(2nd Shop)
Fuuma- 25,000 Gold Pieces
Shuriken- 2500 Gold Pieces
Twin Lance- 2500 Gold Pieces
Crescent- 1100 Gold Pieces
Flame Tech- 200 Gold Pieces
Water Tech- 200 Gold Pieces
Bolt Tech- 200 Gold Pieces
*Mua Village Weapon Shop
Air Knife- 6800 Gold Pieces
Elfin Bow- 7500 Gold Pieces
*Rugor Village Weapon Shop
Orialcon Knife- 3400 Gold Pieces
Warhammer Axe- 6400 Gold Pieces
Ashura Katana- 5800 Gold Pieces
Slumber Sword- 5600 Gold Pieces
Wind Spear- 5400 Gold Pieces
Darkness Bow- 3800 Gold Pieces
Dream Harp- 1600 Gold Pieces
Chain Whip- 3300 Gold Pieces
*Surgate Castle Weapon Shop
Great Sword- 8400 Gold Pieces
Heavy Spear- 8100 Gold Pieces
Bizen Katana- 8800 Gold Pieces
Poison Axe- 9600 Gold Pieces
*Tule Village Weapon Shop
Broad Sword- 280 Gold Pieces
Rod- 200 Gold Pieces
Staff- 200 Gold Pieces
*Worus Town Weapon Shop
Battle Axe- 650 Gold Pieces
Long Sword- 480 Gold Pieces
Dagger- 300 Gold Pieces

22) Armor Shops And Their Prices
*Bal Castle Armor Shop
Gold Shield- 3000 Gold Pieces
Gold Helmet- 2500 Gold Pieces
GrnBeret- 2500 Gold Pieces
Tricorn Helmet- 1500 Gold Pieces
Gold Armor- 4000 Gold Pieces
Stealth Robe- 3000 Gold Pieces
Earth Robe- 2000 Gols Pieces
Gauntlet- 3000 Gold Pieces
*Carwen Town Armor Shop
Bronze Shield- 290 Gold Pieces
Bronze Helmet- 250 Gold Pieces
Bronze Armor- 400 Gold Pieces
Copper Armor- 350 Gold Pieces
Cotton Robe- 300 Gold Pieces
*Crescent Town Armor Shop
Feather Helmet- 350 Gold Pieces
Bard Robe- 1000 Gold Pieces
*Istory Village Armor Shop
Flame Ring 50,000 Gold Pieces
Coral Ring- 50,000 Gold Pieces
Angel Ring- 50,000 Gold Pieces
*Jacole Town Armor Shop
GrnBeret- 2500 Gold Pieces
Stealth Robe- 3000 Gold Pieces
Bard Robe- 1000 Gold Pieces
*Karnak Town Armor Shop
Mithril Shield- 590 Gold Pieces
Mithril Helmet- 550 Gold Pieces
Feather Helmet- 350 Gold Pieces
Mithril Armor- 700 Gold Pieces
Silver Armor- 600 Gold Pieces
Silk Robe- 500 Gold Pieces
Mithril Ring- 600 Gold Pieces
Silver Ring- 500 Gold Pieces
*Kelb Village Armor Shop
(Left Side)
Headband Helmet- 3500 Gold Pieces
Strength Robe- 4500 Gold Pieces
PowerWrist- 2500 Gold Pieces
(Right Side)
Gold Shield- 3000 Gold Pieces
Gold Helmet- 3500 Gold Pieces
GrnBeret Helmet- 2500 Gold Pieces
Tricorn Helmet- 1500 Gold Pieces
Gold Armor- 4000 Gold Pieces
Stealth Robe- 3000 Gold Pieces
Earth Robe- 2000 Gold Pieces
Gauntlet- 3000 Gold Pieces
*Lix Village Armor Shop
GrnBeret- 2500 Gold Pieces
Stealth Robe- 3000 Gold Pieces
*Mirage Town Armor Shop
Crystal Shield- 9000 Gold Pieces
Crystal Helmet- 10,500 Gold Pieces
Dark Hood- 6500 Gold Pieces
Socklet Helmet- 4500 Gold Pieces
Crystal Armor- 12,000 Gold Pieces
Dark Suit- 9000 Gold Pieces
Black Robe- 8000 Gold Pieces
White Robe- 8000 Gold Pieces
(Relic/Armor Shop)
Hermes Ring- 50,000 Gold Pieces
Angel Ring- 50,000 Gold Pieces
Flame Ring- 50,000 Gold Pieces
Coral Ring- 50,000 Gold Pieces
Lamian Helmet- 2500 Gold Pieces
Angel Gown Robe- 3000 Gold Pieces
*Mua Village Armor Shop
Diamond Shield- 6000 Gold Pieces
Diamond Helmet- 7000 Gold Pieces
Tigr Mask Hemlet- 5000 Gold Pieces
Mitre Helmet- 3000 Gold Pieces
Diamond Armor- 8000 Gold Pieces
Diamond Plate- 6000 Gold Pieces
Lumina Robe- 4000 Gold Pieces
Diamond Ring- 4000 Gold Pieces
*Rugor Village Armor Shop
Gold Shield- 3000 Gold Pieces
Gold Helmet- 3500 Gold Pieces
GrnBeret- 2500 Gold Pieces
Tricorn Helmet- 1500 Gold Pieces
Gold Armor- 4000 Gold Pieces
Stealth Robe- 3000 Gold Pieces
Earth Robe- 2000 Gold Pieces
*Surgate Castle Armor Shop
Gold Shield- 3000 Gold Pieces
Gold Helmet- 2500 Gold Pieces
Headband Helmet- 3500 Gold Pieces
Tricorn Helmet- 1500 Gold Pieces
Gold Armor- 400 Gold Pieces
Strength Robe- 4500 Gold Pieces
Earth Robe- 2000 Gold Pieces
Gauntlet- 3000 Gold Pieces
*Tule Village Armor Shop
Leather Shield- 90 Gold Pieces
Leather Helmet- 50 Gold Pieces
Leather Armor- 80 Gold Pieces
*Worus Town Armor Shop
Iron Shield- 390 Gold Pieces
Iron Helmet- 350 Gold Pieces
Iron Armor- 500 Gold Pieces
Kenpo Robe- 450 Gold Pieces
Cotton Robe- 300 Gold Pieces

24) Magic Shops And Their Prices
*Bal Castle Magic Shop
(Left Guy)
Blink- 3000 Gold Pieces
Shell- 3000 Gold Pieces
Esna- 3000 Gold Pieces
(Middle Guy)
Drain- 3000 Gold Pieces
Break- 3000 Gold Pieces
Bio- 3000 Gold Pieces
(Right Guy)
Comet- 3000 Gold Pieces
Slow2- 3000 Gold pieces
Retrn- 3000 Gold Pieces
*Carwen Town Magic Shop
Fire- 150 Gold Pieces
Ice- 150 Gold Pieces
Bolt- 150 Gold Pieces
Sleep- 300 Gold Pieces
Cure- 180 Gold Pieces
Pure- 90 Gold Pieces
Quiet- 280 Gold Pieces
Safe- 280 Gold Pieces
*Crescent Town Magic Shop
Fire 2- 600 Gold Pieces
Ice 2- 600 Gold Pieces
Bolt 2- 600 Gold Pieces
Poison- 290 Gold Pieces
Sleep- 300 Gold Pieces
Fire- 150 Gold Pieces
Ice- 150 Gold Pieces
Bolt- 150 Gold Pieces
*Istory Village Magic Shop
Demi- 620 Gold Pieces
Stop- 580 Gold Pieces
Fast- 320 Gold Pieces
Mute- 320 Gold Pieces
Slow- 80 Gold Pieces
Regen- 100 Gold Pieces
*Jacole Town Magic Shop
Cure 2- 620 Gold Pieces
Raise- 700 Gold Pieces
Charm- 650 Gold Pieces
Quiet- 280 Gold Pieces
Safe- 280 Gold Pieces
Cure- 180 Gold Pieces
Libra- 80 Gold Pieces
Pure- 90 Gold Pieces
*Karnak Town Magic Shop
Fire 2- 600 Gold Pieces
Ice 2- 600 Gold Pieces
Bolt 2- 600 Gold Pieces
Poison- 290 Gold Pieces
Sleep- 300 Gold Pieces
Fire- 150 Gold Pieces
Ice- 150 Gold Pieces
Bolt- 150 Gold Pieces
Cure 2- 620 Gold Pieces
Raise- 700 Gold Pieces
Charm- 650 Gold Pieces
Quiet- 280 Gold Pieces
Safe- 280 Gold Pieces
Cure- 180 Gold Pieces
Libra- 80 Gold Pieces
Pure- 90 Gold Pieces
Demi- 620 Gold Pieces
Stop- 580 Gold Pieces
Fast- 320 Gold Pieces
Mute- 320 Gold Pieces
Slow- 80 Gold Pieces
Regen- 100 Gold Pieces
*Kelb Village Magic Shop
(Front Center)
Blink- 3000 Gold Pieces
Shell- 3000 Gold Pieces
Esna- 3000 Gold Pieces
Drain- 3000 Gold Pieces
Break- 3000 Gold Pieces
Bio- 3000 Gold Pieces
Comet- 3000 Gold Pieces
Slow2- 3000 Gold Pieces
Retrn- 3000 Gold Pieces
*Lix Village Magic Shop
Esna- 3000 Gold Pieces
*Mirage Town Magic Shop
(1st Shop)
Mini- 300 Gold Pieces
Toad- 300 Gold Pieces
Speed- 30 Gold Pieces
Float- 300 Gold Pieces
Exit- 600 Gold Pieces
Chocob- 300 Gold Pieces
Sylph- 350 Gold Pieces
Remora- 250 Gold Pieces
(2nd Shop)
Arise- 10,000 Gold Pieces
Dispel- 11,000 Gold Pieces
Death- 10,000 Gold Pieces
Aspil- 10,000 Gold Pieces
Quick- 10,000 Gold Pieces
X-Zone- 10,000 Gold Pieces
*Mua Village Magic Shop
Fire3- 6000 Gold Pieces
Ice3- 6000 Gold Pieces
Bolt3- 6000 Gold Pieces
Drain- 3000 Gold Pieces
Break- 3000 Gold Pieces
Bio- 3000 Gold Pieces
Cure3- 6000 Gold Pieces
Wall- 6000 Gold Pieces
Bersk- 6000 Gold Pieces
Blink- 3000 Gold Pieces
Shell- 3000 Gold Pieces
Esna- 3000 Gold Pieces
Qrter- 6000 Gold Pieces
Fast2- 6000 Gold Pieces
Old- 6000 Gold Pieces
Comet- 3000 Gold Pieces
Slow2- 3000 Gold Pieces
Retrn- 3000 Gold Pieces
*Rugor Village Magic Shop
(Left Hand Man)
Blink- 3000 Gold Pieces
Shell- 3000 Gold Pieces
Esna- 3000 Gold Pieces
(Middle Man)
Drain- 3000 Gold Pieces
Break- 3000 Gold Pieces
Bio- 3000 Gold Pieces
(Right Hand Man)
Comet- 3000 Gold Pieces
Slow 2- 3000 Gold Pieces
Retrn- 3000 Gold Pieces
*Surgate Castle Magic Shop
Comet- 3000 Gold Pieces
Slow2- 3000 Gold Pieces
Retrn- 3000 Gold Pieces
Drain- 3000 Gold Pieces
Break- 3000 Gold Pieces
Bio- 3000 Gold Pieces
Blink- 3000 Gold Pieces
Shell- 3000 Gold Pieces
Esna- 3000 Gold Pieces
*Tule Village Magic Shop
Fire- 150 Gold Pieces
Ice- 150 Gold Pieces
Bolt- 150 Gold Pieces
Cure- 150 Gold Pieces
Libra- 80 Gold Pieces
Pure- 90 Gold Pieces
*Worus Town Magic Shop
Slow- 80 Gold Pieces
Regen- 100 Gold Pieces
Mute- 320 Gold Pieces
Fast- 320 Gold Pieces
Chocob- 300 Gold Pieces
Sylph- 250 Gold Pieces
Remora- 250 Gold Pieces

26) Item Shops And Their Prices
*Bal Castle Item Shop
(Right Man)
Ether- 1500 Gold Pieces
Holy Water- 150 Gold Pieces
Cottage- 600 Gold Pieces
Giant- 110 Gold Pieces
Power- 110 Gold Pieces
Speed- 110 Gold Pieces
Protect- 110 Gold Pieces
Hero- 110 Gold Pieces
(Left Man)
Hi Potion- 360 Gold Pieces
Potion- 40 Gold Pieces
Fenix Down- 1000 Gold Pieces
Soft- 150 Gold Pieces
MaidnKiss- 60 Gold Pieces
LuckMallet- 50 Gold Pieces
Eyedrop- 20 Gold Pieces
Antidote- 30 Gold Pieces
*Carwen Town Item Shop
Potion- 40 Gold Pieces
Antidote- 30 Gold Pieces
Eyedrop- 20 Gold Pieces
MaidnKiss- 60 Gold Pieces
LuckMallet- 50 Gold Pieces
Soft- 150 Gold Pieces
Fenix Down- 1000 Gold Pieces
Tent- 250 Gold Pieces
*Crescent Town Item Shop
Potion- 40 Gold Pieces
Antidote- 30 Gold Pieces
Eyedrop- 20 Gold Pieces
MaidnKiss- 60 Gold Pieces
LuckMallet- 50 Gold Pieces
Soft- 150 Gold Pieces
Fenix Down- 1000 Gold Pieces
Tent- 250 Gold Pieces
*Istory Village Item Shop
Potion- 40 Gold Pieces
Antidote- 30 Gold Pieces
Eyedrop- 20 Gold Pieces
MaidnKiss- 60 Gold Pieces
LuckMallet- 50 Gold Pieces
Soft- 150 Gold Pieces
Fenix Down- 1000 Gold Pieces
Tent- 250 Gold Pieces
*Jacole Town Item Shop
Potion- 40 Gold Pieces
Antidote- 30 Gold Pieces
Eyedrop- 20 Gold Pieces
MaidnKiss- 60 Gold Pieces
LuckMallet- 50 Gold Pieces
Soft- 150 Gold Pieces
Fenix Down- 1000 Gold Pieces
Tent- 250 Gold Pieces
*Karnak Town Item Shop
Potion- 40 Gold Pieces
Antidote- 30 Gold Pieces
Eyedrop- 20 Gold Pieces
MaidnKiss- 60 Gold Pieces
LuckMallet- 50 Gold Pieces
Soft- 150 Gold Pieces
Fenix Down- 1000 Gold Pieces
Tent- 250 Gold Pieces
*Lix Village Item Shop
Ether- 50 Gold Pieces
Potion- 20 Gold Pieces
Antidote- 15 Gold Pieces
Eyedrop- 10 Gold Pieces
MaidnKiss- 30 Gold Pieces
LuckMallet- 25 Gold Pieces
Soft- 75 Gold Pieces
Tent- 125 Gold Pieces
*Kelb Village Item Shop
Hi Potion- 360 Gold Pieces
Potion- 40 Gold Pieces
Fenix Down- 1000 Gold Pieces
Soft- 150 Gold Pieces
MaidnKiss- 60 Gold Pieces
LuckMallet- 50 Gold Pieces
Eyedrop- 20 Gold Pieces
Antidote- 30 Gold Pieces
Ether- 1500 Gold Pieces
Holy Water- 150 Gold Pieces
Cottage- 600 Gold Pieces
Giant- 110 Gold Pieces
Power- 110 Gold Pieces
Speed- 110 Gold Pieces
Protect- 110 Gold Pieces
Hero- 110 Gold Pieces
*Mirage Town Item Shop
(Lower Person)
Elixir- 50,000 Gold Pieces
Ether- 1500 Gold Pieces
Holy Water- 150 Gold Pieces
Giant- 110 Gold Pieces
Power- 110 Gold Pieces
Speed- 110 Gold Pieces
Protect- 110 Gold Pieces
Hero- 110 Gold Pieces
(Upper Person)
Potion- 40 Gold Pieces
Hi Potion- 360 Gold Pieces
Fenix Down- 1000 Gold Pieces
MaidnKiss- 60 Gold Pieces
Antidote- 30 Gold Pieces
Eyedrop- 20 Gold Pieces
Soft- 150 Gold Pieces
LuckMallet- 50 Gold Pieces
*Mua Village Item Shop
Ether- 1500 Gold Pieces
Holy Water- 150 Gold Pieces600 Gold Pieces
Giant- 110 Gold Pieces
Power- 110 Gold Pieces
Speed- 110 Gold Pieces
Protect- 110 Gold Pieces
Hero- 110 Gold Pieces
Hi Potion- 360 Gold Pieces
Potion- 40 Gold Pieces
Fenix Down- 1000 Gold Pieces
Soft- 150 Gold Pieces
MaidnKiss- 60 Gold Pieces
LuckMallet- 50 Gold Pieces
Eyedrop- 20 Gold Pieces
Antidote- 30 Gold Pieces
*Rugor Village Item Shop
(Left Hand Man)
Hi Potion- 360 Gold Pieces
Potion- 40 Gold Pieces
Fenix Down- 1000 Gold Pieces
Soft- 150 Gold Pieces
MaidnKiss- 60 Gold Pieces
LuckMallet- 50 Gold Pieces
Eyedrop- 20 Gold Pieces
Antidote- 30 Gold Pieces
(Right Hand Man)
Ether- 1500 Gold Pieces
Holy Water- 150 Gold Pieces
Cottage- 600 Gold Pieces
Giant- 110 Gold Pieces
Power- 110 Gold Pieces
Speed- 110 Gold Pieces
Protect- 110 Gold Pieces
Hero- 110 Gold Pieces
*Surgate Castle Item Shop
Hi Potion- 360 Gold Pieces
Potion- 40 Gold Pieces
Fenix Down- 1000 Gold Pieces
Soft- 150 Gold Pieces
MaidnKiss- 60 Gold Pieces
LuckMallet- 50 Gold Pieces
Eyedrop- 20 Gold Pieces
Antidote- 30 Gold Pieces
Ether- 1500 Gold Pieces
Holy Water- 150 Gold Pieces
Cottage- 600 Gold Pieces
Giant- 110 Gold Pieces
Power- 110 Gold Pieces
Speed- 110 Gold Pieces
Protect- 110 Gold Pieces
Hero- 110 Gold Pieces
*Tule Village Item Shop
Potion- 40 Gold Pieces
Tento- 250 Gold Pieces
*Worus Town Item Shop
Potion- 40 Gold Pieces
Antidote- 30 Gold Pieces
Eyedrop- 20 Gold Pieces
MaidnKiss- 60 Gold Pieces
LuckMallet- 50 Gold Pieces
Soft- 150 Gold Pieces
Fenix Down- 1000 Gold Pieces
Tent- 250 Gold Pieces

27) Odds And Ends
*The Twelve Sealed Weapons (Clockwise From The Top Center)- Excalibur,
Assassin Dagger, Sasuke's Katana, Holy Lance, Rune Axe, Masamune, Yoichi's
Bow, Firebute, Sage Staff, Wizard Rod, Apollon's Harp, and Earth Bell. They
are sealed in the Sealed Castle of Koozer.
*Defeating Necrofobia in the Cleft Of Dimension will give you access to a Save
Point! So if Exdeath kills you, it won't be too far to backtrack!
*There is a World Map in the Ship Graveyard.
*In World One, once you have the Hiryuu from the Northern Mountain- you can go
back to Tycoon Castle and take all the treasures! They are (I think I have
them all)- 1 MaidnKiss, 2 Elixirs, 1 Heal Rod, 2 Ethers, 1 Giyaman's Bell, 1
Shuriken, 1 Ashura Katana, 1 HiPotion, 3 Cottages, And 2 FenixDowns.
*Be sure to collect the Thief's Glove in the Fire Ship's Basment.
*There are treasures to be had in the Castle Of Karnak before it explodes.
They Are (I Think I Have Them All)- 1 Esna Spell, 4000 Gold Pieces, 1 Ribbon
Helmet, 1 Elf Cloak, And 6 Elixirs.
*You can get the Magic Of Speed in the Basement of The Castle Of Walse.
*Be A Piano Master! Play all of the Pianos in the game and get a Bard Song!
The Pianos are in every town. Play them all and then return to the Town Of
Crescent. The Bard there will ask you to play a song for him on his Piano.
It will inspire him to write a song!
*Before venturing into The Cleft Of Dimension you can return to the Town Of
Mua, and the door that was previously locked is now open. This will take you
through a small forest, at it's end there is a man there. He will offer to
give you either a Brave Sword or a Chicken Knife. If you have run away from
many battles, take the Chicken Knife. If you have stayed in many battles,
take the Brave Sword. BE WARNED! The Chicken Knife has the effect of making
you run from many battles- even if you don't want to! The Brave Sword is
stronger if you haven't run from many battles- BUT it's strength decreases
every battle you run from.
*There is a man in a cave to the right of the Bay South Of The Town Of Karnak.
He will tell you things like how many battles you have been in, the number of
monsters you have killed, your average amount of Experience Points per battle,
your percentage of Treasure Chest collection, and the number of times you have
saved your game.
*Zokk in the Town Of Tule will give you the Key to the Torna Canal after you
beat the Wind Shrine and return to Tule.
*If you walk into the center of the square Rose Garden in In Istory and press
the "A" Button, you will get the Spell Of Toad Free!

28) Author's Notes
I have written this walkthrough completely on my own..... I have had no help
with it. I have spend many a hour in front of my (well, my husband's and my)
computer playing this game and creating this walkthrough. I will not tolerate
copying my walkthrough- and neither will GameFaqs- I'd think hard before
copying any part of it without my permission- I will take steps against anyone
who does copy any part of it. I have no problem suing someone who does.

Well, now with that said- I hope you do read and enjoy my walkthrough. I
worked hard on it and I hope it helps anyone who needs it. If you require
further help- feel free to E-Mail me at: This E-Mail
is strictly for my FAQ's and I check it about once a week- every Monday. So
if I don't get back to you right away- I haven't forgotten about you- but I do
have to go to work now and then!

Just a note- Please (I'm being nice as I can about this) I know there are
things missing from this walkthrough- especially in the Steal and Monster
Sections... I will get to fix them when I can. Please, I am being nice about
this... Do not E-Mail me with monsters I don't have yet. I enjoy finding
these things on my own, and then sharing my knowledge with the people kind
enough to read my Walkthroughs. I appreciate the help, but I beg you not to
give me information I am missing. I will get it myself and then make an
update to this.

Please, don't ask to just use parts of my Walkthrough for one you are working
on... I have worked very hard on this, and I hope that there are other equally
willing to work as hard as I have. If you would like to post my Walkthrough
in it's entirety on a page of yours ASK MY PERMISSION. I more than likely
will say yes to posting my entire Walkthrough on your page, but will not allow
parts of my Walkthrough to be added to someone else's projects. Please, I ask
this very nicely, don't even ask to use parts of any of my Walkthroughs.
Thanks again and Happy Reading!

29) Credits
I'd like to thank a few people- not for helping me write this walkthrough-
but for putting up with me writing this walkthrough:
These people are:
My husband, Jason (He helped me describe monsters in the Monster Classes
My Mother, Bonnie and My Father Kenneth
and My Grandmother, Leonora
The above people are special to me and helped me by putting up with me and
allowing me to read my walkthrough to them to check for errors in my spelling
and grammar- there may still be a few in here, but I think most were caught.
Thank you all!

This walkthrough is copyright MysteryMoogle 2000

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15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Monster List

17.Октябрь 2013
Boss Guide

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
24.Февраль 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Июль 2014