Final Fantasy 5

Final Fantasy 5

14.10.2013 10:47:16

Final Fantasy V
Sony Playstation/Super Famicom/Super Nintendo
September 15, 1999
@(my website)
Version Last


-+- Dallas(
Thanks to his MAJOR contribution of the FFV Monster Listing for this FAQ.
Don't forget to check out his Final Fantasy Anthology FAQ before you
look at mines, its super detailed and well formatted!

-+- David Cassady(
Thanks to his help with the weapons and armors listings.

-+- Sarah Jones(
Thanks to her MAJOR contributions to the FAQ, which involves a lot of
detailing towards the Karnak incident, items I've missed, and a whole
bunch of other stuff.

-+- Pikachu Butterfry(
Thanks to his help with the animals and Earth magic listings.

-+- Earthshaker(
Thanks to his help with numerous tips about various things on both games.

-+- David Slocumb(
For his help in providing the blue magic lists.

-+- Puffy Wulf (
Thanks for his tip on the World 2 part about the Tent in FF5.

-+- SuperGotenks5555(
Thanks to him about getting a second chance to acquire Ramuh in the
N-Zone/Cleft of Dimension.

-+- Eric Kilpatrick(
Thanks to him about telling me my mistake in X-Death's castle with Galuf
and the recovery spring.

-+- Dan Melville(
Thanks for helping me out on the FAQ with the Blue Monst magics.

-+- CokaColaCat(
Thanks to his or her tip about stealing Judge Staffs at the End of
World 2 in X-Death's castle.

-+- Jon Liu(
Thanks to him for telling me about a bunch of info like MPs for summons
and an easier way to defeat Bahamut in FF5.

-+- Wieslaw Czolpinski (
Thanks for telling me about the 4th Ribbon! Also about the Mirage Vest
item in Mirage Town, hmm...makes sense.

-+- KRH62497(
Thanks to him for even offering to help out on the Blue Magic listings.

-+- Nobody365135771(
Thanks for informing me about my 4th question about the content in FF4.

-+- issac ickes(
Thanks for giving me a new tip to defeat WrexSoul easier. Also thanks
for telling me about the tip on getting GrandTrain if you missed it
on your first encounter.

-+- Reyno Gaspar(
For his tips in the reflect spells and such, a very useful tip which can
be found in both the FF5 and FF6 tip section.

-+- Brian Panks(
Thanks for his numerous tricks and tips in the Final Fantasy 5

-+- Sandy/Matthew Connell(
Thaks for telling me about the 4th Ribbon, but someone beat you to it!

-+- Jera Alerian(
Thanks for the extra tip on stealing the Genji Helmet from Gilgamesh in
Exdeath's castle.

-+- Seth Randall (
For his notion on ExDeath's HP(look at FF5 walkthrough on 2nd world on
ExDeath's castle section).

-+- Square(
For making two of the finest games possible, but why the heck was there
no Final Fantasy 4?

-+- CJayc(
For his hard work and dedication to the site and also for posting up this
FAQ as well.

-+- Dingo Jellybean(
For typing up this FAQ (^__^)


NOTE: This is only half of my FFA walkthrough, nothing new here.


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The characters Butz, Lenna, Cara, Faris, and Galuf are all copyright (C)
of Square LTD. (C) 1992, 1998, 1999. The characters Terra, Edgar, Cyan,
Celes, Locke, Gau, Sabin, Gogo, Umaro, Shadow, Setzer, Mog, Strago, Relm,
and General Leo are all copyright (C) of Square LTD. (C) 1994, 1998, 1999.
All rights reserved.

This document is (C) Dingo Jellybean; 1999-2000

==============================End of Copyright===============================

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General and Basic Tips
Japanese Walthrough
-World 1
-World 2
-World 3
-The Final Confrontation
American Walkthrough
-Bartz's World
-Galuf's World
-X-Death's World
Side Areas
Japanese Job System
American Job System
White Magic Listing
Black Magic Listing
Jikuu Magic Listing
Summon Magic Listing
Mystic Knight Sword Magic listing
Blue Magic Listing
Song List
Monster List(Provided by Dallas)
Weapons/Armor/Accessories List
Earth Magic List/Animal Lists


Final Fantasy V(Japaneese version)
|General and Basic Tips|

-- You should try to safe often. You'll never know what lies around the

-- Always try to keep a constant supply of items. Stuff like POTIONs or
Tents and COTTAGEs, because most likely your magic will run dry.

-- You might not always have the best equipment on and sometimes the prices
can get fairly steep. You should always stay near a save point or a town
and wander around and fight enemies for gold, that way you won't be too
far off from your resting point incase enemies give you some trouble.

-- Having trouble against a boss? Having the newest equipment is not always
the best choice. If you are fighting against Seal(fire) and you so happen
to have the FLAME sword then what good will it do you if you just keep
healing him? Also some bosses might not have weaknesses and you will have
to start gaining some levels before you fight the boss. Also are your rows
properly straightened out? Always place fighters up front and magic users
or people with low defense in the back, that way you can have more of a
balanced approach when fighting against bosses or enemies.

-- Try not to switch back between jobs too often because you might lose
track of your HP. What I mean by this is the fact that take for example
that you are a Knight. You switch your job to a White Wizard and your
max HP drops automatically. However you can gain back the lost HP
by switching back to a Knight. But while your Max HP is back at full
HP, your current HP however is at the max HP of the White Wizard and
thus your current HP is not full. Its a bit hard to explain but you'll
see what I mean.

-- If you can heal outside of battle, you should use your magic instead of
your items. Items don't come back after use and you will need gold to buy
more items. However magic can be replenished at save points, inns, or
using your Ethers.

-- Bows and Arrows in this game are a bit unusual from Final Fantasy 4, this
time you have an unlimited amount of arrows so feel free to fire away and
you must be an Archer to use them or have the ability to use them.

-- When ever you see treasure chests, try to save before you look in them or
keep your party's HP up. Sometimes there are monsters inside those
treasure chests that will take quite a bit of work to defeat.

-- Keep consideration of your magic points. Using your most powerful magic to
defeat opponents is not always the best way to end the battle often you
won't have enough to replenish your party's HP.

-- Constantly keep your party's HP up. Unless you are a 100% sure you will be
able to mop the floor with your enemies then you should always keep a
close eye on your HP.

-- Whenever you bring your party member back from a swoon status always have
the next available person heal that party member because your party
member's HP will not regenerate themselves and the party member only
starts out with 15% of their max HP, so unless you have ARISE then I
suggest you should always have the next available person heal the party
member just back from the swoon status so you wouldn't have to risk that
party member suffering a blow that would put that person back on swoon

-- When you acquire the the Magic Lamp, it acts as an infinite magicite
(this word should be familiar to you). It casts infinite summons
starting from strongest to weakest. It should prove useful many times
during the battle as it does not require any MP and replaces the
Summon! ability with another useful command as the Magic Lamp remains
in your item list. Thanks to Brian Panks for this tip.

-- You can switch weapons during battle. Just go to your Item command and
scroll up and you will see the weapon or shield in your left and right
hands. Hit A on the weapon you want to replace and go over the weapon in
your inventory and press A. Be sure to make your decision quick otherwise
an opponent can seriously damage your party members while you were looking
for the best weapon, so make sure you have the most suited weapon before
you enter battle.

-- When your selecting your magic, the Active Time Battle stops so take your
time to decide which magic is best.

-- NOTE: This tip is provided by Brian Panks and this is completely in
his own words, a very useful tip indeed.

"A wonderful tip for the Mirage Vest!!! In battle, as soon as you get
struck and your image disappears, go up into your inventory and switch the
weapon you are holding and switch it back. If you have two weapons or a
two handed weapon, just switch hands. As soon as the command you enter is
executed, BAM! your image is back!"

-- Also continously attack your opponent because unlike previous Final
Fantasy games(FF1-3) you will be attacked even if you are not ready, so
make sure you attack quickly. Incase you still need some time to think you
can always hit the Start button during battle to pause the game.

-- Keep magic users in the magic and fighters in the front, that way your
healers won't die so quickly. You can also do this during battle by
hitting the control pad left on the command box, but its only for the
battle. To make this permanent(or until you decide to change it again) go
to your menu screen and hit change. Also you can switch the position of
your characters by using the Form command on the Menu Screen.

-- When you get turned into a Toad, Pig, or Mini your stats drop and you
cannot use magic. To reverse this status effect you can either sleep at an
inn, use a Tent or Cottage, use your ESUNA spell, or you can cast that
same status effect spell back on the character that was transformed. For
example if a party member was turned into a Mini status you can cast Mini
again to change that person back.

-- Always check pots or other things that can carry items besides treasure
chests, although most of the things you find are just Potions, you should
pick them up anyways because hey, they're free!

-- When you acquire a weapon that has a low hit ratio say the BLOODSWD, you
can use the AIM ability to ensure a 100% hit ratio or better yet you can
use the SSHOT ability from the Hunter. Its a great an effective way
to ensure that your attacks always come through.

-- Bosses in this game do not provide expierience points. So don't expect
to earn expierience points by defeating bosses or expect to gain that
extra level because it won't happen.

-- If this is your first time playing an RPG game or Final Fantasy game for
that matter then I suggest you go to the Training Room in the Town of
Tule to gather up information about the basics of the game. Learning the
basics of the game will help you learn some of the more advance and
complex features of the games and also most other RPGs.

-- Try to keep all weapons you find that normally are not sold at weapons
shops, also armors, they can help you out in future battles or when your
Bow and Arrow users run out of Bows and they need a new weapon to use in
the middle of battles.

-- Riding Chocobos is a fun way to move across town to town, but if your
riding Chocobos enemies can't attack you, so your better off that way
right? Wrong. Riding Chocobos mean that you do not gain any expierience
points or GOLD from the enemies you would have fought. So when your losing
battles or when you do not have enough money for equipment then you will
realize that riding chocobos is not a good idea, but however if you are
low on life and your magic is out and your cure supplies are gone not to
mention TENTs and COTTAGEs then it would be a good idea to make it to the
next town without fighting any random encounters.

-- If you haven't noticed it, your levels are divided among your party
members. Sometimes it might take a long while to gain levels, but there is
an easy way to gain expierience quickly. Say you have five party members
in your group and Butz needs to reach level 99. First off you kill the
other four party members besides Cecil. Hopefully Cecil is strong enough
to fight on his own, then have Cecil fight any random encounters, its best
if he fights opponents like the IRON GIANT or SHLDDRAGON. Here just have
Butz win, at first it might seem like a struggle, but Butz will gain
levels 4 times faster than before because his party members' expierience
points are given to Butz because his other party members did not
participate in battle.

-- When you lose battles, and yes you will lose battles, make sure you go to
your job system menu and switch jobs. Try to mix and match abilities
together, maybe an Knight with an Excalibur and the ability to cast

-- Spears do twice as much damage than a regular attack when you attack with
the JUMP command as a Dragoon. Make sure you always jump, but be warned
that it takes about 2 turns to use the JUMP command and when you need to
finish off an opponent quick its not always the best thing to use.

-- Dash can only be used if you have gained a certain amount of levels for
Thief, once you have it you can make your trip faster and random battles
occur less often.

-- Be careful about putting two of the same abilities into one character.
For example, combining the Berserk command with the Time Magic lvl 2
command will make the Tim magic obsolete and idle because the party
member is too berserk to control himself. Also if you combine the Ninja's
Smoke ability with the Thief's Escape ability its basically useless due
to the fact that they both have the same results. So try being a little
more wiser towards your decisions, maybe combining the 2-handed ability
with the X-Fight ability! That results in 8 total hits per round!

-- NOTE: The following tip is provided by Reyno Gaspar, a very useful one
might I add.

"Welp, anyway, if all your people have wall/reflect/anything that
reflects magic, cast an offensive spell on all four/five people. The
spell will reflect off them and hit the enemy. But, there's something
cool about it. Ya know how spell damage is divided when you cast a
spell on multiple characters? Well, if your fighting an annoying boss
or some lone enemy and cast a spell on all of your walled up characters,
the divisions will actually ADD up and hurt more that it would usually
hurt if you hit the enemy directly with the spell. If you're fighting
an enemy with 4 people walled up and cast an offensive spell on all four
walled up characters, the enemy will be hit with the spell FOUR times!
Ouch! Also, if the foolish enemy casts an offensive spell, he'll hit
himself! Hah!

But, there are some disadvantages with it. One obvious one is that you
can't use any white spells on yourself. Two, when fighting a group,
this spells will bounce and hit any one of them, not directing the one
spell on one guy.

But, this can be useful. I remember I killed a GrandMummy (FFV 8000)
and a Gargoyle (FFV 5000) with just one Fire 3 on my characters and with
one Fire 3, I won! Hah!"

-- Finally, last but not least talk to everybody in town, you never know what
you might expect. Talk to them twice if you have to, maybe something
might slip from them.




Butz is a lone traveler who rides with his best friend Boco. Boco is
actually a chocobo and he takes him off where ever he goes, but later as
Meteorites start to fall he encounters lone survivors from Meteorite
crashes. First he doesn't know what to expect, then later as things
unravel he becomes one of the five key characters in the game to stop the
evil that has been plagued upon the Earth. Now with his best friend Boco
he searches off with his party members in a fight against not only the
world, not even two worlds but the entire universe rests in his hands.
Also note that he is not the main character in the game, although he
might appear to be at first, as the storyline starts to unravel he
becomes a part of the storyline instead of being the storyline. So please
try not to get that mistake. (^__^)


Cara is the daughter of Galuf, she and her best dragon pal Hiryuu set off
in search of her lost father. She has a high sense of priority with magic
and has adept fighting skills. She does not take part in the game until
the part on the second world, while she is still young, her dragon friend
Hiryuu is more than willing to help the party out in anyway possible.


Faris is the leader of a pirate gang, he leads off against the threat
that bounds off against the fate of the universe. He meets the party in
a rather unusual way, capturing them at first but later learns what the
party is trying to accomplish. The party always has their suspicions
about HER and even Galuf and Butz had seen hearts when they have taken
a clear look at who Faris really is! Play the game and you will know why!


Galuf, a mysterious old man with a fighting spirit of a thousand men and
beyond. He first meets up with Butz when he goes to check on him during
the meteorite incident, but suffering from a servere case of amnesia he
really can not remember much but his name. Later on the game reveals that
he was one of the Warriors of Dawn, but I'll stop right there. As if
being a man of that stature wasn't enough, he makes the ultimate
sacrifice to keep his friends out of danger. But something about Galuf
says he is not from this world, but actually he originated from the same
world Butz is in. So is the party going to let Galuf go away like that?


Lenna, the princess daughter of the high family of the country side of
Tycoon. Butz first encounters Lenna during the Meteorite incident, and
later joins up with other friends to take down the mysterious evil that
has plagued the Earth. She might even have a mysterious connection with
the pirate leader Faris, but her priority is to search for her lost
father who never returned from his trip to the Wind Shrine prior to the
meteorite incident. With the help of Lenna, the party is sure indeed to
find the menace behind the destruction and finally put an end to all
of this misery.


Walkthrough: Final Fantasy V

Items: None
Party: NA
Party's level: NA

The game starts off with a scene over the castle of Tycoon. Lenna comes
in just as King Tycoon has to go, something about the wind bothers King
Tycoon so he feels it is his duty to set off and find out what is wrong.
The scene now shifts to a pirate boat at the pier is Faris, he relaizes
that the wand stops and the scene shifts towards Galuf, who also notices
that the wind has abrubtly stopped. Later as King Tycoon reaches the
crystal something mysterious happens, the crystal of Wind starts to
shatter! Here the scene shifts towards Butz and his best chocobo friend
Boco. Later a giant meterorite hits Earth and Butz and Boco decides to
check it out.

Items: Pheonix Down
Party: Butz
Party's level: 1

Now approach to the right and you will see that a meteorite has crash
landed and approach the meteor and find out what has happened. A short
while when Butz enters in the meteorite he tells Boco to stay behind.
Before Butz reaches the meteorite he sees two Goblins carry off a
mysterious girl, then a fight will ensue, which you should win rather
easily. The girl introduces herself to Butz and apparently her name is
Lenna, but what is your name? The default name is Butz but you are
welcomed to change the name. Butz apparently is just a wanderer
travelling with his chocobo Boco.

Afterwards Lenna leaves, but then Butz and Lenna hears something, what is it?
Go to the top right and you will find a man a bit unconscious, he appears to
have a servere case of amnesia because he can't seem to remember a thing. But
he still remembers his name, and he introduces himself to the two as Galuf
but apparently that is all that he can remember. As Galuf gets himself up
Lenna realizes that she must hurry to the Wind Shrine and so does Galuf. Butz
however will just continue his journey as Galuf and Lenna gives their
farewells to Butz for helping them, and just on a small note the music in
this scene is pretty darn good right? Now go back to your chocobo and head

Items: None
Party: Butz
Party's level: 1

Now head to the top left, directly north of the chocobo forest you
were in at the start of the game. Suddenly Boco stops for a strange
reason, then all of the sudden the ground rips and Galuf and Lenna
yell out in fear. So Butz decides to find out what is wrong. As you
travel up the small area you will encounter a few Goblins, in which
they are easily dismantled. Later after another battle with two
Goblins you find Lenna and Galuf unconscious and Boco quickly picks
them up and carries the both of them to safety. The aftershock of
the meteor has created massive problems for the party as the road
to Tule has been blocked. Then Butz decides to travel with the party,
it was in his dad's will to travel and explore the world, but Galuf
thinks Butz has other intentions. But how can the party make it to
the Wind Shrine if the road to Tule is blocked? But they realize
that they must try, so the three set off into a journey unknown to
the party.

Items: Leather Helmet
Party: Butz, Galuf, Lenna
Party's level: 1

Now continue on northward and onto your next destination. When you
reach the cave, the party stops, and Butz realizing that it is
dangerous tells Boco once again to stay behind. Here when you enter
the cave after a short walk Butz will notice a spring, approach it
and cure any damages you may have incurred. Also take note to gain
a level or two and refill your HP between battles for easy level
ups. Then continue on upwards, you will notice a treasure chest to
the right. Before the party can pick it up they spot a pirate, the
pirate reveals to the party a secret switch.

Now pick up the treasure chest to reveal a LEATHER HELMET and equip and flip
the switch the pirate had flipped earlier and continue onto the next room.
Here when you enter the next room, the party notices a small door that leads
outside and they spot a ship, but the odd thing is that how the heck does it
sail without wind? For now continue onto the left and into the next room.
Here in this room you will find several pirate symbols. The party quickly
hides before a pirate spots them and Lenna wonders if the pirates are willing
to offer a ride, but Butz realizes that they are pirates. Galuf suggests that
the party just steals the ships and as you can expect Butz is shocked. There
is nothing to do with the switch to the left right now and if you talk to the
pirate to the left he just sleeps as well as the other pirate.

Ignore the pirates for now and head to the dock and you will find a large
pirate ship. You can head down below on the ship if you want because there is
a locked door and a half-awake pirate that mistakens you for the Captain and
mentions something about Syldra. For now head straight to the port of the
ship and check the wheel, before Butz can sail off, nothing happens then
suddenly Faris comes and notices the party trying to steal his ship. Lenna
apologizes to Faris and she states that she is Princess Lenna of Tycoon and
Galuf and Butz are shocked to find that she is royalty. Lenna tries to beg
for Faris' help, but he is too stubborn to listen so he decides to lock them
up, but not before he notices the pendant around Lenna's neck. Now that the
party is locked up Galuf is fustrated and who's idea was it to steal the boat
anyways? Wait a minute it was anmesic Galuf!

Then the scene shifts to nighttime and into Faris' cabin and realizes that
Princess Tycoon has the same pendant as Faris. Later in the morning Faris
makes his decision to head to the Wind Shrine and orders his men to untie the
ropes of the party members. Shockingly the pirates do so as Lenna wonders why
Faris would help them, maybe its the pendant? But how will the ship move
without wind? Here Slydra introduces himself, and the party sets off to the
Shrine of the Wind. Before you leave off a pirate will ask you if you want
him to automatically take you to the Wind Shrine but its completely optional,
and its best that you take control of the ship and land to the small town of
Tule to the top left and maybe even take the time to explore around if you
want to.

Items: 100G, Ether, Pheonix Down(2), Tonic(2), Tent(2), Leather Shoes(2),
Party: Faris, Lenna, Butz, Galuf
Party's level: 3

When you enter in the town the pirates goes bonkers over the pub as they rush
to the beer and Faris soon follows them. Here take the time to gather any
information that may help you and when you buy weapons and shields Faris
automatically comes in so you cna buy weapons and armors for him as well. The
only thing you will need from the weapon shop is a BROADSWD for Galuf, then
go ahead and buy a few LEATHER SHIELDS AND LEATHER HELMETS if neccessary.

If you need help with the basics of the game to the bottom left corner of
town is a beginner's house, so if you need to be aquainted with a few
beginner's tips and other battle details feel free to do so. Now head to the
Pub, and upstairs you will find Faris fast asleep, Butz decides to check
things out and as he comes back he's a bit dumbfounded and may even have a
crush on Faris(!).

Then Galuf decides to check on Faris and he is just as shocked as Butz is,
then later Faris wants to be left alone for a while. So leave the town of
Tule, but before the party leaves Faris will come out just in the nick of
time. Also note that each time you return to the town Faris will always
return to the Pub and will leave just before you do. Now head northeast and
land your ship in front of the Wind Shrine, you shouldn't miss it.

Items: Tonic(5), Staff, Leather Helmet, Broadsword, Tent
Party: Lenna, Butz, Galuf, Faris
Party's level: 3

When you enter here, take the path to the left, and a bunch of scholars will
recognize Lenna. The chancelleur will tell that the wind had stopped and all
of the sudden monsters came rushing into the Wind Shrine and apparently King
Tycoon has gone up to the top floor but has not returned back yet since.
Faris is anxious to and willing to help out Lenna, but before you go to the
top floor make sure you talk to the one of the scholars who will give you a
whopping 5 POTIONs and there is also a small pot to revitalize your party
members incase you were injured.

Now head to the right and into the next room. In this room you will find a
treasure chest to the left and in it you will find a TENT. Now continue
downward and you will find a save spot, so save your game and continue
onward. In this next area go to the right and into the room to pick up a
LEATHER helmet, then continue on to the left side and enter Floor 3. Continue
on to the center of the room, but watch for the enemies here, they are rather
tough as of this point in time. Before you head to the center of the room to
the left is a small room which contains a BROADSWD, equip it and heal your
wounds before going on. Now talk to the bird in the middle and encounter your
first boss fight of the game.

BOSS BATTLE: WingRaptor HP: 300
This battle should be pretty easy, he will use Breath Wing everytime which
causes about 17-20 HP of damage to every party member, so about 5 blows can
take your entire party out. But keep attacking it, once it starts to cover
itself with its wings, STOP attacking and heal any wounds you might have
incurred. When it covers its wings, it should have about 90 HP left, after it
removes its wings attack and he should be gone.

After the battle, follow up the steps and into the Crystal Room, when you
reach the crystal room, the theme should sound familiar, that is familiar if
your a Final Fantasy fanatic like me, its the same pleasing to the ear
Crystal Room music from Final Fantasy 4, god bless Nobuo Uemetsu! When the
party reaches the room, the crystal has been shattered, then the spirits of
the crystals of Earth transends to the party. Faris is the Courage of Fire,
Lenna is the Kindness of Water, Galuf is the hope of the Earth, and Butz is
the Quest of the Wind. Then King Tycoon appears, he tells them that the other
three crystals are about to shatter unless the party can protect the crystals
for they are the four chosen warriors.

"The Crystal Pieces
These hold the powers
of the ancient heroes
that dwell within."

You will now aquire your first new jobs, or as the game puts it the spirits
of past heroes. You will recieve the Knight, Monk, Blue Wizard, Thief, Black
Wizard, and the White Wizard. After the scenario, head behind the altar, here
a briefing about the Ability System will ensue, if you need help go right on
ahead and select yes, and also notice the game's main theme song(IMO), which
is one of the best themes that you will ever here. The way the game tells
about the Ability System is very detailed yet easy to read, I highly suggest
you take a look at it if you are new to the Ability System. Now when you are
outside save your game and heal your wounds that you may have incurred during
your fight with the WingRaptor.

Items: Canal Key
Party: Butz, Lenna, Galuf, Faris
Party's level: 4

After you have saved your game, return to the town of Tule to the west. When
you arrive at this town go straight to the top house in the town and Lenna
will stop and tell the party that this is the house of Zokk. When you enter
Zokk and Lenna immediately greet each other, but Zokk has a favor to ask
Lenna. Appearently he needs to get through Torna Canal and onto Worus. Zokk
would go, but he has lost the key to the canal, and Zokk and asks Lenna and
his friends to stay for the night. The scene shifts to the middle of the
night, Butz wakes up and decides to take a walk around town. Butz remembers
that his father use to talk about the crystals, and a flashback begins. The
new scene takes place in Butz's past, his father is talking to his mother and
he tells his mother if anything should happen to him then she should tell
Butz about the crystals.

After the flashback Lenna is having a dream about her telling er father that
she will protect the crystals and later Zokk finds Butz sitting on the tabel
a bit discouraged. What's this? Apparently Zokk had the key to the canal of
Torna all along, he did not want to give it to Princess Lenna because he was
worried about her. Daytime has now, and also take the time to by a few magic
spells since you have the abilities to use them now. After you have re-
grouped, head for the Torna Canal east of the town of Tule and south of the
Wind Shrine. Also it would not help if you bought a THUNDER spell for the
upcoming battle ahead.

Sorry if I ruined it! (^_@) Before you leave Faris comes along, but the
pirates want to come, but Faris decides to leave the pirate gang, but the
pirate gang wants to come along. Faris tells the pirate gang to guard the
hideout while he is gone and the pirate gang reluctantly agrees.

Items: None
Party: Butz, Faris, Lenna, Galuf
Party's level: 4

When you enter the boat a short scenario takes place, Butz wonders what is
wrong with Lenna. Lenna realizes that the Wind crystal has shattered and
before long the wind will have stopped completely. In a few years the sky
will not stir nor will the birds be able to fly. If the party does not
prevent the crystals from shattering, the Earth will slowly riot as the water
will stagnate and the Earth will become frozen and cold. Galuf then suddenly
jumps out and quickly responds that the party will protect the crystals,
although his memory has not returned he decides to protect them anyways!
Faris then comes in and offers his support, he realizes that Lenna's father
won't just die like that, although Butz is just a wanderer the crystals have
lent him its power and Butz refuses to let the crystals die out just like
that. Now after the scenario, save your game near the Torna Canal and enter
the canal.

Items: None
Party: Butz, Lenna, Galuf, Faris
Party's level: 4

Here as you embark on the canal door, Butz unlocks the canal, but Galuf
wonders where Butz had recieved the key to the canal. But what does it
matter? Let's go! Also note that since monsters have invaded the canal you
will have a few random encounters so make sure you are properly equipped to
fight. Continue to make your way through the canal. When you make way towards
the middle of the canal, something stops the party, but don't tell me its the
Monster of the Canal! A gaint whirlpool has formed and the party is getting
sucked in, but Syldra spots something, what is it?
BOSS BATTLE: Karlboss HP: 650
This battle is pretty tough, watch for his Tentacle attack because it will
most likely temporarily stun a party member. Wait a while and hopefully the
party member can snap out of it if that happens. Just have everybody
constantly attack and have someone use the THUNDER spell I told you to pick
up earlier. Watch for its TailScrew attack, it will drain your party member's
HP to the single digits so quickly heal after that.

After the battle the party has gotten through the whirlpool, but Syldra is
still caught in the giant whirlpool! The monster is still trying to take
Syldra with it! The party is defenseless to stop Karlabos as the party cannot
get anywhere since Syldra is now gone. The only way the ship is moving is by
the currents of the ocean and Faris isn't too happy to see Syldra go away
like that.

Items: FenixDown, 990G, Flail Staff, Tent, Potion, World Map, Antidote(2)
Party: Butz, Lenna, Galuf, Faris
Party's level: 5

The party encounters the ship graveyard, full of undead monsters and home of
hundreds of wrecked ships. Now head right and when you see a small floating
rock, stand on the rock for a while and two rocks should appear, then hop on
the rocks and you will find a treasure chest which contains a FLAIL STAFF,
which cna be quipped by the White Wizard.

Now go back, and make your way north through the graveyard and you will find
a door, enter it and to the right is a small staircase. Now in this room, go
to the left and into a small room to pick up a TENT. Now head back out and
before you enter deeper into the water, Faris doesn't feel right about going
down, but Butz doesn't care. When you enter this next room to the left you
will see small crate with a skull logo on it, check it out to recieve 990
GOLD. Head up the stairs and you will see a door and a light opening, go to
the light opening, along the way you should find a treasure chest which
contains a POTION.

If you want the FENIXDOWN the enter the door above, otherwise just head to
the light opening. Then continue on until you find a room where the party
members see that its safe. Lenna decides to go change as the party huddles
over a fire, but Faris refuses to dry his clothes, but Galuf knows that he
will catch a cold so Butz and Galuf pulls Faris, then has Faris pushes the
two away it reveals that Faris is really a girl! Faris was founded by the
pirates when she was little and they had raised her, she pretended to be a
man because if the pirates were to find out that if she was a girl then the
pirates would make fun of her. The after the small scenario, the party takes
a rest. In the morning Faris is the first one to wake up, but Galuf is still
a little startled that Faris is a girl, but Faris is Faris, so the party
regroups and goes off.

Now head to the room to the right and in there is a save room, save your
game, and also take the time to fight a few battles and gain a level or two
and you can go back to the beds and rest up and heal your wounds again. Now
continue on through and make your way to the top of the ship graveyard. Now
when you are above water make your way to the right and down, below you will
see a door, enter the door and pick up the WORLD MAP. Then continue to the
right down a staircase to pick up two ANTIDOTEs and a FENIXDOWN. Then exit
out the ship, now head over to the right through the floating rocks and open
the treasure chest, it will reveal the rest of the partially sunken ship.
Then make your way to the top and the party will stop as Butz has a bad
feeling about something.

Then suddenly a girl named Stella appears and calls for Butz, it's Butz's
mom! Then another figure appears its King Tycoon that calls for Lenna! Then
suddenly a mysterious girl appears, apparently its the grand daughter of
Galuf, but Galuf does not remember who she is. Then the souls of Faris, Butz,
and Lenna are taken away as a mysterious figure appears. The mysterious
figure is Siren, apparently her spell does not work on Galuf, maybe its his
amnesia? She offers to let Galuf go if he does not interfere, but Galuf
obviously won't abandon his friends like that and she wonders why Galuf would
protect the three. And apparently there his friends! Galuf tells the party to
open their eyes and see the truth! The figures disappear and Fairs, Butz, and
Lenna all awaken. Now its time to strike back!
BOSS BATTLE: Siren HP: 900
This battle is extremely tough, make absolutely sure you have a Black Wizard
at hand. That way you can cast FIRE only if you had purchased it at the town
of Tule earlier, otherwise this battle will be very tough to win. When Siren
turns into her undead state use your POTIONs to cause critical hits if you
can spare them, otherwise your attacks will be nullified serverely. Don't use
your POTIONs when she is in her alive state otherwise obviously you will heal
her. Attack constantly and when she is in her undead state she can be a
powerful opponent with attacks that do nearly 100 HP of damage and POISONs
the party member if they so happen to survive it. Only use FIRE when she is
in her undead state, this will cause about 150 HP of damage! Don't use it
while in her alive state otherwise she will recieve no damage.

Afterwards the party thanks Galuf for making them come to their senses and
now leave the ship graveyard and onto land.

Items: Ice Rod, 1000G, Antidote
Party: Butz, Lenna, Galuf, Faris
Party's level: 8

If you were seriously hurt during your battle with Siren, I suggest you use a
TENT, and then save your game. Now head to the right and south and to the
sotuhwest you should find a town called Carwen, take your time here and re-
equip the party with better weapons. In the pub there is a secret passage at
the bottom left corner and it leads to a isolated hallway which has a 1000
GOLD in a pot. You can see the passage way if you have the PASSAGE ability by
the Thief on. Also make sure to play the piano in the pub as well, JUST DO
IT! Also a lady in the middle of town that is in a small secluded area to the
left of some staircases tells you of a town named Worus. But since ships
can't sail there must be another way to reach Worus, think Butz! Also notice
how the town is sorta obcessed with Hiryuu and Hiryuusou.

Oh yeah, I forgot, talk to the lady standing outside the pub, she says her
husband is on the 2nd floor of the pub. So go back inside the pub and her
husband is now on the second floor of the pub. When you reach inside and talk
to him he mentions a Dragon(Hiryuu) flying towards North Mountain. The dragon
apparently was wearing armor, so could it be that Lenna Father's Hiryuu could
have landed on North mountain? Lenna worries about the Hiryuu because it went
to the Hiryuusou, or herbal plants that can only heal a Hiryuu's injury. So
if you can't go by sea then...then go by air! Yes Galuf you did it! Now head
outside of town and head for North mountain which is obviously ahem...NORTH!

Items: Soft, FenixDown
Party: Butz, Lenna, Faris, Galuf
Party's level: 10

To the north is North Mountain, when you reach North Mountain you should have
already reached level 10 for Butz or at least around there. And your party
might be a bit weak from battle so make sure to heal your wounds and saven
your game and then enter North Mountain. Now continue forth through into the
cave, and doesn't the music sound pretty darn catchy! In this room head below
to pick up a FENIXDOWN and the other treasure chest above contains a SOFT.

Now enter to the outside of North Mountain and take a glimpse of the view if
you like, then head to the cave. In this cave its pretty linear, then head
out and you should see some plants and whatever you do DO NOT TOUCH the
plants! Otherwise you will be poisoned! Head across the bridge and into the
next cave. In this room is a save point, so save your game and continue on
outside. When you reach outside, Lenna will notice her father's head gear and
then immediately Lenna was struck by an arrow and then poisoned. But before
Butz can reach to help her the part of the mountain collapses. And a
mysteriously lady named Magisa wants to turn in the horn of the Hiryuu for
money and she notices that the princess of Tycoon will also make a nice gift
for her husband. Then Faris leaps and jumps towards Lenna, but when he lands
on the other side the mountain collapses again and Faris falls or does he
ahem...I mean she? Faris makes his way up top and extends a rope for the
other party members and they all reach across safely. "Crap" I guess Magisa
will have to take out all four of them.

BOSS BATTLE: Magisa & Forza HP: 700(Magisa) Forza(900)
First have the party start off and pound Magisa with regular attacks. If you
have magic use them and they should cause around 80 HP of damage to Magisa
while a Knight's regular attacks cause around 110 HP of damage. She will
occasionally use DRAIN, which will take away a wallop of a life and there is
very little that you can do about that. When you lose Magisa about 500 HP she
will call out her husband Forza. Forza attacks with an immensely powerful
attack that does about 130 HP of damage, so make sure you heal your party
members and note that Lenna starts the battle off POISONED! Basically use all
your magic and regular attacks and they should be gone. After the battle you
should recieve a WHIP and a POWER POTION, which can only be drunk or used by
the Chemist or anybody who has the ability to do so.

Now go back and save your game. Now head back to the path Magisa and Forza
was blocking. Here you will find Hiryuu badly wounded and Lenna is very
worried about it. Also note the "THEME OF LENNA" is playing which suits the
scene nicely doesn't it? The Hiryuu is badly wounded unless Lenna decides to
do something about it, so she goes for the Hiryuusou unmindful of personal
injury through the poisonous plants, Faris takes the Hiryuusou and gives it
to the Hiryuu, but Lenna is in very bad shape. But Hiryuu cures Lenna's
poison condition and Galuf rushes off to hurry the party off. Apparently Butz
is afraid of heights, but the party just laughs at him, HA! Ha! Ha! As the
party gets on the Dragon, possibly the best darn music plays on as the HIRYUU
THEME runs. Now head south past the town of Carwen and into the town of

Items: Tent, 490G, 1000G, FenixDown, ElfCloak, Speed(Jikku), Shiva(summon)
Party: Butz, Lenna, Faris, Galuf
Party's level: 11

How you will see the Castle of Worus and the town of Worus, go to the town
first and pick up up any new supplies and weapons that you may need and also
purchase some magics as well. Talk to thw town folks if you like, then
afterwards head to the left and into the Castle of Worus. Here in this castle
the doors will automatically open up for you, walk around but avoid the
basement cellar, it has a monster named Garkimasera that is VERY IMMENSELY
AND CATACLYSMICALLY powerful and you won't be strong enough in a long time to
defeat it until WAY later in the game so avoid the basement cellar for now.

Now head to floor 2, then head to the right to a staircase leading down and
in their a guard will tell you of an Esper named Shiva was sealed in the
Castle a long time ago. And also in the Storage room is FENIXDOWN and a TENT.
Now head to the room leading up, in this room you will find a small switch,
hit the switch if you want, but you will only get small info about an Esper
named Shiva. Also note a few of the scholars here talk about how the books
are so dis-advanced compared to the books at the Ancient Library. That's all
there is to do here, you can head for the watertower of Worus in the north
part of Worus, but I suggest you come back here later because the enemies in
here are rather powerful and WAY out of your league.

Also when you reach the dungeon you will have a young kid asking you to let
him out, its up to you to decide if you want to let him out but it doesn't
matter anyways since he will just get so excited and knock himself out. And
also there is the great thief the Lone Wolf, its up to you if you want to let
him out because its completely OPTIONAL. So after all of that head out and
flip the switch to reveal a hidden doorway and enter it, but there really
isn't anything outside around the moat of the castle. So after all of the
exploring, head to the center of the castle of Worus and when you enter in
the throne room, King Worus immediately recognizes Princess Lenna and they
immediately greet each other.

Then Lenna tells the King to stop amplifying the power of the Water Crystal,
but the King doesn't like the idea and he knows the people would object to
it. Then suddenly a small earthquake breaks out, and all of the sudden
another Meteor has crash landed near the Shrine of Water! Then the King and
his soldiers rush off to the Shrine of Water. Then when the king leaves you
are welcomed to visit the King's room, but there really isn't anything to do
in there so head out and go northwest north and to the Shrine of Water!

Items: Silk Robe, Silver ring, Ether, Maidnkiss
Party: Lenna, Faris, Butz, Galuf
Party's level: 11

When you enter the Shrine guards are down and out on the floor, remember the
baby Galura you saw earlier at the town of Worus? Well apparently another
Galura has attacked the guards and went to the crystal room, and King Worus
went after him. Continue your way through and eventually you will find King
Worus on the ground and injured he tells you to protect the Water Crystal, so
quit reading this and hurry! In this next room is a save point, save your
game and collect the treasure chest to the right which contains a MAIDNKISS.

Then continue on, you should reach a room with three vines, ignore the vine
in the middle and take the vine to the left first and when you climb it you
can reach a treasure chest which contains a SILVER ring for the BlackWizard
or White Wizard. Equip it if you can and move on and drop below, then climb
the right vine and the treasure chest contains an ETHER POTION, then head to
the room in the middle. Then all of the sudden, a mysterious warrior tries to
stop Galura, but its being controlled and the Galura is trying to shatter the
Crystal of Water. After knocking out the mysterious warrior, the Galura
approaches the party.
This battle is pretty tough, have everybody use either regular attacks or
magic. The Galura has pretty tough defense and has very powerful attacks that
can easily take out Wizards with a single hit, but if you have Knights(which
I suggest you use to fight this battle) then you can take several hits before
going down. Just keep pounding and keep magic user's HP around 100 and
Knights and Monks around 60 HP.

After the battle, the party is too late the crystal shatters. Then suddenly
the mysterious warrior awakens and tries to head off, but is too wounded to
go far, he calls Galuf by "Sir Galuf" and he tells him to protect the Fire
Crystal before he dies. Then the crystals begin to start emitting a series of
lights, and Faris wonders if the crystal is trying to lend the party its
power, oh yeah, the sweet ass Crystal theme from Final Fantasy 4 starts to
play here.

"The Spirits of heroes that rest in the Pieces of the Crystal"

Then you are free to go around and pick up the pieces of the crystal which
contains the souls of past protectors of the crystal and from the bottom to
counter clockwise contains the ability of the TIME MAGE, MYSTIC KNIGHT,
CALLER, RED MAGE, and BERSERKER. You can't reach the crystal to the top left
just yet but then the Shrine of Water is sinking all of the sudden! The party
falls through to the bottom with the Shrine of Water before they can escape
but Syldra saves the party and rests them on land. Faris is happy to see
Syldra alive and well, but Syldra had used the last of its power to save the
party and it has gone to its final resting place.

Items: Fire Rod
Party: Lenna, Butz, Galuf, Faris
Party's level: 13

Here you will be just outside the Meteor crash, enter the meteor and in the
middle of the meteor you will find a warp tile, and Butz is the first to go
in and the party decides to follow him. Before Galuf goes he somehow
recognizes the warp tile and wonders who the heck is he? The party is sent
off to the western side of the world unknown to them are the dangers that lie
ahead. You will have to travel quite a long way to your next destination, the
town of Karnak is to the west but you will need to walk a long way past the

When you reach the town of Karnak, go buy the latest equipment and heal your
injuries. Before you can buy the lastest equipment at some very CHEAP prices,
a town person spots you and notice that you came from the meteor and the
guards arrest you and throw you in the dungeon. When you are in the dungeon
wait a while and a mysterious man will blow the wall, but what he was really
trying to do was to find a way out. The party laughs at him and the old man
realizes that the party was laughing at him but the party denies it.

The old man introduces himself to the party and his name is Cid, the person
who had built the machine to amplify the power of the Crystal of Fire. Cid
feels sorry for what he had done, he studied the crystals of Karnak, Worus,
and Tycoon and apparently the crystals had greater power back then than they
do now. Cid tells the party that if the power of the Crystal is amplified the
crystals will shatter. Cid had tried to stop the machine, but the guards had
caught him and locked him in jail.

It appears that the party has the same goal as Cid does and Butz shows him
the crystal pieces as Cid is shocked and wonders "who in the world are you
guys...!?" Then all of the sudden the minister comes through and tells Cid
that he was right and a crack has formed around the crystal! They managed to
stop the crystal but the power of the crystal continued to grow, and Cid
realizes that the steamship is sucking up the crystal's power. Then Cid wants
the other party members to help as well, but if the minister won't let the
party help then neither will Cid so the minister reluctantly agrees. Cid
tells the party to go to the steamship whenever they are ready. So head to
the left and unlock a cell door and head to the B3 floor.

You will already notice plenty of flames spewing around the castle. There are
several flames that block your path to other rooms, but for now head to the
town of Karnak. Before you leave, that strange wolf that you saw in the
dungeon of Worus is out and when he tries to enter the castle the guards
scare him off. Then leave to the town of Karnak. In the town you will have
the chance to buy new and better weapons but this time they antied up the
price 4 times as higher! But the only thing you should buy are two ICE RODs,
and rest in the inn if neccessary.

While two ICE RODs give you an awesome amount of ice power, I suggest you try
to earn some GOLD to buy an ICE2 spell as well as other spells the town of
Karnak has to offer and believe me they have plenty of spells you don't have
and will need. Fight your battles around the forest area of Karnak and fight
a couple of Wild Nacks, they are easy to beat and gives you a lot of gold for
defeating them and you can gain a level or two this way as well! When all is
done and done, head outside and save your game and the steamship is outside
the port of Karnak.

Items: Elixir(2), FenixDown, Mythril Ring, Moonring, GrnBeret, Cottage,
Thief's Glove
Party: Butz, Lenna, Faris, Galuf
Party's level: 13

When you enter the ship Cid is there to immediately tell you the latest
details. Monsters have gotten inside the steamship, and they are quite
powerful. When you get to the lower part of the steamship you will see more
mechanical structures, in this area is the only area where monsters will
attack you. Now here you have four options, go up, go up and to the left, go
right, or go in the middle. First take the left path and onto the staircase
and below you will find an ELIXIR. Then go to the top right of the room to
pick up atreasure chest which contains a COTTAGE.

Then go down and take the right staircase and into the next room, this next
area should look familiar since its the top view of the room you were in
previously. Also take the time to run from DEFEATERs if you have to because
once you defeat them two robots come out and attack you and they can pack
quite a wallop. Now continue onto the right and in the room you can pick up
another ELIXIR. Now go back to the room you started in and take the center
room to pick up a MYTHRIL RING(accessory) and equip it.

If you were so happened to have incurred serious injuries, now is the time to
go back to the surface and buy new supplies and heal your wounds and come
back down. Afterwards head to the top and onto the elevator and hit the
switch. You should be at the top floor now. You will also see the top view
from the room in which you were in previously prior to the elevator. HEre to
the right is atreasure chest which contains FENIXDOWN.

Now head to the left and to the next elevator which leads down. In this room
you will see treasure chest at the bottom, but you can't get it because the
walkrail is pushing you up. For now take the ladder to the left and inside
the long square pipe. You should walk around through a few ladders and you
will be on the bottom part of the room with the treasure chest, then take the
door and onto the next elevator. Here in this room has 6 other passages, take
the top middle one first and walk your way through to pick up a GRNBERET
HELMET that can be equipped by either a Red Wizard, Monk or Thief. Well here
is a small map that I have compiled to make things a bit easier:

Where you come in. Leads to GRNBERET HELMET
| | |
| | |
_ _ _
- - -
_ _ _ _
- - - -
| | | |
| | Leads to THIEF RING |
| | |

When you take passage number 5, you will see a small staircase to the left,
which contains a treasure chest and inside it contains a CRESENT for the
Thief. Then exit out and continue onto the next room, and inside you should
find a save point. Save your game and heal your wounds and continue on. In
this room is where things get tricky, this is a puzzle room in which you flip
a few switches and get your way across, sounds easy right? Well it depends on
how fast you get there. First go up and flip the first switch, wait a minute,
I've decided to compile yet another map to make things a bit easier for you:
_ __ __
|B| |TC| |ND|
- __ _ --
| |-----|D|--------------|
_ | _ - _ _
|A| |C| |E||F|
- - - -
| | |
_ | |
|G| | |
- | |
| | |


TC: Treasure Chest ND: Next destination

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H: Switches

Okay the map may look a bit confusing, but just use the map as a reference
and you should be fine. First hit switch "C" then hit switch "A" and make
sure you also hit switch "B" and make your way across. Then hit switch "E"
and the switch "F" and then hit switch "G" but make sure you hit the switch
as you are on the platform. Ignore switch "H" because it just leads back to
the start of the room. If you had hit the "B" switch like I said earlier you
can pick up the ELIXIR in the treasure chest.

Now head onto the next destination! Here in this next room is the Power Room
of the Steamship. Approach the center and Lenna notices Queen Karnak, the
Queen tells the party that she is getting in the middle of her way of
revival. She then suddenly attacks the party, but is she really Queen Karnak?

This battle is very tough, its best that you have at least two Knights and
two Black Wizards. Have the Knights attack as normal and have the Black
Wizards cast ICE2 on the boss, but quickly use the ICE RODs I told you to buy
earlier and use them as an item. After two uses of the ICE RODs it takes just
a few more hits to finish off the LiquiFlame. The ICE RODs cause about 1900-
2400 HP of damage!!! This battle shouldn't last too long you little cheater

After the battle, the queen falls. She was being controlled by an evil spirit
"who seeks darkness..." She tells the party that its not just the machine's
fault that the crystals are shattering, its the evil spirit's part,
apparently it is trying to bring back its resurrection. She then tells you to
reach the crystal room and protect it before it bears out. So head through
the pipes, and when you reach the crystal room the sweet ass Crystal theme
from Final Fantasy 4 plays again and I never seem to get tired of the music
in any Final Fantasy game! Here the Werewolf from the dungeon comes by, there
are two scenarios relating to the werewolf of Worus:

You unlocked him from his cell:
He comes in just before the Steamship blows up and saves the
party and sacrifices his life. He also tells Galuf that he must
protect the last crystal as the wolf makes a brave sacrifice
for a greater good.

You did not unlock the werewolf from his cell:
He comes in through the top right corner of the crystal room
and quickly tells the party that he is not there enemy. The
Werewolf seems to recognize Galuf, but Galuf doesn't even know
who he is. Then suddenly a mysterious figure comes by through
the door to the top left and hits the switch for the Steamship,
but that will shatter the crystal! Butz tries to push the lever
up but its broken! The pipes start to form around the crystal,
but before the last pipe reaches the crystal the Lone Wolf holds
the pipe back before the crystal shatters and tells the party
to leave before they become incinerated. The party tries to save
the wolf but flames and loose floor holes prevent them from doing

NOTE: The scenario where the werewolf recognizes Galuf also takes place
if you had unlocked him from his cell, it just happens during the
middle of the wolf saving the party.

Items: Giant Potion, Esuna, Elixir(7), HuntingKnife, BoltTech, Ribbon,
Shuriken, ElfCloak, 2000G(2)
Party: Butz, Lenna, Galuf, Faris
Party's level: 14

The crystal shatters and the wolf is gone, the party is at the dungeon of the
steamship. The flames however are disappearing, the party quickly reaches
back to the crystal room and the wolf was most likely swallowed up by the
flames. Then the party realizes that the Castle of Karnak was supported by
the Fire of the Fire crystal and if the crystal shatters then the castle is
most likely to explode.

Now quickly leave the castle before it explodes, and watch out cause you only
have 10 minutes! When you reach the next room, to the top left is a treasure
chest that is now accessible, but it contains a powerful Gigas for you to
defeat and all it leaves behind is a GIANT POTION which is not worth it at
all. But its worth the battle if you want a SHURIKEN in the treasure chest.
The treasure chest are obviously there to distract you from your main goal,
and also you will face off against several random battle encounters to slow
you up as well. You CANNOT run from battle as well so dispose of them
quickly! Along the way you can pick up ESNA and a BOLTTECH from the treasure
chests. You will have to fight another Gigas for the BOLTTECH and you will
have to fight two Sorcerers for the ESNA, but when you fight the Sorcerers
you will be backed attack so be careful about that. When you leave you will
be encountered by three Karnaks and one Sergeant.

NOTE: You will have enough time to collect all three treasure chests and
escape with ample time, TRUST ME! Also on the second floor from
the initial room you start out in, you can recieve a RIBBON in a
treasure chest, but you must fight for it. And also inside the
burning castle is 2000 Gilx2 and Elixirsx5. Also there is an

BOSS BATTLE: Sergeant, Karnak, Iron Claw HP: N/A(S), 100(K), IC(500)
First off, take out the three Karnaks, then the Sergeant will reveal his true
form which is the Iron Claw. I suggest you have Blue Wizard, although its
only optional you can learn a powerful attack from it if it hits your Blue
Mage. Note that if you had damaged the Sergeant earlier, the Iron Claw will
also be damaged which makes sense, due to the fact that the Iron Claw was the
Sergeant in disguise anyways. Attack the Iron Claw with Bolt2 and regular
attacks and it should be gone.

After the battle the castle of Karnak explodes, but the crystal shards lends
the party its power as the Crystal theme plays. The new classes include the
MONSTER TRAINER, ELEMENTALIST, and NINJA. Aren't you excited because Butz
sure is! Now head back to the Steamship and talk to Cid, he feels bad about
the past situation and runs off. The party feels for him, but now head back
to the town of Karnak.

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Faris, Lenna, Butz
Party's level: 14

I also forgot to mention this earlier, but play the piano in the pub in the
town of Karnak. JUST DO IT! After that head to the second floor of the pub
and you will find Cid. Cid is still upset with himself for creating such
machines. Cid wishes to be alone, but you can visit the weapons and armor
shop the a new walking man is now selling a MYTHRIL spear, KUNAI knife, WHIP
whip, and a GIYAMAN bell. Feel free to purchase some if you like but some of
the weapons you buy cannot be used yet. Now exit the town and the barrier
that was blocking the west path is now gone and head towards the Ancient

Items: Ether, Fenix Down, Ninja Suit
Party: Faris, Butz, Lenna, Galuf
Party's level: 14

Also on your path towards the Ancient Library AVOID THE DESERT! You will
encounter a very nasty monster named D.Chimara that does a ton of damage to
your party members, so avoid it! This library looks like the Wind Shrine from
earlier in the game and its in the middle of a forest, so when you do reach
there, heal your wounds and save your game. Then enter inside. Talk to the
scholars inside and they will tell you that Mid is missing and that he is the
grandson of Dr.Cid and note that monsters have taken over the basement as
well. Further along the way you get info on the ruins of Jacole and note a
mysterious book that is missing half of its pages.

Upon the top of the Ancient Library you will see three books and two
scholars, the book to the most right contains Page 32 and Page 64, and they
are monsters, you do not have to defeat them, but go ahead if you want! Also
on the second floor of the library a pot to the left side of the room will
act as a COTTAGE, it will always refill you to full life so take advantage
and battle and heal when neccessary to gain a level of two. Once your done
head to the basement of the library. Here in this room walk straight up and a
library shelf will move by itself. Then see the small door to the left?
Simply walk to it and the shelf should move, follow the path and up the
ladder and you will hit off another switch. Then make your way through and
hit the switch again, the switches are invisible though. Oh forget it, I've
compiled another map!

2 A |---------5
|------|------------ |
1 | 3-------
| |----- | | |
| | | | |------4
Start |--------| -------|

NOTE: The "A" switch means that you have to hit the switch manually if
you want to exit out.

Hope the map didn't confuse you, the numbers note the succession of each
switch you have to hit. The 5th switch leads to the basement and that's when
the monsters start to attack you so be prepared. Now in this next room you
will notice that its pretty dark, unless you have an Emulator(ZSNES) you will
not be able to see the entire room through normal view. To the bottom right
contains a treasure chest which contains an ETHER. Then continue on downward,
and to the right you will see a door, if you enter it you will encounter a
Bookshelf, but it refuses to let you through no matter how many times you
try, so ignore it and head to the ladder instead and check the books to
reveal a passageway.

Here in this next room you will be on top of the bookselves in which the
Bookshelf did not alow you to enter through earlier so laugh at him! Now
continue on through the top and go through. In this room to the top is a
book, check the book and Ifrit will reveal himself and you must do battle
against Ifrit if you wish to summon him.
BOSS BATTLE: Ifrit HP: 3000 ITEM: FlameTech
This battle will be mighty tough as he has some powerful attacks, make
absolutely sure you have two Black Wizards that can cast ICE2, actually the
more the better, each ICE2 spell will cause 630 HP of damage against him, and
have the Knights and Monks attack as normal and hit him with everything
you've got except for Fire spells of course.

Now after the battle you will recieve your first summon, its your first
summon if you have been following this walkthrough and some of you might have
already aquired Shiva earlier. Now you might want to head back to the second
floor of the library and check the pot to completely heal all wounds and
bring back any dead characters and save your game outside the library. After
that head back to the room where that annoying Bookshelf wouldn't let you
through, but now that you have Ifrit you can go through now. Then head to the
next room. Here in this room its dark once again and you have to use tunnel
vision, now take the ladder and take the left path, the right path leads to a
dead end. Along the left path contains a treasure chest which contains a
FENIXDOWN, then head out.

You'll be on the ledge of some bookshelves, but just enter the next room.
Here in this room head straight up and a switch will automatically open for
you, then climb the ladder and hit the switch manually. Here ignore the door
because it leads to nowhere except an empty ledge and check the ladder and
hit a switch which will reveal a book and you must do battle aganst Page 32
and Page 64 in which you should easily win. Then enter the new path and in
here is a save room, so use a TENT and heal your wounds and save your game.
Then head out and head to the left and into the door. Here in this room is
Mid checking over the bookshelves, but Galuf has a bad feeling about
something. Then suddenly the party is attacked!
This boss is pretty tough, avoid using any other elemental spell besides Fire
otherwise you will heal it. Have anyone Summon Ifrit that is if you are a
Caller and have anyone available use Fire2. Have Knights and Monks attack as
normal and the Bluewizard use its strongest attacks. Keep pounding on him
until he's gone, also note that he will occasionally change any party member
into a Frog, so make sure you have plenty of MAIDNKISS ready. If you have a
Ninja at hand throw the Flametech to monster damage.

After the battle talk to Mid, apparently you startled him and he wonders if
you were the ones making all that noise back there. Wierd guy! Mid has his
own secret exit, and once Mid finds his way out the scholars come to greet
him and thanks the party for rescuing Mid, but Mid is shocked to find out
that the party was trying to rescue him. Mid has found a book and some info
on the Steamship, he admires his grandfather and wishes to show him the info
he aquired, but the party tells Mid that Cid is about to give up. Mid then
rushes off out of the Ancient Library and you must do the same. Now head back
to the town of Karnak and once again avoid the DESERT!

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Lenna, Faris, Butz
Party's level: 15

Now here in this town go to the pub and head back to Cid. He is still down on
the mistakes he has made, but Mid suddenly comes in and cheers his granpa up.
Cid finally decides to try again and this time they will work on the
Steamship to get it moving again to protect the Earth Crystal. Now head to
the Steamship. Upon the Steamship Mid and Cid are anxiously working on the
Steamship, Cid tells the party to take a rest while modifications are made.
While inside Galuf head still hurts and suddenly he gets a flashback. It goes
back to the event that just happened recently with Mid meeting up with Cid.
Then it switches to Galuf's past and his granddaughter Cara calls him.

It switches back to the scene with Mid pestering his grandfather, and the
same thing happens with Cara and Galuf. Then the scene shifts back to the
steamship, Galuf remembers a name...Ca...ra. Then Galuf realizes that he is
not a person of this world! The party is in utterly dumbfoundedness, Galuf
came here on Earth from another world to prevent an evil from returning. The
evil being was sealed 30 years ago and now the evil has re-awakened. The
party now realizes who the evil force is and its the "Dark Mage Exdeath!" The
scene now goes into his past, Galuf and three other warriors have used the
Crystal to seal Exdeath. Galuf has been to the planet before and if the last
crystal shatters then the evil of Exdeath will be released! Galuf then
stumbles upon the floor, but he's fine! In the morning Cid and Mid are
asleep, so wake up Cid and Mid. Cid wakes up Mid and wakes up in the same
fashion that Cid did. The party will use the boat to search for the Earth
Crystal and Cid and Mid will be at the Ancient Library. Now go search for
that last Crystal!

Items: None
Party: Lenna, Galuf, Faris, Butz
Party's level: 15

Now head southwest and to the Town of Jacole. The town of Jacole is isolated
in a mountain range on a green plain, you shouldn't miss it its a town
surround by mountains. Also note that you can still be attacked by monsters
in your ship. Now in this town take the time to re-equip yourselves in the
latest gear and buy some more supplies like TENTs and POTIONs. Talk to the
towns people and you will recieve some info on Cresent Island and also a note
about Istory Falls. Now head for the Jacole Cave north of the town of Jacole.

Items: Blitz Whip(or note from Lonewolf), Shuriken, Tent
Party: Butz, Galuf, Faris, Leena
Party's level: 15

Here in this cave you will encounter a few switches and once again I will
assemble a map for you to make things a bit clearer.

| ETC(K)
|--C |---ND
B------| |
| |


A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K: Switches

ETC: Empty Treasure chest

ND: Next destination

Now first hit switch B, then the wall will move. Then head for switch "H" you
can only initiate the switch when the other switches disappear, so wait until
they do so then hit the switch. A path near the first empty treasure chest is
now open, hit switch "K" next which is inside the empty treasure chest and
the door will now open. Also note that NutEaters in here are easy to defeat
but when you encounter a SkullEater just RUN LIKE HECK! Its severely powerful
despite its innocent looks so watch for it! Now in this next room head for
the top left and collect the SHURIKEN, TENT, and a BLITZ whip, then exit out
of the Jacole cave through the way you came in. The cave that leads outside
on this floor leads to nowhere. Now head back to your steamship and go to the
west of Jacole.

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Butz, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 16

The island here is shaped like a cresent thus the name, and when you enter
the town another Earthquake hits Cresent. Then the party notices the ship is
sinking! The party can't do much about that except watch it sink. Also when
you talk to the people in this town they will tell you that stone like
monsters are weak against the "SOFT" item, so make sure you carry plenty in
stock! Now go to the house southeast of Cresent and talk to the person inside
and he will teach you a song which is the LIFE SONG and also play the piano
in the house as well, JUST DO IT! And if you had been talking to the
townspeople like I had said you will notice that someone mentioned something
about a Black Chocobo in the forest to the south but it was too quick to
catch. So quit reading and head for that forest!

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Lenna, Faris, Butz
Party's level: 16

Here when you enter in here a Black Chocobo stands in front and Butz decides
to catch it. So catch it, and if you tell Galuf you have given up you will
just exit out of the forest. Once you catch it Butz sees if the Black Chocobo
can fly and apparently it can and also Faris notices that the Black Chocobo
has something so she smacks him and two Crystal shards pop out. Butz picks up
the Crystal and they are the souls of a BARD and ARCHER. Then the party hops
on the chocobo and it can now fly, so head back to the Ancient Library.

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Butz, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 16

In here Cid and Mid will automatically greet you, the party tells them about
the steamship, but Mid can just build another one! Cid and Mid have also
found King Tycoon as Lenna is shocked by the news, but he went off to the
desert to the west. They are still not sure how King Tycoon had made his way
to the palace, but the scholars said that the King was floating his way
there! Faris anxiously awaits the journey to the desert palace, but how will
the party reach to the desert palace? Well they'll see when they get there so
go there now!

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Lenna, Faris, Butz
Party's level: 16

Head west to the desert and inside Cid and Mid has an idea about getting the
party across. There is a Sandworm that lives here and once defeated you can
use its body as a bridge, so Mid and Cid will distract the Sandworm(whimps!)
and the party will defeat it. "How violent!" yes it is, buts its the only way
you will get through. Then Mid asks the party are they ready, and you will be
given a Yes and No answer and take the time to prepare yourself for this
battle, then when you are ready talk to Mid again and they will start to call
for the Sandworm.
BOSS FIGHT: Sandworm & Hole HP: 3000(Sandworm) N/A(Hole)
This battle will be very tough as you will have three targets to attack.
There are three holes and the Sandworm comes out of the holes one at a time,
try to predict which hole he will appear on and then attack him. If you miss
you will hit the Hole and recieve a nasty counterattack which is DEMI. DEMI
will cut your current HP down in half and thus the word DEMI. When you knock
the Sandworm to about 1000 HP it will use its WhirlSand attack, it will
gradually take down your HP so you will need to beat the boss fast. The way
to beat this boss is to wait and have patience, attack it immediately once it
pops out from one of the holes and time your magic attacks to do the same.

After the battle the party defeats the Sandworm, and the party asks Cid and
Mid to look after the Black Chocobo while the party is gone. Now continue
through to the center. Here you will have that tunnel vision again, make your
way to the palace to the left. This area is a little tricky and strong
monsters are here as well. You will have to use the currents of the quicksand
to get you through, so start with the quicksand currents to the right and it
should carry you down. The object here is not to head for the Desert Palace,
just simply make your way through to the outside of the Desert Palace. The
exit of the Desert quicksand is south.

Items: None
Party: Butz, Galuf, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 17

Once your outside you should see a small town like structure to the south.
Enter it and you will be in the Ruined City. The party stops and notices that
this is the ruined city the people were talking about, and before the party
heads to the stairs they notice King Tycoon, so follow him around the place
and you should meet up around the center of the ruined city. Before the party
can catch up with King Tycoon the floor below them falls and they are in the
underground structure of the ruined city.

Here the THEME OF LENNA plays, and Lenna realizes that Faris was
her...sister! Then Galuf gets up but he's on the other side of the wall. The
party realizes that Galuf won't die so easily and they decide to find a way
out, but not before Galuf finds his way to the party. Now head to the door to
the left and here in this room looks to be some giant contraption and the
party is immediately transported to the area near Cresent Island.

When the party lands here the structure is about to collapse so get out
quickly, but when the party gets out they land unconsious. Meanwhile the
scene shifts towards Cid and Mid and the Black Chocobo. Cid and Mid fulfilled
Butz's promise as they return the Black Chocobo to its home. Then the scene
shifts back to the party, they gather themselves and realize that the machine
was broken due to lack for use for periods of time. So head to the door, you
will see a switch up top to a door, but head to the bottom first and in this
room are beds for the party to rest in, so take a rest and heal any wounds
you may have incurred through your journey.

Here in this room head to the left side of the room and below you will find a
switch, the party tries to push the switch but it won't work and the writings
say "Look at the flowers in the center room." So take a look at the flowers
in the center room while choosing "no" to get some rest. The flowers to the
right say "Look at the stationery in the room to the right..." So go to the
stationery ot the right and check the note and it says "Monkeys always
look!" But there's a second sheet that says "Check the pot."

So check the pot to the left side of the room and a little frog will pop out
and knock a bookshelf which will reveal a book. The book says "Go 6 down, 4
right, and pull at what you find there!" So go back to the switch and now the
switch opens up and removes the wall that once blocked your path. Pick the
treasure chests up for a SHURIKEN, another SHURIKEN, and a MINI spell. The
MINI spell will automatically be on your White Magic listing. Now exit out of
this room and go to the room at the top and flip the switch.

The switch will release a floor that drops Mid and Cid to the bottom floor.
Now enter the room and inside is a save point, save your game and continue
on. Here the party sees that the steamship was sunk underground, but they
notice another ship, strange it has propellers. Then suddenly Cid and Mid
fall down and land on the ship. The party as shocked to see and Cid and Mid,
and it appears that the party, Cid, and Mid are under Cresent Island. Cid has
went down below on the ship, so follow him. Here when you talk to Cid he will
tell the party that he wishes to talk later. Then the ships takes off, its
supposedly an airship and Cid can't even believe that they exist! But then
suddenly something is pulling the airship down. A monster has latched itself
onto the ship!
BOSS BATTLE: Crayclaw HP: 2000 ITEM: FROST bow and Arrow
This battle is pretty easy, if you have a Ninja immediately use the two
SHURIKENs you have aquired for about 1400 HP of damage, hit him with your
strongest attacks and have Monks and Knights attack as normal.

Then the ship lands back to the underground structure, it appears that the
airship wasn't damaged badly and Cid and Mid had used the parts from the
steamship to get the airship working. Cid and Mid go off to find some sort of
clue that would lead to the whereabouts of the Earth Crystal. Now the airship
is all yours! Take the time to explore the vast world. After you are done
head for the town of Liz, which is directly northwest of the Wind Shrine.
Also note that this is a side area and it will be further explained in the
SIDE AREA section. Afterwards head for the Ruined City which should be
northwest from Cresent Island, its the same area where you had to chase
around King Tycoon.

Items: None
Party: Butz, Galuf, Faris, Lenna
Party's level: 17

Simply head your ship over the ruins or you can walk to the Ruined City, it
doesn't matter because a giant palace will rise before you can do anything
about it. Then after the ruins rise, head back to Cid and Mid at the
underwater base near Cresent Island.

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Faris, Lenna, Butz
Party's level: 17

Here before you get the chance to catch up wit Cid and Mid first, they have
already seen what has happened through the telescope. And it appears that the
Earth Crystal is inside the floating ruins! So what you want to do is obtaint
he crystal before it shatters, but how can you reach it? The high altitude
would tear apart your airship. But then Cid tells the party that they need
Adamantium so that the propellers can be re-enforced to withstand the
pressure and rise to the floating ruins. Then Galuf remembers seeing some
inside the meteor he landed from. So now head back to Tycoon meteor, but you
might want to pay Shiva a visit in the waterfall of Worus castle. Defeat her
and then go back to the Meteor, also note that this is a side area and will
be further discussed in the side area section. If you are ready and wish to
skip obtaining Shiva head towards Tycoon Meteorite. The meteorite should be
straight up to the north.

Items: Adamantium
Party: Butz, Lenna, Galuf, Faris
Party's level: 17

Now once inside proceed to the Meteor and Galuf will remember a switch that
sets off the door to inside the Meteor. Also inside you will see a portal but
it doesn't work for some strange reason, but the adamantium is in the back so
pick it up and leave. Then as the party tries to leave they notice that
something is wrong!
BOSS BATTLE: Adamant T. HP: 2000 ITEM: Turtleshell
This battle will be extremely tough, he will attack with several powerful
attacks that cause near 450 HP of damage and its more than enough to knock
out a character and he will often use this attack two times in a row as well.
Your physical and magic attacks do little on him, but ICE seems to be his
weakness. Blast him with ICE2 or Shiva, it will take a couple of rounds but
he should be gone by then.

After the battle, head back to Cid and Mid.

Items: None
Party: Butz, Galuf, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 17

Now that the party has handed Cid and Mid the adamant, and they tell the
party to go and rest. During the middle of the night Cid and Mid works
overtime to get the ship re-modified before morning. Also Butz has a dream in
the middle of the night that the ship was finished, and apparently it was!
The party can make their way to the Lonka ruins, but there is a problem. It
seems that the fortress is protected by cannons and they need to be destroyed
before anyone can enter the fortress. But the party doesn't care, so the
party leaves for the ruins.

Items: Gold Armor, Ether, 5000GP, AncientSword, Moonring, Power Ring, 5000G,
Shuriken, FenixDown, Cottage, Potion, Gold Shield
Party: Butz, Galuf, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 17

NOTE: You might want to start from the town of Lix. Go to the spot
where you can land your ship and increase altitude. This way
after each time you defeat the cannons you can rest up your
injuries for free at the Inn of Lix! Also to land your ship
from the high altitude simply move your airship north and
around the Lonka ruins.

Now that you have your modified airship you can soar higher than ever before.
To accomplish this simply land your ship over grassy terrain but before you
land, there are two arrows, push up and the arrow will flash up, then hit the
"A" button or whatever button you might have set on either your PSX
controller or SNES controller. Now that you are above everything else try not
to lose your lunch by looking down! Here to the sides of the fortress are
cannons, to start the battle simply have your airship touch the cannons. I
will start with battles tips against the cannons to the far right.
BOSS BATTLE: Flamegun(2) HP: 2400(each) ITEM: SPEED POTION(2)
Okay, this battle will be mighty tough. Have your Knights or Monks attack
regularly along with the thief. If you had learned Deathclaw from Ironclaw
during your escape from Castle Karnak then use it on the cannons and then
finish them off. Its that easy. But if you didn't, use all your powerful
magic attacks like Ifrit or Shiva or Ice2 or Bolt2. Also the CORAL sword does
massive damage against the cannons, about 540 HP of damage to each cannon so
you might want to buy some first if you had not already done so. What you can
do for the battle however is have four Black Wizards and keep casting Bolt2
because these cannons have a weakness of Lightning attacks. Each cast causes
about 600 HP of damage to each cannon and can make for a quick battle.

Afterwards go for the cannons to the left of the Flameguns. Also note that if
you were damaged serverely, head back down and heal yourself.
This battle is just like the one above except its a bit harder. They have a
Missle attack that cuts down your HP in half and also confuses your party
member. But if you have four Black Wizards and Bolt2 you should easily win as
its basically the same strategy as above.

Now that you have defeated the cannons on the right, do the same to the
cannons on the left. Also go back to the town of Lix each time to heal your
wounds. Then, after you have defeated the other cannons on the left the party
notices something. It appears that a giant cannon has come from the center of
the palace! Now, take the time to prepare yourself because this next battle
is your toughest on yet. Then check the cannon to initiate the fight.
BOSS BATTLE: Sol Cannon & Launcher(2) HP: 9300(Sol Cannon) 800(Launcher)
This battle will be tough. The HPs are only an estimate as my PEEP command
did not work on the Sol Cannon or Launcher. First take out the Launchers in
the back, the launchers have high magic defense but little HP so it should
make up for it. Then concentrate all of your Thunder attacks on the Sol
Cannon and have the Knight, Thief or Ninja or Monk attack regularly. If you
have the BOTHHAND ability from the Ninja, combine it with the Knight class
and equip the CORAL sword(NOTE: do this before battle!) and now your attacks
will cause about 1000 HP of damage to the Sol Cannon! Also I suggest that you
have at least one White Wizard so that you can keep your party's HP up. And
if you have ESNA you can cure the Aging status, if you don't then your in a
bit of some trouble. Also once the Launchers are out of the way the Sol
Cannon will give you several opportunities to attack, but that means it
preparing for its super weapon that causes around 140-200 HP of damage to
every character and it quickly depletes your party's HP afterwards. So have a
CURE2 spell ready to counter at all times and keep the party's HP around 240.
When you win the battle you will recieve a DrkMatter and two HIPOTIONs.

Now that the cannon has been defeated, its time to go in!

Items: *See Above*
Party: Butz, Galuf, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 17

Now in this room just make your way down and across to the next room. Now
here in this room is the a treasure chest in the middle, don't worry about
the invisible floors and such because they are just their to fool you. You
can't pick up the treasure chest just yet, so make your way to the next room.
There is an invisible floor to the bottom right of this room, and pick up the
treasure chest in the middle to find a GOLD armor. Equip it and move onto the
next room. Here on the third level is another invisible floor to the bottom
left part of the platform.

You can tell that there is an invisible floor by examining CAREFULLY and
CLOSELY at the floor. The floor is surrounded by small green grasses and
areas that don't have the green grasses will obviously be hidden floors. The
treasure chest to the right contains an ELIXIR, and also there are hidden
floors that leads to it as you can expect. Well here's a small map to show
you how to get the ELIXIR if you need it. Also there is another Elixir in
here, but I forgot where, sorry :(

(ND) | |
| |----| |
| | (TC) |
| | |
| |####| |
| | |
| | | |

The part with the #### means that its the path to the treasure chest and ND
means next destination. Now head for the top staircase and onto the fourth
level. Here just go across to the next area and you will be at the third
level again, and take the staircase to the left. Continue your way through to
the fifth level. Take the staircase to the right and in this room is a
treasure chest above which contains a HiPOTION. Now to the right take the the
bottom staircase and continue back to the forth level. Also don't forget to
pick up the treasure chests which contain 5000 GOLD, SHURIKEN, ANCIENT sword,
CRESENT, and a PwrWrist, you will have to take the other staircases to
collect them.

Later you will see a small hole, ignore it and go around to the fifth level.
Then take the upper staircase and onto the fourth level, if you want to save
your game take the bottom staircase. Now take the staircase to right and
inside here you can pick up a COTTAGE and an ETHER POTION. Now take the door
path and flip the switch to reveal a passage way. Here you will see King
Tycoon in the middle, he seems to be in a bit of a rush and leaves the party
to do the dirty work.
BOSS BATTLE: ArcheoAvis HP: 6200
This boss is the toughest one yet. He has random weakness, but one thing's
for sure and that's the fact that he is often strong against ICE attacks. So
avoid using Ice magics because you might gain him HP. Use Fire and Thunder
attacks throughout the battle to defeat him and have a Knight use the Coral
sword. Keep a constant eye on your HP and keep them above 250, otherwise one
of his attacks will get you. Also if you have an ICE ROD use it only at the
beginning of the battle to deal about 1400 HP of damage. This way you can get
a sure jump on the battle instead of having to guess his weakness. Also I
forgot to mention this but when he uses Fire attacks, use ICE or THUNDER
attacks because he will absorb any FIRE attacks at this point. You may often
find yourself losing several times before winning, so its just a warning
before you go banging your head on a rock or something (^_^). Also once you
have defeated it, it will come back to life, which then makes the battle a
lot more tougher. If you have a Ninja in your party it should attack with two
CRESENTs in each hand and also throw the SHURIKEN for about 700-900 HP of
damage and throw the CORAL sword for about 600 HP of damage. After it comes
back only physical attacks will damage it.

After the battle you will recieve a HERO drink. Then when the party defeats
the boss King Tycoon immediately heads for the crystal room. The party tries
to get King Tycoon to come to his senses but he is being controlled. Then all
of the sudden another meteorite crashes on Earth and a mysterious girl comes
in and knocks out King Tycoon. The girl calls Galuf grandpa, but he doesn't
remember, then suddenly he remembers the girl's name which is Cara. Then all
of Galuf's memories has returned. Then the king wakes up and doesn't seem to
remember where he is or what he has done. Then the king recognizes Faris,
whose real name is Sarisa.

Then all of the sudden the crystal shatters and the barrier that has held
Exdeath for 30 years is now broken. (Also note that in the Japaneese version
Butz gives out a rather profound word ^_^) Now that the crystals have
shattered, Exdeath plans to go over to Galuf's world and destroy the crystals
as well. The crystals now are under Exdeath's control, but then King Tycoon
breaks the spell on the crystals, but he is losing his life force. HE is
sorry that he was not able to help his daughter Sarisa. As King Tycoon gives
his last goodbyes he finally goes on. The crystals of the Earth has given its
spirit to the party: SAMURAI, DRAGOON, DANCER, CHEMIST. Then suddenly the
ruins are starting to collapse, the party then hurries to the airship and
hurries off just in the nick of time.

The ruins falls back to where it was first contructed. On the ship Lenna and
Sarisa still can't believe that their father is really gone, but Galuf seems
even more troubled. He and Cara must return home, he tells Butz a bit more
about Exdeath. It was 30 years ago from Galuf's world that Exdeath came to
Butz's world to destroy the crystals he and the other three warriors (ala
Warriors of Dawn!) borrowed power from the crystals to seal Exdeath. Nothing
happened for 30 years, and realizing this Galuf boarded the meteors and came
to Butz's world.

Butz somehow feels responisble because it was the people of Earth who has
drained the power of the crystals. But Galuf tells him that it was his fault,
one of the warriors insisted on bringing back Exdeath to his world, but they
never listened. They then head back to Cara's meteorite. It has just enough
power left to take Galuf and Cara back home, but Butz decides to go with
them. However the meteor Cara came from was the last one, if the party goes
along with them they will never be able to come back. Galuf and Cara gives
their last goodbyes and heads off and back to their world.

Items: None
Party: Faris, Lenna, Butz
Party's level: 19

Now just land your ship on anywhere and a short scenario will take place.
Here Faris and Lenna has been talking about Galuf and Exdeath, they want to
go and help Galuf, but there isn't enough energy left in the crystals but
then they think Cid might find a way to do so. Now head back to Cid's
unofficial place, and inside you should find a letter from Cid. Cid tells the
party that the left over adamant has become hazardous and they decided to put
it back. So head back to the Meteorite near Tycoon and see what Cid is up to.

Items: Adamantium
Party: Butz, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 19

Inside the black chocobo is just outside the meteorite and Cid and Mid are
inside. They put the adamant back, and the portal appears to be sapping the
energy out of the adamant, then Lenna thinks if they can use that energy to
their benefit they can help out Galuf. Mid realizes what they are talking
about, but the adamant is just to small to restore all the power. But if the
party was to use the power of all the other three meteors there might be a
chance! Now Cid and Mid anxiously await to go to the next meteorite. So now
head to Karnak Meteorite.

Items: Titan(Summon)
Party: Butz, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 19

The Karnak Meteorite should be northwest from Tycoon meteorite. Inside Cid
and Mid are waiting for you inside. After a short while passes by Cid and Mid
comes back out and tells the party that there is a mosnter in there! So head
inside and defeat the monster.
This boss is pretty tough, he has powerful attacks and has a lot of HP. Watch
for him to use his Earth Shaker attack, which will cause around 500 HP of
damage to every character, and there is very little that you can do about
that, except try to keep your HP up. Have Knights, Monks, Dragoons, Samurai,
etc. attack regularly and have magic users cast their most powerful magics
and Charming him does not work. Also when you defeat Titan, he will use his
Earth Shaker attack, so make sure you have enough HP to stay alive.

After the battle you will have gained another Esper, TITAN. He is immensely
powerful up to this point and will help you out a lot in the battles to come.
Now Cid and Mid will take care of things from here and afterwards its on to
the next meteorite! Now head to the Worus Meteorite, and I think its east
from the Karnak Meteorite.

Items: None
Party: Butz, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 19

Now inside Cid and Mid are waiting for you, then when you arrive they take
care of things and their off! Wait a minute, what's that?!!
BOSS BATTLE: Puroboros(6) HP: 1500(each)
This battle will be very tough. Magic is a definite must in this battle as
you will need to take out all 6 of them before they use their Explode attack.
This attack is variable because depending on how much HP they have left will
determine the bang of the attack, so if you can knock them down to about 20
HP it won't matter if they explode. But use TITAN, and the match will end
quick, very quick, so quick that the battles lasts quicker than those
international basketball games with the Dreamteam, Ha! Ha! Ha! They will
counter with a CURE2 after the TITAN attack, but the attack is just far more
powerful than the CURE2 spell can handle so after only two, count 'em, two
TITAN summons can give you a very easy victory! Don't worry about them
reviving each other because they can only revive dead Puroboros, and they can
only use it once to their limited HP.

Cid and Mid are amazed by the party's strength, so now head back to the last
Meteorite which is the one you saw earlier near the town of Jacole.

Items: None
Party: Butz, Faris, Lenna
Party's level: 19

Now inside here, Cid and Mid are waiting for you once again. They head inside
and Butz casually waits again. But something's wrong, they have never been
away for this long and the party is worried, so head inside the meteorite.
Inside they find Cid and Mid trapped in bubbles unable to escape, and now the
monster attacks the party.
BOSS BATTLE: ChimeraBrain HP: 3327
This boss fight should be fairly easy. Attack him as usual with constant
attacks from the Knigth, Dragoon, etc. And have a Summon cast TITAN
throughout the battle and keep your HP above 350, otherwise the AQUABREATH
attack will get your party. You can also learn AQUABREATH if you have a Blue
Wizard or the Learning ability available during battle.

After the battle both Cid and Mid are free, and now with all four meteorites
ready the party is set and ready to go! Now Cid and Mid tells the party to
take a close look at the map. See where all the meteorite positions are
pointing to? See the cross? The cross represents where you are, so head for
the spot labeled on the map and head off.

Items: None
Party: Faris, Lenna, Butz
Party's level: 19

Here the party realizes that they may never be able to come back. But who
cares(cue the Final Fantasy V main theme music) the party decides to go
anyways! And don't you just love the music here? The party gives their last
goodbyes to the world as they head off and unknowing what dangers lies ahead.

NOTE: You may want to visit some towns and other places before you go so
you can stock up on a few stuff. Also wipe those tears off your face!

================================End of World 1===============================

Items: None
Party: Butz, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 19

NOTE: To acquire a TENT if you do not have one, walk around and fight
battles until you get one.

The party lands on a remote island. The place looks so dead, the only thing
that you can hear are the crashing waves of the waters. There is basically
nothing left to do on this island, so just wait a while and eventually the
party will get tired and they decide to use a Tent. So go ahead and use a
Tent to rest. Also note that if you don't have a TENT I'm not sure what to
say! When you use the TENT the scene shifts to night-time and Faris still
wonders why Lenna would go through all that trouble at North Mountain. Lenna
did so because the Hiryuu reminded Lenna of her mother. But even Lenna is
confused! Then all of the sudden a monster comes by and takes away Lenna and
Faris, leaving Butz behind. But another demon comes by to take Butz away, but
Butz isn't going without a fight.
BOSS BATTLE: Abductor HP: 1482
This battle is pretty tough and as you can expect Butz is fighting alone. It
does not matter if you win this battle or not because you will be taken away
anyways. But if you want to beat him, attack regularly and if you have X-
Fight, this fight should be a breeze. A Dragoon would be nice for this battle
since he can continuously JUMP, and also keep using strong magics and such
and he should be gone.

After the battle Butz is taken away and into a cell. Then Exdeath approaches
the party, this also notes the first time the party meets face to face with
Exdeath(no the one at the Lonka Ruins does not count). One of Exdeath's
minions informs him that Galuf's army is approaching the castle. Then Exdeath
uses the Great Mirror to braodcast his message to Galuf. Meanwhile Galuf
expresses his reaction in a profanitic way. The scene shifts back to the
castle and Gilgamesh is asked to keep an eye on the party. Now Galuf must
rescue the party, he uses Cara's Hiryuu to reach the castle.

Items: Party's items
Party: Galuf
Galuf's level: 17-19

Here inside take the treasure chest to the right, but Galuf automatically
does that for you. Inside the treasure chests contains all of the items and
crystals of the party, so everything is exactly like it was before. Now head
for the top room and inside is a save point, save your game and head back to
the room you came in and take the far left while ignoring the door in the
center, why? Because its locked! Here in this next room is Floor B1, ignore
the prisoners inside and continue on to Floor B2. Then continue to Floor B3.
Here in this room just appraoch the middle of the room and Gilgamesh will
finally notice you.
BOSS BATTLE: Gilgamesh HP: 1111
Here this battle is pretty easy, if you have a Ninja and two Cresents this
battle should breeze buy like that! Gilgamesh does a lot of damage with his
attacks, so you will have a much better chance of winning while keeping Galuf
in the back row. Use any strong magic you may have and attack normally and
keep your HP above 250 in the front row and keep your HP up above 100 in the
backrow depending on your armor.

Now that you have the party back at full strength escape the castle. Also
note that when you reach the room with the prisoners the party has to crawl,
its barely worth mentioning, but I think its just funny the way they crawl!
Now return to your save point and save your game. The room ahead doesn't have
anything so go back to the room Galuf came in and take and bottom path out
and you will be outside the castle. Also notice that this is the first time
you will here the 2nd World overworld music and to me it sounds nice and
relaxing and pleasant to the ear. Well enough talk and head for the Big

Itesm: None
Party: Galuf, Faris, Lenna, Butz
Party's level: 19

Here when you make your way to the Big Bridge inside you will notice the
music has changed to more of a Rock n' Roll/Hurry-Up type of music which fits
the setting perfectly, but also note that there are monsters along the bridge
so you will need to be careful. When you reach the first bridge post inside
Gilgamesh will approach the party:

"I've been waiting behind this door all this time!"

Pretty pathetic huh? Well now he will once again pester you.
BOSS BATTLE: Gilgamesh HP: 3102
In this battle what you want to do is steal from him so that you may acquire
the one of the strongest armor in the game, Genji. You will only be able to
steal one form of Genji equipment and once you miss the chance you will never
have the chance to steal that certain type of Genji armor again, so make sure
you do. Have the party attack as normal with all magic users using TITAN,
BOLT2, ICE2, etc. And have the armored people and Monks and Samurai and
Ninjas attack regularly. When you lose him about 2000 HP, he will set up
FAST, SAFE, and SHELL on himself which will make the battle a lot tougher,
continue with your regular attacks if he does that and keep pounding on him
and keep your party's HP up around 400, otherwise he can knock you out with
his GaleCut attack.

After the battle, continue through and make your way to the end of the
bridge. At the end of the bridge Cara will be there and tells the party to
hurry it up. Cara makes her way through but the party is blasted away by the
barrier. The party makes their way to the continent of Grociana, a remote
island where ferocious beasts dwell. Butz apologizes for them coming, but
Galuf told them they didn't have to come, but the party made his day.

Items: None
Party: Butz, Galuf, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 20

Here just continue east and make your way through the town of Rugor. Also
take note that you might want to save and heal your wounds incase the enemies
here might be a little too much for you. When you make your way to the town
of Rugor, buy any new weapons and armor you want to update and also the magic
shop is full of magic you yet don't have but everything here is pretty costly
so you will need to fight a few battles to have enough gold to stock up on
everything. After that head for the Inn and the innkeeper is nice enough to
let you stay in for free just for the day.

Then in the middle of the night Galuf decides to take a little walk and Butz
notices and follows him and finds him in the pub. Galuf seems to be having a
well deserved good time while taking down the legendary wine of Rugor, and
you know what they say: "Nothing like it to soothe one's throat!!" He finds
Galuf and Galuf wonders what's wrong, its just that Butz can't sleep. He
still wants to apologize for what had happened, but Galuf tells them that his
army didn't think that it would be complete and if the party had not come,
they would have been blown to bits! But Butz still feels responisble, but
Galuf tells him that he's made his day. Then in the morning head out of town
and to the south. Also before you go, try earning enough money for an EARTH
robe if you had not done so. Wearing this on the summoner makes the TITAN
attack 50% stronger!

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Butz, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 20

Keep going south, but when you see the Castle of Koozer, IGNORE IT! The
castle inside contains some very powerful enemies and you will need to gain
at least 12 extra levels along with more powerful magic, weapons, and armor
to stand up to the monsters inside. For now there is nothing to do inside so
ignore unless you have an early Swoon Wish. Now keep going south, then there
is a small geographical bridge northeast of the southern Grociana mountains,
take that path and along the way you will notice a small forest between
mountains to the right, so enter it and don't forget to save your game!

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Lenna, Faris, Butz
Party's level: 22

In here you will here a very familiar tune if I'm not mistaken. If your a
true Final Fantasy fan like me you would recognize this tune from Final
Fantasy IV, and can you tell me where in FF4 you heard this tune? Here talk
to the moogle on the tree, it will run off and it will fall into the pit
below. Galuf is shocked to see moogles, but the party doesn't even know what
he is talking about. Moogles are little shy creates that seldom come out
where they can be seen and they live around forest areas. Lenna decides that
they should help out the Moogle, so follow the moogle through to the

Items: 4400G, Fenixdown
Party: Galuf, Faris, Lenna, Butz
Party's level: 22

In here you will have to ride the currents of the water to guide you through.
You will also have to encounter a few monsters here and there however, but if
you have been keeping your weapons to date and have your levels around the
specified area then you should be fine. Along the way make sure to pick up
4400 Gil and a FENIXDOWN. When you finally reach a gaint platform to the top
right you will find the moogle who is about to be attacked by a monster, but
luckily your here to save the day right?!
BOSS BATTLE: Tyrasauras HP: 5222
There was a reason why the FENIXDOWN was in this room. Use it on the
Tyrasauras and the battle will be won like that. If you are out of FENIXDOWNs
then attack regularly and use constant FIRE spells like Ifrit or FIRE2, or
even use the Sword magic technique. There are seldom occasions where it will
attack with damage ranging in the 2300 HP area, so watch for that. Constantly
attack and use FIRE to put it to rest.

After the battle Lenna tries to comfort the moogle and succeeds. It leaves
and apparently it wants the party to follow it. Now WATCH CAREFULLY AND MAKE
A MENTAL NOTE OF WHERE THE MOOGLE WENT! Try to follow the similar path and
notice what it was doing, right, it was going along the forest area and
avoiding the desert area, why? Heh, you find out for yourself!

Items: 1GP, 10000GP, Fenixdown, Ether, Cottage, Dancing knife, Elf's Cloak
Party: Galuf, Lenna, Faris, Butz
Party's level: 23

Here once the other moogles sees the party they immediately make a break for
it. They also have locked their doors and some are still running around. Now
go to the top right part of the moogle village and talk to the moogle. At
first it will run and then realize that you were the people that saved him.
Now the moogle has unlocked his door and he invites the party in and they are
welcomed to use his stuff which is a COTTAGE, DANCING knife, 1 GP(!), 10000
GP(!!!!), FENIXDOWN, and an ETHER. Then when you reach outside his house,
talk to him again and he will sense something. The scene now shifts to Cara
and the moogle in her castle is acting a bit strange. Outside the guard is
tending the hiryuu and wonders what's wrong. It seems that moogles can
communicate telepathically and it tells Cara that grandpa is at the moogle
village. Although the hiryuu can barely fly, the hiryuu will still give it a
try. The hiryuu reaches the moogle village with the help of the moogles. The
party now must hurry back to the castle.

Items: Great Sword, Exit(Jikuu), Hero Drink(2), Lamia's Harp, Angel Gown
Party: Galuf, Butz, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 23

When they reach the castle Cara lets the hiryuu have a little rest and Galuf
is immediately greeted by his men. It appears that no significance has gone
on with Exdeath since the barrier came into effect and also the fact that
nearly all of Galuf's army has been completely wiped out by Exdeath's
monsters. Butz is still a little surprised that Galuf is king and he might
even have to address him as "King Galuf." But Galuf still wishes to be
addressed as Galuf and not king. And now, you are free to explore the Castle
of Bal. Now to the right is a HERO drink, but the guard tells you to take the
exit spell that Galuf had forgot.

The EXIT spell is hidden, if you have the PASSAGES ability its plain as day,
but don't fret its to the bottom of the HERO drink and you should eventually
find a treasure chest. After that take the top floor of the castle and you
should reach Cara tending to the hiryuu. It seems that the hiryuu is dying,
he overstrained himself flying injured, but he decided to fly anyways. Isn't
there anyway the party can save him? Yes, Hiryuusou. The hiryuusou grows only
where hiryuus live, and its up north to the Valley of Hiryuu, but no one has
ever come back from there.

Galuf also mentions of a town called Kelb, the werewolf town. As the party is
about to leave the guards at the gate are worried about the king and they ask
a simple yes and no question. Answer yes and continue on and also make sure
to pick up the treasure chest in the castle to recieve an ANGELGOWN before
you go. And when the gates are locked the party is immediately attacked by an
BOSS BATTLE: Abductor HP: 1482
This boss fight should be pretty easy, attack normally with all of your hard
hitting spells and attacks. Keep pounding on him, but watch for his Bloodsuck
attack, which is variable so the more HP you lose him the more HP he can take
away from your party member.

After the battle head north towards the town of Kelb.

Items: Requiem(song), Kornago Gourd
Party: Galuf, Faris, Butz, Lenna
Party's level: 23

Here in this town Galuf will tell the party that the gate leading to the
Hiryuu Valley is on the north part of this town. Also here in this town the
shops and inns are all locked. When the party appraoches the gate they can't
seem to open it and Galuf decides to ask Kelgar to open it for them. So go to
Kelgar's house which is located in the middle of town.

Here inside his house the door inside is locked, so leave, but before the
party leaves, three werewolfs stop them. But before any brawl takes place
Kelgar tells everybody to stop. Galuf and Kelgar apparently hasn't seen each
other for a long while and Kelgar is one of the four Warriors of Dawn! He
tells them about the crystals shattering and all, but Kelgar is mistaken and
thinks that the party has destroyed the crystals and released Exdeath.

Kelgar challenges Butz to a fight to see what really is in Butz's heart and
he sees if Butz can handle his Lupine Attack. After a few hits Butz looks
like he is about to give up, but then Kelgar stops and Galuf gives him the
moment of strike and WHAM! Butz knocks Kelgar into the other room! Later Butz
and Galuf are nursing an injured Kelgar, whose old body can't take much
punishment. Kelgar congratulates Butz on a job well done and Butz tells them
that his father taught him how to avoid the attack.

Kelgar wonders who is his father's name and apparently its Dorgan if you have
been following the storyline. Kelgar and Galuf are shocked to hear this, and
tells Butz that his father Dorgan was one of the four Warriors of Dawn that
fought against Exdeath 30 years ago. And it appears that Butz's father was a
man from Galuf's world, and that he had traveled to Earth to fight off
against Exdeath. The flashback takes place 30 years back...Exdeath is
serverely wounded and Dorgan knows the battle has no end unless they do
something about it and Kelgar believes that they should seal him on Earth.
But Dorgan has doubts as he questions that an evil from his world should be
sealed in someone's else's and Dorgan cannot agree on that.

They can't take too much time because Exdeath is rejuvenating and Kelgar
believes that they have to seal him here. The Warriors of Dawn seal Exdeath
but not before Dorgan has his doubts. Then moments later after the sealing of
Exdeath, the Warriors of Dawn are about to leave off, but Dorgan decides to
stay. He leaves the meteorite and gives no reason for him staying. The scene
shifts back to Kelgar's house and Galuf tells Butz that his father stayed
behind because he decided to watch over Exdeath.

After Butz tells Kelgar of his father Kelgar decides to open up the gate for
the party. Outside of Kelgar's house the town is crowded and activity runs
wild and also all of the shops are now open so feel free to update your
supplies and armors. If you talk to the werewolf by the well at the bottom
left part of town he will tell you about a strange noise coming from the
well. Check the well and a mysterious sage pops up and seems to be looking
for a frog, but don't worry about that for now.

Also talk to one of the werewolfs at the top right part of town and they will
teach you the REQUIEM song. Also in the inn is a werewolf sitting on a table,
if you sit along side with him he will give you the house specialty, but you
may only do this three times. He will give you a meal that completely
replenishes all lost HP and MP along with curing status effects and 8 POTIONs
for free. So try to conserve them for when you really need them instead of
just taking all of his stuff and being a freeloader you cheap little gamer
you! Now when you are all done head for the gate and out to the Valley of

Items: 5000G, Airblade, Hypno Helmet, 7000G, 5000G, FenixDown, Golem(summon)
Party: Galuf, Faris, Butz, Lenna
Party's level: 23

Here you will hear the familiar beat(which is pretty hip and cool don't you
think?) and to the right inside is a treasure chest containing a whopping
5000 GP. Continue through to the top of the mountain. Also note that you will
often find a ???? who will run from you, don't worry about him just yet.
Continue through and you should pick up a COTTAGE along the way. When you
reach the other side of the Hiryuu Valley via the rope bridge you might
encounter a Golem, BoneDragon, and a ZombieDrgn.

The dragons will turn on the Golem, and the Golem was the one attacking you
and running away from you all this time remember and it serves him right if
he was attacked himself. But for this time being, protect him and finish off
the dragons without harming the Golem. When you reach a room with skull
switch, but you are unable to reach it try walking around the room and you
should fall to the floor below. In this floor is a treasure chest which
contains another whopping 7000 GP. Afterwards take the door to the left and
hit the skull switch.

It will move the roc that was blocking your path. So return back and follow
the path. Here you will encounter tunnel vision, first take the path to the
left and it will lead to two treasure chests which contains an AIRBLADE and a
HYPNO helmet. Continue through and pick up a FENIXDOWN on the way and save
your game in the room below. In the next area is the Hiryuusou just south,
also if you had not saved the Golem earlier this is the place to do so now.

And once you acquire a GOLEM item, go to your inventory and hit the X or A
button twice(depends if you are playing the PSX or SFAM version) and the
Golem will automatically be one of your summons from now on. As the party
approaches the Hiryuusou the plant goes out of control. So is this the reason
why the Hiryuus are dying out? Well nonetheless you must defeat it.
BOSS BATTLE: Hiryuusou & Hiryuuka HP: 11111(Hiryuusou) 500(Hiryuuka)
This battle should be a breeze if you have the Golem esper with you. Just
cast Golem at the beginning of the battle and attack with TITAN and
other powerful magics. Have all other non-magic related people attack
normally. The Golem in this battle will take all the hits for you so no need
to worry.

After the battle you will recieve an ELIXIR. HEre the party gathers up the
Hiryuusou, now if you have a Time Wizard use EXIT to get out, if you don't
just switch jobs unless you want to fight your way out that's fine by me. Now
return back to the Castle of Bal.

Items: None(if you didn't pick the items up earlier)
Party: Butz, Galuf, Faris, Lenna
Party's level: 25

As the party returns back Galuf commands the crew to open the gates but they
refuse and think that its one of Exdeath's minions. So Galuf has an idea and
he jumps into the moat. The party follows and along the path of the moat
contains a switch which will flood them back to the front of the castle's
entrance. Now that you are inside the castle go to Cara and give her the
Hiryuusou. Cara also has a pretty hard headache, she tells Galuf that Guido
is calling, but who's Guido? Guido is the one who predicted that the crystals
of Earth would shatter. He has also lived for over 700 years, and the party

The party has the Hiryuusou and Galuf tells the party that Guido is in a
small island off of a continent just northeast of the Hiryuu Valley. When
Lenna tries to offer the Hiryuu some Hiryuusou it refuses to eat it because
he doesn't trust it due to the fact that it attacks Hiryuus. Lenna convinces
the Hiryuu to eat the Hiryuusou by eating it herself, unmindful of personal
danger. Lenna is now poisoned, but Cara gives her the antidote. Cara however
isn't feeling too well, Galuf tells her to take some rest and the party is
off to find Guido.

Items: None
Party: Lenna, Galuf, Faris, Butz
Party's level: 25

As you can expect, the hiryuu cannot fly over mountains so go north and make
your way around. Once you reach this place, inside the party automatically
takes the scene, but as the party arrives an earthquake starts and the island
is sinking and the party must hurry back to the hiryuu. The scene shifts to
Exdeath as he is the one who has caused the Earthquake. The hiryuu and the
party make it out just in time but not before they get a little wet. Now head
to Surgate Castle which should be directly east from where you are or
northwest from the Valley of Hiryuu.

Items: 5000G, Float(Jikuu), Speed(song)
Party: Faris, Lenna, Butz, Galuf
Party's level: 25

As you enter the party tries to get in, but the guards stop them. Then
another guard comes in and quickly recognizes King Galuf of Bal and it
appears that apparently that Zeza is leading a fleet to Exdeath's castle, but
how big is it? You'll see! Afterwards the guard tells you that you are free
to roam around, so tkae a look around. Also did you notice that there was
half a book? The party recalls seeing a book very similar to it before but
where? Oh well, for now just ignore it. Also when you reach a place with
three books, place them in the correct alphabetical order:


4----------------5-----------------6 10

7----------------8-----------------9 11



Afterwards talk to the lady, she will go back to her hidden room and will
leave the door open. In the next room you will find that same lady who talks
about some float spell or something and also make sure to pick up the World
Map on the table as well. In the next room you should find an old sage
talking about his journey and the big eye and such, oh yeah pick up the 5000
GP to the bottom right as well. Then make your way outside, when you do go to
the left and inside is a room which contians a treasure chest which contains
the FLOAT spell. Also in King Zeza's room is a book, check the book to learn
the SPEEDSONG. Now leave and depart for Zeza's fleet, its on the southeast
shore of Exdeath's castle.

Items: Bloodswd, Hairpin, GoldShld
Party: Butz, Galuf, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 25

Land your hiryuu on the biggest ship, when they land Galuf and Zeza greet
each other and afterwards Zeza tells the party to take a rest. So go down the
deck and take a rest. Then suddenly in the middle of the night the entire
fleet is attacked by monsters. When you reach port talk to Zeza and the
monsters will start to board the ship, but apparently this fleet is a decoy!
So what else does Zeza have up his sleave? Just approach the enemies and the
fight will automatically ensue. After defeating all the enemies on board Zeza
is still holind his own ground, so talk to Gilgamesh at the port steer and a
fight with him will ensue.
BOSS FIGHT: Gilgamesh & Enkidou HP: 4000(Endikou) 6211(Gilgamesh)
This fight is the same as all the other fights you've had with Gilgamesh,
just keep pounding him with regular attacks and such with strong magic and
keep your HP around 350. Later in the battle Enkidou will come and heal all
of Gilgamesh's wounds, making the battle even tougher. If you have GOLEM then
the battle shifts HEAVILY to your side since the GOLEM can withstand about
5000 HP of damage, which should last longer than the battle. Attack Endikou
first and then Gilgamesh, as Gilgamesh thinks Endikou is still alive he
decides to leave the rest to him, but Endikou has been defeated and he runs
off as well! If you have the STEAL command make sure to steal the GENJI
accessory from Gilgamesh as well.

After the battle you will recieve a GOLDSHLD. After the battle Gilgamesh is
ripped with jealousy as he drags the party down with him, but the party hangs
on as Gilgamesh doesn't look like he can swim. Just as Galuf is about to
fall, the hiryuu comes and saves the party. Afterwards meet Zeza downstairs
as he will need your help to open the giant treasure chest which actually
reveals another room! The boats as you can expect are a decoy, the party is
going to sneak in with the submarine underwater.

Zeza blasts his way in and inside it appears that Zeza and the party will
have to split up. Zeza will also give Galuf a Hisohisou, which is sorta like
a walkie-talkie to communicate. Now take the top floor, if you try to take
the bottom path, Zeza won't let you so avoid the hassle and just take the top
floor! You should reach a save room, save your game and heal your wounds. In
this next room just keep going to the top left. There is also two treasure
chests in this room, one of them contains a monster which you will need to
defeat. Its a Red Dragon, just cast two TITAN summons and it should be gone,
otherwise you will have a very hard time in this battle. After the battle you
will recieve a BLOODSWD.

The other treasure chest contains 9000 GP. You will reach outside afterwards
and continue to make your way to the top and into the next room. When you
reach the sixth floor there is a treasure chest containing a whopping 18000
GP! Before you reach the eight floor Zeza will contact you, the scene then
shifts to Zeza. Everything seems fine until Zeza is attacked by a monster,
but Zeza easily takes care of it. So hurry up and reach the power room. Also
along the way if you take the left path there is a treasure chest with a
monster in it, which is another Red Dragon and contains a HAIRPIN. Then
continue on and you should eventually reach a save point. So save your game
and heal your wounds and continue on. When you reach the antenna Zeza shuts
down the power, but before the party can destroy the antenna something
approaches the party.
This fight will be pretty tough since Atomos has an absurd amount of HP. If
you have the BLOODSWD along with X-Fight, this fight should be a breeze.
Atomos will occasionally cast COMET, which is more than likely to knock out
any character and sometimes when you revive a character, heck EVERYTIME you
revive a character he will counter with COMET, so make sure one of your weak
characters die and then don't bother to bring them back to life, heh heh. A
downed character will be sucked into the wormhole in Atomos, although I've
never been sucked in I think it just means the character cannot be used for
the battle once its sucked in. Also attack with TITAN and other strong magic,
but the X-Fight with the BLOODSWD really gets the battle going to your favor
here because it can absorb about 1300 HP from Atomos with each attack! Also
if you have the GREATSWD from earlier in your inventory you might want to
throw it if you have a Ninja since it causes near 1500 HP of damage to

Afterwards the party has destroyed the antenna and back dow to where Zeza is,
the power generator explodes, but it also cuts off Zeza's escape. Zeza tells
the party he's fine, but Galuf knows well enough to contradict that. The
hiryuu awaits the party as Lenna and Faris are the first to jump, but Galuf
still goes after Zeza. The scene shifts to Zeza, he already knew. Zeza
sacrifices himself because he didn't want to send Galuf to do it, but he
promises he will help the party again as another Warrior of Dawn falls. Galuf
won't let Zeza die, but Butz knows its too late and knocks Galuf out cold and
jumps to the hiryuu.

Galuf wants to go back to the submarine and does, when they arrive Galuf is
standing by the way the party entered the tower and waits for Zeza. He asks
you if he can wait a bit longer, as you wait a bit longer Galuf hates Zeza
for being a showoff. The party is inside the submarine and Faris suggests
that they can reach Guido's sunken cave with the submarine. Galuf however
still thinks about his friend Zeza. Now go towards the sunken cave and save
your game. You can also use your map underwater as well, the cave is located
exactly where it was when it was above water level, in the center of the
world map.

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Butz, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 27

When you reach inside this place you will encounter a couple of treasure
chests and a some locked doors and you will need to devise up a combination
of switches to open up the doors. Don't worry I've compiled another crappy
map for you! There is a rock inside the 3rd treasure chest and you will need
to place that rock inside one of the other treasure chests, once you lift it
out of the 3rd treasure chest the entrance will be closed.


\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \


A-- Leads to nothing!
B-- Next destination.
C-- Opens up a door that leads to a skull switch.
D-- Leads to nothing!

After reaching your next destination continue through. You will eventually
encounter a room that will have that tunnel vision again. Take the bottom
left path and there will be a skull switch. The switch will open up the
staircase in the giant boulder in the middle of the room. In the next room
which is room B4 you will have another encounter with the tunnel vision, keep
going until you reach the next room. Here in this next room you will see a
turtle, then jump into the pond and it will carry you to the next room. Here
in this next room is the turtle you saw earlier in the middle of the room.

Butz however hits the turtle and forces it into its shell("and I thought the
people in New York were wierd!") but Galuf tells Butz to stop, but knowing
Butz he finds it fun and does it again! Then finally the turtle talks, Galuf
apologizes to the turtle who is actually Sage Guido. Guido forgives Butz and
tells the party about Exdeath. It appears that Exdeath is looking for
something in the Great Forest of Mua. It lies west of Surgate Castle which is
also Exdeath's birthplace. 500 years ago an evil spirit sealed in the Mua
Forest turned one of the trees into a monster, the tree is Exdeath.

For 500 years Guido has kept Exdeath sealed until 30 years ago when the seal
broke, it was also the battle of the Four Warriors of Dawn. Guido does not
blame the party for Exdeath being loose because anything sealed is destined
to returned and this time he must be DESTROYED! For Zeza's vengence and the
defeat of Exdeath the party goes unhesitantly. But no matter who enters the
Forest of Mua, anybody will be attacked. But Guido gives the party the ELDER
BRANCH, the branch is part of the oldest tree in the Mua Forest and its the
key to entering the Forest of Mua. Afterwards head to the town east of the
forest of Mua.

Items: HuntingKnife
Party: Galuf, Bartz, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 27

You will need to use your submarine underwater and try to enter the bottom of
the lake to the top. The entrance is to the farthest west on the world map,
but there is no point to indicate the entrance. Once you have reached the
western town, enter it. In this town there is a small house to the bottom
left corner of the town and you will need to go around the pub to get to it,
however the door to it is locked, but remember where this door is though.
Once your all through and set continue through to Forest of Mua to the east.

Items: 2500 GP, Soot, Flame Sabre, Falem Shield(Or Aegis Shield), 9500 GP,
Fenix Down, Cottage, Elixir, Mornstar, Either, Giant Potion
Party: Galuf, Lenna, Faris, Butz
Party's level: 27

Once inside the Forest of Mua the ELDER BRANCH will automatically do its
work. Once through to the top is 2500 GP. Continue through until you see
another treasure chest which contains an ETHER, and to the left of the ether
is a tree with a hole, talk to it and it will reveal a passage way for you.
Enter it and continue through. Here in this next area is the same tunnel
vision as before along with the trees to block your eyesight. To the top is
another treasure chest which contains 4900 GP. Then more over to the top
right is another treasure chest which contains a FENIXDOWN.

Then over to the far right contains another treasure chest which contains
9500 GP. Then talk to the tree in the middle of the area and yet another
passageway will be revealed for you, so enter it. Here in this next area to
the right is a GIANT potion, further along the top is another treasure chest
which contains an ELIXIR. Then to the top is the MORNSTAR, and also at the
bottom left of the area is a COTTAGE. And also make sure to collect
everything in this place and then touch the ring of fire, which is actually a
save point. So save your game and heal your wounds and continue on. Now
remember where the MORNSTAR was? To the left of it is your next destination,
but before you can advance any further an evil presence shakes things up.

Then suddenly the entire forest is catching fire and the party must escape
quickly. You can pick up the treasure chest near the tree which contains an
AEGIS SHIELD, but if you want the FLAME SHIELD don't pick it up now.Wonder
around until a moogle pops out then follow it to the pit below. HEre you will
be at the moogle's underground habitat and the party decides to wait until
the fire is put out. So wait a while until the moogle guarding the door
starts to walk around, that's when you can tell that it is safe. Now when you
go back out check the treasure chest to pick up the FLAME SHIELD THAT IS IF

Now continue to the left, you will find a treasure chest that contains
nothing but soot, yes that's right soot. Further to the left contains another
treasure box which contains a FLAME sword. Then continue upwards and the
party will spot a giant tree which is the master Tree. The branch now will do
its work and a new path for the party is now opened. Continue through inside
and four seals will attack you.

NOTE: Make sure you cast FLOAT on the party before the battle.
BOSS BATTLE: (4 seals) HP: 7777(each)
This battle will be very tough. Each one of them has an elemental weakness
along with an elemental strength. What I suggest you do is use TITAN until
three of them dies, while one of them might absorb the TITAN summon, at least
you can take out 3 of them. They will often use FIRE3 and AERO to damage you
and it will hurt, most likely knocking your party out. And watch for the
Aquabreath, it will do serious damage as well, and there is very little that
you can do about it. Having a Knight with X-FIGHT and the BLOODSWD really
makes the battle a lot easier, but still a very tough battle. The bottom one
is strong against EARTH attacks, the one at the left is strong against ICE
attacks. The one on the right is strong against THUNDER/ICE attacks. The one
at the top is strong against FIRE attacks. I don't think either one of them
has an apparent weakness. Your best bet is to take one of them at a time,
while having someone summon TITAN concentrate all of your other attacks on
one seal. NOTE: The TITAN is really effective if you are wearing the EARTH
vest because it will double the damage of the TITAN attack. Basically in this
battle cast FIRE3 to every Seal except for the top one because you can deal
1500 HP of damage with it. Also casting GOLEM is a MUST in this battle.

After the battle Exdeath congratulates the party on a job well done, they've
broken the seal! The crystals are under Exdeath's control as the party is
paralyzed by the power of the crystals. The scene shifts to Cara, she senses
something wrong as the moogle tells her about the Great Forest of Mua. The
party however is still paralyzed, but Cara comes in and knocks Exdeath out of
commission. Cara thinks Exdeath is out for a while, but he quickly encases
her in a ring of fire, Cara tries despretely to escape but to no avail, Galuf
becomes consious and resists the power of the crystals and one of the
crystals shatter. Then he releases Cara from the ring of fire and disperses
the fire and decides to attack Exdeath.
BOSS FIGHT: Exdeath HP: 12,000
This battle starts off with Exdeath casting ICE3 which completely depletes
Galuf's HP, but somehow Galuf is still standing. In this battle hit Exdeath
with everything you've got, Galuf can't die in this battle. In this battle
Exdeath cannot be defeated by anger nor hatred, but Galuf's fight is not
feuled by hate nor anger, its something and Exdeath falls.

After the battle the crystals revive Exdeath as he teleports out of there.
The crystals hold on the party is gone and Cara is standing over Galuf. The
party urges Galuf to get up, but he knows he can't. The party tries
everything to heal Galuf, but he was so badly wounded in the battle that he
cannot be healed by any justifable means. Galuf dies and Cara is overcome
with emotion, when the party tries to talk to Cara she does not respond. Try
to head for the exit, but then suddenly Cara hears Grandpa calling. Galuf
speaks to Cara and gives Cara his strength and he will always be with Cara.
She then decides to the party that she will fight with the party. Exdeath is
trying to destroy all of the crystals and the party must hurry to Exdeath's
castle. So head over to Exdeath's castle and make sure to stop by a town to
pick up some supplies if you need any.

Items: DiamondShld, Gail Bow, Elixir(2), Ether, Blizzard spear, Ice Shield,
Koutetsu, 8000 G, 9000G, Double Lance, MagiShuriken
Party: Cara, Butz, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 28

NOTE: In the first room in Exdeath's castle when you encounter the Lava,
if you go down the ramp and there is a secret passage which leads to
the right containing a GAIL BOW, also with the Passages ability with
the thief you can see many passages in which you can take short cuts.
(credit given to Sarah Jones, see credits at top and bottom)

When you enter his castle you will see a lot of downed men. They say Exdeath
went upstairs so follow him! When you reach Floor 2 there are two treasure
chests at the bottom which contains DIAMOND accessory and an ETHER. When you
reach the center of the castle you will notice that there is no other
passageway or staircase, wander around and leave, but when you try to leave
Cara notices something. Its an illusion created by Exdeath. Later the scene
shifts to Kelgar, who is the last remaining Warrior of Dawn.

Then Galuf's spirit aproaches Kelgar and he immediately recognizes that it is
Galuf, Kelgar understands what Galuf was trying to say and he will try to
destroy Exdeath's illusion. Kelgar gives his life up to destroy the illusion
caused by Exdeath as the entire castle turns into a fiery palace and a
staircase reveals itself, so continue onto the next room. In the next room
there is a visible switch to the right which opens up the path to a treasure
chest which contains an ICE SHLD. The next room which is Floor 5 contains a
treasure chest which reveals an ETHER potion, then continue onto Floor 6.

In this room you will see a treasure chest to the left which contains an
ELIXIR. Pick that up and continue onto the next room. Here on Floor 7 you
will see a platform along with a skull on the floor. Touch the skull and it
will make the platform move back and forth, hit the A or Circle
button(depends if you have a SFAM or PSX controller) again to stop it at
either the two treasure chests or the staircase leading to the next room.

The treasure chest on the left contains an ICEBrand sword and the treasure
chest to the right contains a KOUTETSU blade for the Samurai. Also note that
if the platform stops in front of one of the four pillars you will be
attacked by an IMP. Then after you have made it through there is a save
point, save your game and heal your wounds and continue on. In Floor 8 there
is a treasure chest to the right which contains an ELIXIR, but if you can't
seem to get to it try using the Passages ability to reveal it. Now continue
onto to the left which also has a treasure chest containing 9900 GP, after
collecting the treasure chest continue to the next room.

When you reach a room with a green glowing orb in the middle of the room you
will have to take the stairs to the bottom pits below. Here in this place is
all lava and remember in Final Fantasy IV? You'll have to do the same so have
someone cast FLOAT on the entire party so that you ca remain undamaged when
walking over the lava or magma, whatever you want to call it. Continue over
to the far right and a staircase will lead to 8000 GP. Then make your way to
the middle staircase in the lava pit and you will be in the place with the
numerous skull switches. Don't worry I've compiled a map of some sort to help
you out.

| 11------12
| 13-14-15
| |
ND 16

1= Teleports you to the Esper in the room.
2= Leads to the bottom pit below.
3= Leads to the bottom pit below.
4= Doesn't do anything.
5= Doesn't do anything.
6= Doesn't do anything.
7= Closes the bridge to next destination.
8= Leads to the bottom pit below.
9= Leads to the bottom pit below.
10= Doesn't do anything.
11= Doesn't do anything.
12= Leads to the bottom pit below.
13= Doesn't do anything.
14= Doesn't do anything.
15= Leads to the bottom pit below.
16= Opens the bridge to the next destination.

So in this order if you want to go to the next destination: 7, 11, 13,
14, 16
If you want to meet Carbunkle take this order: 7, 5, 4
And if you want the TWINLANCE take this order: 7, 5, 6, TC

The TC stands for treasure chest. You have no choice but to hit switch 7
which will close off the path to your next destination(ND). If you do so
happen to encounter the Esper, prepare yourself before doing so and talk to
him to initiate the fight.
BOSS BATTLE: Carbunkle HP: 15000

NOTE: Here is another strategy from Earthsq:

"Carbunkle can be easily defeated using Break magic on a sword, then
attacking with it."

However, if for some reason you do not have the Break ability or do not
wish to become a MysticKnight, then you can use the following strategy

This battle will be pretty tough. Make sure not to use magic on him otherwise
it will be reflected. Cast a WALL on any one of your other party members and
have the magic reflect off that party member to deal damage to Carbunkle. He
cannot reflect Summon magic obviously, so feel free to use IFRIT, but using
TITAN won't work for some odd reason. QUIET also works on Carbunkle as well
so you can at least keep him from using magic for one round. He will
occasionally use BREAK twice in a row and DEATH as well, so revive your party
members as quick as possible.

After the battle Carbunkle realizes your strength and decides to come with
you. Now you will have to make your way back to the room with the numerous
skulls and hit switch 16. In this next room is a save point. So save your
game and heal your wounds. Now in this next room is an empty treasure chest,
but before the party approaches the next room, Gilgamesh stops them, well not
stop them the party decides to stop. Before the party can try to go around
Gilgamesh, a fight ensues.

BOSS BATTLE: Gilgamesh HP: 20,000
This fight is somewhat hard, don't forget to steal a HIPOTION from Gilgamesh,
yes that's right no Genji equipment this time. Keep pounding on him with your
strongest attacks, when you lose him 12,000 HP he will change form and when
you lose him 16,000 he will use the EXCALIBUR but it does pitiful damage
against the party. When you lose him about 20,000 HP Exdeath is tired of his
imcompetence and sends him to the Cleft of Dimension. Also keep a GOLEM up so
you don't have to worry about Gilgamesh's physical attacks. Also wait until
he morphs if you want a GENJI HELMET, steal it from him when he morphs.

After the battle you will recieve the EXCALIPUR. Don't bother to equip it
because its really a fake sword and does a pitance of damage, even though
your stats clearly show that your attack power has risen up, its really just
there to fool you. Now continue on and save if you wish, then continue on
through until you meet up with Exdeath. Here the party stops Exdeath, but
Exdeath tells the party he is trying to turn the world back to its original
form. Exdeath won't let you interfere and a fight will ensue.
BOSS BATTLE: Exdeath HP: 32768
This battle will be pretty tough, he will CONDEMN one of your party members
giving him 30 seconds before death. Revive that character immediately and use
all of your strong attacks and cast GOLEM as well. Also if you have the Throw
command, throw the EXCALIPUR at Exdeath which will deal about 3500 HP of
damage to him! Watch for him to use his Dynamo, its not much but it
completely rearranges your party member's row positions so all front row
people are going to be in the backrow and vice versa. Immediately switch back
to your rows once he has done that because it can seriously affect your
performance in this battle. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AT LEAST ONE KNIGHT! Have him
use X-Fight if you have it and equip him with the BLOODSWD, and also have him
equip the ICESHLD. Exdeath will use FIRE3 and ICE3 in succession, this means
that his FIRE3 attack will be useless as you will absorb his ICE3 attack. You
can absorb as much as 1600 HP from Exdeath every round!

After the battle the crystals will shatter. The party is knocked unconsious
and later they end up one terrain that seems a bit familiar. It seems that
the party can see castle Tycoon, so does that mean that they are back?

---------------------------- [ End of World 2 ] -----------------------------

Items: None
Party: Faris, Lenna, Butz, Cara
Party's level: 30

You should be able to head your way through to the top left towards Tycoon

Inside the castle the Chancellor is already waiting for them and he quickly
recognizes Sarisa. It seems that the Chancellor is already preparing for the
banquet and invites Cara and Butz to join along. Later when Faris gets
dressed up Butz literally goes gaga over her. The dance starts and Cara
immediately leaves, Butz later goes after her. When Butz goes to talk to Cara
she still hears Grandpa's voice, it seems that Galuf is trying to rsuh the
party off somewhere, but where? Butz understands and decides to gow tih Cara,
but don't worry about Lenna and Faris, it seems that the people dancing won't
let you through.

For now just leave the castle. Cara will question about leaving Lenna and
Faris, but just as Butz and Cara is about to leave the castle a guard bumps
into the party and informs them that the bridge to the west across the river
has been finished. Butz still wonders if Boco is still in the cave to the
west, but Cara seems surprised that Butz would have a Chocobo seeing how he
was so intimidated by the hiryuu, so he gives Cara a little hit, but Cara
gives him a harder and hit and admits he's no match for her. Then the two
leave in search for Boco.

Items: None
Party: Cara, Butz
Party's level: 30

Now head for the cave to the west, you should find a small bridge leading to
the next area, and notice that there are no monsters around to attack. So can
this really be home? Before the party reaches the cave Boco immediately
greets Butz. It also seems that Cara can talk to chocobos and that Boco wants
to introduce the two to someone. So the party meets Coco, Boco's unofficial
wife and she's also pregnant. Bobo decides to go with Butz and they leave
off into the journey again.

Items: None
Party: Cara, Butz
Party's level: 30

Now head all the way northwest from Tycoon castle, the chocobo can cross
rivers as well. Continue through until you reach the town of Tule. In this
town there really isn't much but you can talk to the townspeople to see if
they can give you any info. Also talk to the lady in the beginner's house to
find something interesting about Suppins. Once done head to the west and you
will notice that the view changes to a closer view of the mountains instead
of the overworld, how odd! As the chocobo crosses through the path, the
ground suddenly collapses before them. They land in some dark cave and Cara
does admit he was going a bit too fast, Butz blames Boco, but Cara stops him
from tkaing out his anger on Boco. But then suddenly the party is attacked by
a monster!
BOSS BATTLE: Antlion HP: 8100
Remember this guy? Yep that's right. He's the same boss Edward, Cecil, and
Rydia fought in the Antlion cave back in FF4(or maybe it's nostalgia on my
part :P ). This boss is fairly hard, but very beatable. Attack him with your
best attacks and pound him with everything you've got to make this battle go
by quicker. He's not that hard. Also if you have X-Fight along with the
Bothhand ability this fight goes by in just three rounds with a single
character! You can attack up to 8 times in a single round! But its only

The party now seems to be stuck. Walk around for a while and the music
changes and then suddenly a rope drops by for the two. As Butz heads for the
rope, it quickly retracts. It seems that someone is trying to play a joke on
the two, Butz quickly calls for his Chocobo to give him a leap but fails.
After numerous tries someone calls: "Will you promise never to do such a
thing again?" "Admit your error? Hehehe..." Then later Butz finally takes up
with Boco being first. When they reach the surface Faris appears and wonders
whose idea it was to leave her behind. Butz wonders why Faris left, and she
admits that she is not cut out to be a princess. Cara suddenly feels a little
pain, she has a small splinter, but no matter Faris joined! Now head off onto
your next destination.

Items: Sealed Book
Party: Faris, Cara, Butz
Party's level: 30

Continue and go southwest into a cave. Inside the cave they find Guido on the
ground upside down, and Butz flips him over. It appears that Guido got
flipped over when the worlds merged as one. WHAT?! The legend foretolds about
something like this, not even Guido believed it himself. It was 1000 years
ago when Cara's World and Butz's World were together as one whole world. But
then why the world split into two? It was done so to seal off the power of
the void. So what's the Void? Well 1000 years ago, a powerful force named
Enuo was able to control the Void, the battle had raged on for a long time.

Using the 12 legendary weapons the people had defeated Enuo, but they were
not able to get rid of the Void that Enuo had created. The people were left
with no choice but to split the crystals in two. When the Crystals of the
World would split so would the world as well. The space between the two split
worlds is called the "Cleft of Dimension." It was the place where the people
chose to seal off the Void. So what Exdeath said was true, but the crystals
are all shattered the Water remains Stagnant, the Fire is cold as Ice, and
the Wind never gives a whiff.

Then suddenly Cara notices the splinter, then suddenly Exdeath appears and
apparently Exdeath disguised himself as a little splinter waiting for the
last moment(pretty odd if you ask me!). His true objective is to obtain the
power of the Void sealed in the Cleft of Dimension. Suddenly a blackhole
appears over Castle Tycoon as the Cleft of Dimension is beginning to appear
in the world. That was his main objective and Butz tries to stop Exdeath, but
to no avail after getting blasted a second time. The scene shifts to Castle
Tycoon as the Castle is devoured by the awesome force of the Void.

The party once again tries to stop Exdeath but to no avail, but as Exdeath is
about to leave Guido gives Exdeath a good hit which temporarily stuns him.
The two square(no pun intended) off in a battle and Guido seems to be an even
match against Exdeath. Then suddenly Exdeath blasts Guido and the party out
of the cave. The party seems the be alright and so does Guido, Guido must
know of something that can prevent Exdeath from obtaining the power of the
Void, but he suddenly notices the Ancient Library. The party must hurry,
there is something in a book in the Ancient Library that might be able to
stop Exdeath.

You will automatically be at the Ancient Library, and the scholars
immedaitely recognize Guido and it appears that the Sealed Book is already
back together. Guido then calls a meeting, Butz hurries as he anxiously
awaits to go to the Cleft of Dimension, but it appears that many monsters
were sealed along with the Cleft of Dimension as well and it appears that the
party is too weak to be able to defeat them. They need something, something
that can defeat the monsters in the Cleft of Dimension. The 12 legendary
weapons, the party must break the seal to the 12 legendary weapons.

And in order to obtain the 12 legendary weapons the party will need the
Sealed Book that has been split in two. When the power of the Void returns
the book will speak to the Light Warriors(sound familiar?). Then the book
speaks, apparently the weapons they had used were sealed in the Castle of
Kuzar. The keys to releasing these seals are from four stone tablets. One
rests with the souls of the past protected by the Earth, one is an island
shrine protected by the wind, one is in a place deeper than the floor of the
sea and is protected by Flame, and the last is behind a waterfall protected
by water.

The servants were also sealed as well, but when the stone tablets are used
the servants are released and the most powerful spells are released. "The
greatest Dimensional Spell, METEO." The Sea King "Leviathan." The King of
Dragons "Bahamut." If the party holds the book up to the door, the path to
the seal will open. The party now recieves the Sealed Book, and they must
hurry to dissolve the seals of the 12 legendary weapons and their first
destination from here is the Quicksand desert to the west.

NOTE: Before you head off to the Desert Palace, go speak to one of the
scholars at the Ancient Library and you will learn a song, however
after the event concerning the Desert Palace, you will be unable
to acquire the song.

Items: Ice Shield, Dark Matter(8), CrystalMail, 12000G, Elixir(4), 9000G,
10000G, 12000G, 8000G, Ribbon, Protect Ring, HairOrnament, Cottage,
Flame Shield, Black Robe, DarkSuit, Thornlet, DragonFang, White Gown,
Party: Cara, Faris, Butz
Party's level: 30

Here just keep going to the west. You wil have to cross the Oldest Tree along
the way. The party stops in front of the Oldest Tree and it appears that the
Forest of Mua is beginning to restore itself. Cara however still mourns over
Grandpa's death, Faris mourns over Lenna and Alexander Tycoon as too many
lives were lost in this endless struggle. But the party must continue to
fight for not that fate of the world but for all life, and Faris is fed up
with seeing so many lives lost. The party then approaches the Desert, and
apparently the quicksand has stopped. Since the Earth crystal has shattered,
the power of the Earth has totally disappeared. Inside the Desert Palace the
party tries to open the door, but then are suddenly attacked by two
BOSS FIGHT: Gargoyle(2) HP: 5000(each)
This fight shouldn't be too hard. Keep ounding them with your strongest
attacks. Having a GOLEM up in this battle can be a big advantage for your
party as it will absorb the physical attakcs put forth by the Gargoyles.

After the battle the Sealed Book will open the door blocking the path to
inside the Desert Palace. Afterwards enter inside and take the next available
staircase to the left. Also note that if you have the BloodSwd still equipped
you may want to de-equip it because your BloodSwd will have the opposite
effect on the monsters in here, but everybody in here is weak against ICE
attacks. Once your in a room with three switches you will be attacked by two
Aspis, you can avoid them but its difficult since due to the lack of room to
run. Then hit all three switches and continue to make your way through.

In this next room there are three treasure chests at the top, if you walk
through you will hit a switch that reveals two more Aspis. They can also hit
the switches on the floor as well. The treasure chest in the middle contains
a DRKMATTER in which you will need to fight four Cursed Ones for. The
treasure chest to the left contains a FLAME shield in which you will also
have to fight four Cursed Ones for it. The treasure chest to the right
contains a WHITE gown, but its protected by the overrated Archeosaur. After
that you will have to fight another set of Aspis again.

After defeating them, hit the switches on the floor to make it more
accessible to you then enter the next room. In this next room you will see a
bunch of robots walking around, if you want to pick a fight with them go
ahead, but I wouldn't reccommend it. Try to find your way around them, and
yes you can destroy all of them and they will not come back after you have
destroyed them. You will also have to face 4 Aspis as well, two of them
however will let loose on their own due to the fact that the robots may have
stepped on the switches in the room. The other two will attack you when you
open up another switch.

The treasure chest to the far left contains a BLACK gown, in which it is
guarded by a weak Archeosaur, who also leaves behind a DRAGONFANG after the
battle. The treasure chest to the top right of the room contains an ELIXIR
and so does the one to the top left. There is a treasure chest in the top
middle of the room which contains a very unuseful THORNLET that steadily
decreases your HP, its guarded by three Mummy(s) that are fairly hard to
defeat. Now go to the left mummy tomb to the left and check it and you will
have to fight three Mummy(s) to get through again. Then continue onto the
next room. Here in this room is a save room, save your game and continue to
Floor 5. Now in this room take the left, but on your way you will have to hit
a switch that will lead to another fight with two more Aspis.

Defeat them and continue on. In this next room are two treasure chests, the
one on the right has 5 Statues which must defeated in order to obtain the
CRYSTAL armor. The treasure chest to the left contains a DRKMATTER which you
will need to defeat four Cursed Ones for. Then return to the room before and
you might want to heal your wounds if those other battles might have wounded
you. Ignore the top door for now and the wall on the right has a secret
passage way, check it if you do not have the Passages ability and you should
find your way to a treasure chest and inside is a DARKSUIT, which is guarded
by three Fall Guards. After picking that up continue your way to the bottom
staircase and into Floor 6. In this room you must hit the switches to advance
through the liquid quicksand.

After hitting the first switch take the staircase to the right. In this room
hit the far left switch otherwise you will get pushed off. The treasure chest
to the top left contains a DRKMATTER guarded by four Cursed Ones. The
treasure chest next to that also contains a DRKMATTER and is guarded by
four Cursed Ones as well. The treasure chests to the right contain 8000 GP
and 9000 GP. Also if you want the DRKMATTER, enter the room again and hit the
right switch and you will fall to the room below which contains a treasure
chest containing a DRKMATTER guarded by four Cursed Ones. Now there is a
hidden passageway to the left, make your way through and back to Floor 6.

Hit the switches and continue onto Floor 7. Here in this room there is a
treasure chest in the middle, ignore it for now and take the left path. There
are a series of hidden passageways, the treasure chest to the left contains
an EARTH axe which is guarded by four Cursed Ones. Then continue towards the
top and the treasure chest in the top right corner contains 10000 GP. And to
the bottom contains a COTTAGE. Now enter the room in the middle that leads to
Floor 8. In this room its a bit tricky. The floor constantly switches
patterns back and forth and you will have to look carefully and move when the
time is right. Also you can drop through one of the holes if you want the
ELIXIR at the bottom if you like.

Then make your way back to the eigth floor. The treasure chest to the right
contains a HAIRPIN and the treasure chest to the left contains a RIBBON. The
treasure chest in the middle contains a PROTECT ring, now after that choose
the right staircase if you want a DRKMATTER and 12000 GP. The treasure chests
in this room contain a DRKMATTER which is guarded by four Cursed Ones and
12000 GP. Now head back to the left side and take those staircases. The
treasure chests contain an ELIXIR and a DRKMATTER which is once again guarded
by four Cursed Ones.

Now head for the room in the middle, but watch for the light areas, if you
slip you will have to walk around and start over again. Here in this next
room just head straight up for the First Tablet. Then suddenly when you pick
up the First Tablet the platform below you rises. Cara notices the writing on
the Tablet which says "The Dragon King Bahamut." The bird shaped island that
Cara and Butz saw earlier has sank along with the airship/seaship and out of
it rises a giant Dragon that rises the party stands guard, but Bahamut does
not attack and tells the party that he will be waiting for them on North
Mountain. Then the party notices that the airship is being washed along their
direction. Now exit out of the pyramid and head back to the Ancient Library.

Items: None
Party: Cara, Faris, Butz
Party's level: 32

When the party reaches the Oldest Tree, the hiryuu hovers by and drops Lenna.
It appears that she was injured during the incident at Castle Tycoon, she
wakes up but only this time its not her! Then Exdeath's voice beckons across
the party as he sends one of the Cleft of Dimension's minions, Merugene after
the party. Lenna continues to injure the party but she can't control it.
Exdeath then decides to get rid of Guido by letting the Cleft of Dimension
devour the Ancient Library. Then suddenly the hiryuu attacks Lenna in order
to save the party and Lenna's body was separated from the monster.
BOSS BATTLE: Merugene HP: 20000
This battle will be pretty tough. She constantly changes barriers every so
often and changes weaknesses and strengths. Your best bet is to hit her with
anything not elemental like BIO or use your physical attacks because they
seem to work pretty well. Keep your party's HP up and watch for her to use
strong spells like FIRE3 or ICE3, so make sure at least one of your party
members has a FLAME or ICE shield equipped. Watch for what kind of attack she
does, if she does a FIRE attack use ICE or vice versa. Keep pounding on her
until she's toast.

After the battle Lenna lies awake and describes the events at the castle. The
party tells her to try not to speak and she will join your party. However she
will still be in swoon status so you will need to revive her.

Items: None
Party: Cara, Lenna, Faris, Butz
Party's level: 32

For now head to Surgate castle, its not far from here and its the closest
place for the party to rest and heal up. Now afterwards your seaship/airship
should be just a short distance away northeast of Surgate castle. Once the
party enters the ship a scenario takes place. Lenna tells the party of the
Cleft of Diemsnion as Cara rushes off to enter it, but Faris reminds the
party that they are not strong enough to take down the monsters in the Cleft
of Dimension yet. The party now rushes off to the Castle of Kuzar. The scene
then shifts to Exdeath and it appears that he cannot control the Void. HE
then summons the Void to devour all of the land and people.

And so it does taking in whatever is in its path along with it the Castle or
Worus, the Moogle Forest, Butz's hometown of Lix and many others. Butz isn't
too happy about this as he goes bonkers and flies the airship at incredible
speeds unmindful of personal or the party's danger. The party then finally
gets Butz to clam down. And from this point you can enter the Cleft of
Dimension at any time, just like in Final Fantasy VI when you acquired the
Falchon from Setzer you can enter Kefka's castle at any time. But I must warn
you that the monsters are incredibly tough and you still don't stand much of
a chance unless you gain 50 levels, or you can take the quicker way and
follow the rest of this walkthrough.

Items: Excalibur, Assassin Daggar, Earth Bell, Apollo's Harp, Yoichi's Bow,
Rune Axe, Masamune, Firebute, SageStaff, Wizard Rod, Holy Lance
Party: Cara, Lenna, Faris, Butz
Party's level: 32

Now remember the castle east of Tule? Go there as inside there will be
scholars walking around. One of them will reveal a pot of recovery for you
and I also suggest you save your game outside because the monsters in this
castle are IMMENSELY strong and powerful and you stand little chance of
defeating them. Once inside make your way through to the middle of the castle
and once you approach it put the First Tablet on the table and it will tell
you that you can choose three weapons, after unlocking three seals the First
Tablet will disintegrate. Here are the Weapons as they are:


Earth Bell Assassin Daggar

Apollo's Harp Sasuke's Katana

Wizard Rod Holy Lance

Sage Staff Rune Axe

Firebute Masamune

Yoichi's Bow

You are welcomed to pick up any three that you want. And I know 90% of you
will probably go for Excalibur first like I did! After taking any of the
three legendary weapons, head out of the castle and onto the next

Items: 12000GP, 9000GP, Protect Ring, Rising Sun, Crystal Helmet, BeastKill,
Elixir, Ether(2), Circlet, Dragon Fang, Dark Matter
Party: Cara, Butz, Faris, Lenna
Party's level: 32

In here the door will automatically open up, but first after you have
defeated two Gargoyles. I'm too lazy to type of a strategy guide to defeating
them, but check back at the Desert Palace portion of this FAQ if you still
wonder how to defeat them. After defeating them the Sealed Book will do its
work. Now in this next room to the right is a hidden passageway to the right,
it contains a treasure chest which has 12000 GP. Now continue through to the
next room, and in this next room has a pipe leading to another room which
contains two switches.

Hit both the switches and enter the pipe and it will lead to a treasure chest
that contains 9000 GP and head back to the room with the two switches. Hit
the left switch and enter that room which contains another treasure chest,
after collecting that head back to the room with the two switches via the
pipe. Now hit both the switches now, the left switch should be down and the
right switch should be up. After that head to the pipe and it will lead you
to a room with a treasure chest to the left and a door to the right. Inside
the treasure chest contains a RISINGSUN, but you must defeat a powerful
opponent to win it.
BOSS BATTLE: Invisible HP: 7000
This boss will be pretty tough like I said before. He might split himself in
this battle, in which after you defeat him, you will have to defeat him
again. Use all of your strongest attacks and Drain works pretty well in this
battle also. Keep your HP above 500 otherwise your party will go down and
out. Make quick decisions and keep pounding on him until he's gone.

After the battle you will recieve the RISINGSUN, and now head to the door
which leads to a save point. So save your game and heal your wounds and
continue on. In this room here head straight for the middle and inside the
treasure chest contains a PROTECT ring which his guarded by a Machinehead. To
the top left of the room contains another treasure chest and inside is an
ETHER potion. To the right of the room has a hidden passageway which leads to
a treasure chest containing a CRYSTAL helmet(or was that armor?). After
picking those up head for the room up top, in this next room there is a
hidden passageway to the right, but a pitfall is in front to block that path.

Ignore it and go straight up and inside the room is a BEASTKILL whip, after
picking that up head back to the previous room and head up to the next room.
Continue through and on Floor 5 there are two treasure chests, but take the
long way to picking them up because there are pitfalls in front of the
treasure chests. After picking up the treasure chests head for the room up
top and ignore the two other rooms because obviously if you fell into the
pitfalls that's where the staircases to the left and right lead to. Here in
the next room is a save point, save your game and heal your wounds.

In Floor 7 is the last room of the shrine and don't forget to pick up the two
treasure chests to the left and right. After picking them up head for the
middle part of the room and pick up the second Tablet, but before the party
can pick up the second tablet Stoker approaches the party and attacks them
before they can pick it up.
BOSS FIGHT: Stalker HP: 20000
Yes I know, in the text before the battle it said Stoker(well on the ROM it
said so) but in battle its Stalker. Weird huh? Was it Square's fault or the
translator's fault? Not sure, but the game is so good who cares right?! Now
this battle can be pretty hard. Avoid using magic in this battle unless you
are healing the wounds of your party members because if you attack one of the
four images and its not the real Stalker then the party will get countered
with Blaze. Also avoid spreading your magic against him as well because even
though its a 100% sure bet that you will hit the target, he will counter with
Blaze like I said earlier. Having every single one of your party members
attack one target, even though the party members might miss the target at
least the party won't get countered by his Blaze attack. Now each time you
hit him he will switch targets. Your Holy weapons do a great deal amount of
damage in this battle as well, even though Stalker has no Holy weakness.
Basically in this battle keep pounding on him and avoid using your magic on
him and keep your HP up above 400.

After the battle the party recieves the second tablet, but there is also
writing on the tablet. It saids that the door to the Fork tower has been
opened and that the ultimate Black and White magic are now available to the
party if they can retrieve them. However if the two spells are not taken at
the same time that means that the tower will cause a large explosion. After
recieving the tablet head out of the shrine and go back to the Castle of
Kuzar and retrieve the other three of twelve legendary weapons.

Items: *Look Above to Castle of Kuzar*
Party: Cara, Lenna, Butz, Faris
Party's level: 34

Here its the same routine as before. Pick any of the three of twelve weapons
that you like it doesn't matter, but make wise decisions otherwise you will
have to switch classes to use them. After picking up the three weapons head
out of the castle and head to Cresent Island where the Fork Tower is.

Items: Defender Sword, Wonder Rod, Ether, HiPotion
Party: Butz, Cara, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 34

Here inside the party will have to split themselves into two groups. You will
decide who goes on which side and the left side is for magic uses. The right
side is for heavy equipment like Armor and physical attack people. Once done
the quest starts out with the left side first. Now make your way through to
the top of the castle because its very linear in this place and if you get
stuck in this place, you must be very dumb. I'm sorry, but I remember someone
asking me that they were stuck in this place and I just laughed. Oh well,
continue through to the top and along the way pick up an ETHER and also a
WONDER ROD as well.

Once the left group reaches the top, the scene shifts over to the right
party. Its basically the same path as before and make sure to pick up a
HIPOTION and a DEFENDER sword along the way. Did you notice the items on each
side of the Tower? Yes that's right the items on the left were magic based
while the items on the right side of the tower were physical attacked based,
aren't you glad I told you where to go? Once you reach the top with the right
party the two groups grab the two spells at the same time, but the party on
the right is attacked by a minion.
BOSS BATTLE: Minotaurus HP: 19850
This battle will be pretty tough. He will attack pretty hard and make sure
that all of your Holy weapons are de-equipped because he will absorb any Holy
attacks put on him. And do you remember this guy? Yep that's right, if you
fought Sekmet at the Desert Palace and if you defeated him he told you that
his brother will avenge his death and here he is! Keep your HP above 700(yes
he's that strong) and keep pounding on him with physical attacks only. After
you defeat him he will try to use the magic Holy, but he doesn't have enough
MP and he perishes.

After the battle the scene shifts to the left side of the tower. And the left
party is attacked by another minion.
BOSS BATTLE: Shirumono HP: 16999
This battle will be pretty tough and certainly tougher than the other battle
at the right tower. Do not use physical attacks on him otherwise he will cast
Return and start the entire battle all over again, only do so if you have
been seriously injured by his attacks. I reccommend a Caller for this battle
because you can summon Karbunkle and he will automatically put up a WAll for
everybody in your group, or you can just cast Wall. Doing so in this battle
causes all of his magics to reflect back to him, and all of them will either
damage him or do nothing, so basically you've got nothing to lose, but heal
your party members with HIPOTIONs and ELIXIRs. Also DO NOT BERSERK HIM! Doing
so will make him do critical attacks against the party each doing about 1000
HP of damage and he will quickly knock the Golem away. This makes the battle
MUCH tougher than it already is so DO NOT! Also keep a Wall up at all times,
and use all of your strongest attacks. When you finish him off he will use
FLARE, but since you have a Wall up it will reflect back to him!

After the battle the left group recieves the ultimate black magic FLARE. But
the tower is disappearing, but does not explode and the party makes it out
safely. Now you will notice the entrance to the underground ruins you saw in
World 1. Enter it, but save your game up to this point if you want.

Items: None
Party: Butz, Faris, Lenna, Cara
Party's levl: 35

Here inside find Cid, but as the party finds him he is being tossed around by
the mechanics of the underground ruins, but the party quickly helps him out.
Mid later comes in and finds is grandad. It appears that Cid has found a book
that can make the airship go underwater, this is very useful since due to the
fact that the submarine was lost earlier. Cid and Mid work on the new
modifications non-stop, later Cara is out staring across the ship. Mid
enters(during this conversation the text is once again messed up if you are
playing the ROM because Mid's name is replaced with Cid!) and the two notices
that he is a hard worker. Mid still knows that his granddad blames himself
for all of this, even though he and everybody else knew that it was destined
to happen.

Cid decides to use his technological skills for a better causes instead of
sucking the energy out of the crystals. Then Cid tells the party that he's
done, the party thanks him, but Cid seems discomforting. Cid tells Butz he
can't wield swords and the only thing he can do is improve the machines they
acquire and he believes that he and Mid have done all that they can. (The
music shifts to the upbeat music, something that can really get ya pumped up
right?!) Now that the party can go underwater they can retrieve the third
tablet which lies underwater. The party leaves not knowing if they will come
back but Cara gives her last goddbyes to Mid and tells him to take care of
his granddad.

Items: WaterTech, DrgnFang, KaiserKn, Fenix Down, Fire Ring, Ether
Party: Cara, Lenna, Butz, Faris
Party's level: 35

Now take your airship/seaship/submarine and land it on water and take it down
underwater. Isn't it nice to have all three vehicles wrapped up in one? Now
look for the Great Trench, its to the right side of the map in the middle of
the ocean you shouldn't miss it. Upon entering it you will have to face off
against two Gargoyles again and once again the same strategy is used. After
defeating them the Sealed Bokk will do its work. Now once inside at the
bottom to the left is a WATERTECH, after picking that up head for the
staircase and the next room contians a save point.

So save your game and heal your wounds if you wish and continue on. In this
next room contains a skull switch, hit it and a path will open up for you.
Foloow that up until the next switch, don't hit the switch otherwise the
bridge will close and you will have to go through the magma unless of course
you have casted FLOAT on every party member, or you can take the long way and
go around, either of the three ways works. In this next room contains five
switches, here are what each of the switches do:

B A= Trap Floor to bottom floor
C B= Trap Floor to bottom floor
A C= Opens up path at bottom floor
D D= Trap Floor to bottom floor
E E= Trap Floor to bottom floor

After hitting switch C continue through to the the bottom floor. Here to the
top is a DRGNFANG inside a treasure chest. After picking that up continue to
Floor B6. Here in this room it doesn't matter where you go, just make sure
you cast FLOAT if you have not done so yet. The treasure chests in here
contain an ETHER potion and a FENIXDOWN, then continue to the next room. In
this next area there is a save point, so save your game and heal your wounds.
Also talk to the dwarf, look familiar? Yes that's right they ae the same
dwarfs from Final Fantasy IV, so take time to look around and "Lali Ho!" When
you encounter the dwarf that has dug an EXTREMELY long tunnel he told you of
a forest that was above and also shows you the location on your map.

Remember that position. After your done head for the staircase leading to the
next area with the numerous switches. In this room you will find a treasure
chest, check it and it will drop you to the magma, so avoid doing so. Hit the
switch to the far right side of the room at the top and it will open the door
leading to a treasure chest and inside it contains a KAISERKN. The bottom
right switch closes the door leading to the KAISERKN, but also rises the
floor for you to walk across. Hit all three of the bottom switches and then
proceed. Inside here is the Third Tablet, but before the party can take it
three pigs block your path(or at least that's what they sound like).
BOSS FIGHT: Triton, Neregeid, Phobos HP: 13,333(each)
This boss fight will be pretty hard. Each one of them has an apparent
weakness and strength and you can tell by their color. Red is strong against
fire and weak against ice, Blue is strong against ice but weak against fire,
Green is weak against Earth, but I'm not sure about its weakness. So if you
have learned AERO3 already go ahead and use it against the Green one. You
might want to set up a GOLEM and KARBUNKLE just incase they might get you
with a powerful spell. Sure keeping a WALL up might take away from healing
your party member at certain times, but you can also reflect their DELTA
attack with it and kill one of them. Also note that if you destroy one of
them and leave the other two standing the one you destroyed will revive and
use the DELTA attack, so just sit back and watch the DELTA attack reflect
back and knock one of them out, considering of course you did set up a WALL.
Use HOLY against them as well which causes massive damage and your Holy
weapons work nice as well, but don't DRAIN them or use the Bloodswd otherwise
you will be the one losing HP. Use TITAN and match your spells against their
weaknesses and always keep up that WALL! You will have to destroy all three
of them before you will actually defeat them because they will always revive
back after one round, but keeping up a WALL really helps in this battle and
you will need to heal by HIPOTIONs or ELIXIRs.

After the battle the party recieves the Third Tablet, and their is also
writing on the tablet about a magic, and so you recieve one of the most
feared magic in all of Final Fantasy games for the SNES(especially FFIV),
METEO! Afterwards use the Jikuu magic and EXIT out of here.

Items: *Look Above To the first Koozer Title*
Party: Cara, Butz, Faris, Lenna
Party's level: 36

Here just pick up the other three of the twelve legendary weapons like before
and then leave the castle.

Items: Fenix Down, Artemis Bow, AirKnife, TurtleShell, RuneEdge, Giant
Potion, Protect Ring, WallRing, Giant's Axe, Fuuma, Enhancer Sword,
Aegis Shield, Ether
Party: Butz, Cara, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 36

Take your submarine and dive and take a look at your map. Head for the
blinking crosshair at the top left of the map and head for that place and you
should find a small lit up cave. Enter it and go through and you should be
outside and at the surface, now enter the waterfall and save your game if you
want. Inside is the deal with the two Gargoyles again. After the battle the
book will do its work, thne enter through and pick up the treasure chests
which contain a AIRKNIFE, TURTLSHELL and an ETHER. Basically let the small
waterfalls take you along the way if you can't seem to find a way through.
After collecting the treasure chests continue to the next room. In this room
there are two staircases, one to the left and one to the right. Take either
staircase it doesn't matter.

In the next room head all the way to the bottom right below the treasure
chest and their is a hidden passageway which leads to a treasure chest
containing a RUNEEDGE. The other treasure chests in the room contain a GIANT
POTION and a PROTECT accessory. To get the PROTECT accessory you will need
the dash ability and you must dash to the treasure chest as fast as you can
immediately after hitting the switch, otherwise you will get flushed away by
the water forcing you to try all over again. After picking up the items in
the treasure chests, continue to the next room.

Inside here take the treasure chest to the top and inside it contains a
FENIXDOWN, a little further down to the left is a WALLRING accessory, but
don't worry about that other treasure chest, you will have your chance later
to claim it. Continue to the next room and inside here is a save point, so
save your game and heal your wounds then continue onto the next room. In this
next room watch for pitfalls, having the pitfall ability really helps here.
Also watch for a Tonberi, its mean and nasty and it looks like a mole holding
a latern and more than likely it will destroy your party members before you
can do anything else so just save yourself the trouble and run away from it
everytime you see it.

Pick up the treasure chest to the bottom left corner which contains 12000 GP
and take the staircase at the top which leads to the treasure chest that you
couldn't reach before and inside it contains an ENCHANCER sword. After that
head back to the other room and drop down or take the staircase at the bottom
it doesn't matter. Here you will see spikes near treasure chests, hit the
corressponding skull switches around the treasure chests to drop the spikes
and pick up a GIANT'S axe, AEGIS shield, and FUUMA and head back to the save
point and save your game and I forgot to tell you earlier, but pick up the
ARTEMIS bow and arrows in the middle room along the way.

Once you have saved your game and healed your wounds head back to the room
with the three treasure chests and at the bottom left corner of the room hit
the skull switch and the spikes should drop and open up a hole for you. Drop
in one of the holes and you should see the fourth and last Tablet in the
middle of the room and pick up the Fourth Tablet, and as you can expect there
will be one of Exdeath's Minions awaiting for you. And also no you cannot use
EXIT to warp out.

As the party tries to leave one of Exdeath's minions come in, but suddenly
the entire waterfall shakes and a giant water dragon appears and kills the
minion sent by Exdeath. Its your choice if you want to fight him here or not
since its only optional, but if I were you I would try to defeat him. Talk to
him to initiate the fight.
Yes, that's right a whopping amount of HP for you to deal with. Don't
expect this battle to be a cake walk either, any battle with Leviathan in
the past(like FF4) is pretty much the same here: Difficult and amazingly
fustrating. But like the previous game, it's worth the fight in turn what you
get afterwardS(the summon, not the WallRing). Here use everything you've got
and more. Hit him with your newly acquired spells like HOLY and FLARE and
especially METEO. METEO does an absurd amount of damage in this battle, also
use LIGHTNING attacks as well in this battle and move quick. Make sure you
have a CURE3 spell ready after he uses his Tidalwave attack, which amasses
nearly 800 HP of damage to every character, and more than likely two of those
will wipe out your party. He will also use his Tail attack, but keeping up a
GOLEM will nullify that. So keep all party member's HP above 800 HP and move
quick and attack hard and you should eventually win.

After the battle Leviathan lends you his power. Now head out of the Istory
Falls by the bottom where the small waterfall will lead you out.

Items: *Look Above to the first Kuzar Castle Event*
Party: Lenna, Faris, Butz, Cara
Party's level: 38

Now pick up the the last of the twelve legendary weapons. After picking up
the last of the Legendary weapons you have a couple of choices actually, you
can go on and try to acquire some of the most powerful spells, weapons, and
summons in the game or you can head for the Cleft of Dimension, so make a
save point anywhere on the world map prior to making your decision. If you
want all the extras check out my Side Areas section which will lead you to
all of the side areas in the game that I know of, otherwise head for the
portal over that once was Tycoon Castle, the other portals do not lead you to
the Cleft of Dimension though.

===============================End of World 3================================

NOTE: The monsters in here are immensely powerful, and they only get stronger
as you progress through the Cleft of Dimension. I must warn you that
the Cleft of Dimension is extremely long, yes even longer than the
Crater in Final Fantasy VII and longer than Kefka's tower in Final
Fantasy VI, its just as hard as Chaos' castle in Final Fantasy and it
might even be just as long as the Moon's Core in Final Fantasy IV.
When you enter in the Cleft of Dimension you can always use EXIT at
any time that you are inside, just as long as you are not on your
airship/seaship/submarine. I also urge you to gain at least three or
four more levels, you know why.

Items: Elixir(2), BloodSwd, Dark Matter, Cottage, Ether, Angel Ring, Ribbon,
Dragon Fang, Enchanter, Power Rod, Thor's Hammer, Red Shoes, Rainbow
Gown, Man-Eater, Coral Ring, Hermes Ring
Party: Cara, Butz, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 42

Now head for Tycoon castle, or at least where it was previously and you
should see a portal, enter it and you should get caught. Inside you will
start off on this desert like terrain, use the flowing quicksand to get you
across to the far right, and also beware of the monsters here, they can pack
quite a wallop. When the party reaches them door, the remaining seven
minionssend them a warning, afterwards head inside and down the chain. In
this next room there are four treasure chests here so don't forget to pick up
a COTTAGE, ETHER, DRKMATTER, and an ELIXIR. Then continue onto the next room
and in this room you will have to do a bit of climbing, climbing down that

You will eventually reach the three pulleys, the one in the middle leads to
nothing, the one on the right leads to an ELIXIR and the one on the left
leads to your next destination. In the next room there is a treasure chest
containing the second BLOODSWD in the game, continue along until you see
something familiar(well it should be familiar considering you did complete
this side area before heading to the Cleft of Dimension ^__^), this is the
town of Mirage. Time in this town stops when its in the Cleft of Dimension.

Also you cannot play the piano in here, and all shops and inns are
unavailable since if the merchants can't move in your time they can't sell
you stuff! You should eventually find a pot to recover your life on your way
out, and once your out you should be in a forest area. Here continue to the
right and go around the tree to the top to pick up a DRAGNFANG, then
continue on. There are two other treasure chests and they contain a RIBBON
and a LILLITH rod, and continue on and talk to the tree to open up a passage
for you, but before the party can go through one of Exdeath's minions step in
their path.
BOSS BATTLE: Carfisteri HP: 18000
This battle will be fairly tough but obviously not the toughest battle in the
game by any means. Attack regularly, but she will set up a WALL at the
beginning of the battle. There are only only three types of magic that will
either destroy the WALL barrier or make it obsolete, DISPL, Summon magic, and
obviously the very powerful METEO. X-Fight comes in handy in this battle and
equipping a Knight with both the Holy Spear and Excalibur sword will cause
massive damage, possibly 8,000 HP of damage with every round! Considering you
do have X-Fight of course! Keep your party's HP above 1000, otherwise her BIO
attack will swoon a party member, if it doesn't it will quickly drain your HP
away afterwards.

After the battle continue through until you reach the waterfall area. You can
choose to go in the door or take a shortcut by riding the waterfall to the
right. It doesn't matter which way you go, just make sure to pick up the
CORALRING and save your game and heal your wounds. Then continue on, but
watch for that ROBOT! Its Omega and he will easily tear apart your party
members and trust me you are no where near as strong to defeat him now, so
ignore him and continue on.

In the next area you should encounter a small library, the top right book
tells about Omega and Shinryuu, not even the warriors who wielded the twelve
legendary weapons were a match for them! The book to the left talks about the
secret of Gigaflare(Bahamut's attack is MegaFlare, which means million while
Giga means a billion!) and about vulnerability during preparation. Hit the
book in the middle and another of Exdeath's minions will attack you.
BOSS BATTLE: Apanda HP: 22200 ITEM: Soot
This battle will be very tough. HE will cast SAFE up so your physical attacks
are basically but down to 60% strength. Your first priority should be setting
up a WALL, this way you will be unaffected by his TOAD and CHARM attack, but
if you have a Ribbon equipped that should be fine. Attack like normal and
avoid elemental spells and also spells like HOLY and FLARE. METEO does
incredible damage in this battle as does your powerful summons like Bahamut,
Leviathan, Odin, or Syldra. Keep ypur HP up above 600, otherwise his DRAIN
attack will get you.

NOTE: Another tip from Earthsq:

"You CAN steal things from Slownins. They are Katanas and Ice Shields
(which are rare and great, because they absorb the Blaze Attacks from
Stoker if you use $toss.)"

After the battle you should hear an awkward sound. So head outside the small
library and the entire waterfall area has been replaced with some sort of a
semi invisible sky castle, don't look down! Just kidding but there are
invisible floors here and no you cannot fall down to the lower area or flat
to the face of the Earth(just like what MJ did to Greg Ostertag a few years
back!). Just continue through but watch for the enemies here in this area,
they are rather powerful, so run if you can. Once you get through you will
find a castle, inside take the right side to the bottom and it will lead to a
treasure chest containing a HERMES accessory.

Then go back inside and take the left side(incase you didn't notice there is
nothing inside the doors, just take the bottom door leading outside the
castle) and it will lead to a THOR axe(I thought it was suppose to be a
Hammer? Maybe I've been reading too much Marvel?) and then go back inside and
take the middle staircase at the top, the staircase at the bottom will lead
to a locked door. In this next room there are a lot of enemies here, to the
far right talk to the giant eye behind the gate and a fight will ensue.
BOSS BATTLE: Catastroph HP: 19997
This boss will be very tough. Having a few Dragoons in this battle will help
you out a bit. Cast FLOAT on the party immediately, if not his Earth Shaker
will deal out over 1000 HP of damage to every party member. When you cast
FLOAT he will always de-spell your FLOAT, but no matter what keep casting
FLOAT if he does. This will keep him occupied and causes him not to use his
Earth Shaker attack because he is just so busy trying to dis-spell your
FLOAT. Use all your strongest magic like METEO or LEVIATHAN and have all
other characters attack as normal.

After the battle heal your wounds and refill your magic supply and talk to
the guy at the bottom left cell. He will ask you if you are the ones who hold
the crystals, if not he has no quarrel with you, but if so a fight will
BOSS BATTLE: Apocalypse HP: 27900
This battle is immensely tough. Watch for him to cast L.2 Old on the party so
unless your party's levels are not divisible by two this is something to
worry about, so make sure you get ESUNA ready after this. Attack him with
your most powerful attacks, when he gets down to the 10,000 HP area he will
cast Big Guard, which cuts down both physical and magic attacks. Move quickly
because he also has this emission attack which causes about 800 HP of damage
and his regular physical attack can reach 9999 sometimes! Dragoons help out a
lot in this battle, and have the party attack as normal and using spells like
Bahamut or METEO.

After the battle incase you have the Learning ability on you can learn three
new Blue Magic attacks which are FLASH, CONDEM, and DEATH CLAW (assuming that
you do not have Death Claw yet) that is if he has used all three of those
attacks on your party. Also a save point will open up so save your game and
heal your wounds. At the right side of this room there are six green mages
walking around, but actually if you talk to them they will attack you and
they are all considered bosses.
BOSS BATTLE: AruteRoite & JuraAvis HP: 6000(AruteRoite) 15000(Jura Avis)
This boss is fairly easy, he will use Circle in this battle which will take
away one party member away from battle, but if you have a RIBBON equipped
that won't work. Attack him as normal and afterwards he will change into Jura
Avis. Just use Odin to wipe him out, but it might take several tries,
otherwise if you do not have Odin attack him as normal and keep your HP up
above 700.

After defeating them take the REDSHOES accessory and RAINBOW gown. Also when
you try to go to the next area the girl you saved earlier will kiss you for
saving her and she runs off. Now follow the girl through the stairway, when
you get outside of the castle go all the way to the left and it will lead to
a MANEATER. Now head back and into the middle of the castle, ignore the
stairway, and go for the door at the top left. The party realizes that they
can't go anywhere and are immediately thrown into the chair, head for the
door again and a voice tells you that you can't run. Then that girl you saved
earlier comes in and tells you took her Kiss of Death! The girl turns into
Harikarnassos and the battle ensues.
BOSS BATTLE: Halicarnas HP: 33333
This boss is fairly hard. It will use TOAD on any given party member, so if
you have the RIBBON equipped you should be fine. His physical attacks are
somewhat weak, but when he powers up WATCH OUT! His attacks cause up to over
7000 HP of damage and he can use it two in a row. METEO is a very effective
spell in this battle, but youc an use other spells like HOLY or LEVIATHAN.
Attack constantly and make little hesistation and you should win this rather
long battle.

After the battle you might want to go back and save your game and heal your
wounds, then continue on. Before the party can reach the Void, another one of
Exdeath's minions stop them and another boss battle fight ensues.
BOSS BATTLE: Twin Tania HP: 50000
This battle is super tough. His attacks cause massive damage and he has an
absurd amount of HP. Attack him constantly with your Holy weapons like
Excalibur or the Holy Lance. Use LEVIATHAN or HOLY to damage him because both
will cause a lot of damage to him. He has this MegaFlare attack, while not as
strong as Bahamut's it still does close to around 1300 HP of damage to every
character! His Tidal Wave attack causes problems as well resulting from about
700 HP of damage to every character. Keeping your HP up to the max is not
really suggested but it helps and make sure you have a CURE3 ready at all
times and move quickly without hesitation. Watch for his GigaFlare attack, it
takes a lot of time for him to fully prepare for it, so take advantage and
attack him with everything you've got. If not prepare for 3000 HP of damage
to every character!

Now go back to the last save point and save your game AND I KNOW YOU WILL
have to heal your wounds after that battle. Then come back and enter the

Items: Elixir, Dragon Seal, Ragnarok, Fuuma(3)
Party: Butz, Cara, Lenna, Faris
Party's level: 46

Here you will see Gilgames not far ahead of you, don't forget to pick up a
FUUMA along the way, when you reach Gilgamesh talk to him to start a fight.
BOSS BATTLE: Gilgamesh HP: N/A
This isn't really a battle actually. Just keep attacking him and stand guard
and eventually he will recognize the party and Gilgamesh will wonder how the
party got here and Butz tells him. He tells the party if they both live they
will meet again, but the next time Gilgamesh will be his

Now continue onto the next floor. In this room there is another FUUMA and an
ELIXIR. In this next room make sure not to pick up the first treasure chest.
Inside his Shinryuu, a very powerful dragon that has a Tidal Wave attack that
does more than 7000 HP of damage! He is very tough and I'm 99% sure that you
are no where near the strength to defeating him now, to the top left of this
floor there is a treasure chest containing yet another FUUMA. Then after
picking it up continue onto the next floor. In this next room there is a
flashing green orb to the left, talk to it and a fight with Exdeath's last
minion will ensue.
BOSS BATTLE: Necrofobia & Barrier HP: 44044(Necrofobia) 4312(Barrier)
This battle is probably just as tough as the one with Twin Tania. You must
destroy his four barriers first and then take him out. You cannot harm him
however when his barriers are up, after you have knocked down the barriers
attack him with HOLY and LEVIATHAN, they both do massive damage as they are
his weakness as will Holy weapons. Have everyone else attack regularly and
keep your HP above 800 just to be safe. After losing him over 40,000 HP,
Gilgamesh will come and decide to fight with the party because if he goes
home he will remain in history as a weakling. So he decides to fight against
Necrofobia and tells each party member a small message, sorta like a goodbye.
He tells Cara that her Grandfather was a strong man, he tells Faris to fall
in love so she be more feminie(!), he tells Lenna to never forget about her
caring love for animals, and finally he tells Butz that he would've(notice
the key word here) wanted a one on one battle with him. After Necrofobia hits
Gilgamesh with several powerful attacks, Gilgamesh sacrifices himself causing
10000 HP of damage to Necrofobia and killing him.

After the battle the last save point opens up. This time save your game and
heal your wounds. Then continue onto the next floor. In this next floor lies
Exdeath already preparing to devour the power of the Void. Then suddenly a
giant tree grows and Exdeath begins another round of the devour of towns and
castles, and afterwards goes Butz and the party. But they lie unconsious in
an unknown area as suddenly Dorgan flashes by and tells Butz to stand up.
Dorgan, Kelgar, Zeza, and finally Galuf comes by..."Presenting...The Four
Warriors of Dawn!!!"

The four will hold back the power of the void while the party attacks as they
are teleported back to the field before Exdeath. Exdeath tries to take
another shot at the party but Alexander Tycoon(King Tycoon) and puts a hault
to Exdeath's power. Now walk in front of Exdeath and the Final Confrontation
will begin.
As you can see Exdeath has literally merged himself with the Tree of the
Void. This battle alone will be immensely tough, hit him with everything
you've got like FLARE, METEO, HOLY, BAHAMUT, LEVIATHAN, and ODIN. Have the
Knights, Monks, Dragoons, Samurai, Ninjas, Monks, and all other physical
attack classes attack normally. Keep all party's HP at least above 700 in the
back row and above 1100 in the front row. Start the battle off by casting
Golem, don't bother setting up a WALL because you cannot reflect any of
Exdeath's attacks. Use FAST2 as well to give your party the speed advantage
and keep a couple of SOFTs and FENIXDOWNs ready after Exdeath pulls off his
White Hole attack which will immediately put DEATH and STONE on any party
member regardless of what they are wearing(unless you have a Gameshark or the
Game Genie Code Generator!). Move fast and NEVER hesistate, you may get off
easy with Twin Tania but this boss is super tough. After you defeat him the
Void begins to devour Exdeath.
BATTLE FOR ALL LIFE: NeoExdeath HP: 220,000
NeoExdeath has four targets, here are the targets and the HP for each:


A= 55,000
B= 50,000
C= 60,000
D= 55,000

As you can expect judging from the cataclysmic and catastrophic amount of HP,
this will be a battle three times as tough as the last one. Watch for its
Almageist attack, it does over 1600 HP of damage to every character and
sometimes it does very little, so I'm not sure about this attack. Set up a
GOLEM immediately and a WALL for every party member would be nice as well.
Use spells that hit all four parts at once, don't waste your time with HOLY
or FLARE, while they may be powerful indeed, the magics will only hit one
character. Make your decisions quick. Use Jump on the back rows and have the
front row hitters attack the front, and keep magic users in the back and
fighters in the front, but if you have long range and powerful weapons for
the fighters keep them in the back. Cast SHELL to every party member, this
way instead of the Almageist attack doing over 1600 it will only do about
700. Also I must note that COINTOSS works extremely well here, causing 4500
HP of damage to every target, come on that's 18,000 HP of damage here folks!
Move quickly and attack fast, also note that you may need to gain some extra
levels or some more abilities to win.

=================================End of Game=================================


NOTE: This might be a spoiler because it will explain the whole ending from
the Japaneese version of FF5. If you are playing the PSX version you
should only get the FMV ending.

After the battle the party is floating through the void. IT appears that
the Void did not disappear yet. Cara is take away and the crystals are
taken away from her, then comes Faris, Lenna, and Butz.

Hope gives the Earth blessings...
Courage lights the flame...
Kindness makes the water the source of life...
And quest lets wisdom ride the wind...

The scene shifts to the Desert Palace where the Earth crystal revives, then
the Istory Falls where the Water Crystal revives, then to the Underwater
Cave where the Fire crystal revives, later all the towns and castles that
were previously sucked into the Void are now returning back to their normal
places prior to the encounter with the Void. Butz couldn't have done it
without Faris, Cara, and Lenna, but don't be so modest Butz you helped too
along with Galuf! The Warriors od Dawn and King Tycoon visit the party before
the part off, the Warriors of Light still have a lot more to do and its too
early for them to come where the Four Warriors of Dawn and King Tycoon are

The five spirits ride off and the hiryuu is back to help the party, but it
can't change what it has done previously. The scene shifts towards to the
Wind Shrine where the last crystal is revived and well. The scene now shifts
to Mid and Cid and Mid has recieved a letter from Cara(this is actually
Cara's story, she's telling what had happened after the event at the Void, so
all this has already happened!). She tells Cid and Mid about the event after
the battle with Exdeath and the Void as the letter becomes a visual
picture(to us, not to Cid or Mid).

The hiryuu has dropped the party of at Bal castle, Lenna wakes up and somehow
feels that the battle was all a dream, she gets a short flashback of some of
the events during their journey including the one from the Moogle Forest and
she realizes how peaceful everything is. The scene then shifts to Lenna and
Sarisa(Faris) in their throne, the Chancellor of Tycoon is in high spirits,
later the scene goes to Faris' room, she seems to be a bit worried about the
pirate and switches close and heads out the window to find them. This next
scene goes to Bal Castle, it appears that Bal Castle is having problems that
no one is there to succeed the throne.

The moogle finds Cara atop and Cara wonders that she may be queen of Bal,
that's doesn't sound too bad. The next scene shifts to Butz and his hometown,
he still mourns over the loss of his parents as he is seen over his parents'
grave. Until Butz leaves for another journey again he will be with his father
and mother. The story still continues on as the scene shifts to the Pirate's
base as Boco and Coco are having children as the pirates are shocked as they
have not prepared for it yet. The three baby chocobos hatch and the scene
shifts back to Cara, but this time she is in the Valley of Hiryuu.

Its been one year since then, Lenna and Faris are busy with things at the
castle and Butz has left on another journey again and Cara thinks she will go
to that place where Grandpa sleeps, then the scene goes back to Mid and Cid
and Cara tells them if they ever see Mid and Cid she wants the party to know
that she will want to meet them again. Cid seems a bit down, but he knows the
party did swell, they all did swell. The scene takes a flashback with the
incident at Guido's cave where Exdeath has just revealed himself after
disguising himself as a splinter, the next part of the flashback takes place
with Kelgar and Butz dueling it out(you should remember all of this) and the
next flashback scene goes back even farther down to the past when Butz and
Galuf were a bit crazy about how beautiful Faris looked in the town of Tule
in the pub, then the cast of characters begin as it starts with Butz and the
black and white memory turns into color.

The next changing scene goes the time when Lenna was at North Mountain and
she had been hit arrow, shortly after it shows her carrying off the hiryuusou
to help out the injured hiryuu, and finally it switches to Lenna having that
talk with Faris at Tycoon castle. The next changing flashback scene shows
Faris when she was first a princess at Tycoon castle, the next scene shows
Syldra using his last power to save the party, and the last scene shows Faris
in the wrecked ship graveyard where Faris would not go near the fire and Butz
and Galuf had finally found out about Faris' true idenity.

The next changing flashback scene shifts to Cara where Galuf had died and
Cara had inherited all of her grandpa's abilities, the scene then shifts back
to a very funny moment where Butz and Cara were fighting outside Tycoon
castle in which she had eventually won, the last scene shifts towards the
floating Lonka ruins where she had saved the party from the controlled King
Tycoon. Its back to the present as the final scene takes towards the Oldest
Tree as Cara still mourns about the lost of her grandpa, she sets the flowers
in front the tree and still remembers that moment if grandpa had not saved

The earth, wind, fire, and water are all alive and the world has returned to
peace but yet she is still a bit sad. She feels alone now that grandpa has
left and remembers Galuf in the Lonka ruins when the party was temporarily
separated and Butz was about to leave Galuf, she can recall the time when
grandpa was about to lead the Bal army into Exdeath's fortress, and finally
the scene when Galuf had saved Cara, she gives her goodbyes to grandpa, but
she's not alone. The rest of the party shows up and is glad to see all the
party members, "Of course. How could we forget about a friend we fought
together with?" She cries a bit but tears don't suit her, she needs to be
strong, and Galuf might even laugh at her!

Then a few doves fly by and flowers frow magically from the garden and Cara
realizes that grandpa is laughing at her. The crystals have now regained
their power and they must protect it just like Dorgan and the rest of them
had protected it. Wait a minute do you hear it? The rustling of the leaves,
the murmur of the water? Grandpa's voice, the flaring of fire? The whisper of
the Earth? The party's not sure but they can feel it, soemthing warm. "Let's
go!" Then suddenly the party is brought back inside but this time three
chocobos and hiryuu carry them as Cara is atop the hiryuu. The credits now
roll as vast and beautiful pictures of the Final Fantasy 5 world landscape
passes by with doves hovering over.

Butz, Lenna, and Faris can be seen in the distance as Cara waves by on the
hiryuu(this all happens while the credits roll). After the special thanks
scroll by(Square also thanks you) an enlarged sprite picture of each of the
last four characters in the game go by and the abilities you've acquired
scroll by as well along with your final end game statistics from Cara, Faris,
Lenna, and Butz. Afterwards the words "The End" fly by in a unique manner(the
"The End" has always been a classic in the Final Fantasy series way back in
1987 on Final Fantasy on the Famicom).


NOTE: If you stick by afterwards you will here the crystal theme.
And remember the ending theme for the original Final Fantasy?
It was at the beginning of the ending, you did hear it didn't you?


American Walkthrough

Hello ya'll! I've decided to do an Americna walkthrough of Final Fantasy
5. Maninly because I've gotten quite a few emails concerning about the
names and mishaps and such. The American version has somewhat of a
different story, but regardless the same outcome. This walkthrough will
be a bit shorter than the Japanese Final Fantasy 5 Walkthrough, but
nonetheless, it should pertain to the American version much easier.

Items: Pheonix Down
Party: Bartz
Party's level: 1

At the start of the game, Alexander Tycoon decides to investigate what has
gone wrong with the wind, it no longer moves. Reina wishes to come along but
is asked to stay at the castle, which she does so willingly. Bartz meanwhile
is camping out with his best choco-buddy BOKO! However as Alexander Tycoon
departs, a meteorite crashes along near the castle of Tycoon. The shockwave
was so hard that even Boko and Bartz felt the impact of the earthquake it had
caused. Bartz now goes to investigate.

Make your way along east towards the Meteorite. Inside you will find Reina,
who is unconcious, but you help her up as you do Galuf as well. It appears
that Galuf has had a dose of amnesia, we don't know how long this will last,
but then Galuf decides to head off to the Wind Shrine, he is not sure of what
to do yet, but he will reach the destination being accompanied by Reina. When
the two leave and Bartz decides to stay behind, go to the lower right hand
side of the meteorite and pick up a Pheonix Down from a treasure chest. After
that, continue on your way westward.

Items: None
Party: Bartz
Party's level: 1

When you make your way west, you will see Reina and Galuf being attacked by
Goblins, quickly dispose of them and then Bartz reluctantly decides to join
the party. The party can't head for the Wind Shrine right now because their
path is blocked by the Earthquake and Meteorite, so enter the small cave

AR ME MATIES!!!(Is that correct?)
Items: Leather Helmet
Party: Reina, Galuf, Bartz
Party's level: 1-2

Now when you enter inside here the party sees a pirate, but quickly hide as
the pirate opens the switch. Hit the same skull switch the pirate hit and
enter the next room, but pick up a LEATHER CAP along the way. And note that
there is a spring in here too, fight monsters and use the spring to recover
your injuries, this is a good point to gain some early levels. As you reach
the pirate's harbor, you can talk to the pirates all you like, but they do a
crummy job of guarding the place. Head for the docks to the right and go
directly for the steering wheel.

The party notices that the ship is not moving, but they saw it earlier! Too
bad, it just won't go because the ship is just being a big bad meanie :(
Well the party is then finally caught by the mischevious pirate Faris, and
his crew of maties. Hydra manuvers the pirate ship, and the party is thrown
into a locked cell, but not before Faris notices a shining pendant on Reina.
After long thinking, Faris will finally decide to let you out as he will join
you on the quest to the Wind Shrine as he finds something suspicious of the
Wind as well. When the pirate offers to take over, you can choose yes or no,
regardless you will head to the Wind Shrine eventually. But I suggest you
head for Tule Village to the west, its located near a small square
shaped lake.

Items: Pheonix Down(2), Leather Accessories(2), Tonic(2), Tent(2), Ether,
150G, 100G
Party: Faris, Bartz, Reina, Galuf
Party's level: 1-2

Inside here both the pirates and Faris head towards the pub. However, you
choose not to, to the bottom left of town is the Beginner's House if you are
unfamiliar with Final Fantasy V and how the job systems work and what
statuses are which and all that. In this town make sure you play the piano,
its important to attain the LVL Song. When you buy weapons Faris will always
come in and you will have the chance to buy weapons and armor for him as
well. When your done head over to the Wind Shrine to the northwest via pirate

Items: Tonic(5), BroadSword, Staff, Leather Helmet, Staff
Party: Bartz, Reina, Galuf, Faris
Party's level: 1-2

Upon entering the Wind Shrine talk with the scholars to the left of the Wind
Shrine and they will fill you in with the details of what had happened. Also
talk to all the scholars and one of them will reveal a recovery pot, which
will restore all your loss HP and MP and recover any condition you may have,
even the wounded condition. In here pick up 5 TONICS, a TENT, a LEATHER CAP,
and BROADSWORD for Bartz. After picking up your new items equip them on, and
continue, make sure you save your game at this point, otherwise you may have
to end up starting from where you had last left off, and depending when the
last time you saved it, you would either care or worry your heart out. When
you see a giant bird blocking your path, talk to it and a fight will ensue.
BOSS FIGHT: Wingrapter HP: 250
This boss should be a pretty easy fight. Attack it with physical attacks and
keep your party's HP above 50. When the Wingrapter closes its wing, DO NOT
attack it, doing so will enable him to use his counter attack at this point
called the Iron Nail which does massive damage to your party and can end up
possibly wiping out the entire party, take the time now to heal yourself if
neccessary and then continue the pattern until the Wingrapter is defeated.

When you reach the crystal room, the crystal will shatter, this does not look
good. Upon in this room you will recieve 6 new jobs. They are the KNIGHT,
MONK, THIEF, WHITE MAGE, BLACK MAGE, and BLUE MAGE. Whatever job you feel you
think is best, choose one of them it doesn't matter. After that head outside
and this would be a good point to save your game.

Items: Canal Key
Party: Bartz, Reina, Faris, Galuf
Party's level: 3

When you return here, the pirates and Faris will do their thing as usual.
Once you arrive head straight for the middle house at the top. Zok is back,
but still no canal key. HE invites the party to sleep over and they do,
during the middle of the night Zok and Bartz exchanges conversations as Zok
does not want Reina to get hurt. He gives the keys to Bartz and they are off
int he morning. Whatever supplies you may need, go get them now because you
might need them in the next voyage ahead. Head towards Torna Canal at the
east side of the small resevoir. However prior to leaving the pirates are
asked to stay behind by Faris, they do so but uneasily.

NOTE: Before you leave, when you first enter talk with the pirates several
times, and then go upstairs. You'll see a strange incident involving
Faris, Bartz, and Galuf. Its funny, you should check it out! Also try
to gain a few more levels before you leave off to Torna Canal.

Items: None
Party: Faris, Reina, Galuf, Bartz
Party's level: 4

Go towards the canal, it should be very obvious. Reina will question how
Bartz got the keys to the canal, but tells her not to worry. Once you open
the Torna Canal, you are susceptible to monsters attacking you, its a common
thing in the canal, but don't worry this is the only time monsters can attack
you on your sail ship, well at least the only regular enemies, I never said
anything about a Boss not attacking your pirate ship(this will happen twice).
Upon here, continue through the canal, the monsters here aren't that hard to
defeat and give good expierience points. Once you reach the open shores,
something attacks the party, but reluctantly they get out of the trap,
however Hydra does not, its time to get over there and help Hydra!
BOSS BATTLE: Karl Boss HP: 650
This battle should be pretty easy, your physical attacks deal a wallop amount
of damage against him. Use any Bolt spells if you have any, they do massive
damage against him as he is weak against Lightning. Watch for the Screw
Attack as well, it will deal heavy damage and have a chance for paralysis as
well. Keep your HP above 60 for this battle and keep magic users in the back.

After the battle, the monster still won't give up as it takes Hydra along
with it, Faris is helpless against it as he can only watch as his best friend
dies with the monster. The party is alone now, they drift towards the sea,
allowing the last remaing ocean currents to take them wherever.

Items: Flail, 990G, Antidote(2), Tonic, Pheonix Down(2), Tent, World Map
Party: Galuf, Faris, Reina, Bartz
Party's level: 5

Upon reaching here, all your previous injuries will be fully healed and you
will be at full life. Walk around the graveyard, there isn't much here, make
sure you walk along south to pick up the FLAIL. Continue through the wreckage
and make your way down to the bottom of the Ship-wreck Graveyard. Along the
way make sure you pick up 990 GIL, TENT, TWO ANITDOTES, WORLD MAP, TWO
PHENOIX DOWNS, and a TONIC. Those are ALL the items that should be in the
entire Shipwreck Graveyard. When you reach a certain room, Faris will refuse
to go near the fire to remove his clothing as Reina changes and the rest of
the party dries up. As Faris struggles with the party, he finally reveals um,
her identity.

She's a female! She has been hiding it from the pirates all along, the
pirates were the one who raised her, but never knew she was a woman. She
thought the pirates were going to laugh at her because she was a female, so
she developed a heavy accent of pirate and became one of the pirates,
drinking with them and talking like them. Once your done and healed
yourselves by taking the complimentary beds and saving your game, its time to
get out of this place! Make your way around the ships, also there will be a
treasure chest that will open up, that will raise a sunken ship and allow you
to cross back to land. However as you walk up towards your destination,
images of people appear, it seems that all the party members are affected
except Galuf, he doesn't remember anything. He then snaps the party out of it
as they prepare to duke it out with the evil sorceress Siren.
BOSS BATTLE: Siren HP: 900
This battle tends to fustrate a lot of people, believe me I know because of
all the email! In this battle any cure magic is her weakness, however if she
is in her human form, cure will actually cure her instead of actually doing
damage! Use fire, keep casting fire spells if you have any, however using
your physical attacks won't do you much good because of her durable defense
during zombie status. But keep attacking if you don't have any Black Mages.
I'm not sure if a PHEONIX DOWN will work, but if you do try it, use it on her
Zombie status and ONLY zombie status. Keep your party's HP above 60 and
continously heal.

After the battle the party finally leaves the putrid Shipwreck Graveyard and
onto the outside land! Finally!

Items: 1000GP, Ice Rod, Antidote
Party: Galuf, Reina, Bartz, Faris
Party's level: 6-7

When you exit out of the Shipwreck Graveyard, head south until you find a
town. In here you will talk to several people, however when Bartz talks to
several people, they give him clues but he can't eventhink about the clues
they give him. Hopefully you can figure it out. Along in here, people mention
about the Town of Walz and castle of Walz, but after hearing about North
Mountain and Dragon, your first priority is to head out of this town and go
North, coincidentally to North Mountain. However if you need supplies and new
weapons, make sure to pick up some.

Items: Soft, Phoenix Down, Tonic
Party: Reina, Bartz, Faris, Galuf
Party's level: 7

In North Mountain make your way to the top of the mountain, the opponents
here really aren't that tough, but make sure you pick up a TONIC and a
PHEONIX DOWN. Now continue your way through the top of the mountain, as you
reach near the tier of the mountain, Magissa and Faltzer arrives to stop you
dead in your tracks. However Reina has been hit with a poison arrow, and its
your job to save her and reach the Dragon.
BOSS BATTLE: Magissa and Faltzer HP: 650 and 850(respectively)
This battle is a bit tough, Reina remains unconcious in this battle, but you
can revive her. The Monk ability is great, as is the Knight ability. Attack
her with magic and physical spells often and attack quick. If you beat
Magissa quick enough, she will not summon her alleged husband Faltzer. Keep
your HP above 90 for this battle. When you do encounter Faltzer make sure you
keep your HP up at a constant, Faltzer is one tough bad mamajamma. The monks
and Knights can take the hits okay, but the other classes will just wither
down like a crumpled piece of paper. Make sure you keep all classes besides
the Monk and Knight in the backrow and you can do so during the middle of the
battle. Attack and pound Magissa when Faltzer arrives, otherwise she will
heal Faltzer. Then attack faltzer with everything you've got until the
uoogly ass brute dies.

After the battle head for the top of the mountain, watch for the purple
plants that are around though, touching them will result in an immediate
poison status for all party members. When the party reaches the top, they see
Dragon in a serious condition. He doesn't look too good and won't eat the
Dragon Plant that will help heal him. Reina then decides to take a piece of
the Dragon Plant and eat it to show that its harmless, the Dragon eats the
plant, but Reina isn't feeling too well. The Dragon heals her condition and
the party is off towards the Town of Walz via the Dragon. However not before
Bartz admits his fear of heights as his party members laugh at him.

Items: 490GP, Speed(Time), Elf Cloak, 1000GP(2), Tent, Phoenix Down
Party: Galuf, Reina, Faris, Bartz
Party's level: 8

Now go down to the Walz region, about southwest of the town of Kerwin. Head
for the twon first if you need any supplies, in the town you learn that the
town and the castle is using the Water Crystal to power their way of living,
however none of the townspeople realize that doing so may cause the crystal
to shatter. So now go to the castle outside of the town. Inside go up and
speak directly to the king in his throne room. As you speak with the king,
something interupts the party, its a giant meteor! The king leaves, however
you do not have to leave with him.

Go around the castle and search for items that may help you on your way, say
an Elf Cloak, 1000 GPx2, and the Speed song. However some of these items will
require you to walk inside down in the basement, and down their lurks a
Harpy, its tough and unbeatable at your current status, so I suggest you
avoid downstairs. When your done searching through the castle head towards
the Walz tower, however if you want to get the Shiva summon, you can head
behind the waterfall and attempt to beat Shiva to earn her summon, but let me
warn you that you will have a hard time defeating her at your current status.

Items: Silk Robe, Maiden's Kiss, SilverArmBand, Ether
Party: Galuf, Reina, Faris, Bartz
Party's level: 8

NOTE: This extra info is provided by Sarah Jones:

" Water Shrine (first world) when you see the (Chancellor?) lying
on the ground, if you go above him and to the left a couple steps, you
can go into the water and climb up a vine which leads to Silk Robe."

Inside this tower you will find various guards and also the king down on the
floor wounded. Keep making your way through the tower and pick up a MAIDEN'S
KISS, ETHER, SILVERARMBAND, and SILK ROBE. When you reach the top of the
tower you will confront a Garula, aren't these suppose to be friendly? Oh
well, who cares.
BOSS BATTLE: Garula HP: 1200
This battle is pretty tough, its physical attacks do a lot of damage, but you
can use the TOAD song to defeat this Garula, but judging that you don't have
the TOAD song, what you want to do is keep at least 2 healers in the party.
Have two attackers in the front(preferably Monks or Knights) and the healers
and magic casters in the back. Keep your HP above 100, and continue to
attack. However turning it into a TOAD can make the battle a breeze as all of
its attack by then, are easy to manage and even a Mage can withstand its
attacks 10 times over.

After the battle the crystal shatters, however there is still hope as there
are two other crystals that are still active with life. Pick up the crystal
shards containing these following jobs: BERSERKER, SORCERER, TIME MAGE, RED
MAGE, and SUMMONER. Don't worry about the other shard on the top left corner,
that shard is for later in the game and is not meant to be picked up now. For
now head towards the Karnak region, to do this go towards the Walz meteor
next to the tower of Walz, inside make your way around inside and step on the
warp tile and you will be transported to the Karnak area.

Items: Fire Rod
Party: Galuf, Bartz, Reina, Faris
Party's level: 9

When you are inside the Karnak meteor, make your way outside and go up north
and around to the west to the Karnak region where Karnak castle and the town
of Karnak lays. From here, enter the town of Karnak, inside you will get
information on a person named Professor Cid and some info on the Fire Crystal
that runs Karnak. However when you try to purchase an item, you will find
that your party is arrested as an anonymous person accuses the party of being
monsters. You are then thrown in jail, in jail your party will be locked in a
cell next to a strange person in another cell next to you. He uses his last
bit of gunpowder to find a way out, but fails miserably as he just blows the
separating him and the party, the party just laughs as him. Hahahahahahaha.

As you begin to talk, you hear what Cid has to say, something about the Fire
Crystal doesn't seem to be right, but Cid can't do anything about it. However
as the story progresses, Cid later then is released as the Chancellor finds
that Cid is right, and on the party's behalf, Cid wants the party to help out
as well, so they are free to go. He then asks you to meet him on the
steamship, which is the source of the Fire Crystal's cracking. Go whenever
your ready, so take this time to buy all the items and armors and weapons
that you need, heal your party if injuries are abound and save your game just
outside the steamship. The steapship is located near the shore of Karnak just
south of Karnak castle.

Items: Elixir(3), Thief's Glove, Green Beret, Moonring, Cottage, Phoenix Down
Party: Galuf, Bartz, Reina, Faris
Party's level: 9

Inside this steamship, the party will meet with Cid. Upon meeting with Cid,
he will warn you about the monsters down inside the steapship, so be
prepared. Make sure you have bought plenty of EYE DROPS as well. Once you
reach inside, continue to walk around and make your way to the engine room.
Watch for the monsters in here, the COOL DUST will cast FLASH nearly 90% of
the time here, which will blind your party. Run if you can, you can cure the
BLIND status with eyedrops.

NOTE: If you need a mre descriptive part on walking through this
steamship, use the Japanese walkthrough above this one.

When you finally reach the steam engine, you will meet up with Queen Karnak,
however she doesn't look so friendly.
BOSS BATTLE: Liquid Flame HP: 3000 ITEM: Fire Rod
This battle shouldn't be too hard if you have at least two black mages. Cast
Ice2 on the Liquid Flame constantly, this will deal extensive damage and also
it will make the battle that much quicker for your party. Use the ICE ROD if
you have to, it causes well over 1100 HP of damage, and have two other party
members be attackers or healers. If you don't have an ICE ROD or the ICE 2
spell, your in some deep...trouble. Its nearly impossible to defeat this boss
without any Ice magic or equipment, so if you want to get through this area,
go back outside and purchase the spell or the ICE ROD.

After the battle the queen regains her conscience, it appears that some form
or another has consumed her for a while. However there is not much time left
as you must escape Karnak castle after this scenario.

Items: Shuriken, Elixir(4), Ribbon, Esna(White), LightningSkill, 2000GP(2),
Party: Reina, Galuf, Bartz, Faris
Party's level: 10-11

Remember all those treasure chests blocked off by fire? Well now here is your
chance to acquire all of them, however be reminded that you will have a
limited amount of time to acquire them. Avoid going to your menu back and
forth unless you really need to because the loading time will kill the clock,
going back and forth as little as 10 times can result in about 35-40 seconds
lost, bad PSX! Make sure you have the Theif's FLEE ability as you will need
it to run away from pointless battles, the items inside the castle are:

However watch for monsters to attack you while you are getting these treasure
chests, as some of them might contain monsters inside, be aware and ready.
Upon reaching the outside of the castle a Sergeant and his hounds will attack
you, defeat the hounds first and attack the Sergeant for a while and the
Sergeant will reveal himself to be Death Claw. This guy is weak, just pound
him to bits, however you can learn DEATHCLAW if you are a Blue Mage and if he
attacks the Blue Mage with the DEATHCLAW attack.

After the castle explodes as the party quickly escapes, you are left with
three more crystal shards, each containing a new job: GEOMANCER, NINJA, and
TRAINER. Now go back to the town of Karnak and inside go upstairs to the Pub
and talk with Cid. After the conversation, head southwest towards the Ancient
Library, in which the path is now cleared due to the explosion of the castle.

Items: Ninja Suit, Phoenix Down, Ether
Party: Galuf, Bartz, Faris, Reina
Party's level: 11

Upon arriving at the Ancient Library, head downstairs into the basement of
the Library to find Mid. Watch for various monsters here, Page 124 casts Moon
Flute on the party, which the Blue Mage can learn. Make sure that you have 2
Black Mages before encountering Ifrit. When you reach the halfway point of
the basement, its time to do battle with Ifrit.
BOSS BATTLE: Ifrit HP: 3000
Here in this battle have your mages constantly cast Ice2, or even use the ICE
ROD if you have one. Continue to pummel Ifrit with your constant Ice spells
and attacks, keep your HP above 220 though, its Blaze attack will do a hefty
amount of damage followed by constant draining of your HP.

NOTE: This extra note is provided by Sarah Jones:
"And in the Ancient Library when you get past the stubborn bookshelf,
head to the left and down, and you'll lead back outside to the visable
treasure chest you saw earlier, which contains a Ninja Suit.

After the battle you are awarded with the Ifrit summon, now heal your wounds
and return to the path that the annoying bookshelf wouldn't let you go
through, Ifrit will demand that the bookshelf let the party through, in which
it does. Continue on and meet in Mid's room, however a monster is more than
happy to stop you dead in your tracks.
BOSS BATTLE: Biblos HP: 3600
In this battle Biblos has a weakness towards Fire, luckily if you were smart
enough to give a party member a Summoner job, then you can easily win this
battle by casting Ifrit and constant Fire2 spells, however have at least one
party member be a healer. Another quick way to defeat this boss is by using
the DOOM CLAW, one hit after that, the boss only has HP in the single digits,
finish him off there.

After the battle Mid didn't even noticed anything! However Mid will direct
the party towards the top of the basement and onto the first floor of the
Ancient Library. Now return to the upper floor of the pub back at Karnak, in
here Mid will meet up with Cid. With the two reuniting with each other Cid
and Mid have found a new array of confidence and is now willing to help the
party in everyway possible. He lets the party use the Steamship to carry
where they are going next, which is Cresent Town.

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Reina, Faris, Bartz
Party's level: 13

Look on your world map, at the bottom right portion of the map appears a
cresent shaped island, obviously that is Cresent Island, head there and head
inside Cresent Town. When the party enters the town, an Earthquake erupts and
their steamship is now lost under sea. Too bad. However there is still hope,
the villagers here talk about a chocobo and the forest down below on the
southern part of Cresent island. However you can head their after you buy
some new supplies and upgrade your armor, weapons, and accessories with the
lastest gear at Cresent Town, that is if you need to and feel uncomfortable
with your current equipment.

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Faris, Reina, Bartz
Party's level: 13

When you reach inside the Chocobo forest, the chocobo has two shards from the
Fire Crystal hidden in its feathers, which would explain why you only
recieved 3 crystal shards from the Fire Crystal back at the Karnak incident.
The new jobs acquired are BARD and HUNTER. Here after you have caught the
black chocobo, head towards back to the Ancient Library.

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Reina, Faris, Bartz
Party's level: 13

Here when you meet up with Cid and Mid, talk to them and they will mention
the old ruins to the south part of the Ancient Library, over the mountains.
However they also warn you of a Sandworm that blocks the path towards the
ruins, however they have devised up of a plan to kill the worm so you can use
it as a boardwalk of some sort. So head to the desert to the east, where Cid
and Mid will await for your arrival.

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Reina, Faris, Bartz
Party's level: 13

Here in the desert Cid and Mid will ask if you are ready to confront the
Sandworm or not, pick or choose when your ready and Cid and Mid will get the
Sandworm's attention.
BOSS BATTLE: Sandworm HP: 3000
This battle should be pretty easy, If you know what to do. AquaRake will get
the job done faster than you can type a 3 letter word. But knowing you(the
player), I'll bet you don't have AquaRake do you? Too bad. But as always in a
game like Final Fantasy, usually at least there are two ways to defeat this
boss, one easy and the other one, a bit tougher. The Sandworm will appear in
4 holes, however it will appear in one of the holes at a time. Hitting the
holes that is vacant results in a counter attack by the well er...the hole.
The attack is pretty deadly, its a DEMI attack which will cut your current HP
in half. Concentrate your attacks on the Sandworm with your physical attacks.
If you think you can anticipate where the Sandworm will pop up, feel free to
take a guess and blast the hole with your Ice magic. Keep your HP above 250
and keep attacking it until it dies.

Afterwards the path towards the rest of the desert will be opened for you.
However watch out though, the enemies in the desert are pretty tough, but it
is also a good way to earn levels. Also when you see a Ziggurat or Pyramid,
ignore it, its not for you to go to now, nor can you enter the pyramid. For
now make your way outside of the desert, and you will be on the southern part
of the desert.

Items: None
Party: Bartz, Galuf, Faris, Reina
Party's level: 13

Here in the ruins, inside everything is a mess. However the thing that
catches your eye is the appearance of a man that walks around everywhere
which you can easily spot. He will try to run away from you at time to time,
follow him and watch carefully on the screen, even if you think he's not
around, stay around that area you saw him go to and search around. Eventually
the man will give up, and Reina and Faris notices something odd about the
man, its Alexander Tycoon! However as the party tries to reach him, the floor
they stand on collapses sending the four party members scattered around the
mechanical underground.

Items: Mini(Black), Shuriken(2)
Party: Reina, Galuf, Faris, Bartz
Party's level: 13

Down below, the environment around you is something very unique, the
mechanical creations keeps the old ruins running. However you still have a
task at hand, so keep searching around and eventually you will find a few
clues in the bedroom(which you can also sleep in to recover your party
fully). Here search around the room for in which the clues you lead you too,
and you cannot advance without picking up each clue piece by piece. However
the items aren't realy worthy of your time, you can pick up two SHURIKENS and
a MINI song.

Now after that little event head north out of the bedroom and continue on
through, you will see your steamship that was sunk earlier, and also an
awkward looking ship. Cid and Mid will join you on your newly acquired
airship, a one of a kind invention that will get you where you need to go.
But as the party lifts off, a boss that was remnant of the underground ruins
attacks the party.
BOSS BATTLE: Clayclaw HP: 2000
Here in this battle, this battle should be pretty quick if you have a Ninja
throw out two Shurikens. However you may want to save them as this boss isn't
as tough as it looks. Pound it with your physical attacks and keep your HP
above 300, and have a healer when neccessary, either way this boss isn't too
hard to defeat.

Afterwords head back to the old ruins in which you saw Alexander Tycoon in
south of the Ancient Library. When the party reaches here, the ruins will
lift above out of the ground and far above into the sky, however even though
the party has an airship, the pressure is too high for the airship to stand,
so how will they reach the last crystal before its too late?

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Reina, Faris, Bartz
Party's level: 14

Return back to the underground ruins where you had picked up your airship and
you will have a little talk with Cid and Mid. They talk about how a rare, but
strong metal can withstand the air pressure of the high altitudes above. That
metal is called Admantanite, but they are not sure where you can acquire
some, however Galuf remembers that the meteorite that he saw back at Tycoon
had a chunk of adamantite. so even though Galuf suffers from amnesia, the
party decides to take his word for it and head towards the Tycoon Meteor.

Items: Adamantite
Party: Faris, Reina, Bartz, Galuf
Party's level: 14

Upon arriving at the Tycoon Meteorite, the party will pick up the Adamantite,
but however as the party tries to leave, they are confronted by a monster
hidden inside the meteorite.
BOSS BATTLE: Adamantaim HP: 2000
This boss is pretty tough, but it has a weakness of ice. Physical attacks are
basically cut down to about 40%. SO basically rely on a lot of ICE spells and
such, use an ICE ROD if you have to or if you have one. Keep your HP above
320 and keep attacking with the monk and knight and cast ICE spells

After the battle return to Cid and Mid and they will attach your newly
acquired Adamant and you can be on your way towards the Floating ruins.

Items: Gold Armor, Elixir, Pheonix Down, Ether, Moonring, Potion, 5000GP,
Shuriken, Cottage, Power Wrist, Ancient Sword, Gold Shield, Potion
Party: Galuf, Bartz, Reina, Faris
Party's level: 15

Use your airship to reach the high altitudes, and when you do so make sure
you are ready to confront the side cannons, having 3 Black Mages and 1 White
Mage is best. Simply go to the sides of the floating ruins and hit your
execute button over the cannons and a fight will ensue. In battle constantly
use BOLT2 on the Flame Throw and Missile Launchers and have your White Mage
heal quickly, and also put everybody in the back row. Keep your HP above 300
and continue to attack them in the same fashion. You will ahve to do this 4
times, and in between those four times you can stop off at Rikks village to
heal yourself for free at the inn and come back when your ready, also it
wouldn't hurt to create a quick memo save each time you defeat the Missile
Launchers and Flame Throws.

Afterwards, a giant cannon will appear in the middle of the Gorn Ruins after
ALL four side cannons are defeated, make sure you are ready before attacking
it, you might want to have 2 monks, a Black Mage and a White mage in your
group. When you are ready hit your execute button over the giant cannon and a
fight will ensue.
BOSS BATTLE: Sol Cannon/Launcher HP: 22500/10800
In this battle quickly knock out the Launchers on the sides, you can use L.5
Doom with the Blue Mage or use Doomclaw on the boss itself for a quick
victory, otherwise this boss will take some time to defeat. Have all
attackers like Monks, Knights, Ninjas, etc attack regular and stay in the
front line. Have magic offense users like the Black Mage attack with BOLT 2
and have at least one healer to distribute CURE 2 incase the boss deals a
heavy blow towards the party. Keep this pattern up and continue to attack it.
Keep your HP up around the max if possible and if you can maintain this
pattern by knocking out the side cannons first, you will have a legitimate
chance of winning. Like I said, Doomclaw makes this battle go by very

After the battle don't enter in the floating ruins yet, take this time to
return to Rikks village and heal yourself for free and buy all the supplies
you need at half off. When done head inside the floating ruins.

Items: *Look Above*
Party: Bartz, Galuf, Reina, Faris
Party's level: 15

Here in this floating palace(as Iwould call it) it shouldn't be too hard to
get around. However the monsters here are a bit strong, but they are also
essential for gaining your party's levels quickly. The items that can be
also doesn't hurt to use the Geomancer's Damage Floor ability to spot open
floors before they get you, in here you should also find a save room, so when
you do save your game and make your way around to the middle room on the 5th
floor, you will have to hit a switch to open that path.

Upon entering you will find Alexander Tycoon, however he seems to hold a
grudge against the party and wants the party to defeat the monster that is
blocking the way to the crystal room, so the party reluctantly agrees.
BOSS BATTLE: Archeoavis HP: 6400
This boss is seriously tough, it will constantly change elemental forms and
that will create havoc among your party as you will have to predict what
weakness it holds each time to inflict heavy damage. Monks work EXTREMELY
well in this battle, but make sure you have a way to heal your party. If you
earned your levels for the Archer's SShot, equip the Bloodswd in the Knight's
hand and this battle will sift by like a breeze.

After the battle the Archeoavis will come back to life, and even Alexander
Tycoon is amazed by the creature's ability to revive itself.
BOSS BATTLE: Archeoavis HP: 2400
This battle will be a sinch, the boss now will take a beating to physical
attacks as Monks will just pound this creature to mincemeat. Keep your
physical attacks coming and try to avoid magic as it has some sort of
immunity towards magic attacks.

After the battle the party heads inside towards the crystal room. King Tycoon
wants to destroy the crystal, but Krile(Galuf's granddaughter) comes in and
hits Alexander Tycoon with a low level BOLT spell which puts Alexander Tycoon
out of commission temporarily. It appears that X-Death had controlled King
Tycoon, but as the crystal begins to shatter, King Tycoon sacrifices his life
to save the crystal, but to only find out that he is too late. The last
crystal the party was meant to protect shatters, the party picks up the last
pieces of the remaining crystal:


Galuf remembers everything now, he and Krile head back to his own world to
stop Exdeath from destroying his world, but the party can only watch.
Afterwards head back to the underground ruins.

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Faris, Reina, Bartz
Party's level: 18

When you reach the underground ruins, go back to your resting room and the
table on the right will contain a note, telling you where Cid and Mid had
gone. Return back to Tycoon Meteor to find that Cid and Mid have put back the
Adamantite to replace it(note that in the Japanese version, it was put back
because it was too radioactive to contain). You also learn that by the power
of the rest of the meteorites, you can travel to Galuf's world and help him
stop X-Death, now you can do something to help! So quit reading this
walkthrough and play your game!

Items: None
Party: Bartz, Reina, Faris
Party's level: 18

Make your way back to the Karnak meteorite and inside Cid and Mid will be
shocked to find a monster, go inside and confront the monster.
BOSS BATTLE: Titan HP: 2500
This battle will be pretty tough. Most likely you do not have Float with you.
Have Monks attack physically up in the front and have magic users in the
back, make sure you have at least one healer, having 3 attackers (Monks,
Knights, Samurai, etc.) aside from one healer should get the job done, and
always keep your HP above 550 HP, the Earth Shaker attack will do a lot of
damage and it is unpredictable as to when he will actually perform the
attack, but its always a safe reminder to keep your HP up. Also the Titan
will use this attack before he goes.

NOTE: You can go to North Mountain and Fight a Ghilcat and make sure you
have a Blue Mage with you so you can use Float, but make sure to take
control of it by using a Trainer.

After the battle the team now returns from battle, head towards the Walz

Items: None
Party: Faris, Reina, Bartz
Party's level: 18

Here in this next meteorite the party attempts to put back the Meteorite in
which they do, but they are then attacked by a flurry on monsters.
BOSS BATTLE: Byurobolos(6) HP: 2200(each)
In this battle there are 6 targets, and this can be a pretty tough battle to
contend with since this is one of the few times where your party is out-
numbered. Make sure you have a summon in your group, or heck have two
summoners! Keep summoning Titan and the battle will be over before it even

NOTE: If your summoner was wearing an EARTH ROBE, the power of Titan goes
up anywhere from 30%-50%.

After the battle head over to the Gorn Meteorite, which is in the same place
where the Floating Ruins was from.

Items: None
Party: Faris, Reina, Bartz
Party's level: 18

When your in here, Cid and Mid decide to check things out inside before you
do, so your party is them promptly to wait, however Cid and Mid have been
inside too long and the party begins to worry and head inside to see if Cid
and Mid are alright. When the party enters inside, they find that Cid and Mid
are inside trapped in giant water bubbles, they are then confronted by the
BOSS BATTLE: KimaBrain HP: 3300
This boss should be pretty easy like the last battle, in here have your
summoners constantly cast TITAN, have one healer to heal your wounds and have
at least one fighter to attack. Keep your HP above 500 if possible because
its blaze attack will do about 250 HP of damage and then slowly drain your HP
away, but having the extra HP allows you more time to heal yourself.

After the battle Cid and Mid will have gathered enough energy from the
meteorites to power a single meteorite to carry the party to Galuf's world.
Look on your map and look at the arrows, they will point to a uniform
location, head there with your airship.

Items: None
Party: Faris, Bartz, Reina
Party's level: 19

Here when you reach your destination, the party will say their goodbyes to
the world because there is a high possibility that the party will not return
to the world. The party then leaves and takes flight to the next world.

NOTE: You may want to do the following things below, before you leave for
World 2.

Items: Phoenix Down(2), Ether(2), Elixir(2), Shuriken, Healing Staff,
MonsterBell, Katana, Potion, Cottage
Party: Faris, Reina, Bartz
Party's level: 19

Upon returning to Tycoon Castle you can pick up various items around the
castle, including: POTION, COTTAGE, ETHER x2, ELIXIR x2, PHEONIX DOWN x2,
the SECRET ability with the Thief around the castle you see hidden passages.

Items: Shuriken, Tent, Shock Whip/Note
Party: Bartz, Reina, Faris
Party's level: 19

On the south part of the western continent, visit Jachol village, but
unlikely you will find much of use in the town. However the townspeople talk
about the secrets of the cave above and everything they are selling in the
town is comprised from items in the cave found in the cave. Head towards that
cave, and when you reach their, you will have to hit several switches, and at
the bottom of the first room there is a row of switches, the row constantly
blinks, so be a little patient and wait until you see a lone switch standing,
hit that switch while the other switches remain absent.

You might not notice anything besides the sound at first, but that will lead
the way towards the next room, and make sure you pick up some items in here:

NOTE: If you had released the Lone Wolf, the items will not be present for
you and you will get a note from the Lone Wolf stating that he has
been here. Now don't you feel dumb for releasing that Lone Wolf?
Hmmmmm? (^_^)

Items: Ramuh(Summon)
Party: Faris, Reina, Bartz
Party's level: 19

At the top left corner of the world map you will see a little dot, that
little dot represents the town of Easterly. Head there, and inside you will
learn of a man that sends bolts of lightning to monsters, that's odd. What's
even more shocking(get it?) is the price for some rings here, 50,000 GIL for
a FIRE, CORAL, or ANGEL ring, each! I'll bet you don't even have half that
much right now, so ignore it because chances are you won't need it. You can
learn the TOAD spell and LOVE SONG in here as well. But those two aren't
important, head outside if you don't need anything else and go across the
bridge to the right and into the forest. Wander around and engage into
battle, however look for Ramuh only, monsters are very strong here and will
pound you to bits. You will know the instant you have met Ramuh when the boss
music plays.
BOSS BATTLE: Ramuh HP: 4000
In this battle, make sure you use TITAN, summon it often and have at least
one lancer in your party, so he or she can evade the attacks of his Bolt
spells. This battle should be pretty easy because you have more than enough
of the requirements to beat him at this point in stage.

After the battle, you will now have the Ramuh summon.

Items: None
Party: Bartz, Faris, Reina
Party's level: 19

Around the north area of Tycoon Castle lies Bartz's home town. In here you
are greeted warmly by the people here, they all recognize you because you are
the son of Dargon, the hero of the town. There is a lot of information about
Bartz's past here. Talk to the boy in the middle of the town and you will
get a flashback of how Barz was so afraid of heights. Also play the little
music box in Bartz's former house, and a 5 minute briefing of Bartz's past
will play about his mother and father and also when Bartz was young. Head to
the inn and take a rest and a scenario will occur at this time. Bartz will
relook upon his parent's grave and still continue to mourn their death until
this day. And before you decide to leave, make sure you stock up on a bunch
of supplies, the supplies are all half off!

--------------------------- Beginning of World 2 ----------------------------

Items: None
Party: Faris, Reina, Galuf
Party's level: 19

Here when the party arrives, they are on a strange island, there is nowhere
to go as the small island is surrounded by water. As you walk a party member
will ask that you set up a tent and so you do. When you set up a tent, the
party will sleep and get rested but as that happens the party encounters
BOSS BATTLE: Abductor HP: 1500
You can defeat this boss for EXP, but your pretty much don't need any EXP
because you can earn that later in the game. Just lose this battle as winning
the battle does not make a flux in the storyline. If you do want to win the
battle, make sure you use DOOM CLAW or summon the TITAN twice, otherwise you
stand a very little chance of winning.

After the battle, regardless if you won or not, you will be abducted and
taken to X-Death's castle. >_<

Items: Party's Items
Party: Galuf
Party's level: Variable

The party is now held in X-Death's castle, coincidentally Galuf and his
kingdom raid an attack on the castle of X-Death at the same time, but X-Death
tells Galuf to ciest and decist as he shows Galuf the three party members.
Galuf is now stuck in a situation where only he can save the party, he takes
flight of the Dragon and head towards the top of X-Death's castle. When you
reach inside here, immediately reach for the first treasure chest that you
see, you will have acquired all the armor and weapons and accessories and
items from the party as well as the crystal shards.

Take this time to change your job to a Monk, Lancer, or Summoner. When you
reach a save room, there is a room above that contains a recovery pool. When
your done make your way around to the preceding floors and you will
eventaully encounter Gilgamesh, this is where Gilgamesh will spot Galuf and
the two will engage in battle.
BOSS BATTLE: Gilgamesh HP: 1233
This battle shouldn't be too tough, have Galuf constantly attack with the
JUMP or FIGHT command with the Lancer or Monk. Or you can keep casting Titan
until he goes away, overall not that much of a hard fight and if your a Ninja
you can use any SHURIKENs you may have left if you wish.

After the battle Gilgamesh will make some sort of an excuse to leave, and he
does leaving Galuf to rescue the party. When the party is freed they notice
that to escape X-Death's castle they must cross the Big Bridge. So head
outside the castle and head west.

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Faris, Bartz, Reina
Party's level: 19

When you escape from the castle you will encounter a long bridge and not
surprisingly you will encounter quite a few enemies on the way, which are
basically all random, but you will see your opponents ahead of time but that
doesn't mean you can avoid them(ala Earthbound). Before you enter the bridge
take this time to set up the classes you are most comfortable with. When you
reach the second outpost on the bridge Gilgamesh hilariously walks through
the ohter side of the door surprising the party, and as expected a fight will
BOSS BATTLE: Gilgamesh HP: 3333
In this battle, Gilgamesh will cast some defensive spells when you have
damaged him enough on himself. Have the fighters attack in the front and
continue to cast TITAN even though he has set up a defensive barrier you can
still do a good amount of damage on him. Keep your HP up around 300 and you
should be fine and continue to heal yourself and repeat whatever pattern
works for you.

After the battle continue to make your way across the bridge, when you do
make your way to the other side of the bridge X-Death will have already
generated an entire barrier that will surround the entire castle, the effects
of that barrier is very powerful and sends the party flying away towards
another continent(also note that even though you did not take any world map
of any kind in this world, you still have a map of the second world, wierd
isn't it?).

Items: None
Party: Faris, Bartz, Reina, Faris
Party's level: 20

When you reach this continent you will have a fairly long way to walk across
to the east, when you see a town, enter it and take this time to update your
weapons and armors and accessories with the lastest gear the town of Lugor
has to offer. Also stock up on any materials and items that you may need
along the way. When you check the prices for the new magics, they look pretty
steep for 3000 Gil each, however take your time and battle monsters for them,
they are well worth it and you will gain levels as well as the pink monsters
outside Lugor give good expierience and gil. When your all set and done, head
south and then go eastward and you will find a forest between two sets of
mountains, inside is the moogle forest, as you try to talk to the moogle, he
falls below and the party follows him into an underground waterway.

Items: Pheonix Down, 4400GP
Party: Galuf, Reina, Faris, Bartz
Party's level: 20

When your in here, make your way around and make sure to pick up the
following items along the way: 400 gilx4 and PHEONIX DOWN. When you reach the
end of the cave you will see the moogle that fell through and is confronted
by a monster, however the party got here just in time to defeat the overgrown
BOSS BATTLE: Tyrasaurus HP: 5000
Use your PHEONIX DOWN on him and that's it, battle over you've won. Pretty
easy eh? If you don't have any to spare make sure you use Fire magic as it
will deal more damage than Cure magic, and I'm not sure if casting Life on
him will do.

After the battle follow the moogle outside and CAREFULLY watch where he
walks, make sure you follow him and enter the exact square that he enters and
you will find his real home. In short walk in the forest only and avoid the
desert area and watch carefully where the moogle enters the forest, go to the
EXACT square and you should be inside the official chocobo village.

Items: Elf's Cloak, Cottage, Pheonix Down, 10000GP, 1GP, Dancing Dirk, Ether
Party: Galuf, Bartz, Faris, Reina
Party's level: 21

When you enter the moogle village the other moogles will run away in fear.
However the moogle you rescued will let you inside his hut to the far right
and inside you can pick up 10,000 GP, 1 GP, PHEONIX DOWN, COTTAGE, DANCING
DIRK, and ETHER. Also don't forget to visit the middle hut and take the
Moogle Costume, and to the west hut talk to the moogle who will then allow
you to take the ELF's CLOAK. Afterwards Krile will then come to your location
and take you to Val Castle.

Items: Hero Drink, RegalCutlass/Great Sword, Angel Robe, Lamia's Harp, Exit
Party: Bartz, Faris, Reina, Galuf
Party's level: 21

Upon reaching the Castle of Val, the troops greet Galuf as if he was some
sort of king, well he is! The guards also tell Galuf that he had forgotten
his TELEPO spell, that spell is hidden in the bottom left of the throne room,
and you can see the treasure chest without the SECRET ability. In the castle
make sure to grab some very valuable items, including the HERO DRINK, TELEPO
found at the top right part of the castle along the moat, to enter the moat
you can take the bottom left opening in the castle courtyard.

Update your weapons now and when you are done, head to the roof of the castle
where Krile in crying over the injured/wounded Dragon. Krile tells the party
of a Dragon plant that will heal the wounds/injuries of the Dragon at
mountain in the north above Val Castle and past Kelb Village. So the party
then decides to head off towards the next location which is the mountain up
north mainly called the Valley of the Dragons.

Items: Kornago's Gourd, Requiem(Song)
Party: Bartz, Galuf, Reina, Faris
Party's level: 21

Upon reaching prior to the Valley of Dragons, you will stumble upon the town
of Kelb. In this town, the town buildings are locked and no one is around,
however enter the largest house up north. When you enter, the villagers then
set off to attack, but Kelga stops them as he notices Galuf. However as
egoistic as Kelga is, he tries to challenge Bartz to a fight, but along the
way Galuf gives him a few pointers as to how to beat him. Bartz successfully
knocks out Kelga viciously into the next room. Later an injured Kelga was not
able to take such a blow like he used to since he is so old. When the party
speaks to Kelga, a flashback occurs and the story about how the four warriors
of dawn came about. The four warriors were the current Galuf, Kelga, Zeza,
and Dorgan who is Bartz's father.

It was 30 years ago that X-Death was run amuck, but the four warriors had
stopped him, but that was at Bartz's world, in which the four warriors had no
choice but to bury X-Death's power deep within his planet, Dorgan however
chose to stay behind to protect that world, while the other three warriors of
Dawn had left for Galuf's world(which is the world you're on now). Then as
Kelga notices that Bartz is indeed Dorgan's father, he lets you through the
gates at the north part of Kelb. However prior to leaving the town's shops
are open and people are now out and the town is bustling with activity.

In the inn you can take a seat near the beds where a wolf will come to your
party's request and he will refill all your loss HP and loss MP for free plus
an additional 8 TONICs that will help you along the way. However this can
only be done three times, well only three times if you don't have a Gameshark
3.2 that is (^_^). At the top right part of the town, talk to the wolves
there and they will teach you an EXTREMELY useful REQUIEM song. Now head
towards Valley of Dragons.

Items: Wind Sword, Bonemail, Cottage, 7000GP, 5000GP, Pheonix Down
Party: Bartz, Reina, Faris, Galuf
Party's level: 21

Along the way to the Valley of Dragons(which is not far from where you are)
you might encounter a Kornago which is an odd colored giant frog, capture it
and save it for later after the Valley of Dragons, but this is COMPLETELY
optional. When you arrive at the Valley of Dragons, there are a lot of tough
enemies here, but they earn you good expierience points and are worth
fighting. Don't forget to pick up various items in here and they are: 5000

Also when you see a room with a skeleton switch at the bottom and a closed
off door at the top, there is a secret passage where you can drop off.
Starting from the front of the door position take one step down and two steps
to the right and you will fall to the room below. Upon reaching the upper
heights of the Valley of Dragons you will begin to notice a mysterious Golem
that is starting to attack your party again. However when you encounter a
Skelsaur and DrgnZombie it will attack the Golem, however having a Bard in
your party allows for a quick and easy victory.

Use the REQUEIM song to deal heavy damage towards the two dragons and heal
the GOLEM if you think its in danger. I think the Golem has about 7000 HP,
but it can fall quickly to the other dragon's attacks. It doesn't matter if
the Golem dies, you can keep repeating this process over and over again until
you have finally acquired the Golem, which is essential for giving yourself
an easy victory at an upcoming battle. Before you reach the Dragon Grass,
make sure you have a Summoner in your party, and the other classes can be
whatever you desire. When done touch the Dragon Grass, but however the grass
attacks back.
BOSS BATTLE: Dragon Grass and Dragon Bulb HP: 12,000(DG)/500(DB)
This battle is rediculously easy if you have the Golem summon. Once the
battle starts have the summoner cast Golem, and your party will basically
recieve no damage at the duration of the battle. The physical attacks set off
by both enemies are too weak to pose any problems knocking away your Golem
defense, even if they do for some odd reason (like you being sorry at the
game) then you can cast it again. Have your summoner continously cast TITAN
to deal massive damage towards the boss and have the rest of your party
members attack normally. Repeat this pattern until the boss is gone.

After the battle Reina realizes that the Dragons were dying because the fact
that the Dragon Grass were attacking the Dragons. Now return back to Val

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Bartz, Reina, Faris
Party's level: 24

When you reach the castle, the guards won't let the party in because they
think that they are one of X-Death's goons pretending to be them. So the
party finds another way around, and they do. When you reach inside the castle
talk to Krile and she will feed the Dragon the Dragon Grass, but however it
won't eat it because its been attackin the Dragons. But Reina unsurprisingly
eats the Dragon Grass showing the Dragon that it is safe, just as she had
risked poisoning herself back at world 1. The Dragon then eats the plant and
starts to feel better as Krile gives Reina the antidote. Afterwards Krile
tells you of a sage named Gill, who is requesting the party's visit as soon
as possible. So head there now.

Items: None
Party: Bartz, Faris, Reina, Galuf
Party's level: 24

You will need to use the Dragon to reach Gill's Shrine, make sure you go
north and then take that small opening in the mountains because the Dragon
cannot fly over mountains. The Shrine should be northeast of the castle of
Val. Upon reaching the Gil Shrine, you will notice that the island will begin
to shake as an earthquake erupts. It becomes so intense that the island
collapses and sinks underwater and the party has no choice but to head to
Surgate Castle, which is to the left.

Items: Float(Time), 5000GP
Party: Galuf, Bartz, Faris, Reina
Party's level: 24

Upon reaching the castle there is a switch that you will need to hit to enter
through the main gate, however inside you recieve news that Zeza is planning
to raid upon X-Death's castle using basically his entire naval fleet, that's
probably the reason that explains why there are so little guards in the
castle. However you are free to look around and take whatever you need, and
you will definitely find a useful FLOAT spell. To get the Float Spell, there
is a lady that will ask you to return the books in their rightful order, and
its not hard either because the bookshelves are listed alphabetically.

The first letter of each book title should tell you exactly where to place
the books, when you are done talk to the lady again and she will head back to
her room and reveal the hidden doorway(in which she can ONLY open). Through
here you can pick up 5000 GP and the FLOAT spell. After you are done, head
towards Zeza's Fleet, which is at the southeast end of X-Death's castle.

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Faris, Reina, Galuf
Party's level: 24

You will automatically tell where Zeza's Fleet is located because its one
heck of a fleet not to be missed! Land your Dragon on the giant ship, and
Zeza and Galuf are then greeted. Zeza has set up a plan to have his main
force attack the Castle while he uses a submarine crew to attack the castle
from underground where the seal does not protect the castle. He then tells
the party to go take a rest, the party does and all of the sudden at the
middle of the night monsters attack the fleet!

Head up to the top of the ship and there are monsters walking around and Zeza
is facing his own battle. You can fight the monsters for expierience points
if you want, but if you want to end this quick, head towards the tier of the
boat at the south end and talk to Gilgamesh after defeating the monster and a
fight with your party and Gilgamesh will ensue for the third time.
BOSS BATTLE: Gilgamesh & Endikou HP: 3200(Gilgamesh), 4000(Endikou)
This battle is fairly tough, not really anything to be worried about. Have
all attackers attack Gilgamesh with everything you've got. Later after
dealing about 3000 HP of damage to Gilgamesh Endikou will come in and join
the fight healing himself and Gilgamesh, so even though you will have to
fight Gilgamesh all over again, the fight should still be headed over in your
favor. Attack Endikou with Doom Claw, it might or might not work. Your TITAN
spell won't work on Endikou since he is flying but if you do have the Aero
Blue magic spell, use that against him as it will deal critical damage. After
Endikou is destroyed, Gilgamesh will looked worried and then run away. The
best way to win this battle is by having the BLOODSWD and SSHOT ability from
the Archer, each attack will always connect and you will restore HP of your
own as you attack, but judging you, you probably were too lazy to gain any
ability points for the SSHOT ability anyways (^_^). NOTE: Each time you fight
Gilgamesh you can steal one piece of Genji armor from him, its the strongest
in the game and you get a different piece of armor from him each time you
encounter him.

After the battle, the crew then begins to head down below to the underwaters
via the submarine. As the party reaches the tunnel, Zeza devises up a plan.
Galuf and his party head upwards towards the top of the tower to destroy the
antenna while Zeza heads down below to destroy the remote. Make your way up
the tower, pick up the items: BLOODSWD, 18000 GP, 9000 GP, and HAIR ORNAMENT.

However be prepared to face a semi tough Red Dragon when picking up weapons
and armor in the treasure chests. Continue to make your way to the top of the
tower and Zeza will continously talk to you through the whisper grass, this
in which will notify Zeza's and Galuf's current status. As the party reaches
above the tower, they are attacked.
BOSS BATTLE: Atomos HP: 19997
This battle will be pretty tough, but like I said, having the SSHOT ability
with the BLOODSWD allows for an easy victory in this battle, in fact too
easy. However since knowing you(the player) do not have the SSHOT ability,
there is always an alternative. Use the TITAN summon often and use GOLEM,
while most of Atomos' attacks are magic based, it still delas physical attack
from time to time. Try to keep your party alive, because if your party member
becomes wounded, reviving them can become quite tedious as Atomos will use
his COMET spell on that "just revived" character. However you will have a
3/10 shot of reviving that character without that character be wounded right
back again. Atomos will occasionally miss with the COMET spell if you are
wearing a certain type of armor, GOLD armor can help give you a higher ratio.
Keep using your best attacks, JUMP from the Lancer is usually a nice way to
attack and avoid injury. Doom Claw has a 5% chance of connecting in this
battle, and you might have to use it several times, so unless you are feeling
lucky, try to avoid using it and use sure fire attacks.

Afterwords the party is saved by the Dragon, however Galuf had to be taken by
force. The tower then explodes, but Zeza is still trapped under the tower as
it explodes. Galuf can only hope that Zeza is alright, but Galuf knows Zeza
too well as this was the way Zeza wanted to end his life. Galuf then decides
to wait for his friend, give Galuf a moment and he will later pull himself
together. However the sumarine is now yours and you will have to use it to
find Gill's Shrine.

Items: None
Party: Galuf, Reina, Bartz, Faris
Party's level: 27

Look on your map and in the middle of the map lies a small blinking dot in
the middle of the waters with no underwaters crests and islands near it. Head
there and once you reach inside, there is a set of five treasure chests and
in it. Put the rock in the top left treasure chest and it will open a door,
head to that open door and ignore the rest of the treasure chests and doors
as you will not need to worry about them in the future. You will then meet up
with Gill, when you do he will tell the party a lot of background information
about X-Death's past.

Later he tells the party that X-Death has interest in Moore Forest and what
is lying in the Eldest Tree. Gill gives the party the ELDER'S BRANCH so that
the party may enter Moore Forest. So your next destination is to Moore
Forest, look on your map and on it there is a blinking dot at the top left
part of the map, head there and when you surface above water you should see a
town to your left as your submarine remains in the small lake. The town to
the left is Moore.

Items: Hunting Knife, Flame Sabre, Aegis Shield/Flame Shield, Ether, 2500GP,
Ash, Mace, Giant Drink, Cottage, 9500GP, 4900GP, Pheonix Down
Party: Reina, Galuf, Bartz, Faris
Party's level: 27

Sorry about that, it sounded catchy and I got lost on that chapter title.
Anyways, the town is just optional but it contains A LOT of GREAT things to
advance your party. The magic is at a higher level as is the armor, so unless
you are confident to dealing with the enemies in Moore Forest, I suggest you
start earning some GP to buy the lastest magic and armor, as well as weapons,
but keep the BLOODSWD.

It will take awhile to earn the money for everything, but it doesn't take
long to earn money for some of the things, I suggest buying the 3rd level
elemental magics(FIRE3, ICE3, BOLT3), HASTE2, CURE3, and SHELL in the magic
department and whatever armor and weapons you wish to buy are up to you. when
your done head towards the Moore Forest. In the Moore Forest, the ELDER'S
BRANCE will let the party through. Once inside watch for small holes in
trees, use your execute button over it and it will make a new way towards
deeper into the forest.

Pick up the following items in the forest: 2500 GP, ETHER, MACE, FLAME SABER,
reach a save point, save your game, upon that when you make your way to the
final area you will see a treasure chest, inside it contains an AEGIS SHIELD,
however if you pick it up, then you cannot acquire the FLAME SHIELD. It
depends what your desire is to acquiring a certain shield. It doesn't matter
which one you pick, after a while a moogle will save the party by creating a
hole underneath to its underground moogle headquarters(?).

You will have to wait down here for a while as the flames are burning out.
Use the recovery spring to heal your wounds and then when you reach above,
everything is put down to a crisp. Save your game at the save point and head
inside towards the ELDEST TREE at the north of the moogle hole. Also you can
pick up your FLAME SHIELD IF you did not pick up the AGEIS SHIELD earlier.

Head up towards the ELDEST TREE and it will pave way for the party, however
as you enter inside make sure you are prepared. If you have a Summoner in
your party, make sure you are wearing the Earth Gown, heck you can make all
your party members Summoners and have them wearing an Earth Gown, and if you
have X-Magic(which I doubt) that would be a VERY helpful ability. When your
done preparing, head towards the inside of the tree and a boss battle will
BOSS BATTLE: Tree Crystals(4)(?) HP: 7777(each)
This battle will be super tough. Don't be surprised if you happen to lose a
few times. If you do have the Bloodswd and SSHOT, this battle will literally
be a breeze. However make sure you have four summoners along with each
summoner having either a L4/L5 black or white magic as their other ability.
Once the battle starts, continously summon TITAN, this will deal about 1300-
1700 HP of damage with the Earth Gown on. While the last crystal at the
bottom will absorb this attack, it doesn't hurt to use it as you will deal
damage to the other three crystals. The $Toss ability works EXTREMELY well in
this battle and with 3-6 tosses, you can call it a day, but you will have to
sacrifice a lot of money to do so. When you knock off the other three you
should use FIRE3 to knock out the bottom one that is left standing, however
USE FLOAT and GOLEM at the beginning of the battle. This will help the party
keep up its HP and avoid the quake attacks from the bottom crystal.

After the battle, X-Death comes in and congratulates the party on destroying
the seals that prevented X-Death from harnassing the tree's power. X-Death
then captures the party in his magic, and Krile suffers the same fate as she
enters. However Galuf fights the magic and breaks free, a battle then ensues
with X-Death and Galuf.
In this battle, X-Death will hit Galuf with a strong spell that will easily
knock away Galuf's HP, however even at 0 HP, Galuf's determination motivates
him to continue the fight. Keep attack X-Death until you have done enough
damage to him. X-Death can't believe his eyes that Galuf is still standing
and runs away from battle in fustration and possibly fear.

After the battle, Galuf is too wounded as he has been killed many times over
by X-Death's magic. The party can't do a thing to save him and he leaves his
life defending Krile. The party leaves the tree and Krile picks up a headband
of some sort from the ELDEST TREE, it allows Krile to exhibit all the jobs,
statuses, stats, and abilities that Galuf once had. Afterwards she decides to
join the party and to take down X-Death, by force or by fate.

Items: Diamond Shield, Ether(2), Elixir(2), 8000GP, 9900GP, MagiShuriken,
Partisan, Double Lance, Blizzard, Kotetsu, Gale Bow, Ice Shield
Party: Cara, Faris, Bartz, Reina
Party's level: 30

NOTE: This tip is provided by CokaColaCat:

"For all of those folks who thought they missed getting the "Judge-
Staff" (from BlakWarlocks) in Exdeath's Castle at the end of World 2,
they need worry no more! On World 3, go to the Town of Lugor (Rugor),
and wander around outside. There, by the truckload, you will find
little creatures called "T-Wrecks". The Judge-Staff can be stolen from
this rather weak creature.

Now, they usually give you Antidotes, but with a few tries, they give
up the Judge-Staff."

Before you enter here you can pick up some items and supplies to replenish
what you feel is neccessary. When you enter X-Death's castle make your way to
the center room. The party will find no other type of entrance whatsoever,
however as the party leaves Krile notices that what the party is seeing, is
just merely an illusion. The illusion is now an illusion and the true colors
of Exdeath's castle reveals itself. Cast FLOAT prior to entering the next
room as you will encounter several rooms where you will have to walk over
lava to reach certain treasure chests. Use the Geomancer's FINDHOLE ability
to see if there are certain traps and holes.

In the castle pick up the following items: DIAMONDSHIELD, ETHER, ICE SHIELD,
BLIZZARD, and KOUTETSU. Also when you reach a room with skulls on the floor,
each skull can either be a regular walking platform or a trap door leading
you to the floor below or leading you to a certain area. The top skull
contains your encounter towards Carbuncle, which if won will allow you to use
his summon power. If you do decide to fight Carbuncle, then try to follow
these tips.
BOSS BATTLE: Carbuncle HP: 15000
This battle is pretty tough. Use summon magic in this battle if you don't
have the RFLECT magic available to you. Summon TITAN constantly and use the
Bloodswd with the SSHOT ability to deal critical damage and also to win the
battle easily. Keep your HP up and NEVER use black magic on Carbuncle, only
use summon magic against him or cast RFLECT on your party members and have
the spell reflect off of him/her.

When your done, head to the opposite skull, the skull at the bottom and that
will allow the switch to bridge a path towards the next destination. When you
reach this room, make sure you save your game. The next room contains a
treasure chest in the middle, inside it contains an nothing. Then continue to
walk to the next room, but a known fiend will stop you into battle.
BOSS BATTLE: Gilgamesh HP: 10,000
This battle is pretty easy, nothing to worry about. Attack normally and keep
your HP up. Also when Gilgamesh transforms, he will use the EXCALIPUR sword
again the party. However it does a pitance amount of damage as even a
character low on HP can survive several blows and still survive. Gilgamesh
wonders what is up with the sword, but that ends shortly as X-Death sends
Gilgamesh to the N-Zone.

NOTE: If you did not bother to check with the treasure chest, you WILL NOT
engage in battle with Gilgamesh. This alters the storyline just a
small bit though, but that small change happens at the N-Zone.

After the battle continue to make your way upstairs and to X-Death's room,
the party will stop X-Death before he attempts his evil magic.
BOSS BATTLE: X-Death HP: 32,768
This battle will be EXTREMELY tough. Start the battle off with defensive
magic. Use GOLEM, SHELL, SAFE, and FLOAT to begin the battle. HASTE or HASTE2
is optional. RFLECT is opional because if you reflect, you can't heal
yourself with White magic unless you cast reflect on X-Death and have it
bounce off of him. However it will deflect even some instant death spells.
Use all your strongest magic in this battle and try to keep your HP at
maximum. The JUMP ability is nice, but to make things REALLY EASY is by using
the BLOODSWD and SSHOT ability combined so the battle can sail by like a
breeze, and also when you use this BLOODSWD, usually that character holding
the bloodswd is the last one standing at the end of the battle.

NOTE: You may notice that X-Death's HP is a bit odd considering that the
numbers in the digits are not divisible or multiples of 5 or 10.
This isn't official but I think I can provide some reasoning with
the odd HP.

3 - Represents the amount of times you fight X-Death(Neo X-Death is
a separate boss).

2 - Represents the number of worlds there are in the game(the third
world is a combination of the first two worlds).

7 - Represents the number of years this game has been made idle
legally to the United States and Europe. By this I mean the
number of years it was not present in the US after its 1992
Japanese release, and it was released in the US in 1999.

6 - The number of times you encounter Gilgamesh in battle in the game,
The first time was with Galuf saving his friends, the second time
was on the Big Bridge, the third time was on Zeza's ship, the
fourth time was in X-Death's castle, the 5th time is on the first
of the final floors of the N-Zone, and the 6th time was the
battle with Necrophobe on the last floor of the N-Zone prior to
the battle with X-Death.

8 - The number of Gargoyles you fight in the 3rd world.

NOTE: "This is Seth's deductive reasoning to ExDeath's HP:

"I was reading through your FF5 FAQ (thanks for putting so much effort
into it) and saw your idea of why X-Death has 37268 hit points. I just
thought you'd want to know the 37268 is 2^15 which is the largest
signed number (-/+) that you can manipulate on a 16-bit system easily.
You probably won't want to update your FAQ for such a minor item, but
thought you should know."

That's a VERY interesting notion!

Once again, this is what I've noticed with X-Death's HP. But the 3rd one(#7)
is questionable. Only Squaresoft knows the true reason behind X-Death's HP.

NOTE: The events below are SIDE AREAS for World 2 and can ONLY be completed
in World 2.

Items: Shoat(Summon)
Party: Cara, Bartz, Reina, Faris
Party's level: 33

Take your submarine and look for a cave opening underwater, there should be 4
maroon colored coral reefs in front of the cave. Make your way around that
cave and you will be outside, walk along the forest area and eventually you
will find Shoat.
This battle is pretty easy. Doom Claw will work, and you can wipe him out
after that. BAsically attack him as normal and pound him to bits and bring a
lot of SOFTs to cure a party member of the Devil's Eye.

After the battle you will have gained the Shoat summon.

Items: GP, GP, GP, GP, GP, GP, and more GP
Party: Cara, Bartz, Reina, Faris
Party's level: 33

NOTE: I came up with this title first! ABC stole it from be and used it on
their show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" and I HONESTLY came up with
this title before them. I know, it's insignifcant but don't ever
accuse me of being unoriginal! *smiles showing teeth*

There is a cave to the left of the Big Bridge. Enter there and you will find
an absurd amount of GP. Also the enemies are pretty tough here, but if you
saved this area for last, this place is just like any other area that you
have been through.

----------------------------[ End of World 2 ]-------------------------------

Items: None
Party: Cara, Faris, Reina, Bartz
Party's level: 33

The party had come a long way since Bartz encounter Reina and Galuf, and its
time the party take a rest and enjoy everything. The world is as peaceful as
can be, so head your way up to Tycoon castle. Inside the castle the
chancellor welcomes the party's return, but how did the party return home? *I
don't know, so don't ask me.* Celebration brings itself upon the party as
Reina and Faris gets ready, but Bartz is shocked to find Faris so attractive
and it can be noted that Faris is Reina's long lost sister whose real name is
Salsa(hahaha, reminds me of a certain Seinfeld episode). Krile and Bartz
talk, and after giving Bartz a scare of Krile's strength, the two decide to
leave and let Reina and Faris celebrate. Its now time to find your long lost
buddy Boko!

Items: None
Party: Cara, Bartz
Party's level: 33

Reach for the cave to the west, and when you reach their Boko now has kids.
Krile also shares the special ability to communicate with animals as she
tells Bartz what Boko is saying, sorta like a translator. Afterwards, the
party then leaves. However head north of Tycoon castle and continue to walk
along the river and into the next set of plains. However, all of the sudden
the party falls down into an underground cavern, and inside Bartz blames Boko
for this, but before Bartz can lay a hand on Boko Krile stops him. However
the party then is attacked by an underground dweller named Antlion(who you
should be very familiar with from Final Fantasy 4.
BOSS BATTLE: Antolyon HP: 8100
This battle shouldn't be too hard, a long but easy way to defeat this boss is
by constantly using JUMP. It shouldn't take that long actually, or you can
use Monks and the TITAN summon magic, either way it really doesn't matter.

After the battle, a rope comes hanging down to save the party. However they
still haven't figured who is helping them. After some teasing Faris finally
lets the rope down and pulls the party up, however Krile has a splinter on
her hand, must be from the rope. Now afterwards, head southwest to Gill's
Shrine after Faris has joined your party.

Items: None
Party: Faris, Cara, Bartz
Party's level: 33-34

In here you will meet Gill again, the old sage. In here you will see Gill
over his shell, the party flips him over, and Gill starts to talk about how
the party had came back home. It appears that the two worlds of Bartz's and
Galuf's were merged together. However the conversation soon ends when X-Death
reveals himself as Krile's mysterious splinter. He tells the party of the X-
Zone, in which a 1000 year old void that is reminiscent of evil.

However the party does not know how to begin to stop him just yet, so head
for the giant book of wisdom, or the Ancient Library where Gill will take the
party. Gill tells the party that many powerful monsters were locked away with
the N-Zone and that the party isn't nearly as strong enough to take those
monsters down. However, there are the Legendary 12 Weapons of Kuzar where
past ancestors have fought against those monsters. To obtain those Legendary
Weapons, the party must establish 4 tablets.

Each tablet will allow the party to take 3 Legendary Weapons, and there are
four locations where the tablets are rumored to be, and they are scattered
around the world. The SEALED BOOK will allow the party access to these
locations, but only then can the party acquire the four tablets. And their
first destination is the Pyramid, so head outside and to the west. But before
you go, head to the roof of the library and learn the MAGIC SONG, which will
up the character's magic power during battle.

Items: Diamon Shield, MagiShuriken, 9900GP, 8000GP, Double Lance, Partisan,
Blizzard, Ice Shield, Ether(2), Elixir(2), Gale Bow, Kotetsu
Party: Bartz, Cara, Faris
Party's level: 34

NOTE: De-equip your Bloodswd, you will not need it at this point because
the monsters here will have the opposite effect since the majority of
them are undead.

Inside here, the party will notice that the once motionful sand currents
remain idle and solid as the Earth crystal was shattered in the first world.
Head inside and the SEALED BOOK will do its work, however the party is then
attacked by two Gargoyles.
BOSS BATTLE: Gargoyles(2) HP: 5000
This battle shouldn't be too hard, however if you do not evenly distribute
your attacks among both Gargoyles, they will continue to revive each other.
Use TITAN on the Gargoyles and HASTE2 on the party. $Toss works well in this
battle, as does spreading your magic.

After the battle, the Gargoyles will return to their places. Once inside when
you encounter a random battle, you will notice that the battles are fairly
tough, but if your levels are where they are suppose to be at, then you
should do okay. The REQUIEM song should do well, and also there are A LOT of
treasure chests in this place and each are filled with very useful items and
supplies and also GP. Along the way make sure to pick up: DARK MATTERx7,
RING, EARTH HAMMER, COTTAGE, 9000 GP, 8000 GP, 10000 GP, and 12000 GP. Having
the Geomancer's ability of FINDHOLE and ANTITRAP are very useful in this
place, and they shall remain show throughout the rest of the game. There are
a lot of places where the spikes pop up and such, using FLOAT will avoid
those hassles but the ANTITRAP will make sure that you do not need FLOAT.

Watch for patterns in here, there is a floor where the floor switch
places, watch carefully and make the timing. Also the SECRET ability is
useful as it will lead way for the other batch of treasures scattered along
the pyramid. Also don't leave a switch open to long, when you defeat the
little snakes, more will pop out in a short while. And also, you might
encounter a minotaur looking opponent, who is pretty easy to beat, but you
can run away from it if you like. There is a small story change if you fight
him or not, it doesn't matter because its pretty insignificant. Once you
reach the top of the pyramid, pick up the Lithograph(tablet) and you will
read something on it about Bahamut, and later you will see Bahamut fly
through the waters and will tell you that he is waiting at North Mountain.
Afterwards, head outside of the place and make your way to the Kuzar Castle.

Items: None
Party: Cara, Faris, Bartz
Party's leve: 36

Once you reach here, the party stumbles upon Reina, who is acting quite
strangely and attacks the party with awesome force. However they notice that
a monster is in control of Reina and then the monster attacks the party.
BOSS BATTLE: Mellusion HP: 20000
This is one of the toughest battles you will have encountered, its very
similar to the Archeoavis battle. She will constantly switch forms, or
barriers, and her weakness will constantly shift. Also at some point your
physical attacks may prove useful or pitiful, but the BLOODSWD will get the
job done quickly, that is if you have it with the SSHOT ability. I'm not sure
if DOOM CLAW might work in this battle though, I have yet to be successful
with it, but then again I only tried once. AERO works well as it will damage
her no matter what form she changes into. Try TITAN as well and BIO and DRAIN
works too. But if you don't have the SSHOT and BLOODSWD, this battle will be
very tough.

After the battle, Reina regains consciousness, but barely. She then joins
your party, but you must revive her and heal her because she will remain in
the wounded status until you do so. After the battle head to the castle of
Kuzar, and make sure you pick up your airship where you had seen it from the
top of the pyramid. The Kuzar Castle is located north of Tule and west of
Tycoon, you should see a small bridge connected to it.

Inside pick any of the htree weapons that you want, and albeit you will pick
the EXCALIBUR, its been known that Final Fantasy fans alike and non-alike
pick up this powerful sword. However, make sure you FLEE ability or the DUSTB
ability because you may run into a SHLDDRGN or X-DeathSoul, both are very
powerful enemies and that is the only way you can run away from them.
Afterwards, head to the Solitary Shrine, you shouldn't miss it as it is a
small castle between two very long bridges.

Items: 12000GP, Circlet, Elixir, Ether(2), Dark Matter, Beast Killer,
Razor Ring, 9000 GP, Beast Killer, Crystal Helmet
Party: Faris, Cara, Reina, Bartz
Party's level: 36

When you reach here, the book will do its work and you will get attacked by
two Gargoyles again. Finish them off exactly like before and continue on
inside. After defeating them, continue on and when you reach the room with
switches, any combination of switches will lead you to an item. Once you have
the left switch down and the right switch up, you will reach your next
destination. In this room there is a door to the right and a RAZOR RING, and
the various items in the Solitary Shrine include: 12000 GP, 9000 GP, BEAST

Use the Geomancer's FINDHOLE and ANTITRAP abilities to avoid pitfalls on the
floor. This place isn't as confusing as the Pyramid, but the enemies here are
tougher, when you reach the room with the Tablet(Lithograph) there are two
treasure chests to the side, make sure you pick them up. However, like you
saw earlier, once you try to take the tablet, one of the N-Zone's fiends sent
by X-Death will battle you.
BOSS BATTLE: Stoker HP: 20000
This battle is tough, avoid using any multi attack spells like most summons.
Don't spread your magic, use your most powerful magic on one target you think
is the real one. The BLOODSWD with the SSHOT helps a lot here. Make sure you
keep your HP up because if you hit one of the false images of Stoker, he will
counter with a Blaze attack which will do a good amount of damage followed by
a slow drain of HP afterwards. This battle isn't easy though, but you can
always check his HP on either images.

After the battle, the way to the Fork Tower is now open, however after
recieving your first tablet, head back to the Castle of Kuzar and pick up
your three other Legendary Weapons. Afterwards, head towards the Fork Tower
on the southeast part of the world map where Cresent Town is.

Items: Potion, Defender, Wonder Rod, Ether, Holy(White), Flare(Black)
Party: Cara, Faris, Bartz, Reina
Party's level: 38

When you reach this place, there are two sides. Before you just go off
randomly have each character head to either tower, you must first remember
that the Tower on the Right is the Tower of Power(which makes since
considering that most people are stronger with the right hand, even when left
handed) and the left is the Tower of Magic(which makes sense since the book
of magic is carried on the right hand while the left hand does the
incantations, usually). Split your party into two groups and have your magic
users go to the left and physical attack users go to the right.

Your party on the left will start out first, and this place isn't confusing,
just very simple and you should easily make your way to the top of this
tower. If you, by any reason, somehow becomes lost, then you are no smarter
than a person tripping over a cordless phone. Notice that the items you pick
up are the WONDER ROD and an ETHER, these are magic items. Once the aprty
reaches the top the party on the right tower will reach the top, and pick up
the POTION AND DEFENDER sword along the way. The party on the right will face
a boss of power.
BOSS BATTLE: Minitaurus HP: 19,850
Remember his brother? You fought this guy's brother in the pyramid, but he
makes no remark of that. In this battle, your magic is deemed useless. You
will have to rely on items to heal yourself. This guy can attack hard, up to
650 HP of damage a hit from the front row. Monks are usually the best for
this battle, but Lancer's work nice as well because you can keep Lancers in
the backrow and attack with the JUMP ability. DO NOT USE HOLY WEAPONS LIKE
EXCALIBUR. You will heal him, and use the BLOODSWD with the SSHOT ability for
the most effective way to defeating this guy.

After the battle, the party on the left must do its part.
BOSS BATTLE: Omniscient HP: 16,999
This battle is pretty tough. However, DO NOT USE PHYSICAL attacks against
this guy. Doing so will make the Omnisicent restart the battle over again
with RETURN. Use your strongest magic and set up CARBUNCLE in this battle, as
you will reflect basically all of his magic. However you will need to summon
him again after his magic is reflected three times. Keep your HP up at
maximum at all times, the FLARE spell can take you down pretty quickly if
your unprepared. Also you can BERSERK Omniscient, this will make him
constantly attack and not use magic, and also you avoid its last FLARE spell.
However this is extremely risky as his physical attacks do a great deal of
damage, and even having the GOLEM set up won't be much of a help. So stick
with the magic criteria.

After the battle, the two parties grab each spell at the same time, and thus
you recieve the ultimate White magic HOLY and the ultimate Black magic FLARE.
Aren't you anxious to use them? However, afterwards the tower sinks, and the
party then finds that the former underground ruins which hoisted the airships
are now open to the party. Take your airship down below and after Cid and Mid
makes modifications you can now have your airship combined with your
submarine and into an airmarine! Now head for the Great Sea Trench, which is
your next destination, its located on the bottom left part of the world map

Items: KaiserKnuckle, Pheonix Down, WaterSkill, Ether, Fire Ring
Party: Bartz, Faris, Cara, Reina
Party's level: 39

When you reach here, you will have to face tow more Gargoyles after the
SELAED BOOK does its work. Use the Geomancer's ANTITRAP ability to avoid
damage on the Lava Floors or use the magic FLOAT on your party. Your Holy
weapons will be very useful here as the monsters here are undead. In here

Upon reaching the middle of the Great Sea Trench, you will encounter the
underground Dwarf home, Lali-Ho! There are no enemies here and there are also
shops for you, and also there is a long canal underneath, walk to the end of
it and then check your world map, REMEMBER THIS LOCATION ABOVE WATER! This is
the EXACT location of the Mirage Town. Afterwards, when your done head on and
eventually you will face three pigs, all of which are sent by X-Death.
BOSS BATTLE: Nergade, Triton, Phobos HP: 13,333(each)
This battle will be pretty tough, however avoid using your BLOODSWD as it
will have the opposite effect. Attack all three with TITAN and use your
WATERSKILL if your a Ninja. Jump often and use the SSHOT ability with an axe
or sword that is Holy or neutral. Spread your attacks out evenly, otherwise
they will revive a loss member. Use FLARE and HOLY in this battle as well.

After the battle pick up the tablet and you will have recieved the most
feared spell in all of Final Fantasy games, METEO, which is the ultimate Time
magic. After your through, head back to your airship, heal any wounds that
needs to be healed and refill your HP and MP by going to the Castle of Kuzar
and talking to the scholar near the entrance, and pick up your next three
Legendary Weapons.

Items: MagiShuriken, Aegis Shield, Enchanter, Turtle Shell, Giant Drink,
Ether, Air Lancet, Wall Ring, Pheonix Down, Artemis Bow, 12000GP,
Double Ax, Rune Edge, Protect Ring
Party: Bartz, Reina, Cara, Faris
Party's level: 42

To get to the Easterly Falls, take your submarine and head to the north-west
part of the world map underwater and head for that blinking dot, at the top.
You will have to enter a cave, through that cave make your way around outside
and enter the falls by walking towards it, you may want to save your game
before entering the falls. Inside the SEALED BOOK will do its work and you
will have to face two more Gargoyles for the last time before entering. After
you defeat them, head inside and make sure you keep the Geomancer's ANITTRAP
and FINDHOLE ability at hand, it makes the place less fustrating and also
keep the DASH ability, while you don't need the DASH ability, it helps when
you are trying to get the PROTECT RING on Floor B2F when you have to hit a
switch to stop the water from flowing.

Also when you reach the latter floors of this place, make sure you have the
DUSTB or FLEE ability because if you encounter a Dinglberry, you might as
well start over. Its also known as a Tonberry and its super tough with near
40000 HP, it might look innocent, by try fighting it and see what happens.
The FINDHOLE ability will prove useful in this place, you will see holes on
the floor, and while you may think its a bad thing, however you may have
noticed that your going down in this place, so drop through each hole that
you see until you reach a room with three treasure chests, hit the skull
switches before picking up the treasure chests if you don't have the ANTITRAP
ability because you will suffer a lot of HP loss.

In this Easterly Falls, pick up the following items: ETHER, TURTLE SHELL,
reach a room with a tablet, go pick it up, but however one of X-Death's N-
Zone monsters will stop you. However before you even fight, a giant creature
from behind the waterfall attacks and kills the N-Zone monster with just one
attack! Oh boy, I hope your prepared for this next battle as your HP really
needs to be up to successfully defeat a familiar foe and ally.
BOSS BATTLE: Leviathan HP: 40000
This battle will be extremely tough, its Tidal Wave attack causes massive
damage to the party. Use your strongest magic including METEO, FLARE, HOLY,
and BOLT3 as it has a weakness towards lightning. Keep your HP up constantly
as its Tidal Wave attack will incur massive damage. The BloodSwd and SSHOT
comes in real handy in this battle when combined together, but the SSHOT
alone works fine. Also you can use CORAL RINGS but that would take about an
half an hour to earn money for all four of your party members.

NOTE: You do not have to fight Bahamut, you can leave and come back later,
however depending on your confidence you can fight him if you want.

Items: None
Party: Cara, Faris, Bartz, Reina
Party's level: 44

After you acquire the last tablet from the Easterly Falls and have gotten all
12 of the Legendary Weapons, its time to head tot he N-Zone, so make sure you
stock up on plenty of supplies and have plenty of GP if you want to use the
powerful $Toss. Enter in the N-Zone where the Castle of Tycoon was lifted.
However there are still plenty of things to do before you leave.

NOTE: These are only side areas and are not needed for the completion of the
game, but the following quests will allow you items that are neccessary
to at least stand a good chance at surviving through the N-Zone.

Items: Mimic(Crystal)
Party: Bartz, Faris, Reina, Cara
Party's level: 44

Remember where Walz Tower was sunk? Of course you do, but the 3rd world is
rearranged in a completely different fashion than the first that you couldn't
possibly know. In the desert where North Mountain is, head down below south
of that desert into the waters and submerge, under the water you will see the
Water Shrine that was sunk earlier. Make sure you have the DASH ability with
you. Inside the tower head all the way to the bottom of the tower, but be
warned as your amount of time underwater is limited to how long the party can
hold their breath, and that time is 7 minutes. When you reach the bottom,
pick up the Crystal Shard, but before you do, you are attacked by an N-Zone
BOSS BATTLE: Gogo HP: Infinite
In this battle, you must carefully read what Gogo has to say. He tells you of
a way to defeat him, and that is to do nothing, yes do nothing at all and you
will win the battle. However if you attack him with anything he will counter
with several powerful magic like METEO or FLARE, which is not good for the
party's health. After the battle, he will end the battle and gives his
respects towards the party. Be noted that Gogo is probably the most honorable
monster the N-Zone has to offer.

The MIME crystal is now yours, its a very valuable one too heck its quite
possibly the most powerful one yet.

Items: Odin(Summon)
Party: Bartz, Faris, Cara, Reina
Party's level: 44

Remember the Caslte of Val? There was this door underneath in the basement
that you couldn't get to. Well remember Jachol Cave? There was this wall at
the end of the cave, so head to Jachol Cave just outside to the east of the
castle. The setting should be very familiar to you, make your way to the
second room and then climb up a wall. You will be on the other side of the
locked door, but you can open that door and go back and save your game. Once
you do, head straight up and talk to the shining green orb and Odin will ask
if you want to battle him, choose yes if you are prepared.
BOSS BATTLE: Odin HP: 17000
This battle will be pretty tough due to the fact that you must quickly
decimate him in a minute's time. L2 Old will work in this battle as you will
decrease his overall status, making the hits more likable to your advantage.
Attack him with everything you've got and use SHOAT to constantly stone him,
that should end the battle. Or hit him with everything you've got like

After the battle you will now have the power of Odin and you can summon him
at any time you want.

Items: Chicken Knife/Brave Sword
Party: Cara, Reina, Bartz, Faris
Party's level: 44

Return to Moore Village, at the bottom left part of town there is a merchant
that will ask you which weapon you wish to choose. The Chicken Knife will get
stronger as you run away from battles and gets weaker as you win battles. The
Brave Blade will become stronger as you win battles and get weaker as you run
away from them. I would go for the Brave Blade as 99% of the people who play
this game win A LOT more battles than they run from agreed?

Items: Hydra(Summon)
Party: Faris, Cara, Reina, Bartz
Party's level: 44

Return back to the Pirates Base, and inside you will hear Hydra's voice, go
to the left part of the Pirates' Base and Faris will see Hydra, upon their
emotional return Hydra and Faris say their goodbyes but not before Hydra
lends Faris his power. You now have the Hydra summon, which is about three to
four times as powerful as Ramuh.

Items: Theif Knife
Party: Bartz, Cara, Faris, Reina
Party's level: 44

Remember when you were in the Deep Sea Trench? There was this little dot I
told you to memorize at the end of the canal, that dot is Mirage Town.
However if you forgot, its in the forest southwest of Cresent Town. You won't
be able to see it on the screen, you will have to walk around until you find
it in a small forest. Inside there are shops, but however they sell pretty
crappy items.

However each shop has two merchants and the hidden merchant carries the
better items, to the back of the Pub is a hidden door, go behind that door
and make your way through to various items and secrets including the THIEF
KNIFE, a second merchant, and a Black Chocobo for the Desert containing the
Pheonix Tower and North Mountain. Inside a shop, you will have to hit a
switch to remove a portion of the counter and there is another shop where you
will have to enter from the left side.

Items: Magic Lamp
Party: Cara, Bartz, Reina, Faris
Party's level: 44

Well take your yellow Chocobo and head behind the Easterly Falls by the river
up top, you will recieve a MAGIC LAMP which will allow you to summon all
summoned monsters in the game over and over again. However it has a certain
pattern as it will summon the strongest to the weakest in battle. It requires
no MP and gives you a free slot to use as another ability.

Items: Pheonix(Summon), Bahamut(Summon)
Party: Cara, Reina, Faris, Bartz
Party's level: 44

When you acquire the Black Chocobo, take him to the forest on the east side
of the desert and land there. When you arrive at the desert you can go north
or south, however becareful and have the FLEE or DUSTB ability as you will
run into a powerful creature. If you decide to take the south route and to
the Pheonix Tower, then follow this:

When you reach the pheonix Tower, inside there is a wall but no door or
stairway. However check the front of the middle wall and there might be a
stairway that reveals or an enemy that reveals itself. Either way they both
lead to the same place. However unlike the Japanese version, there is no
pattern as you will have to take a guess which hidden door contains no
monster, so always be prepared for battle. And you may see a familiar foe at
time to time but they are suped up versions to match your current status so
you may want to watch and prepare fore that.

Also when you encounter a Magic Pot(the gold pots on the floors of the Tower)
you will be somewhat attacked by a Magic Pot, heck all he wants is an elixir,
so give him one. Be noted that you can run away from this because it might
take more than 1 ELIXIRs to do the job, but you recieve 100 AP for doing so.
Once you reach the top of the tower you meet up with Dragon, however it
doesn't look so good. It will sacrifice itself into a Pheonix, and it will
lend you its power. The PHEONIX summon is powerful, it does a FIRE3 attack
and LIFE2 on a fallen party member.

Head up to North mountain now, its the same as before with the same weak
enemies. You should still avoid the plants unless you have the Geomancer
ANTITRAP ability. When you reach the top its time to fight Bahamut.
BOSS BATTLE: Bahamut HP: 40000
This battle is the EXACT same as in Final Fantasy 4. Cast RFLECT on all party
members and continue to pound BAHAMUT with all you've got. Use METEO, FLARE,
HOLY, and LEVIA to deal damage and use SSHOT. Even when you don't finish it
off before it casts its MEGAFLARE attack, it will reflect back to Bahamut and
deal 9999 damage to Bahamut. Not bad eh? However you cannot do this a second
time so beat him quickly if his own attack did not finish him off.

After the battle you will now have the Bahamut summon, arguably the strongest
summon in the game after Leviathan.

Items: Hero's Song(Song)
Party: Cara, Faris, Reina, Bartz
Party's level: 46

After playing ALL the pianos throughout the game from your first piano in
Tule to your last piano hidden in the village of Mirage. Once you have played
all the pianos in the world(if you missed some from world one and two and
they were sucked up in the N-Zone, that's too bad because you can't play them
anymore) visit the man on the southeast part of Crescent Town. Talk to him to
acquire two songs LVL song and MP song, however if you have already learned
MP song from him earlier he will only give you the LVL song.

Items: None
Party: Bartz, Reina, Faris, Cara
Party's level: 46

Take your submarine to the south coast of Karnak and underwater you will find
a cave with a man inside. He will tell you your stats during the game like
monsters killed and how many times you have ran from battle. Its pretty neat
though, but its only optional.

Items: None
Party: Reina, Faris, Cara, Bartz
Party's level: 46

On the coast north of North Mountain, take your submarine and down below you
will find a Muai statue in the ocean. Its neat though. And this was found out
in John Riciardi's FF5 walkthrough.

Items: Guardian(Blue)
Party: Faris, Reina, Bartz, Cara
Party's level: 46

Off the coast of the Walz Tower, on the surface of water sail around until
you encounter Stingray, use the Trainer to CONTROL him and have him use the
GUARDIAN spell on a Blue Mage or a party member with the learning ability of
the Blue Mage. You will now have learned a very powerful spell that is sure
to help you throughout your trip to the N-Zone. This tip was also obtained
from John Riciardi's FF5 walkthrough.

--------------------------[ Beginning of the N-Zone ]------------------------

Items: Cottage, Dark Matter, Ether, Elixir(2), BloodSword, Coral Ring, Angel
Ring, Hermes Ring, Ribbon, Enchanter, Dragon Fang, Power Rod, Winged
Shoes, Thor's Hammer, Prism Dress, Man-Eater
Party: Bartz, Cara, Faris, Reina
Party's level: 47

Take your airship to the N-Zone void where you saw Tycoon castle get sucked
up into the N-Zone. When you enter here you can head back by going to your
airship's steering wheel or cast the TELEPO spell. Now continue through the
desert area, cast FLOAT and constantly keep your HP up as there are monsters
that will cast a powerful quake spell. At the end you will find a door,
however the monsters and fiends of the N-Zone are there to greet you and
warn you of the dangers to come if you do not retreat, but your a strong
man/woman so head inside and through the N-Zone ruins.

This place here is pretty simple, however there are very tough enemies here
to deal with, pick up the ETHER, COTTAGE, ELIXIR x2, DARK MATTER, and another
BLOODSWD. The next area is Mirage Town, however everything is frozen in time
as the legend says that when the town is abyssed in the N-Zone, time comes to
a solitary idleness. You can't do anything in here besides use a recovery
pot, so head outside of Mirage Town and into the N-Zone forest. In the forest
there is are several trees and tunnel vision to shroud your vision, however
go to the bottom left part of this forest and use your execute button over
the tree hole, and before you can go through, a monster attackes you.
BOSS BATTLE: WoodSprite HP: 18000
This battle shouldn't be too tough. Use DISPEL on it first and then attack it
with everything you've got. If you don't have DISPEL use METEO and BAHAMUT to
deal damage. Keep your HP and repeat the pattern and this battle should be
over quickly before it even started.

The next area you encounter is the Waterfall area, this place is tough as
well but its not complicated. There is a save point coming up in here so save
your game, so save your game. You will see a robot walking around, however
avoid it because it will tear your party to bits as it is one of the otional
final bosses of the game(ala WEAPONs from FF7). Make your way through and you
will see a mini library, open one of the books and it will attack you.
BOSS BATTLE: Apprehendr HP: 22200
This battle will be fairly tough. However, try stealing from it before you
attack it, while its weak with Fire spells, you should try to steal the item
before you kill him. However I didn't do that and my friend from school had
told me this. Use FIRE3 and HOLY to deal damage to this undead creature and
it will be gone in a snap. Also if you had used FIRE3 through the battle, you
will recieve ASH as your item but if you beat him using anything but FIRE you
will recieve an item, but I don't know which item because I beat him before I
could do anything.

After the battle the open book will reaarange the entire next area. In this
next area make sure you use the Thief's SECRET ability so that you can see
the hidden passages. Once you do, make your way to the castle and go
underground, but before you do go to the sides of each castle and pick up
WINGED SHOES and THOR'S HAMMER. Go downstairs through the top staircase and
you will see a bunch of jail cells with enemies. The guy on the bottom left
will ask if you are the ones protecting the crystal shards, say yes and a
battle will ensue.
BOSS BATTLE: Azulmagia HP: 19997
This battle shouldn't be too hard, attack him with everything you've got and
pound him to bits constantly with JUMP and the Monk's attacks. Keep your HP
up at all times and the SSHOT ability works rather nice here.

After the battle the save point will open up, so save your game and heal your
wounds. Afterwards head to the end of the jail cell to the right and in the
cell talk to the squid like monster, afterwards a fight will initiate.
BOSS BATTLE: Catasroph HP: 29700
This battle shouldn't be too hard, cast FLOAT on your entire party and summon
CARBUNCLE. Then attack him all out with no mercy, he will use Gravity 100 but
it will be reflected. However if he does catch you with it, cast FLOAT again
and then summon CARBUNCLE again. He will do this because he can't hurt you
with its only attack, which is a quake attack. This battle should be pretty

After the battle a woman kisses Bartz and thanks you and runs off. Also look
for the green mages, there are 6 of them and just go near them to initiate a
BOSS BATTLE: Alte Roit & Jura Avis HP: 6000(AR)/15000(JA)
This battle should be too tough, knock out its first form and them summon
Odin to finish it off. Not too hard and also note that you may have to summon
Odin more than once, but the ratio of Odin's instant death attack is very

Do the same method for the rest of the green mages and then save your game
and pick up the PRISM DRESS AND RED SHOES. Also pick up the MAN EATER by
going past the top half of the tower to the left and there will be a
staircase that will lead you to the MAN EATER. Also before you go any further
make sure you are wearing a RIBBON, and its best to give White Mages or those
with a L5 White ability the Ribbon. Then enter the next room, in here you
will see a throne room but no one is here, so head to the door at the top
left, but it pushes you back, try again and this time the lady that you had
saved earlier is really Halycanos.
BOSS BATTLE: Halycanos HP: 33333
This battle should be pretty easy. This boss will start off the battle by
trying to turn your party into frogs. However the RIBBON makes that effect
idle, but for those who are frogs use a MAIDEN'S KISS or ESNA to turn them
back into normal. Then attack this boss with poison, its weak against it, or
attack it with everything you;ve got. Also summon GOLEM as it has a powerful
physical attack that it likes to charge up for. Use SHELL and SAFE in this
battle and you might want to summon CARBUNCLE to reflect some of his magic.

After the battle continue on through, however in the room after the battle
with Halycanos, walk around to fight IRON GIANTs. They are pretty tough, but
they give away the most expierience points in the game, up to 10000 for a
single character and 2500 for your entire party. They are tough but you can
use ODIN to wipe them out for a quick gain in expierience. Then continue
through and heal yourself and when you are at the top of the tower you will
encounter Twin Tania, who isn't about to let you cakewalk through to the next
BOSS BATTLE: Twin Tania HP: 50000
This battle is pretty tough. However have one person equip an EXCALIBUR and
HOLY LANCE in both hands combined with the SSHOT ability. This will deal
about 25000 HP of damage per round. Also you can use X-Magic with LEVIATHAN
to deal nasty damage, this alone can deal up to 10000 HP of damage if your MP
power is high enough. Summon Golem, and watch for Twin Tania's GigaFlare
attack, it takes awhile to power up for it, probably about 3 or 4 rounds, but
when it does, it deals about 4000 HP of damage to the entire party. However
at this point try to finish him off quickly or use ODIN as it is vulnerable
to ODIN's instant death attack.

After the battle it is time to enter the Final Floors of the N-Zone, so be
prepared and heal your wounds and enter in.

Items: MagiShuriken(3), Dragon Seal, Ragnarok, Elixir
Party: Cara, Faris, Reina, Bartz
Party's level: 48

When you enter the Final Floors of the N-Zone, make sure you pick up
the MAGISHURIKEN along the way and at the next stop you will meet a familiar
BOSS BATTLE: Gilgamesh HP: N/A
This battle isn't even a battle. Just keep your HP is and eventually
Gilgamesh will recognize you and stop his attacks. He seems scared of the
N-Zone and mistaken the party for monsters, he then escapes and flees.

After that, continue on and pick up an ELIXIR and another MAGISHURIKEN in the
next room. In the next room however, avoid picking up the treasure chest
where a set of stairs lead, inside that treasure chest is Shinryu who is just
as tough as Omega, so avoid it and continue on and at the top is another
MAGISHURIKEN. Continue on and watch for the save point at the top left part
of the floor, however you will have to defeat Necrophobe to acquire it.
BOSS BATTLE: Necrophobe/Barrier HP: 44044(NP)/4312(Barrier)
This battle is pretty tough, once the battle starts you must take out his
four barriers, this enables you to attack Necrophobe. Use BAHAMUT or
LEVIATHAN to take out the Barriers, METEO also works great as does $Toss.
Syldra works well also. Make sure you set up both SAFE/SHELL and GOLEM to
protect again his attacks. Once the barriers are gone hit him with full force
with everything youve got and also keep your HP up. Eventaully Gilgamesh will
show up and tel the party that he doesnt't want to be seen as a coward, so he
attacks Necrophobe with his self distruct attack. Don't forget to steal Genji
Equipment from Gilgamesh before he goes.

After the battle save your game and heal your wounds, and if you have any
extra COTTAGEs left you may want to fight enenies around here and save your
game. Also you may encounter Movers, which are little specks of opponents
that gives away 199 AP points and lots of GP, however the chances of you
fighting them are 1-12. When your through, continue on and head up to your
final battle with X-Death, who has merged himself with the N-Zone Tree, but
as the party falls short of his power, 5 very familiar faces come and help
out the party in a big way. Afterwards, walk up to X-Death and the fight will
BOSS BATTLE: X-Death HP: 49001
This battle will be tough, wearing a RIBBON helps out a lot during this
battle. When X-Death does his White Ball attack, it will stone a party member
and then kill him, but at least when you are wearing the RIBBON you won't
have to waste another turn trying to revive that character. Hit ths boss with
everything you've got, like METEO and BAHAMUT and summon GOLEM and cast
HASTE2, SHELL, and SAFE on the entire party. Keep your HP at maximum and
continue to pound him, use HOLY in this battle combined with the SAGE STAFF
as well. Also having the HAIRORNAMENT for this battle can really help,
because you will be using a lot of MP.

After the battle its time to face your last opponent.
BOSS BATTLE: Neo X-Death HP: 220000
There are four targets, however if you are successful, summoning ODIN can
possibly kill one of the targets, but you must summon him from the MAGIC
LAMP. Jump the back targets and use X-Magic and MIME that if you can. Use
$Toss in this battle, you won't need the GP and it does massive damage to all
targets. You may want to conisder throwing some weapons, and the SSHOT
ability helps out a lot here. Cast HASTE2, SAFE, SHELL, and GOLEM, this will
help you out a lot and also cast REGEN as well, this might save you when you
can't cast your Cure magic in enough time. Keep the SHELL spell on effect at
all times, this cuts the damage done by the Almageist attack(which is a real
flashy attack, looks like the Flare Star and Goner from Final Fantasy 6).
Also you will be using a lot of MPs for this battle, so make sure to stock up
on ETHERs and ELIXIRs.

After the battle, enjoy the ending! Also note that I once had my characters
die in battle at times with one other character still standing but I still
got to view all endings, I don't know if its just me though but try to keep
all your characters alive after you defeat Neo-X-Death.

NOTE: These two bosses are completely optional and should only be fought
when your levels are above 70.

Items: Dumb Caption
Party: Cara, Faris, Bartz, Reina
Party's level: 88

You will find Omega on the waterfall part of the N-Zone, he is a robot
walking around. Step up to him to initiate a fight.
This battle will be extremely tough as you can expect, quite possibly the
toughest battle in the entire game. First off you will need to buy four FIRE
RINGS to absorb some of its attacks. Also you will need at least three MIMES
and have your main character who is NOT a MIME master the Archer SSHOT
ability. Now equip everyone with two non elemental axes like the DOUBLE AX,
in battle you will have to use QUICK and then repeat the SSHOT twice, have
everyone MIME that and each hit should do about 650-700HP of damage. Multiply
that times 16(because since you use the QUICK spell, you use the SSHOT twice
and since you have two weapons in your hand you will do 8 hits with each
SSHOT. However you may have to heal the party occasionally so use a CURE3
spell combined with X-MAGIC or/and QUICK to heal your party members, be quick
about it though. Also you can JUMP Omega with the MASAMUNE, it deals about
4000 HP of damage, but that would take too long.

After the battle you will recieve the OMEGA BATTLE and a message saying you
have beat the technologies of the past and such, not very rewarding, but you
did kick some major ass right?

Items: Dragon Seal, Ranarok
Party: Bartz, Reina, Cara, Faris
Party's level: 80

You will find Shinryuu on the fourth floor of the last floors of the N-Zone.
He is hidden inside a treasure chest, open it and a fight will ensue.
SUPER TOUGH BATTLE: Shinryu HP: 59,051
This battle will be tough as you can expect. I will use John Riciardi's
method from his walkthrough since that seems the be the best alternative.
First steal 8 DRAGON LANCES from the CRYSTALDRAGON on the same floor and then
equip two on all your party members. Make each a Bare and then make sure you
have four CORAL RINGs to absorb the 7000 HP Tidal Wave. Then keep jumping
him, you should deal massive damage towards him. Heck even after the first
round you should kill him off in the second round.

Another way to defeat him is quite tedious, master MIME for 3 characters and
for your main character master the Red Mage and have X-MAGIC and have Summon
and Time in your ability(use a Bare). Then in battle summon BAHAMUT with X-
MAGIC first, and then use QUICK and summon BAHAMUT again, repeat this and
keep your HP up using the QUICK and X-MAGIC spell or ELIXIRs if possible. Its
a tougher way to defeat him, but at least you have two options to do so.

---------------------------- [ Side Areas(JP) ] -----------------------------

Side Areas for Final Fantasy V

NOTE: The bottom are the side areas for the Japanese version and please
read the 'NOTE' initions....for further info on some of the side

Welcome to the Side Area section! This section in the FAQ is
dedicated to all of the other things not neccessary to beating
the game. So after you have beaten the game you might want to
stop by this section and see the things about the game you
might have missed!


In this area land your ship near the Town of Lix, its Butz's hometown and it
explains a lot of detail about Butz's past so just incase you are interested
stop by here! Also note that you can only do this side area if you are on
the first world.

Here in this town everybody recognizes Butz. Talk to the man in the item
shop and he will make the prices really cheap for you as eveything is
50% off, so buy away! Now head to Butz's house which is loacted on the
left side of town. Here play the melody box at the top and Butz will go
through a flashback. The scene takes place when he was younger, Dorgan
and Stella are talking over each other and Dorgan decides to stay with
the family. As Stella leaves Dorgan wants to tell Butz one more thing and
he tells a secret to Butz to keep from his mother. Then suddenly Stella
collapses and Dorgan rushes over. The scene ends, but talk to the man
living in the house and he will teach you the CHARM SONG in memory of
Butz's go to the inn and take a free rest on the house. In the
middle of the night Butz is near is mother's grave looking depressed as
Faris comes over to see what is wrong with Butz. His mother had died when
he was very young and Butz had left on a journey with his father and three
years ago his father became ill and passed away. The tomb reads "DORGAN
AND HIS BELOVED WIFE STELLA REST HERE" Butz's father had asked him to bury
him with his mother, Butz realizes that his father was a strong man. Faris
asks if a father is a nice thing to have because she never had a father.
Then the two hurry back off to the inn. Also if you talk to one of the
people in town you will know why Butz became so afraid of heights. When
Butz was playing around with a friend he hid off on top of a building and
he nearly fell as he hung onto the ledge of the house and for quite a
long time.


NOTE: This must be done in the first World, and you cannot acquire him
in any other world.

Here in this town you will find a sheep in the top left corner of the
barn, talk to it from behind and it will kick you. Then you will have
the chance to talk to the man and he asks if you are the protectors
of the crystal and if you answer yes he will teach you the LOVE SONG.
Now go to the flower bed at the top left corner of town and check the
bottom left flower and a frog will pop out and it will leave something
behind which is the TOAD spell and can automatically be found on your
Black Magic listing. Also in this town when you talk to the people
they will tell you of a monster that looks like an old man that hits
you with Thunder. So exit the town and make your way east to the
Istory Forest and wander around in the forest and you should eventually
find a man named Ramuh.
BOSS BATTLE: Ramuh HP: 4000
This battle is pretty tough, but its also pretty easy depending on when
you fight him. You can fight him when your first aquire your airship
or when you are on the Third World. Have the party constantly attack
and having a few Dragoons is nice as well. Avoid using water attacks
because you will heal him and also Thunder attacks as well. Hit him
with spells like METEO or BAHAMUT and one blast should finish him off.
Also note that the later you fight him, the more of a chance you have
of defeating him, so early on you may want to avoid him.

Congratulations! Ramuh sees your strength and will lend you his power
and you can summon him whenever you want!

IMPORTANT NOTE: I've recieved an email concerning Ramuh. Apparently you can
acquire him in the Cleft of Dimension before Twin Tania.
Its a random encounter, and after you defeat Ramuh you
can go on and keep Ramuh's summon, thanks SuperGotenks5555.


NOTE: You must do this in the first world otherwise you will never be
able to acquire Shiva.

Once you have aquired Ifrit and are around level 13 or above you can pay
Shiva a visit in Worus Castle. You can do this in the Third World as well
but by that time you will be way too strong, but you are still strong
enough now to take her on. Enter inside and go to the back of the castle
of Worus and into the Waterfall and make your way around to fight Shiva.
You will see a green orb shine in the middle, talk to it and a fight
will start.
BOSS BATTLE: Shiva & Commander HP: 1500(Shiva) Commander(200?)
Just use Ifrit and Fire2 all the way through while attack regularly and
the fight will end rather quick in your favor. Once you win the battle
you will recieve an ICE ROD and a LONG SWORD.

Now you will have the Esper of Shiva and you are welcomed to summon her
in battle as many times as you wish as long as you have the appropriate
amount of MP obviously.


Take a look at your map, do you see a flashing chocobo? Go there and to
the east is the pirate cave from way early in the game. Enter the pirate
cave, and inside Faris will hear Syldra's voice, she thinks Faris is alive
but the other party members just don't see it. Cara can also see Slydra
and it appears that Syldra's soul wants to help Faris, afterwards Slydra
lends Faris his power as the party recieves the Esper summon Syldra, one
of the most powerful summons in the game that ranks up with Leviathan and
Bahamut I might add.


NOTE: You will need a black chocobo to land in the forest on the east
side of the the large desert, the large desert is on the northeast
part of the world map.

Well this part of the game is completely optional, on the third world
you can have the chance to fight off against the King of Dragons, Bahamut
but be fore warned though, he is extremely tough and lies with Leviathan
as one of the toughest bosses/espers in the game. On the third world go
to North Mountain like he told you after your quest in the Desert Palace
and he will be waiting for you on top. Don't worry, in North Mountain the
monsters are the same so you should be able to literally BREEZE by through
until you meet up with Bahamut. You will however have to walk across a
long desert, but once you aquire him its well worth it.
BOSS BATTLE: Bahamut HP: 40,000
NOTE: For a quick win, use Reflect on your party and the Mega Flare will
bounce right backa t him delaing 9,999 DMG, just like it did in FF4.
However you cna only Reflect it once, and if you don't have the
Reflect spell, follow the steps below.

As you can expect this guy is no joke. He will use his MegaFlare attack
whick causes I don't know say just a few thousand points of damage, not
much really. Having four Time Wizards can make this battle a little more
even out considering the fact that you have already acquired METEO. That
way you can just keep casting METEO until he is gone. Or have four
Dragoons and keep jumping him constantly. Basically use every strong
spell that you have like METEO, LEVIATHAN, something. I do remember
killing him with one hit of my EXCALIBUR, but it was with the use of
the Game Genie Code creator, sorry!

After the battle Bahamut will join you and you will be on par or above
LEVIATHAN as the strongest summon in the game so use it well!


I think you can ONLY acquire this summon in the second world, otherwise
your lost. When your first acquire your submarine on the second world dive
underwater and head for the blinking white dot at the top left corner of
your map. Go through the cave and outside wander around the forest area
and you should encounter Katoblepas.
BOSS BATTLE: Katoblepas HP: 5000
This boss is pretty difficult, bot not overwhelmingly difficult. Watch
for him to use his Devil Eye attack, it will stone your party members so
make sure you have a SOFT available if he does. Use all of your powerful
spells and wipe him out. Having four Dragoons in this battle is a sure
victory since there's less of a chance that one of your party member's
will be affected by the Devil's Eye attack.

After the battle he will be yours to summon anytime you want during battle!


Far south of North Mountain is the Pheonix Tower. You will need to use
your black chocobo from the Mirage Town to get in here, and becareful
when walking on the desert, a powerful enemy might encounter the party
so watch out. Inside the Pheonix Tower you will see a block in the middle
and yet there are no doors. Remember what the guy in Mirage Town said?
He said they hid the stairways in here, so check the wall in the middle,
but becareful about which sides you check, otherwise you will encounter
an enemy. I've composed a map of the place just for you! The beginning of
the tower is at the bottom.

Top(Floor 30)
2(Floor 29)
2-----1(Floor 28)
1-----2(Floor 27)
MP----3---- 25000 GP(Floor 26)
2-----1(Floor 25)
1-----2(Floor 24)
2-----1(Floor 23)
3(Floor 22)
20000 GP----3----MP(Floor 21)
2-----1(Floor 20)
1-----2(Floor 19)
1-----2(Floor 18)
3(Floor 17)
MP----3---- 15000 GP(Floor 16)
2-----1(Floor 14)
1-----2(Floor 13)
1-----2(Floor 12)
3Floor 11)
10000 GP----3----MP(Floor 10)
2-----1(Floor 9)
1-----2(Floor 8)
1-----2(Floor 7)
3(Floor 6)
5000 GP----3----MP(FD)(Floor 5)
2-----1(Floor 4)
1-----2(Floor 3)
3(Floor 2)
1-----2(Floor 1)

NOTE: I Seem to be missing a floor, it be nice if someone can tell me about
this since I'm too lazy to fix it myself!
NOTE2: On the PSX version all of these doors are random, so even if you
follow this path, you can still encounter the bosses in this tower.

1= No monster, normal stairway.
2= Monster, normal stairway.
3= Visible stairway.
MP= These are magic pots, talk to them and you will engage in
somewhat of a fight. Actually its not even a fight, but a chance
for you to gain a TON of ability points. Giving the Magic Pot
and elixir means gaining 100 ability points after the battle! But
be warned, you might have to give up as many as 1-10 ELIXIRs
for this!
FD= Means Fenixdown, left after the Magic Pot escaped.
5000 GP= Thtat's exactly what it means, 5000 GP!

NOTE: You will have to fight souped up versions of previous bosses in
this game. Here are the bosses that you will have to fight and
they come at a random basis and each time you go back down to the
bottom floor you will have to select the stairway again.

LiquiFlame: 9000 HP
SolCannon: 10000 HP
Kuzar: 10000 HP
Bandelkuar: 8000 HP

At the top of the tower lies Hiryuu, its not Cara's hiryuu but Lenna's.
The hiryuu wants to help Lenna as it jumps off the tower. The hiryuu knew
it didn't have much left and used the last of its power to come to the
top of the tower to help Lenna. The scene flashes back to Lenna's past,
and its near the death of her mother. The doctors have done all they can
to help Lenna's mother but only the tongue of the Hiryuu can cure the
disease and that means you can only cure the disease by cutting off the
tongue of a hiryuu. Lenna takes a knife and takes matters into her own
hands, along the scenario you will be given a yes and no question. It
doesn't matter which one you pick because if you pick Yes King Tycoon
will come rushing in and quickly knock Lenna away, if you pick No Lenna
will realize how much her mother loved that hiryuu. The scene shifts back
to the party on the Pheonix Tower and the hiryuu has sacrificed itself and
entrusted Lenna with its power and spirit. So from now on you have the
very powerful and immensely useful Pheonix summon, use it on a swoon
party member in battle to find out why.


Remember the the castle of Bal? Well go down to the castle's basement
and you will also notice that there was a save point in the basement as
well. But you cannot access the room from Bal Castle. From outside of Bal
castle head to the cave to left, it should look familiar. Check back at
World One section if you forgot the place, and inside is a SHURIKEN, TENT,
and a BLITZ WHIP that is if you did not pick them up earlier, otherwise
they would be empty obviously. Now crawl up the north wall and you should
be inside the Bal Basement room, unlock the door first and save your game
and heal your wounds if neccessary and then make your way back in and to
the center of the room and talk to Odin. He will give you one minute to
defeat him, otherwise he will slain your party, if you are not ready choose
NO and make your preparations before hand, otherwise select YES and the
battle will begin.
BOSS BATTLE: Odin HP: 17000
Is that, yes its Odin from Final Fantasy IV and he basically looks the
same with little artwork redone, but yep its him the King of Baron but
only this time since its Final Fantasy V and he has no knowledge of Cecil,
Rosa, Kain, or any other members of Final Fantasy IV or other events from
FFIV. Just thought you wanted to know.
This battle will be very difficult since due to the fact that you must
do a ot of damage in under a minute and yes, the time does move in REAL
TIME and its like a real life clock. Hit him with everything you've got
but AVOID USING HOLY WEAPONS AND MAGIC! It will heal him obviously, but
you must really fast and use only powerful magic like LEVIATHAN, METEO,
HOLY, or FLARE. X-Fight comes in handy in this battle and equipping
two spears(besides the HOLY spear) and JUMP works nicely as well. Throw
any unnessary weapons if you want as well, but rely on magic and strong
attacks to win you through.

After the battle you will have gained the Esper Odin and are free to use
him anytime during battle considering that you have the MP for it. Also


This is only useful if you are a bard as you can acquire the Hero Song
but the way to do this is that you must play every piano in every single
town you visit. So remember all of those times I told you to play that
piano? So after playing all of the pianos in each town talk to the man
in Cresent Town, the same man that taught you the Life Song and this
time he will teach you the Hero Song, which is quite a powerful song to


This can only be done in the third world and when you have your Airship/
seaship/submarine with you. In the town of Karnak use to lie an old
steamship, land your ship there and use your submarine and go under
the ocean. Just to the southeast from the shore of Karnak is a small cave
and when you enter it you will meet an old man who will tell you the stats
of your game. Being how many times you ran from battle, how many monsters
you may have killed, how many times you have saved your game and so on.
It's completely optional as you can expect as this is the first and ONLY
Final Fantasy game to be so detailed about your adventure and no I am not
talking about the lousy old man in Final Fantasy VII.


Remember the town of Mua? Its the town that was isolated from the outside
world due to its mountain ranges and the only way you can get through was
that you needed a submarine and you had to use a map to help you. While in
World three you can just simply land your airship near the town. Anyways
there was this small house isolated inside the town and was locked when
you had first approached it. Then before your trip to the Cleft of
Dimension the door is now unlocked for you. Inspect the house and a man
will offer you two choices, Chicken Sword or the Brave Sword. So this
dates back to every battle you had in the game, and if you had ran from
battle about 70 times prior to meeting up with this man you can pick up
the Chicken Knife as its attack power will be pretty high.

But be warned that sometimes when you select "Fight" with the Chicken Knife
equipped you will run away from battle. The Brave Sword's power is
determined by how many battles you may have previously won and how many
monsters you may have slayed. Heck try slaying about 15,000 monsters and
winning 2200 battles and watch the attack power on the Brave Sword! As you
can expect the attack power on both of these weapons are basically endless,
but once you pick up either the Chicken Knife or Brave Sword you will no
longer be able to increase the attack power on the weapon, so try to fight
as many battles or run away from as many battles as you can prior to
selecting the weapon so that you may get the full effect of the weapon and
decide when is the best time to select the weapon. Also I forgot to mention
earlier that your run percentage is much higher if you have the Chicken
Knife equipped but you still can not run from bosses obviously.


As you might of expected, Genji equipment is both rare and very durable
and offers the party a high sense of armro protection. But what if you
couldn't aquire the Genji armor and Exdeath was still pounding you like you
were Team Rocket, what then? Well why not try aquiring a very powerful
Blue Magic spell called Mighty Guard? For those of you who have played
Final Fantasy VII, you might have acquired an Enemy Skill magic called
BIG GUARD from the Beach Plugs near Costa Del Sol. Well the Mighty Guard
works the exact same way except this one came first! Acquiring Mighty
Guard is basically the same as acquiring BIG GUARD. Remember the tower
of Worus? It was sunk below in World one, but forget about that and land
your airship/seaship/submarine near the ocean of Worus. Randomly move your
seaship about around the water and you should eventually encounter an
enemy named StingRay. Use your Trainer(he/she must be at a Level 2 Trainer
status) and use Control and have him use the Mighty Guard on your
party and voila! The strongest magic defense in the game at your disposal!


Well now that you may think that you have every single ability in the game
you might as well sit back and relax right? Well yeah you can relax, but
remember WAY EARLY in the game when the Shrine of Worus sunk? You were
caught in the middle of it sinking and there was that last piece of crystal
you could not retrieve. It sunk along with the Shrine before you had any
chance to get the last piece of the crystal remember? I know you most
likely have forgotten about that, but don't worry I stumbled upon this
thing when it hit me just before I went off to face Bahamut in World Three.

So during World Three, take your submarine and take a look at your map
look for the flashing plus sign at the top right corner and it go to it
and you should see the Water Shrine that sunk way back earlier in world
one. This time the party can only hold their breath for seven minute so
make your decisions quick and run from battle if you have to as well
because time runs in REALTIME. You should find it at the ocean floor, and
when you enter it you will be given a limited amount of time because its
obviously that you can not breath under water forever. I also suggest you
have the EXIT spell available, which I KNOW you will, this way incase
you might be a little short on time you can use the spell to get out
obviously. The tower is the exact same way that you remembered it and
you must start from the top of the tower to the bottom of the tower.

When you make your way to the bottom the party notices the last piece
of the Water Crystal, but before the party and jollfully pick it up and
walk away with it, you will encounter one of the fiends from the Cleft
of Dimension.
This boss is both the hardest boss in the game and also the easiest boss
in the game. It all depends on how you fight him, heck I'm not even sure
if I should use the word "fight" here. If you were paying attention to
what he was saying, then do exactly what he says. If you attack him while
he does not attack you, he will counter with some powerful spells like
METEO, FLARE, or HOLY. If he attacks you, attack back, if he doesn't
attack you then don't attack him. Don't bother hitting him with your
strongest spells because as far as I can tell he has an infinite amount
of HP, unless you use either a Game Genie Code Creator or the use of your
Gameshark Pro, its much easier to do EXACTLY what he does. In fact I won
the battle without even making a single command! That's how easy this
battle is! But also note that it can take a couple of minutes before you
can win.

If you ask me, he really doesn't seem like a fiend from the Cleft of
Dimension because he's honorable and he keeps his word. Oh well, but
now you have the MIMIC ability at your disposal and thats exactly
what it does, its also the MOST POWERFUL command in the game believe it
or not.


Remember the location the Dwarf showed you when you were at the bottom of
the ocean floor? Its a small forest southwest of the town of Cresent. Its
a town, but its not exactly a town that you can see. Its in a small block
of forest and you will have to walk around it until it you finally reached
the town, which shouldn't take long and it will sound like the party is
about to engage in a battle. Here this town is called the Town of Mirage.
Meaning that not everything is as it seems to be, the magic shop once you
enter inside sells all level 1 magic, but that's not the real entrance.

Outside to the left side of the magic shop is a hidden door which leads
to a man that sells real magic and all spells are 10000 GP each. Inside
the armor shop it sells the lastest weapons, but check the crate inside
and the counter behind the armor dealer will open up and lead to an old
sage that will tell you about the rings and a merchant at the bottom will
sell you special rings at a very hefty price. The weapons shop sells the
lastest weapons, but there appears to be another merchant in the back, so
how do you get to him? For now just go to the pub, talk to the people
inside if you want, but outside behind the pub is a hidden entrance to
behind the counter of the pub and check the crates behind the counter to
recieve a THIEF daggar.

In the next room to the left there is a man who will give you a gift, but
its not free and he tells you to take the chocobo around the world and you
can have it. Continue onto until you are in a room with a door in the
middle, when the party tries to open the door they can't seem to get in
because it shuts everytime. To the left side of this room is a hidden
passage which contains a paino, play it and continue onto the far right of
the room, that is if you need to new weapons or something, then after that
head outside and onto the chocobo field and talk to the black chocobo and
you will be able to fly it now.

But since you have an airship what do you need a black chocobo for? Well
remember that giant desert with North Mountain at the tip of it and
Pheonix Tower at the bottom of it? Your airship can't land there, but
since there is a small forest at the east of the large desert a black
chocobo can land there. So now that you have the black chocobo you
can go ahead and complete two other side quests with it. Once you ride the
Black Chocobo around the world going clockwise, talk to the guy again to
recieve a Mirage Vest.


Remember the girl in between the armor and weapon shop at the town of
Rugor? She was looking for a RIBBON, so after you have acquired a RIBBON
she notices that you are the ones fighting against Exdeath so she gives
you the thrid RIBBON. The town of Rugor is located north-northwest
of the entrance to the Void on the third world. And I have yet to find
the fourth RIBBON if there is one. The Fourth Ribbon was located when
you had escaped Karnak castle, check on of the treasure chests.


Okay remember Emerald Weapon and Ruby Weapon from Final Fantasy VII? They
were incredibly tough and you needed to have some serious levels and
Mastered MAteria to AT LEAST stand a minor chance against them. But that
was only the second game that had featured ULTRA TOUGH bosses. They can
only be found in the Cleft of Dimension, and during your trip to the
Final Showdown with Exdeath you might have spotted a walking robot
on the Waterfall part of the Cleft of Dimension. Luckily there was a save
point right before you encountered him, so save your game and simply walk
up to the robot to start the fight. But before you do I have a few
recommendations as you can expect:

Party's level: 90 or above(you heard me!)
4 FLAMERINGs(equipped)
1 WIZARD ROD(equipped on Mastered Caller)

NOTE: Have the Mastered Caller with the X-Magic ability of the Red Wizard
and have him/her equip the WIZARD ROD, which will increase your
magic power. And have everyone else be a MIMIC.
Have one Knight attack with the X-Fight ability and a Giant's Axe and a
Rune Axe in one hand and have him X-Fight, you will do some powerful
damage with the X-Fight alone. Then have a Dragoon equipped with the
Murasame blade and have him or her Jump Omega and it will cause about
3,000-5,000 HP of damage on him! If you have your Flame Ring you can
absorb its Atomic Ray attack. If you have a Caller, cast constant Bahamut
summons, and have a Mimic, mime that as well. Keep your HP up at max if

NOTE: For tactics against the Shinryu, look above to the American


Ability System

The main advancement in this game was obviously the Ability System. And no
it is not called the Job System, that's what Final Fantasy Tactics system
is called. Somehow, some idiot who is obviously not a Final Fantasy fan
got this all confused and it spreaded like a contagious disease so
everybody started calling this system the Job System. So for the last time
its the "Ability System" the Job System is reserved for Final Fantasy
Tactics. This ability system was based upon and also built upon the
first and official "Job System" in Final Fantasy III for the Famicom,
which obviously was not released here. This Ability System allowed Knights
to cast magic or Blue Wizard to wield a weapon in both hands. Not to
mention giving the Dancer the ability to jump. Each job has several
abilities in each besides the Mimic and Suppin. Abilities are acquired
through battles as at the end of each battle you will recieve Ability
Points, while the ability points might seem minute at the beginning of the
game, at the Cleft of Dimension on the last floors however enemies will
give you about 30 ability points each!

NOTE: Ability points must be earned again after you have advanced in a level.
What I mean by this is that say your at level 1 for an Archer. The
next ability is Animals and you must earn 15 ability points for it.
When you earn the Animals ability the next ability is Aim and you will
need to earn 45 ability points instead of 30 ability points. See what
I mean?



Abilities: None

NOTE: Suppins can quite possibly be the strongest class in the game. Its the
class that the party starts with. Each time you acquire an ability
or master a job, those abilities and yes even stats gets transferred
over to the Suppin. However the Suppin cannot use all commands,
however it can use all abilities like Pitfalls, Dash, Passages, etc.
But it cannot use all commands at the same time, you can pick any
two commands(optional) and put them in your command box. For a further
explanation, go to the town of Tule in World 3, and talk to the lady
in the beginner's house and answer "No" and she will give you a
detailed explanation of how Suppins actually work. Also note that
a Suppin can equip any weapon, armor, or accessory depending on which
class that you have mastered. However a Suppin cannot earn ability
points, nor can other classes earn ability points when you are in
a Suppin status.




1. Animals/Critt(AP: 15)
This allows you to call upon the animals of the forest that has a random
effect. The animals will either attack the opponents or heal your party
members. The higher your levels the more effective and powerful this
command becomes.

2. Aim(AP: 45)
This will aloow the Archer or anybody else with the ability to equip a
bow to always have a 100% hit ratio against opponents, possibly even
against Ninjas. Also it raises the damage of your attack as well.
Basically there are no disadvantages to using this.

3. Equip Bow/EqBow(AP: 135)
This is pretty self explanatory. Use this if you wish on any other class
that cannot equip a Bow.

4. X-Fight/SShot(AP: 405)
Very powerful. Even though your attacks are half strengthed, if you have
the 2-Handed abiltiy from the Ninja you can attack for a total of 8 times!




1. Hide(AP: 25)
Remember Edward(Gilbert)? Well this command allows you to hide during
battle, avoiding all attacks no matter what. However you cannot attack
as well and you can also Show yourself, but this is pretty much useless
unless you are really weak and wounded.

2. Equip Harp/EqHarp(AP: 50)
This is basically pretty self explanatory. Use this if you wish on any
other classes that cannot equip a Harp.

3. Sing(AP: 100)
This will allow the person in another class to use Sing a random song
which either paralyzes, puts to sleep, or even kill an opponent.




1. Berserk(AP: 100)
This allows you to always be ready to attack and you will always be on
Wolverine(r) fury, but as you can expect you cannot control the party
member with the Berserker ability.

2. Equip Axe/EqAxe(AP: 400)
This is basically pretty self explanatory. Use this if you wish on any
other classes that cannot equip an Axe.


Black Wizard/Black Wizard


1. Black! Lvl 1(AP: 10)
Allows another class to use level 1 Black magic.

2. Black! Lvl 2(AP: 20)
Allows another class to use level 2 Black magic.

3. Black! Lvl 3(AP: 30)
Allows another class to use level 3 Black magic.

4. Black! Lvl 4(AP: 50)
Allows another class to use level 4 Black magic.

5. Black! Lvl 5(AP: 70)
Allows another class to use level 5 Black magic.

6. Black! Lvl 6(AP: 100)
Allows another class to use level 6 Black magic.

7. MP 30% UP/MP +30%(AP: 400)
Max MP is boosted up 30% overall, can also be used in the Black Wizard
class also.


Blue Wizard/Blue Mage


1. Peep/Check(AP: 10)
This allows you to check an opponent's HP/MP, this is pretty useful just
incase you don't know what your dealing with. Unlike in FFIV, this will
work basically everytime you use it.

2. Learning(AP: 20)
With this ability you can learn the attacks enemies put on you, not the
party. You must actually be hit with the enemies' attack once and you
will learn it.

3. Blue!(AP: 70)
Allows another class to use Blue Magic.

4. Scan/View(AP: 250)
This is a more advanced version of Peep. You will able to see not only
the opponent's HP/MP but also their weakness and level as well. But the
downside is that this rarely works as most of the the party member using
it will just waste a turn, so stick with Peep instead.




1. Call! Lvl 1/Summn Lvl 1(AP:15)
Allows another class to use level 1 Summon magic.

2. Call! Lvl 2/Summn Lvl 2(AP:30)
Allows another class to use level 2 Summon magic.

3. Call! Lvl 3/Summn Lvl 3(AP:45)
Allows another class to use level 3 Summon magic.

4. Call! Lvl 4/Summn Lvl 4(AP:60)
Allows another class to use level 4 Summon magic.

5. Call! Lvl 5/Summn Lvl 5(AP:100)
Allows another class to use level 5 Summon magic.

6. Summon/Call(AP: 500)
Allows another Class to use a random summon without using MP.




1. Medecine(AP: 15)
Doubles the effectiveness of potions like HIOPOTIONs, ETHERs, etc.

2. Mix(AP: 30)
Allows Chemist or another class to mix ingredients, mainly the DRKMATTER,
DRGNFANG, and others along with HIOPTIONs, FENIXDOWNs, etc.

3. Drink(AP: 45)
Allows Chemist or another class to drink potions during battle like

4. Health/Recvr(AP: 135)
Allows Chemist or another class to heal any negative status effect besides
Zombie. Note that this does not waste anything at all! No magic or items

5. Revive/Rvive(AP: 405)
Revives all swoon party members. Even if three members are down they are
still revived! Note that this does not waste anything at all! No magic
or items whatsoever!




1. Flirt(AP: 25)
Will either confuse enemy or make them very angry!

2. Dance(AP: 50)
Perform any random dance that each dance has a random effect of confusion,
death, drain, etc.

3. Equip Ribbon/EqRibbon(AP: 325)
Gain and allow other classes to equip and wear the strongest helmet in
the game.




1. Jump(AP:50)
Allows another class to Jump. You do not neccessarily have to have a Spear
equipped to Jump either.

2. Drgnswd/Lance(AP: 150)
Summons dragon to absorb both HP and MP from opponents. Results may vary.

3. Equip Spear/EqSpear(AP: 400)
Have another class the ability to equip spears that normally cannot.




1. Terrain/Earth(AP: 25)
Perform a varying elemental attack, this does not cause an MP drain in the

2. Pitfalls/Findhole(AP: 50)
When stepping over a pitfall, the party quickly jumps out of the way and
the pitfall remains there.

3. DmgFloor/AntiTrap(AP: 100)
Take no damage from spikes, magma, hiryuusou, etc.




1. Cover(AP: 10)
Cover any party member near swoon condition.

2. Protect/Guard(AP: 30)
Block physical attacks completely. Which means take absolutely no damage
from physical attacks at all!

3. BothHand/2-Handed(AP: 50)
Equip one weapon with both hands, allowing double the attack power but
inability to equip shields.

4. Equip Shields/EqShield(AP: 100)
Allow another class the ability to equip shields.

5. Equip Armor/EqArmor(AP: 150)
Allow another class the ability to equip armor.

6. Equip Swords/EqSword(AP: 350)
Allow another class the ability to equip swords.




1. Mimic(AP: 999)
Directly copies any last attack performed by a party member. This includes
magic, X-Fight, Jump, and ANY other ability. This does not cost magic
nor does it cost any itmes to do so. By far the strongest command!




1. BuildUp/Store(AP: 15)
Takes two turns to double attack power. (Pretty dumb if you ask me since
you hit twice in those two turns anyways!)

2. Brawl/Barefist(AP: 30)
Attack as well as an empty-handed(karate) monk.

3. Chakra/Chkra(AP: 45)
Restore partially loss HP and cure posion and darkness without the use
of items or magic.

4. Counter(AP: 60)
Counter attack when you are attacked.

5. HP: 10%UP/HP +10%(AP: 100)
Maximum HP is up by 10%.

6. HP: 20%UP/HP +20%(AP: 150)
Maximum HP is up by 20%.

7. HP: 30%UP/HP +30%(AP: 300)
Maximum HP is up by 30%.


Mystic Knight/Sorcerer


1. Barrier/MagiWall(AP: 10)
When another class is in near swoon condition, a magic barrier will
automatically be set up.

2. Magic Sword lvl 1/Sword Lvl 1(AP: 20)

3. Magic Sword lvl 2/Sword Lvl 2(AP: 30)

4. Magic Sword lvl 4/Sword Lvl 3(AP: 50)

5. Magic Sword lvl 4/Sword Lvl 4(AP: 70)

6. Magic Sword lvl 5/Sword Lvl 5(AP: 100)

7. Magic Sword lvl 6/Sword Lvl 6(AP: 400)




1. Smoke/Dustb(AP: 10)
Run away with ease, but you still cannot run away from bosses.

2. Image/Twin(AP: 30)
Create a double image of yourself and avoid physical attacks. Gone after
one hit.

3. 1stAttack/Firstatk(AP: 50)
Pre-emptive attack/post-emptive attack ratio up and favors party. You
still can be attacked by the opponent first or backed attack though.

4. Throw(AP: 150)
Gain the Ninja's abiltiy to Throw weapons or items in another class.

5. 2-Handed/2-Swords(AP: 450)
Allows both hands to be equipped with a weapon. So one hand can be
equipped with an IceBrand sword while the other a Flame sword.


Red Wizard/Red Mage


1. Wht/Blk lvl 1/Red Lvl 1(AP: 20)
Allows another class to cast both level 1 black and white magics.

2. Wht/Blk lvl 2/Red Lvl 2(AP: 40)
Allows another class to cast both level 2 black and white magics.

3. Wht/Blk lvl 3/Red Lvl 3(AP: 100)
Allows another class to cast both level 3 black and white magics.

4. X-Magic/Redx2(AP: 999)
Allows either the Red Wizard or another class to cast two of the same or
different spells in one round.
NOTE: If you are a Caller that means you will only be able to cast either
Time lvl 1-3, Black lvl 1-3, or White lvl 1-3 magics. If you are
a Suppin or Mimic and you have X-Magic as your ability and Call
as the other, that goes the same as well. So if your a Time Wizard
you will be able to cast any Jikuu magic but any other magic
you will only be able to cast lvls 1-3 of any other magic. Get it?




1. SwdSlap/SSlap(AP: 10)
With a successful attack an opponent is paralyzed except for any other
opponent immune to it like most bosses.

2. GP Toss/$Toss(AP: 30)
Very powerful money attack that hits all opponents. The damage done will
determine how much GP you loss with the attack. So the more powerful it
is the more GP you will lose.

3. EvadeSwrdGrab(AP: 60)
Evade attacks more easily and at a higher ratio, this will last throughout
the battle.

4. Equip Katanas/EqKatana(AP: 180)
Allows another class the ability to equip katanas.

5. Slash/Fdraw(AP: 540)
Destroy one target with a single swipe.




1. Passages/Secret(AP: 10)
See hidden passages that normally are not visible.

2. Escape/Flee(AP: 20)
Just like the Ninja's Smoke ability, this allows you to escape more easily
except for bosses of course.

3. Dash(AP: 30)
While holding down the "B" button("X" button for PSX) this allows you to
travel twice as fast through towns and dungeons and caves and so on. This
will not work on the World Map.

4. Steal(AP: 50)
Allows another class other than the Thief to steal items or weapons from
enemies during battle.

5. Caution(AP: 75)
Prevent back attacks prior to random battles.

6. Capture/Mug(AP: 150)
Allows the Thief or another class to attack and steal at the same time.

7. Restless/Footwork(AP: 300)
Become as agile as a thief, meaning your agility points are equal to
those of a theif.


Time Wizard/Time Mage


1. Jikuu magic lvl 1/Time lvl 1(AP: 10)
Allows another class to use level 1 Time magic.

2. Jikuu magic lvl 2/Time lvl 2(AP: 20)
Allows another class to use level 2 Time magic.

3. Jikuu magic lvl 3/Time lvl 3(AP: 30)
Allows another class to use level 3 Time magic.

4. Jikuu magic lvl 4/Time lvl 4(AP: 50)
Allows another class to use level 4 Time magic.

5. Jikuu magic lvl 5/Time lvl 5(AP: 70)
Allows another class to use level 5 Time magic.

6. Jikuu magic lvl 6/Time lvl 6(AP: 100)
Allows another class to use level 5 Time magic.

7. Equip Rods/EqRod(AP: 250)
Allows another class to equip Rods.




1. Tame(AP: 10)
Allows another class to Tame demon and beast type animals. Mainly
paralyzing them.

2. Control/Cntrl (AP: 50)
Allows either the Trainer or another class to control a monster's body.

3. Equip Whips/EqWhip(AP: 100)
Allows another class to equip Whips.

4. Catch(AP: 300)
Capture weaken enemies. Mainly drop them down to a low enough HP so you
can catch them.

4b. Release(afer Catch)
After capturing release the monster you caught against the opponent.
Each captured monster will use a random attack against the opposition.


White Wizard/White Mage


1. White magic lvl 1/White lvl 1(AP: 10)
Allows another class to cast level 1 White magic.

2. White magic lvl 2/White lvl 2(AP: 20)
Allows another class to cast level 2 White magic.

3. White magic lvl 3/White lvl 3(AP: 30)
Allows another class to cast level 3 White magic.

4. White magic lvl 4/White Lvl 4(AP: 50)
Allows another class to cast level 4 White magic.

5. White Magic lvl 5/White Lvl 5(AP: 70)
Allows another class to cast level 5 White magic.

6. White magic lvl 6/White Lvl 6(AP: 100)
Allows another class to cast level 6 White magic.

7. MP 10%UP/MP +10%(AP: 300)
Raises maximum HP by 10%.



Magics in this game are divided into 6 different levels, as you progress
with your class, the more levels become available to you for another
class. However even if you are a White Wizard who is on level 1, you can
use level 6 magic without gaining any levels for that class, and that goes
the same for all other magic classes as well. There are 5 different types
of magic in this game, Black, White, Jikuu, Blue, and Summon. They are
classified into their respective categories for obvious reasons. Black
magic is often used to attack, White magic is often used to heal and
protect the party, Jikuu Magic is like Status effect magic which can make
the party member faster, slower, stop all completely, deplete HP by half
or three quarters and so on, this also works against enemies as well but
not all enemies as you can expect. Blue Magic is magic and attacks learned
from monsters that put those attacks on you, allowing you to use them for
future battles. Blue magic however is a mix between Black, White, and
Jikuu but also a few other spells that are very powerful(ala Mighty Guard)
and some others that are not seen in the three main magic groups. Then
finally you have the Summon magic, which in my opinion is the best of
all five magic groups because they cannot be weakened by barriers and also
you cannot protect against them with a WALL. The Golem is especially me
favorite at times(not to say Leviathan and Bahamut aren't cool) because
this is the only summon in any Final Fantasy game that protects against
physical attacks. Well that's basically what magic is, but enough talk and
onto the magic lists including the Song List!

NOTE: For both Black and White magic you can spread them, just move the
cursor to the enemy on the last row and hit back again and the
cursor will flash to all opponents. You can also do this with your
party members as well by moving forward the cursor on your party.
However since the magic is spread, it has no direct effect and the
magic is weakened, but if you add up the entire effectiveness of
the magic you spread it actually accumulates more than using it on
a single target!


White Magic Listing

Level 1

Cure MP: 4
Cures about 140-250 of loss HP. This magic works well against undead
monsters, but its not quite as effective as Fire on undead monsters.

Libra/Scan MP: 5
This is basically Peep, use this to check out the opponent's stats, mainly
the MP/HP. However there will be times when you cannot scan the opponent's
HP, but seldom.

Pure/Antdot MP: 2
This works just like an antidote, but if you so happen to run out of
antidotes in your inventory then you should use this to cure any Poison
status effect.

Level 2

Quiet/Mute MP: 2
This is a very useful magic, especially against heavy magic users. While
this may not work on everyone, this will Mute that target in which you
have selected. This causes your opponent or ally the ability to not use

Safe/Protes MP: 3
This is a very useful magic, even though it might not seem so since the MP
for casting it is so low, but this will but all physical attacks down in
half, after a couple of physical attacks the barrier will go away. However
this does not protect against magic attacks though.

Mini MP: 5
This will either change an opponent or a party member into a smaller
version of themselves causing their stats to cataclysmically drop including
severe loss of attack power, defense, lack of magic use, as well as losing
some other abilities like Cover. This does not however drop the magic
defense of the character, but any armor that was previously protecting
the party member from certain magics and attacks(E.G. RIBBON) will become
obsolete. You can also use this as a cure against the Mini condition just
by casting it on the effected party member.

Level 3

Cure2 MP: 9
This is a stronger version of Cure, it will heal about 400-800 of loss HP
and does greater damage on undead monsters than the regularly cure does.

Raise MP: 29
Think of this as Life1, this will heal your party back from the wounded
(but I prefer to call it "swoon" from FFIV) status but to only a small
portion of your total MAX HP, mainly just 8% of it. So heal your party
member after using it.

Charm/Muddle MP: 4
This has the same effect as confusion basically, but the small change is
that your party member will always attack his or her own party members
instead of just hitting anybody randomly. Hit the party member with a
physical attack to knock some sense back into them.

Level 4

Blink MP: 6
This is just like the Image ability of the Ninja. This allows any party
member to dodge a physical attack for a certain number of times before it
wears off.

Shell MP: 5
This magic allows for greater defense against magic attacks, it will cut
the damage of basically any magic attack down by 50% or more. However
there are some magic attacks that you cannot guard against, mainly DISPL.

Esna MP: 10
This is one of the must have spells in the game. This will cure any
negative status effect a party member may have all except for the Zombie

Level 5

Cure3 MP: 27
This is the strongest form of Cure, it will heal anywhere from 1100-3000
of loss HP. This will deal a lot of damage against the undead, but should
mainly be used to heal the party.

Wall/Rflect MP: 15
This is another form of a barrier to protect your party against magic
attacks, however instead of supressing the attack it reflects back any
magic attack back at the opponent causing no damage to the character with
the Wall. Its gone after a certain amount of uses however.

Berserk/Bersrk MP: 8
This will berserk any opponent or party member, causing them unable to
control themselves. This has some advantages though, it causes the attack
power and defense power to rise and the character will always be ready
to attack making the Time guage obsolete or idle.

Level 6

Arise MP: 50
Like Raise, but this will completely heal the party member back to full
HP instead of partial HP. Another must have spell.

Holy MP: 20
I can't believe a magic attack this powerful costs so little! Its the
ultimate White Magic as it unleashes Holy power from above and casts a
giant cascade of White light blasting the opponent resulting in heavy
damage. Too cool!

Displ MP: 12
This magic attack is one of those must have magics. This will dicipate
abrogate any barrier caused by any magic. So Shell, Safe, and Wall will
not protect against this. However this will not rescind a Golem summon


Black Magic Listing

Level 1

Fire MP: 4
Weak fire attack. Effective against undead monsters or ice based monsters
or any monster with a weakness towards fire. This will heal any party
member equipped with an Fire based armor or shield or anyone equipped with
a Flame accessory.

Ice MP: 4
Weak ice attack. Effective against fire monsters or fire based monsters
or any monster with a weakness towards ice. This will heal any party
member equipped with an Ice based armor or shield.

Bolt MP: 4
Weak lightning attack. Effective against water monsters or water based
monsters or any monster witha weakness towards lightning. This will heal
any party member equipped with a lightning based armor or shield.

Level 2

Poisn MP: 2
This magic will cause a poison like effect towards the opposition or party
member. Once the poison is casted upon the party member or opposition
every once in a while the target's HP drops down bit by bit after every
few rounds.

Sleep MP: 3
This magic will cause any party member or opposition(except for those
immune against it or wearing a RIBBON) to become unremunerative during
battle. Use magic to wake your party member up!

Toad MP: 8
This magic will cause any party member or opposition to be turned into
a frog. However if the opposition is turned into a frog then the opposition
will automatically be in swoon status and unable to come back to battle
unless brought back by another opposition. This can also be used to cure
the effects of Toad simply by casting it on the party member affected.
Syptoms of Toad include Quiet, vast decrease of defense, significant
decrease in attack power, and any armor that was worn that previously
protected against any status effect or certain magic will become

Level 3

Fire2 MP: 10
Medium based fire attack. This works well against ice monsters, undead
monsters, or anybody with a weakness towards fire. This will heal anybody
that is strong against fire or anybody wearing a fire based armor or
shield or anybody wearing the Flame accessory.

Ice 2 MP: 10
Medium based ice attack. This works well against fire monsters, or anybody
with a weakness towards ice. This will heal anybody that is strong against
ice or anybody wearing a ice based armor or shield.

Bolt2 MP: 10
Medium based lightning attack. This works well against water monsters,
sea creatures, or anybody with a weakness towards lightning. This will heal
anybody that is strong against lightning or anybody wearing a lightning
based armor or shield.

Level 4

Drain MP: 13
This magic will drain your opponent's HP, depending on how much HP you
have will determine how much you will take from your opponent. If you are
in despret need of HP you will absorb more. Don't use this on undead
monsters or Lamia type monsters otherwise you will lose a significant
amount of HP.

Break MP: 16
This magic will petrify your opponent causing instant death towards
the opposition. However if used on a party member they will become stone
until you decide to use a Soft, ESNA, or after you have won the battle.

Bio MP: 16
Very powerful Poison attack. Once casted a significant amount of life is
immediately loss followed by a rapid and constant drain of HP afterwards.

Level 5

Fire3 MP: 25
The strongest fire attack. This will cause massive damage to ice based
monsters, undead monsters, or anybody with a weakness towards fire. This
will heal anybody strong against Fire attacks or anybody wearing a fire
based shield or armor or the Flame accessory.

Ice 3 MP: 25
The strongest ice attack. This will cause massive damage to fire based
monsters, or anybody with a weakness towards ice. This will heal anybody
strong against Fire attacks or anybody wearing a fire based shield or

Bolt3 MP: 25
The strongest lightning attack. This will cause massive damage to water
based monsters, sea creatures, or anybody with a weakness towards
lightning. This will heal anybody strong against Fire attacks or anybody
wearing a lightning based shield or armor.

Level 6

Flare MP: 39
The special effects for this magic is too sweet! Although the name
might sound like its a fire based attack, however its not. In Final
Fantasy IV this was actually Nuke, but the name has been given a more
cooler approach and you can say that its a nuclear attack. This will
cause immense damage to anybody, but like Holy this can be reflected
so try to be careful when using it!

Death/Doom MP: 29
This magic will cause instant death towards the opposition or to a
party member. This can be reflected and does not work towards anybody
immune to it like most bosses and undead mosnters.

Aspil/Asper MP: 1
This magic will drain the magic points from the opposition. Depending
on how much MP you have will determine the amount you absorb. If you
are in despret need of MP then you will absorb more MP.


Jikuu/Time Magic Listing

Level 1

Speed MP: 1
This magic will slow down the battle speed, allowing the party more time
to devise up attacks and strategies against the opposition.

Slow MP: 3
This magic will cause the opposition or party member to slow down,
causing their Time guage to slow down and have more Wait time between
each turn of commands. Cure it with Fast.

Regen MP: 3
This is another one of those must have spells. Once casted the party
member's HP will gradually replenish after a few rounds or so.

Level 2

Fast/Haste MP: 5
This magic will shorten the gap of the Time guage and the wait time is
lessened allowing for more attacks and commands in a shorter amount of

Float MP: 10
This magic will cause the party member(s) to float. This allows the
party members to avoid Earth based attacks and also avoid damage floors
like magma or spikes. This can be countered with a Gravity spell.

Mute MP: 3
This magic has the same effect as Quiet as it will dis-allow either the
opposition or party member to use magic.

Level 3

Exit/Telepo MP: 15
This magic will allow the party to leave a cave or dungeon at any time.
However there are seldom occasions were this magic is invalid(ala the
Void) and this magic cannot be used outside.

Demi MP: 9
This magic will drop either the opposition's HP or your party member's HP
in half. This will not swoon anybody though but is a great way to lessen
HP without much hassle but most enemies are immune against it especially

Stop MP: 8
This magic will make any character or opposition invalid for a fixed
period of time during battle. Use magic or attacks to undo the effect.

Level 4

Comet MP: 7
This magic summons a single meteorite to crash land on the opponent
causing critical damage as it cannot be blocked by a Wall.

Slow2 MP: 9
This magic will cuase all targets of the opposition or all party member's
to attain the effects of Slow. Doing so means that it will take longer time
to input commands. Cure with Fast or Fast2.

Return MP: 1
This magic will cause the entire battle to reset, as if nothing has ever
happened prior to it. So if you came in with 100 MP and used up 80 and
came in with 400 HP and loss 320, cast this spell and your MP and HP
will be exactly the same as it was when you first entered the battle,
however that goes the same for your opponent. Use this when your HP and
MPs are nearly exhausted or if you want to test out a new strategy(boy
if only life was this way).

Level 5

Qrter/Demi2 MP: 18
This magic is a more powerful version of Demi. This will take away 75%
of your opponent's or party member's current HP, but you can never swoon
anybody with it.

Fast2/Haste2 MP: 15
This will allow you to cast Fast on every opposition target or to every
party member. Use Slow or Slow2 to cure(you'd be pretty dumb to though).

Old MP: 4
Causes one's aging ability to muliply extremely rapidly. Thus resulting
in a significant drop in statistics including attack and defense power,
and magic power. Use Esna to heal or wear the AngelRng accessory.

Level 6

Meteo MP: 42
Boy I just love this spell! Hands down the coolest and strongest spell
in the game. Hordes of meteorites clash down against the opposition
causing voluminous damage. This hits four times on any random target,
but works most effectively against a single target. This magic has a
default damage setting so as your increase in magic power will not
strengthen the overall damage of this magic. The damage ranges from
0-3000 HP of damage each hit. (Hint: Combine this with X-Magic and
Quick and you'll blow away opposition!)

Quick MP: 77
This magic allows the caster to use any command, attack, magic, or item
two times in a row without interruption as all time in the Active Time
Battle stops and will only continue after you have made two commands in
a row, but once this is cast another Quick spell cannot be possible
(basically the game will not allow you to do this, otherwise you would
win battles way too easily with that METEO spell of yours!).

XZone MP: 20
This magic opens up a portal to a Black Hole in outer space and all
those who get sucked in cannot return to battle. Very powerful indeed!


Summon Magic Listing

Summon Magic in this game call upon Espers to damage the opponent or
be beneficial for the caller. Summons cannot be blocked or damage
lessened by any forms of magic nor can they be reflected. They also
cannot be used against the party.

Level 1

Chocob/Chocobo MP: 4
This cute little Chocobo delivers a "Chocobo Kick" towards the opposition
causing heavy physical damage early on. As you can expect this cannot be
blocked by any forms of magic.

Sylph MP: 8
Calls upon magical fairies to take away HP from the opponent and
replenish it upon the party. Can be used against the undead.

Remora MP: 2
A special summon that latches onto the opponents making them unmobile
and unremunerative. Cannot be cured unless the opposition is hit with
an physical attack.

Level 2

Shiva MP: 10
A cold blast of Diamond Dust is blasted against the opposition making
fire monsters cripple in fear of the dying cold. Use against fire
based monsters or those weak against Ice.

Ifrit MP: 11
The blazes from the underground are seared against the opposition
melting ice and burning matter. Use this against ice monsters or those
weak against fire.

Ramuh MP: 12
Judgement is determined by the power of lightning from the skies as
powerful strokes of lightning are handled by the old Esper against
the opposition that ripples water. Use against sea creatures or
those weak against lightning.

Level 3

Titan MP: 25
The conquerer of the Earth and protector of nature shows his brute
force as he delivers an earthquake off the rictor scale and his
opponents tremble in utter fear. Don't use against flying opponent.

Golem MP: 18
An awkward Golem was founded by the party and was rescued, and in
return the mysterious Golem decides to help. He protects the party
of any physical attack that can absorb about 6,000 HP of damage
making the opposition look worthless. Use in every boss battle.

Katoblepas/Shoat MP: 33
The one that holds the devil's eye causes the opposition that stares
into turns to stone in a quick and instant death. Do not use against
undead, otherwise they will come back to life.

Level 4

Garnet/Carbuncle MP:
The legendary Garnet esper protects the party as he casts a spell
to reflect all magics(with a few exceptions) and bounces it back
towards the opposition.

Syldra/Hydra MP: 32
Faris' best friend that seems like a brother gives up his power and
entrusts it with Faris. Syldra delivers a shockingly powerful
Thunderbolt against the opposition that is more feared than even
Ramuh's. Use against sea creatures or those weak against water.

Odin MP: 48
The loss spirit in Bal, legend has it that he was the greatest
warrior that has ever lived. With one clean cut of his frightenly
powerful blade, the opposition is sliced in two regardless of the

Level 5

Pheonix MP: 99
It is said that in written legends that once a Hiryuu gives up its
life atop a giant tower it becomes a pheonix, the giver of life to
those who needs it. This completely restores life to the fullest
and sends the opponents in flames more intense than those of Ifrit's.

Leviathan MP: 39
The almight Sea King is without equal. His powerful Tidal Wave is
a force to be reckoned with as rumor has it that its so powerful
that it can wipe out an entire continent. Use this against Sand
or Earth based monsters.

Bahamut MP: 66
The King of all Dragons is also without equal. The chemical elements
in his body cause a super powerful non-elemental attack against the
opposition with a super heated Mega Flare.


Mystic Knight Sword Magic Listing

NOTE: When your a Mystic Knight or have the Magic Swd ability you must
first choose which magic you want to combine with your sword, and
YES IT MUST BE A SWORD otherwise it will not work. Afterwards you
will have to wait another round to fully execute your attack, so in
reminiscence it takes two rounds to accomplish this attack. However
if you have a Flame sword and you use an Ice 2 Swd Magic ability
that will combine with your Flame Sword! However if your opponent
is strong against Flame, you will heal the opponent even though
you have combined your sword with Ice 2. Also note that you cannot
but Sword Magic, it will automatically be in your Sword MAgic
listing as you buy and find magic like in a Town or acquire the
Ultimate Magics.

Level 1

Fire MP: 2
Weak fire attack combined with your sword, combine with your Flame sword
and effectiveness is doubled. Works well against undead and ice monsters.

Ice MP: 2
Weak ice attack combine with your sword, combine with your Ice Brand sword
and effectiveness is doubled. Works well against fire monsters and sand

Bolt MP: 2
Weak lightning attack combined with your sword. Works well against water
based monsters and sea creatures.

Level 2

Poisn MP: 1
With your successful attack the opposition becomes poisoned and later
follows with drops in HP every other round. However this will not work
when your using this against the opposition that is immune against

Quiet/Mute MP: 1
With your successful attack the opposition will not only take damage, but
will bu in Mute status causing them unable to use magic. However this will
not work when your using this against the opposition that is immune against

Sleep MP: 2
With your successful attack the opposition MAY become unremunerative after
the succession of your attack. However this will not work when your using
this against the opposition that is immune against Sleep.

Level 3

Fire2 MP: 5
Medium fire based magic combined with your sword attack. Works well
against undead or ice based creatures. Avoid use against anybody strong
against fire.

Ice 2 MP: 5
Medium ice based magic combined with your sword attack. Works well against
fire based monsters or desert creatures. Avoid use against anybody strong
against ice.

Bolt2 MP: 5
Medium lightning based magic combined with your sword attack. Works well
against water based monsters or sea creatures. Avoid use against anybody
strong against lightning.

Level 4

Drain MP: 6
If combined with your sword, it will act like the Bloodswd, absorbing
your opponent's HP and replenishing your own. Will not double
effectiveness if combined with Bloodswd. Do not use this against undead
and Lamia monsters, otherwise they wil absorb your HP.

Break MP: 3
If successfully achieved target hit, your target will automatically be
in swoon condition and unable to come back from battle. This will not
work against the opposition immune to stone, like most bosses.

Bio MP: 8
Very powerful Poison attack that does immediate heavy damage followed by
rapid and constant drain of HP afterwards. However this will not work
against the opposition immune to poison.

Level 5

Fire3 MP: 15
Strongest fire magic combined with your sword. Doubles effectiveness if
combined with Flame sword and works well against undead monsters and ice
based monsters. This will not work against the opposition that is immune
to fire based attacks.

Ice 3 MP: 15
Strongest ice magic combined with your sword. Doubles effectiveness if
combined with Ice Brand Sword and works well against fire monsters and
desert creatures. This will not work against the opposition that is
immune to ice based attacks.

Bolt3 MP: 15
Strongest lightning magic combined with your sword. Works well against
water monsters and sea creatures. This will not work against the
opposition that is immune to lightning attacks.

Level 6

Holy MP: 10
The Ultimate white magic combined with your sword attack causes a giant
pillar of light to cascade upon them and causes critical damage.
Use at will.

Flare MP: 30
The Ultimate Black magic combined with your sword attack causes giant
nuclear fussion attack that causes a giant calamity upon your opponent.
Powerful stuff.

Aspil/Asper MP: 1
Combined with your sword attack you will absorb your opposition's MP
and replenish it into yours. The amount of MP you get determines how
much MP you need. If you are in a despret need of MP you will obviously
then gain more MP.


Blue Magic Listing

MoonFlute Monsters: ???
Restores HP to all party members equal to caster's current HP.

BlakShok Monsters: ?????
Reduces down an opponent's HP by 50%.

Condemn MOnsters: Exdeath, Form, Unknown 4
Once casted the opposition has only seconds to live. The only way to
cure this is to kill the caster before your sentence is up.

L2 Old Monsters: ??
Any opponent with a level 2 multiple in levels will suffer the affects
of aging.

L4 Gravity Monsters: ??
Any opponent with a level 4 multiple in levels will suffer a demi

L5 Doom Monsters: ??
Any opponent with a level 5 multiple in levels will suffer instant

Magic HAmmer: Monsters: ??
(not sure yet)

Little Melody: Monsters: ??
Puts all opponents to sleep.

Flash: Monsters: ??
Blinds all opponents.

Blow Fish: Monsters: ??
Causes 1000 HP of damage to an opponent.

Aquabrth Monsters: Chimera, Leviathan, Bahamut
This semi-Leviathan attack causes powerful water attacks in forms of
bubbles that damages opponents, mainly sand enemies.

L3 Flare Monsters: Exdeath, Lunenta
If the opposition's levels are divisible by three( 3, 6, 9, etc.) then
they are blasted with a powerful Flare that causes massive damage to
the opponent. Will not work to those levels not divisible by three.

Flash Monsters: Crew Dust, Neon, Gilgamesh
One look into the flash of light causes the opposition to go blind
and miss attacks that would normally attack. This does not however
affect magic spells and attacks.

Moonflut Monsters: Gloom Widow, Page 32
Causes either all party members or the opposition to go into a
berserk rage unable to control themselves and thus unable to use
commands. However they will however have stronger defense and magic
power along with more speed.

DethClaw Monsters: Gilgamesh, Iron Claw, Torrent, Rock Brain
One stroke from this claw will leave the opponent with their HP left in
the single digits. Will not work all the time.

Goblin Punch: Monsters: ??
This will deal equal damage to that of your current HP.

Time Slip: Monsters: ??
This will cause the opponent's actions to slow down, resulting in less
chance of attacks.

Emission: Monsters: ??
A fire attack against opponents.

Aero Monsters: Any opponent in the Wind Shrine
A small attack from the force of the wind, can be used against flying
monsters for maximum damage.

Aero2 Monsters: Djinn, Skull-Rings
A medium attack fromt he force of the wind, cane be used against flying
monsters for maximum damage.

Aero3 Monsters: Elm Gigas, MAgic Dragon
The strongest air attack that can be used against the oppositon. USe this
mainly on flying opponents for maximum damage.

Mndblast Monsters: Stalker, (some guy on the Final Floors of CoD)
Takes away the opponent's sense of thought leaving them in a temporary
state of paralysis. Can be cured through time or Esuna.

???? Monsters: Wild Nack, Gogo, (heck you start with this!)
The damage done is equal to amount of your Maximum HP minus your current

Missile Monster: MAchine Head, Gilgamesh, Sol Cannon
Casts Demi on the target, cutting current HP down to half.

Red Feast Monsters: ???
Has a REGEN like effect, except you drain the HP out of the opponent
and it sends back to you.


Song List

This song grants the party member unpresedented speed as the wait guage
between attacks become faster allowing for more attacks in a shorter
amount of time.

Life Song
The song of life is sung to those who need it. Used to cure the swoon
condition to partial HP, it can also be used against undead monsters as

Requiem/Strength Song
A Song that sings and gives the entire party the spell of Regen in
which gradually refills loss HP.

NOTE: Note that the Japanese and American Requiem songs are COMPLETELY

Love Song
A song that gives the gift of Love and thus enables the opposition to
remain paralyzed.

Charm Song/Tempt Song
A Song that is said to be so powerful that it can turn even the most
sane minds into confusion causing them to attack either friend or foe.

Hero Song/LVL Song
Raises party's stats during battle.


Monster Listing

Thanks to Dallas for his MAJOR contributions to this FAQ! The Monster List
is courtesy of Dallas! Thanks a lot!

| A |

Name: A Rage
HP: 1,050
MP: 100
Level: 34
Attack: 49
Defense: 5
Speed: 30
Evading: 10%
Money (Gil): 366
EXP: 750
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Phoenix Down

Name: Acrophis
HP: 900
MP: 0
Level: 30
Attack: 36
Defense: 20
Speed: 25
Evading: 0%
Money (Gil): 267
EXP: 410
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Adamngolem
HP: 900
MP: 0
Level: 37
Attack: 62
Defense: 10
Speed: 35
Evading: 0%
Money (Gil): 378
EXP: 1,100
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Potion

Name: Alcumia
HP: 4,500
MP: 3,900
Level: 47
Attack: 70
Defense: 10
Speed: 35
Evading: 50%
Money (Gil): 546
EXP: 1,000
Steal: Maiden'sKiss
Dropped: Elixir

Name: Aquazone
HP: 800
MP: 100
Level: 31
Attack: 39
Defense: 0
Speed: 30
Evading: 0%
Money (Gil): 279
EXP: 490
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Antidote

Name: Aquagel
HP: 3,300
MP: 100
Level: 46
Attack: 67
Defense: 20
Speed: 22
Evading: 0%
Money (Gil): 540
EXP: 1,268
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Speed Drink

Name: Archeosaurus
HP: 9,960
MP: 1,000
Level: 35
Attack: 67
Defense: 20
Speed: 33
Evading: 0%
Money (Gil): 444
EXP: 1,800
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Dragon Fang

Name: Archeotoad
HP: 800
MP: 100
Level: 25
Attack: 34
Defense: 0
Speed: 25
Evading: 0%
Money (Gil): 213
EXP: 390
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Armon
HP: 1,500
MP: 300
Level: 25
Attack: 90
Defense: 35
Speed: 25
Evading: 0%
Money (Gil): 740
EXP: 0
Steal: Antidote
Dropped: Potion

Name: Auspices
HP: 1,280
MP: 50
Level: 35
Attack: 57
Defense: 20
Speed: 42
Evading: 10%
Money (Gil): 0
EXP: 800
Steal: Antidote
Dropped: Antidote

| B |

Name: Bald Money
HP: 1,300
MP: 0
Level: 35
Attack: 43
Defense: 0
Speed: 30
Evading: 10%
Money (Gil): 339
EXP: 660
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Holy Water

Name: Baretta
HP: 1,000
MP: 0
Level: 41
Attack: 61
Defense: 55
Speed: 21
Evading: 0%
Money (Gil): 429
EXP: 1,050
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Potion

Name: Behemo King
HP: 18,000
MP: 300
Level: 82
Attack: 95
Defense: 15
Speed: 25
Evading: 0%
Money (Gil): 1,000
EXP: 0
Steal: Phoenix Down
Dropped: Double Lance

Name: Belfagel
HP: 6,000
MP: 500
Level: 55
Attack: 73
Defense: 30
Speed: 40
Evading: 15%
Money (Gil): 950
EXP: 0
Steal: Moonring
Dropped: Ice Shield

Name: Berserker
HP: 2,140
MP: 0
Level: 44
Attack: 77
Defense: 5
Speed: 20
Evading: 0%
Money (Gil): 495
EXP: 1,000
Steal: Speed Drink
Dropped: Death Sickle

Name: Bewitchin
HP: 2,000
MP: 200
Level: 42
Attack: 65
Defense: 10
Speed: 25
Evading: 0%
Money (Gil): 459
EXP: 1,200
Steal: Silk Robe
Dropped: LuminousRobe

Name: BigButrfly
HP: 9000
MP: 500
Level: 29
Attack: 75
Defense: 20
Speed: 55
Evading: 5%
Money (Gil): 5000
EXP: 0
Steal: Potion
Dropped: Giant Drink

Name: Big Horn
HP: 90
MP: 0
Level: 8
Attack: 10
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Evading: 0%
Money (Gil): 50
EXP: 40
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Tonic

Name: BioSoldier
HP: 540
MP: 500
Level: 18
Attack: 30
Defense: 0
Speed: 15
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 168
EXP: 320
Steal: Battle Ax
Dropped: Antidote

Name: BlackFlame
HP: 220
MP: 100
Level: 22
Attack: 28
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Evading: 50
Money (Gil): 174
EXP: 290
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Speed Drink

Name: BlakGoblin
HP: 20
MP: 0
Level: 7
Attack: 5
Defense: 0
Speed: 10
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 21
EXP: 20
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: LeatherShoes

Name: BlakWarlok
HP: 1999
MP: 500
Level: 36
Attack: 50
Defense: 10
Speed: 30
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 375
EXP: 950
Steal: Poison Rod
Dropped: Power Staff

Name: Blind Wolf
HP: 900
MP: 0
Level: 33
Attack: 54
Defense: 5
Speed: 25
Evading: 20
Money (Gil): 363
EXP: 500
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Eye Drop

Name: Blizzard
HP: 2300
MP: 0
Level: 45
Attack: 77
Defense: 10
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 510
EXP: 1200
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Potion

Name: Blockhead
HP: 600
MP: 100
Level: 26
Attack: 37
Defense: 0
Speed: 30
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 228
EXP: 330
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Nothing

Name: BloodSlime
HP: 600
MP: 100
Level: 29
Attack: 36
Defense: 39
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 264
EXP: 365
Steal: Holy Water
Dropped: Holy Water

Name: BlueDragon
HP: 6900
MP: 1000
Level: 38
Attack: 64
Defense: 10
Speed: 35
Evading: 20
Money (Gil): 500
EXP: 2500
Steal: Dragon Fang
Dropped: Dragon Fang

Name: Bluegeoner
HP: 6000
MP: 0
Level: 41
Attack: 70
Defense: 10
Speed: 43
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 10
EXP: 3
Steal: Potion
Dropped: Crystalmail

Name: Bndrsnatch
HP: 120
MP: 0
Level: 9
Attack: 14
Defense: 0
Speed: 15
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 100
EXP: 60
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Bomb
HP: 440
MP: 50
Level: 21
Attack: 29
Defense: 0
Speed: 15
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 162
EXP: 230
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Tonic

Name: BrandLamia
HP: 2100
MP: 60
Level: 40
Attack: 54
Defense: 10
Speed: 27
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 435
EXP: 700
Steal: Maiden'sKiss
Dropped: Lamia'sTiara

| C |

Name: Cactus
HP: 1000
MP: 50
Level: 29
Attack: 37
Defense: 0
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 255
EXP: 419
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Centipeelr
HP: 2780
MP: 100
Level: 48
Attack: 75
Defense: 10
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 570
EXP: 1250
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Potion

Name: Cockataur
HP: 100
MP: 0
Level: 12
Attack: 15
Defense: 0

Speed: 15
Evading: 30
Money (Gil): 75
EXP: 55
Steal: Soft
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Cool Dust
HP: 240
MP: 100
Level: 17
Attack: 21
Defense: 0
Speed: 15
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 120
EXP: 130
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Dark Matter

Name: Corbett
HP: 2800
MP: 0
Attack: 40
Defense: 0
Speed: 35
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 1000
EXP: 0
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Potion

Name: Corral
HP: 2150
MP: 100
Level: 46
Attack: 66
Defense: 20
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 534
EXP: 1268
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Cowpoke
HP: 2200
MP: 100
Level: 37
Attack: 52
Defense: 5
Speed: 35
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 399
EXP: 825
Steal: Power Drink
Dropped: Speed Drink

Name: Crescent
HP: 580
MP: 0
Level: 22
Attack: 30
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 171
EXP: 300
Steal: Silver Bow
Dropped: Death Sickle

Name: Crystelle
HP: 3
MP: 500
Level: 52
Attack: 100
Defense: 50
Speed: 20
Evading: 50
Money (Gil): 800
EXP: 0
Steal: Ether
Dropped: CrystalHelmt

Name: CrystlDrgn
HP: 17,500
MP: 10,000
Level: 62
Attack: 128
Defense: 40
Speed: 50
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 10,000
EXP: 0
Steal: Elixir
Dropped: Crystalmail

Name: CrystSlugs
HP: 75
MP: 50
Level: 10
Attack: 8
Defense: 0
Speed: 15
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 60
EXP: 38
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Elixir

Name: CureBeast
HP: 1,000
MP: 100
Level: 34
Attack: 42
Defense: 0
Speed: 35
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 333
EXP: 620
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Elixir

Name: Cybis
HP: 25
MP: 100
Level: 19
Attack: 30
Defense: 10
Speed: 50
Evading: 90
Money (Gil): 100
EXP: 200
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Soft

Name: Cycloskull
HP: 3000
MP: 100
Level: 48
Attack: 75
Defense: 10
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 564
EXP: 1380
Steal: Turtle Shell
Dropped: Rune Chime

| D |

Name: Death Claw
HP: 4000
MP: 200
Level: 51
Attack: 70
Defense: 29
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 600
EXP: 1700
Steal: Hero Drink
Dropped: Soft

Name: DeemMaster
HP: 2600
MP: 1000
Level: 43
Attack: 82
Defense: 45
Speed: 20
Evading: 20
Money (Gil): 480
EXP: 900
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Potion

Name: Defeater
HP: 260
MP: 100
Level: 18
Attack: 22
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 129
EXP: 150
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Speed Drink

Name: Desertorpedo
HP: 2150
MP: 0
Level: 40
Attack: 59
Defense: 10
Speed: 22
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 426
EXP: 900
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Dark Matter

Name: DethDealer
HP: 3000
MP: 100
Level: 63
Attack: 75
Defense: 10
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 567
EXP: 1400
Steal: Holy Water
Dropped: Phoenix Down

Name: Devourer
HP: 1000
MP: 100
Level: 28
Attack: 37
Defense: 0
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 246
EXP: 385
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Diablo
HP: 16
MP: 0
Level: 3
Attack: 4
Defense: 3
Speed: 7
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 20
EXP: 7
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Dinglberry
HP: 39,393
MP: 100
Level: 46
Attack: 119
Defense: 10
Speed: 49
Evading: 30
Money (Gil): 537
EXP: 1268
Steal: Plumed Hat
Dropped: Mirage Vest

Name: Disabler
HP: 3800
MP: 300
Level: 49
Attack: 77
Defense: 30
Speed: 20
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 579
EXP: 1500
Steal: Wall Ring
Dropped: Lamia'sHarp

Name: Doublizard
HP: 700
MP: 0
Level: 21
Attack: 29
Defense: 20
Speed: 15
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 165
EXP: 260
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Tonic

Name: DrgnZombie
HP: 4590
MP: 0
Level: 24
Attack: 46
Defense: 10
Speed: 29
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 500
EXP: 1650
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Dragon Fang

Name: DragonAvis
HP: 7000
MP: 1000
Level: 49
Attack: 100
Defense: 15
Speed: 22
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 618
EXP: 2020
Steal: Trident
Dropped: Dragon Fang

Name: Drippy
HP: 900
MP: 100
Level: 32
Attack: 35
Defense: 5
Speed: 35
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 294
EXP: 540
Steal: MythrilHammr
Dropped: Tent

Name: Drgn Great
HP: 10,000
MP: 1000
Level: 51
Attack: 100
Defense: 20
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 615
EXP: 1900
Steal: Dragon Fang
Dropped: Dragon Fang

Name: DualKnight
HP: 2140
MP: 0
Level: 44
Attack: 78
Defense: 5
Speed: 1
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 489
EXP: 1100
Steal: Power Drink
Dropped: Power Drink

| E |

Name: Elf Toad
HP: 160
MP: 50
Level: 13
Attack: 15
Defense: 0
Speed: 10
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 81
EXP: 65
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Executor
HP: 2000
MP: 10,000
Level: 42
Attack: 52
Defense: 10
Speed: 35
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 462
EXP: 1300
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: DimndArmBand

| F |

Name: Fall Guard
HP: 4000
MP: 100
Level: 47
Attack: 60
Defense: 30
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 543
EXP: 1335
Steal: RopeHeadband
Dropped: KaisrKnuckle

Name: Fan Wizard
HP: 1000
MP: 200
Level: 24
Attack: 35
Defense: 2
Speed: 30
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 207
EXP: 470
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Dark Bow

Name: Ferry Walk
HP: 1000
MP: 1000
Level: 28
Attack: 36
Defense: 0
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 243
EXP: 385
Steal: Holy Water
Dropped: Potion

Name: Fins
HP: 550
MP: 10
Level: 20
Attack: 27
Defense: 0
Speed: 26
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 100
EXP: 180
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Fishite
HP: 400
MP: 0
Level: 25
Attack: 40
Defense: 0
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 200
EXP: 300
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Flare
HP: 3000
MP: 1000
Level: 44
Attack: 89
Defense: 35
Speed: 21
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 486
EXP: 1100
Steal: Elixir
Dropped: Poet Cap

Name: Freeziabat
HP: 2300
MP: 200
Level: 32
Attack: 42
Defense: 30
Speed: 39
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 273
EXP: 888
Steal: Potion
Dropped: Potion

Name: Fury
HP: 5000
MP: 1000
Level: 50
Attack: 80
Defense: 20
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 630
EXP: 2250
Steal: Wall Ring
Dropped: Black Robe

| G |

Name: Galacjelly
HP: 75
MP: 100
Level: 34
Attack: 45
Defense: 20
Speed: 25
Evading: 50
Money (Gil): 348
EXP: 750
Steal: Eye Drop
Dropped: Ehter

Name: Garula
HP: 500
MP: 0
Level: 9
Attack: 12
Defense: 5
Speed: 10
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 0
EXP: 0
Steal: Maiden'sKiss
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Gatlings
HP: 80
MP: 0
Level: 7
Attack: 9
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 42
EXP: 30
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Soft

Name: GhilaCat
HP: 100
MP: 20
Level: 12
Attack: 12
Defense: 0
Speed: 15
Evading: 15
Money (Gil): 72
EXP: 55
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Gigas
HP: 760
MP: 35
Level: 19
Attack: 28
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 144
EXP: 350
Steal: Elixir
Dropped: Giant Drink

Name: Glastos
HP: 250
MP: 0
Level: 15
Attack: 20
Defense: 11
Speed: 10
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 100
EXP: 230
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Turtle Shell

Name: GloomWidow
HP: 1820
MP: 0
Level: 42
Attack: 60
Defense: 10
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 456
EXP: 1100
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Goblin
HP: 16
MP: 3
Level: 6
Attack: 5
Defense: 0
Speed: 10
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 20
EXP: 10
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Leather Cap

Name: GrandMummy
HP: 6000
MP: 300
Level: 0
Attack: 55
Defense: 30
Speed: 34
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 0
EXP: 0
Steal: Potion
Dropped: Potion

Name: Gravidead
HP: 1800
MP: 200
Level: 34
Attack: 38
Defense: 20
Speed: 35
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 327
EXP: 720
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Earth Robe

Name: Grenade
HP: 3000
MP: 500
Level: 47
Attack: 75
Defense: 10
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 558
EXP: 1100
Steal: Potion
Dropped: Potion

Name: Grimalkin
HP: 500
MP: 0
Level: 32
Attack: 36
Defense: 5
Speed: 30
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 200
EXP: 300
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Holy Water

Name: Groundpede
HP: 1450
MP: 200
Level: 24
Attack: 42
Defense: 5
Speed: 30
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 291
EXP: 520
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Hard Body

| H |

Name: Harpy
HP: 666
MP: 5000
Level: 14
Attack: 50
Defense: 50
Speed: 35
Evading: 50
Money (Gil): 93
EXP: 100
Steal: Hard Body
Dropped: Phoenix Down

Name: Hedgehog
HP: 1000
MP: 0
Level: 37
Attack: 54
Defense: 25
Speed: 38
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 402
EXP: 850
Steal: Soft
Dropped: Soft

Name: Hydra
HP: 3000
MP: 1000
Level: 26
Attack: 42
Defense: 20
Speed: 50
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 219
EXP: 3108
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Phoenix Down

Name: Hypnot
HP: 2600
MP: 100
Level: 37
Attack: 59
Defense: 5
Speed: 35
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 381
EXP: 1150
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Phoenix Down

Name: Hyudra
HP: 2000
MP: 1000
Level: 25
Attack: 38
Defense: 10
Speed: 45
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 216
EXP: 1800
Steal: Ether
Dropped: Dragon Fang

| I |

Name: Ice Soldier
HP: 160
MP: 20
Level: 13
Attack: 17
Defense: 0
Speed: 15
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 84
EXP: 65
Steal: MythrilSword
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Imp
HP: 2000
MP: 200
Level: 36
Attack: 90
Defense: 5
Speed: 30
Evading: 30
Money (Gil): 354
EXP: 840
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: DmndArmBand

Name: Invisible
HP: 7000
MP: 1000
Level: 52
Attack: 90
Defense: 10
Speed: 47
Evading: 25
Money (Gil): 0
EXP: 0
Steal: Ninja Suit
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Iron
HP: 2140
MP: 0
Level: 44
Attack: 80
Defense: 25
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 492
EXP: 1200
Steal: Giant Drink
Dropped: Giant Drink

Name: Iron Dress
HP: 2200
MP: 0
Level: 44
Attack: 70
Defense: 50
Speed: 30
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 504
EXP: 1300
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Tent

Name: Iron Giant
HP: 18,000
MP: 10,000
Level: 61
Attack: 100
Defense: 50
Speed: 55
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 597
EXP: 10,000
Steal: Iron Helmet
Dropped: Giant Drink

| J |

Name: Jestrex
HP: 2580
MP: 485
Level: 48
Attack: 90
Defense: 15
Speed: 25
Evading: 20
Money (Gil): 606
EXP: 1390
Steal: Speed Drink
Dropped: Eye Drop

| K |

Name: Karnak
HP: 140
MP: 0
Level: 19
Attack: 20
Defense: 0
Speed: 10
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 141
EXP: 140
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Kestrel
HP: 19,000
MP: 10,000
Level: 27
Attack: 77
Defense: 40
Speed: 59
Evading: 40
Money (Gil): 10,000
EXP: 0
Steal: Maiden'sKiss
Dropped: Angel Ring

Name: Killer Bee
HP: 20
MP: 0
Level: 1
Attack: 5
Defense: 0
Speed: 10
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 20
EXP: 15
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Kornago
HP: 1000
MP: 300
Level: 31
Attack: 38
Defense: 0
Speed: 30
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 285
EXP: 512
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Eye Drop

Name: Kuzer
HP: 5000
MP: 1000
Level: 28
Attack: 45
Defense: 10
Speed: 35
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 1000
EXP: 1000
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Elixir

| L |

Name: La Mage
HP: 760
MP: 200
Level: 19
Attack: 25
Defense: 0
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 198
EXP: 370
Steal: Poet Robe
Dropped: Elixir

Name: Lamia
HP: 900
MP: 100
Level: 24
Attack: 35
Defense: 0
Speed: 35
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 210
EXP: 490
Steal: Maiden'sKiss
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Landcrawler
HP: 22,000
MP: 500
Level: 48
Attack: 100
Defense: 20
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 567
EXP: 3270
Steal: AncientSword
Dropped: Elixir

Name: Landsquid
HP: 2780
MP: 500
Level: 48
Attack: 71
Defense: 10
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 576
EXP: 3270
Steal: Potion
Dropped: Holy Water

Name: LandTurtle
HP: 1300
MP: 0
Level: 34
Attack: 42
Defense: 30
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 336
EXP: 790
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Turtle Shell

Name: Landwort
HP: 180
MP: 0
Level: 14
Attack: 19
Defense: 0
Speed: 15
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 99
EXP: 120
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Nothing

Name: LevelChekr
HP: 5000
MP: 500
Level: 54
Attack: 90
Defense: 20
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 624
EXP: 1520
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Elixir

Name: LilChariot
HP: 480
MP: 100
Level: 8
Attack: 40
Defense: 0
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 200
EXP: 300
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Potion

Name: LumbrBeast
HP: 130
MP: 0
Level: 11
Attack: 10
Defense: 1
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 63
EXP: 46
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Elixir

| M |

Name: MagicDragon
HP: 2900
MP: 300
Level: 36
Attack: 58
Defense: 10
Speed: 27
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 372
EXP: 1200
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Elixir

Name: Magnities
HP: 1200
MP: 100
Level: 33
Attack: 43
Defense: 10
Speed: 35
Evading: 40
Money (Gil): 315
EXP: 610
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Potion

Name: Mamon
HP: 1700
MP: 100
Level: 35
Attack: 46
Defense: 5
Speed: 30
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 351
EXP: 700
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Potion

Name: Mandrake
HP: 1000
MP: 100
Level: 28
Attack: 36
Defense: 0
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 249
EXP: 385
Steal: Eye Drop
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Mauldwin
HP: 20
MP: 5
Level: 1
Attack: 5
Defense: 0
Speed: 10
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 27
EXP: 20
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Elixir

Name: Maximus
HP: 10,000
MP: 1000
Level: 51
Attack: 100
Defense: 15
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 900
EXP: 0
Steal: Potion
Dropped: Circlet

Name: MechaHead
HP: 7210
MP: 5000
Level: 37
Attack: 59
Defense: 28
Speed: 37
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 0
EXP: 0
Steal: Ether
Dropped: Speed Drink

Name: Mercury Bat
HP: 500
MP: 500
Level: 46
Attack: 65
Defense: 10
Speed: 20
Evading: 50
Money (Gil): 531
EXP: 1020
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Potion

Name: Metamorpha
HP: 7000
MP: 10,000
Level: 43
Attack: 40
Defense: 10
Speed: 33
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 777
EXP: 20
Steal: Staff
Dropped: Lumino-Staff

Name: Mind Flare
HP: 4700
MP: 500
Level: 53
Attack: 90
Defense: 20
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 800
EXP: 0
Steal: Green Beret
Dropped: White Robe

Name: MiniDragon
HP: 1000
MP: 100
Level: 22
Attack: 30
Defense: 30
Speed: 20
Evading: 30
Money (Gil): 180
EXP: 900
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Nothing

Name: MiniMage
HP: 1100
MP: 10
Level: 11
Attack: 30
Defense: 5
Speed: 30
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 345
EXP: 600
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Wizard Hat

Name: MithrlDrgn
HP: 600
MP: 200
Level: 16
Attack: 28
Defense: 15
Speed: 15
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 114
EXP: 270
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: MythrilGlove

Name: Mog Eater
HP: 1000
MP: 50
Level: 23
Attack: 39
Defense: 5
Speed: 30
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 270
EXP: 665
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Money Mage
HP: 20
MP: 7
Level: 5
Attack: 5
Defense: 0
Speed: 7
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 30
EXP: 20
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Rod

Name: MossFungus
HP: 5000
MP: 200
Level: 48
Attack: 75
Defense: 15
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 591
EXP: 1520
Steal: Potion
Dropped: Antidote

Name: MotorDrive
HP: 3300
MP: 0
Level: 38
Attack: 63
Defense: 15
Speed: 32
Evading: 20
Money (Gil): 384
EXP: 1300
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Hero Drink

Name: Mottletrap
HP: 240
MP: 100
Level: 17
Attack: 24
Defense: 10
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 126
EXP: 150
Steal: Ether
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Mover
HP: 10,000
MP: 500
Level: 52
Attack: 128
Defense: 40
Speed: 35
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 50,000
EXP: 0
Steal: Fire Skill
Dropped: LgtningSkill

Name: Mummy
HP: 2900
MP: 50
Level: 27
Attack: 48
Defense: 25
Speed: 50
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 500
EXP: 0
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Holy Water

| N |

Name: Neo Garula
HP: 980
MP: 1000
Level: 27
Attack: 40
Defense: 0
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 500
EXP: 300
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Water Skill

Name: Necromancer
HP: 6900
MP: 300
Level: 54
Attack: 79
Defense: 15
Speed: 27
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 1000
EXP: 0
Steal: Holy Water
Dropped: Holy Water

Name: Neogigas
HP: 4170
MP: 5000
Level: 39
Attack: 62
Defense: 5
Speed: 37
Evading: 20
Money (Gil): 411
EXP: 810
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Giant Drink

Name: Neon
HP: 700
MP: 100
Level: 33
Attack: 44
Defense: 5
Speed: 25
Evading: 20
Money (Gil): 312
EXP: 600
Steal: Speed Drink
Dropped: Speed Drink

Name: Nile
HP: 1200
MP: 10
Level: 38
Attack: 51
Defense: 35
Speed: 21
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 441
EXP: 480
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Giant Drink

Name: Ninja
HP: 5000
MP: 200
Level: 52
Attack: 90
Defense: 15
Speed: 26
Evading: 70
Money (Gil): 612
EXP: 1800
Steal: Shuriken
Dropped: Magishuriken

Name: Nut Eater
HP: 20
MP: 0
Level: 1
Attack: 5
Defense: 0
Speed: 10
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 20
EXP: 10
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Tonic

| O |

Name: Octofist
HP: 60
MP: 0
Level: 7
Attack: 8
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 45
EXP: 21
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Oculus
HP: 2100
MP: 0
Level: 49
Attack: 75
Defense: 33
Speed: 22
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 594
EXP: 1350
Steal: Dark Matter
Dropped: Phoenix Down

Name: Omega
HP: 67,823
MP: 56,999
Level: ????
Attack: 210
Defense: 255
Speed: 87
Evade: 45
Money(Gil): 0
EXP: 0
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: (Special message after you defeat him)

| P |

Name: Paddle Thru
HP: 280
MP: 50
Level: 14
Attack: 19
Defense: 0
Speed: 15
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 93
EXP: 100
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Page 32
HP: 480
MP: 500
Level: 19
Attack: 27
Defense: 0
Speed: 30
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 147
EXP: 180
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Page 64
HP: 500
MP: 500
Level: 20
Attack: 27
Defense: 1
Speed: 35
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 150
EXP: 200
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Phoenix Down

Name: Page 128
HP: 700
MP: 500
Level: 20
Attack: 28
Defense: 0
Speed: 35
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 153
EXP: 190
Steal: Ether
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Page 256
HP: 900
MP: 500
Level: 21
Attack: 29
Defense: 0
Speed: 35
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 156
EXP: 210
Steal: Potion
Dropped: MythrlShield

Name: Pantera
HP: 18,000
MP: 1000
Level: 42
Attack: 61
Defense: 5
Speed: 30
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 0
EXP: 0
Steal: Phoenix Down
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Pao
HP: 500
MP: 0
Attack: 40
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 0
EXP: 0
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Tent

Name: PoisnEagle
HP: 100
MP: 0
Level: 32
Attack: 37
Defense: 0
Speed: 35
Evading: 50
Money (Gil): 303
EXP: 500
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Antidote

Name: Poltrgeist
HP: 240
MP: 100
Level: 17
Attack: 21
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 123
EXP: 135
Steal: Potion
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Prototype
HP: 5000
MP: 1000
Level: 23
Attack: 33
Defense: 100
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 0
EXP: 2000
Steal: Ether
Dropped: Dark Matter

Name: PsychoHeds
HP: 90
MP: 100
Level: 11
Attack: 9
Defense: 0
Speed: 10
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 66
EXP: 46
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Fire Skill

Name: Pyramidia
HP: 2200
MP: 1000
Level: 41
Attack: 61
Defense: 10
Speed: 26
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 438
EXP: 800
Steal: Power Drink
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Python
HP: 1800
MP: 0
Level: 39
Attack: 49
Defense: 5
Speed: 24
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 405
EXP: 680
Steal: Antidote
Dropped: Eye Drop

| Q |

Name: Quadrharpy
HP: 1000
MP: 150
Level: 23
Attack: 50
Defense: 20
Speed: 40
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 186
EXP: 1000
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Phoenix Down

| R |

Name: Radiator
HP: 900
MP: 1000
Level: 40
Attack: 47
Defense: 30
Speed: 5
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 417
EXP: 800
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Red Dragon
HP: 7500
MP: 1000
Level: 30
Attack: 65
Defense: 12
Speed: 34
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 500
EXP: 3000
Steal: Potion
Dropped: Elixir

Name: Red Harpy
HP: 1900
MP: 100
Level: 43
Attack: 60
Defense: 10
Speed: 24
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 465
EXP: 1250
Steal: Potion
Dropped: Holy Water

Name: RflecKnigt
HP: 1600
MP: 200
Level: 33
Attack: 47
Defense: 30
Speed: 30
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 318
EXP: 700
Steal: War Hammer
Dropped: Wall Ring

Name: RflecMage
HP: 1300
MP: 100
Level: 36AT
Attack: 52
Defense: 5
Speed: 28
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 369
EXP: 900
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Ether

Name: RicardMage
HP: 100
MP: 70
Level: 10
Attack: 17
Defense: 0
Speed: 15
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 87
EXP: 75
Steal: Rod
Dropped: Fire Rod

Name: Ridicule
HP: 1380
MP: 200
Level: 31
Attack: 41
Defense: 5
Speed: 35
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 288
EXP: 900
Steal: Maiden'sKiss
Dropped: Hero Drink

Name: RockStatue
HP: 3300
MP: 20
Level: 45
Attack: 76
Defense: 20
Speed: 26
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 507
EXP: 100
Steal: Potion
Dropped: Soft

Name: RockCutter
HP: 120
MP: 0
Level: 11
Attack: 13
Defense: 0
Speed: 10
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 69
EXP: 46
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Nothing

Name: RonkaKnigt
HP: 860
MP: 0
Level: 24
Attack: 36
Defense: 20
Speed: 25
Evading: 20
Money (Gil): 201
EXP: 380
Steal: Potion
Dropped: MythrlShield

| S |

Name: Sand Bear
HP: 100
MP: 0
Level: 24
Attack: 36
Defense: 10
Speed: 35
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 195
EXP: 360
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Sandboil
HP: 420
MP: 0
Level: 23
Attack: 33
Defense: 5
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 189
EXP: 260
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Sandcrawlr
HP: 15,000
MP: 1000
Level: 29
Attack: 45
Defense: 10
Speed: 35
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 1000
EXP: 1000
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Power Drink

Name: SandKiller
HP: 620
MP: 0
Level: 23
Attack: 34
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 192
EXP: 300
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Antidote

Name: Sea Devil
HP: 5000
MP: 1000
Level: 30
Attack: 71
Defense: 15
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 3000
EXP: 0
Steal: Potion
Dropped: Turtle Shell

Name: Sergeant
HP: 400
MP: 100
Level: 0
Attack: 25
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 132
EXP: 160
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Silver Plate

Name: Serpentia
HP: 3900
MP: 300
Level: 49
Attack: 76
Defense: 30
Speed: 20
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 582
EXP: 1500
Steal: Prism Dress
Dropped: HairOrnament

Name: ShadeDancr
HP: 4480
MP: 100
Level: 43
Attack: 75
Defense: 10
Speed: 30
Evading: 20
Money (Gil): 468
EXP: 1550
Steal: Power Wrist
Dropped: Cornucopia

Name: Shadow
HP: 1000
MP: 0
Level: 40
Attack: 57
Defense: 25
Speed: 26
Evading: 30
Money (Gil): 408
EXP: 880
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Holy Water

Name: Shell Fish
HP: 1000
MP: 0
Level: 28
Attack: 0
Defense: 0
Speed: 30
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 540
EXP: 0
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Potion

Name: Shell Bear
HP: 380
MP: 0
Level: 27
Attack: 37
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 334
EXP: 89
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Potion

Name: Sherry
HP: 4000
MP: 300
Level: 49
Attack: 78
Defense: 30
Speed: 20
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 585
EXP: 1500
Steal: Red Shoes
Dropped: Winged Shoes

Name: ShieldDrgn
HP: 19,999
MP: 20,000
Level: 29
Attack: 40
Defense: 40
Speed: 40
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 1000
EXP: 10,000
Steal: MythrlShield
Dropped: Gold Shield

Name: Shinryuu
HP: 66,901
MP: 44,392
Level: ????
Attack: 199
Defense: 222
Speed: 98
Evade: 30
Money(Gil): 0
EXP: 0
Steal: None
Dropped: (Special message after you defeat him)


Name: Shoat
HP: 5000
MP: 500
Level: 38
Attack: 55
Defense: 20
Speed: 45
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 0
EXP: 0
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Silent Bee
HP: 220
MP: 50
Level: 16
Attack: 20
Defense: 0
Speed: 15
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 111
EXP: 120
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Soft

Name: Skelesaur
HP: 2590
MP: 10,000
Level: 32
Attack: 39
Defense: 10
Speed: 28
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 300
EXP: 890
Steal: Soft
Dropped: Ether

Name: Skeleton
HP: 70
MP: 0
Level: 10
Attack: 8
Defense: 0
Speed: 15
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 57
EXP: 38
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Dirk

Name: Skull Eater
HP: 1
MP: 100
Level: 32
Attack: 50
Defense: 90
Speed: 50
Evading: 90
Money (Gil): 100
EXP: 300
Steal: Tent
Dropped: Elixir

Name: Sleepy
HP: 1600
MP: 100
Level: 36
Attack: 50
Defense: 5
Speed: 30
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 396
EXP: 700
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Leather Cap

Name: Slownin
HP: 2400
MP: 0
Level: 43
Attack: 81
Defense: 10
Speed: 35
Evading: 30
Money (Gil): 396
EXP: 700
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Leather Cap

Name: Slownin
HP: 2400
MP: 0
Level: 43
Attack: 81
Defense: 10
Speed: 35
Evading: 30
Money (Gil): 474
EXP: 1400
Steal: Katana
Dropped: Kotetsu

Name: Slug
HP: 1820
MP: 100
Level: 42
Attack: 62
Defense: 10
Speed: 20
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 453
EXP: 1100
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Soccer
HP: 50
MP: 0
Level: 6
Attack: 7
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 40
EXP: 21
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Sorcerer
HP: 350
MP: 500
Level: 18
Attack: 20
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 138
EXP: 180
Steal: Mage Slasher
Dropped: Ether

Name: Sizzoner
HP: 2300
MP: 0
Level: 39
Attack: 71
Defense: 10
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 516
EXP: 1250
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Steel Bat
HP: 20
MP: 10,000
Level: 2
Attack: 3
Defense: 0
Speed: 5
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 20
EXP: 9
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Stingray
HP: 30,000
MP: 1000
Level: 93
Attack: 66
Defense: 60
Speed: 70
Evading: 40
Money (Gil): 0
EXP: 0
Steal: Dark Matter
Dropped: Dragon Beard

Name: Stone
HP: 50
MP: 0
Level: 12
Attack: 13
Defense: 8
Speed: 10
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 78
EXP: 55
Steal: SilvrGlasses
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Stone Golem
HP: 1000
MP: 0
Level: 22
Attack: 32
Defense: 20
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 177
EXP: 550
Steal: Soft
Dropped: Potion

Name: Stoned Mask
HP: 450
MP: 20
Level: 24
Attack: 34
Defense: 20
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 204
EXP: 320
Steal: Soft
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Stray Cat
HP: 20
MP: 0
Level: 2
Attack: 5
Defense: 0
Speed: 10
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 20
EXP: 15
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Stroper
HP: 20
MP: 0
Level: 3
Attack: 4
Defense: 0
Speed: 7
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 20
EXP: 8
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Subterran
HP: 1000
MP: 100
Level: 27
Attack: 36
Defense: 0
Speed: 30
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 237
EXP: 353
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Succubus
HP: 2700
MP: 100
Level: 36
Attack: 55
Defense: 20
Speed: 35
Evading: 20
Money (Gil): 357
EXP: 2200
Steal: Antidote
Dropped: Dragon Fang

Name: SwrdDancer
HP: 3000
MP: 0
Level: 48
Attack: 75
Defense: 15
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 561
EXP: 2400
Steal: MythrilHelmt
Dropped: Blizzard

Name: Sybaritic
HP: 3200
MP: 0
Level: 52
Attack: 100
Defense: 70
Speed: 20
Evading: 70
Money (Gil): 642
EXP: 1480
Steal: Turtle Shell
Dropped: Elixir

| T |

Name: Tarantula
HP: 200
MP: 0
Level: 27
Attack: 35
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 231
EXP: 88
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Tattoo
HP: 100
MP: 0
Level: 8
Attack: 11
Defense: 30
Speed: 20
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 70
EXP: 50
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Tent

Name: The Damned
HP: 1980
MP: 0
Level: 44
Attack: 65
Defense: 10
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 471
EXP: 1200
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Holy Water

Name: Thunderpit
HP: 600
MP: 100
Level: 21
Attack: 27
Defense: 0
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 100
EXP: 160
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: LgtningSkill

Name: Tiny Mage
HP: 1540
MP: 500
Level: 43
Attack: 80
Defense: 40
Speed: 20
Evading: 15
Money (Gil): 477
EXP: 780
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Tote Avis
HP: 33,090
MP: 1000
Level: 47
Attack: 70
Defense: 10
Speed: 50
Evading: 20
Money (Gil): 0
EXP: 0
Steal: Ab Splitter
Dropped: Ab Splitter

Name: Traveler
HP: 1400
MP: 100
Level: 33
Attack: 40
Defense: 0
Speed: 35
Evading: 20
Money (Gil): 5
EXP: 321
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Dream Harp

Name: Trent
HP: 700
MP: 50
Level: 26
Attack: 36
Defense: 0
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 225
EXP: 330
Steal: Potion
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Tripper
HP: 1300
MP: 100
Level: 34
Attack: 41
Defense: 10
Speed: 30
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 324
EXP: 710
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Potion

Name: TwinLizard
HP: 1500
MP: 0
Level: 33
Attack: 54
Defense: 10
Speed: 35
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 360
EXP: 720
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Tonic

Name: T-Wrecks
HP: 2300
MP: 0
Level: 45
Attack: 85
Defense: 30
Speed: 25
Evading: 20
Money (Gil): 513
EXP: 2000
Steal: Antidote
Dropped: Dragon Fang

| U |

Name: Unknown (Green Slime)
HP: 3500
MP: 500
Level: 47
Attack: 61
Defense: 40
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 519
EXP: 1080
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Giant Drink

Name: Unkown (Spore)
HP: 2500
MP: 500
Level: 41
Attack: 60
Defense: 25
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 525
EXP: 1200
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Speed Drink

Name: Unknown (Skeleton)
HP: 6500
MP: 500
Level: 47
Attack: 67
Defense: 35
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 528
EXP: 2000
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Hard Body

Name: Unknown (Worm)
HP: 2500
MP: 500
Level: 46
Attack: 62
Defense: 30
Speed: 20
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 522
EXP: 1350
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Power Drink

Name: Ultragigas
HP: 2420
MP: 500
Level: 34
Attack: 49
Defense: 20
Speed: 31
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 330
EXP: 1200
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Giant Drink

| V |

Name: Verminator
HP: 1000
MP: 500
Level: 27
Attack: 35
Defense: 0
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 240
EXP: 353
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Ether

| W |

Name: Water Bus
HP: 600
MP: 50
Level: 26
Attack: 37
Defense: 0
Speed: 25
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 222
EXP: 330
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Nothing

Name: WaterScorp
HP: 500
MP: 0
Level: 26
Attack: 59
Defense: 20
Speed: 35
Evading: 80
Money (Gil): 680
EXP: 0
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Tonic

Name: Weresnake
HP: 900
MP: 20
Level: 31
Attack: 40
Defense: 0
Speed: 30
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 282
EXP: 490
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Potion

Name: WhiteFlame
HP: 1600
MP: 100
Level: 49
Attack: 65
Defense: 50
Speed: 25
Evading: 33
Money (Gil): 588
EXP: 1430
Steal: Eye Drop
Dropped: Ether

Name: White Snake
HP: 25
MP: 0
Level: 4
Attack: 5
Defense: 0
Speed: 10
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 24
EXP: 20
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Nothing

Name: Wild Dog
HP: 95
MP: 100
Level: 15
Attack: 20
Defense: 0
Speed: 10
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 125
EXP: 70
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Nothing

Name: WingKiller
HP: 300
MP: 0
Level: 26
Attack: 40
Defense: 0
Speed: 28
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 200
EXP: 300
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Antidote

| X |

Name: X-DethSoul
HP: 20,000
MP: 20,000
Level: 1
Attack: 77
Defense: 40
Speed: 40
Evading: 50
Money (Gil): 0
EXP: 0
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Dark Matter

| Y |

Name: Y Burn
HP: 200
MP: 0
Level: 14
Attack: 17
Defense: 0
Speed: 18
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 90
EXP: 160
Steal: MythrilKnife
Dropped: Tonic

Name: YellowDrgn
HP: 8500
MP: 1000
Level: 38
Attack: 65
Defense: 10
Speed: 35
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 500
EXP: 2600
Steal: Lightning Rod
Dropped: Coral Ring

Name: Yojimbo
HP: 3690
MP: 0
Level: 52
Attack: 109
Defense: 5
Speed: 20
Evading: 10
Money (Gil): 645
EXP: 2000
Steal: Cottage
Dropped: Power Tasuki

| Z |

Name: Zefa Zone
HP: 3780
MP: 5000
Level: 53
Attack: 55
Defense: 25
Speed: 30
Evading: 30
Money (Gil): 500
EXP: 2000
Steal: Tonic
Dropped: Elixir

Name: Zuu
HP: 850
MP: 0
Level: 15
Attack: 22
Defense: 0
Speed: 15
Evading: 0
Money (Gil): 150
EXP: 360
Steal: Nothing
Dropped: Elixir

Once again, thanks to Dallas for his permission to use it and also for his
tremenddous help in this FAQ.

NOTE: As usual, the weapons will be placed in Alphabetical order instead
of chronological order or strongest first for your convience, see I'm
a nice guy aren't I?

----------------------------[ Weapons Listing ]------------------------------

Weapon: | Ab Splitter
Attack Power: | 89
Special Attribute: | Used with the two handed ability, can attack from
| back row with same strength.
Weapon: | Air Lancet
Attack Power: | 53
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and compatible with the magic sword.
Weapon: | Ancient Sword
Attack Power: | 40
Special Attribute: | Can be throw, compatible with the magic sword and
| can be used with the two handed ability. Randomly
| casts the effect of aging with a successive hit.
Weapon: | Apoolo's Harp
Attack Power: | 42
Special Attribute: | Used with the two handed ability, critical hits
| against dragons.
Weapon: | Artemis
Attack Power: | 108
Special Attribute: | Used with the two handed ability, can attack from
| row and maintain same strength. Critical hits
| against dragons.
Weapon: | Ash
Attack Power: | N/A
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown
Weapon: | Assassin's Daggar
Attack Power: | 78
Speed: | 1
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, and compatible with magic sword.
| Randomly casts Doom upon target with successive hit.
Weapon: | Battle Axe
Attack Power: | 20
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and can be used with the two handed
| ability.
Weapon: | Beast Killer
Attack Power: | 69
Special Attribute: | Used in back row with same strength, randomly
| inflicts paralysis.
Weapon: | Bizen's Pride
Attack Power: | 48
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and can be used with the two handed
| ability.
Weapon: | Blizzard
Attack Power: | 62
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, compatible with the magic sword and
| can be used with the two handed ability. Will incur
| Ice damage and will cast Ice2 when used as an item.
Weapon: | Blood Sword
Attack Power: | 81
MAgic Power: | 5
Special Attribute: | Can be used with the two handed ability. With each
| successful hit, the user will abosrb HP from the
| opposing foe, but if used on an undead monster the
| effect will be reversed. Hit rate is very low, use
| the SShot to ensure 4 consecutive hits.
Weapon: | Brave Sword
Attack Power: | variable
Vigor: | 5
Special Attribute: | The more enemies you slay the more powerful the
| sword becomes. The more you run away, the weaker the
| sword becomes.
Weapon: | Broadsword
Attack Power: | 12
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, compatible with the magic sword and
| can be used with the two handed ability.
Weapon: | Chain Whip
Attack Power: | 49
Special Attribute: | Can be used in back row which causes equal damage,
| randomly inflicts paralysis.
Weapon: | Chicken Knife
Attack Power: | variable
Speed: | 5
Special Attribute: | The more you run away from battle the stronger the
| knife gets, but the more you fight the weaker the
| knife gets.
Weapon: | Cleaver
Attack Power: | 30
Special Attribute: | Can be used with the two handed ability.
Weapon: | Cluster
Attack Power: | 43
Speed: | 1
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and compatible with the magic sword.
Weapon: | Coral Sword
Attack Power: | 34
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, compatible with the magic sword and
| can be used with the two handed ability.
Weapon: | Crossbow
Attack Power: | 49
Special Attribute: | Used with the two handed ability, can attack from
| back row with same strength.
Weapon: | Dancing Dirk
Attack Power: | 48
Magic Power: | 1
Speed: | 1
Special Attribute: | Compatible with magic sword, random status effect
| dancing may occur.
Weapon: | Dark Bow
Attack Power: | 40
Special Attribute: | Used with the two handed ability and can attack
| from back row with same damage, randomly casts
| DARK with each successive hit.
Weapon: | Death Sickle
Attack Power: | 40
Special Attribute: | Can be used with the two handed ability.
| Occasionally casts Doom on the opponent with each
| successive hit.
Weapon: | Defender
Attack Power: | 96
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown in battle and used with the two handed
| ability. Randomly blocks physical attacks.
Weapon: | Dirk
Attack Power: | 11
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and compatible with the magic sword.
Weapon: | Double Ax
Attack Power: | 88
Special Attribute: | Can be used with the two handed ability.
Weapon: | Double Lance
Attack Power: | 61
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, does 2x damage when used with JUMP.
Weapon: | Dragon Beard
Attack Power: | 89
Special Attribute: | Attack from back row with same strength.
Weapon: | Dragon Lance
Attack Power: | 116
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, does 2x damage when used with JUMP,
| and does critical hits towards Dragons.
Weapon: | Dream Harp
Attack Power: | 22
Special Attribute: | Used with two hands, can be used in the back row for
| equal damage.
Weapon: | Earth Bell
Attack Power: | 32
Special Attribute: | Randomly causes a POWERFUL quake attack.
Weapon: | Earth Hammer
Attack Power: | 55
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, and can be used with the two handed
| ability. Randomly casts Quake with successive hit.
Weapon: | Elfin Bow
Attack Power: | 53
Special Attribute: | Used with two hands, attack with same strength from
| back row.
Weapon: | Enchanter
Attack Power: | 99
Magic Power: | 3
Special Attribute: | Can be used with the two handed ability and is magic
| sword compatible.
Weapon: | Excalibur
Attack Power: | 107
Vigor: | 5
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, compatible witht he magic sword and
| can be used with the two handed ability. Each hit
| inflicts Holy damage.
Weapon: | Fire Bow
Attack Power: | 36
Special Attribute: | Used with the Two Handed ability, same strength
| if used from back row. Randomly inflicts fire
| damage.
Weapon: | Fire Bute
Attack Power: | 79
Speed: | 2
Vigor: | 2
Special Attribute: | Can be used from back row.
Weapon: | Fire Rod
Attack Power: | 13
Special Attribute: | Randomly inflicts fire damage, can be used as an
| item.
Weapon: | Fire Skill
Attack Power: | N/A
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown.
Weapon: | Flail
Attack Power: | 13
Special Attribute: | Can be used with the two handed ability, same
| strength when used from back row.
Weapon: | Flame Sabre
Attack Power: | 60
Special Attribute: | Can be throw, compatible with the magic sword and
| can be used with the two handed ability. Which incur
| fire damage, and will cast Fire2 when used as an
| item.
Weapon: | Gale Bow
Attack Power: | 66
Special Attribute: | Used with two hands, can attack from back row,
| and randomly executes SSHOT.
Weapon: | Halcyon Blade
Attack Power: | 38
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and compatible with the magic sword.
Weapon: | Half Moon
Attack Power: | 46
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, compatible with the magic sword and
| can be used with the two handed ability. Randomly
| casts the effect of sleep with a successive hit.
Weapon: | Healing Staff
Attack Power: | 37
Special Attribute: | Cures opponent with each hit. Can be used as an
| item.
Weapon: | Holy Lance
Attack Power: | 106
Vigor: | 3
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, does 2x damage when used with JUMP,
| and does HOLY damage with every attack.
Weapon: | Hunting Knife
Attack Power: | 33
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and dodge random physical attacks.
Weapon: | Ice Bow
Attack Power: | 36
Special Attribute: | Used with the two handed ability, same strength
| when used in the back row. Randonly inflicts Ice
| damage.
Weapon: | Ice Rod
Attack Power: | 13
Special Attribute: | Randomly casts ICE attacks, can be used as an item.
Weapon: | Ichimonji
Attack Power: | 84
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and can be used with the two handed
| ability.
Weapon: | Javelin
Attack Power: | 52
Vigor: | 1
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, does 2x damage when used with JUMP.
Weapon: | Judge Staff
Attack Power: | 57
Magic Power: | 3
Special Attribute: | Randomly attacks with low level HOLY.
Weapon: | Katana
Attack Power: | 39
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and can be used with the two handed
| ability.
Weapon: | Koutetsu
Attack Power: | 55
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and can be used with the two handed
| ability.
Weapon: | Knife
Attack Power: | 4
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and compatible with the magic sword.
Weapon: | Lamia's Harp
Attack Power: | 32
Special Attribute: | Used with two hands, randomly muddles opponents.
Weapon: | Lightning Bow
Attack Power: | 36
Special Attribute: | Used with the two handed weapon, attack with same
| strength from back row. Does Lightning damage with
| each hit.
Weapon: | Lightning Rod
Attack Power: | 13
Special Attribute: | Randomly inflicts lightning damage, can be used as
| an item.
Weapon: | Lightning Skill
Attack Power: | N/A
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown.
Weapon: | Lumino Staff
Attack Power: | 42
Magic Power: | 2
Special Attribute: | Nothing special.
Weapon: | Long Sword
Attack Power: | 19
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, compatible with the magic sword and
| can be used with the two handed ability.
Weapon: | Mace
Attack Power: | 47
Special Attribute: | Can be used with the two handed ability, can be
| used from the back row with same strength.
Weapon: | Mage Slasher
Attack Power: | 28
Magic Power: | 1
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and casts Mute randomly with a
| successive hit.
Weapon: | Magic Bow
Attack Power: | -3
Magic Power: | 10
Special Attribute: | Can be used with the two handed ability, attack with
| same strength from back row.
Weapon: | MagiShuriken
Attack Power: | N/A
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown.
Weapon: | Magus Rod
Attack Power: | 37
Special Attribute: | Increases overall Magic Power.
Weapon: | Man Eater
Attack Power: | 86
Stamina: | 2
Magic Power: | 2
Vigor: | 2
Speed: | 2
Special Attribute: | Can be known to vary in attack power.
Weapon: | Masamune
Attack Power: | 104
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown in battle and can be used with the two
| handed ability. A first attack always comes your way
| when equipped.
Weapon: | Monster Bell
Attack Power: | 21
Special Attribute: | Can be used from the back row.
Weapon: | Monster Killer
Attack Power: | 94
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, and can be used with the two handed
| ability.
Weapon: | Moonring
Attack Power: | 32
Special Attribute: | Can attack from back row.
Weapon: | Mythril Hammer
Attack Power: | 25
Special Attribute: | Can be used with the two handed ability.
Weapon: | Mythril Pike
Attack Power: | 27
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, does 2x damage when used with JUMP.
Weapon: | Mythril Sword
Attack Power: | 28
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, compatible with the magic sword and
| can be used with the two handed ability.
Weapon: | Ninja Knife
Attack Power: | 26
Speed: | 1
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and compatible with the magic sword.
Weapon: | Partisan
Attack Power: | 59
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, does 2x damage if used with JUMP.
Weapon: | Poison Ax
Attack Power: | 45
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and can be used with the two handed
| ability. Randomly casts poison with successive hit.
Weapon: | Poison Rod
Attack Power: | 29
Special Attribute: | Randomly inflicts Poison damaged, can be used as an
| item.
Weapon: | Power Rod
Attack Power: | 27
Magic Power: | 3
Special Attribute: | Can be used in the back row, can cause critical
| hits.
Weapon: | Power Staff
Attack Power: | -3
Vigor: | 5
Special Attribute: | Nothing special.
Weapon: | Ragnarok
Attack Power: | 137
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, compatible witht he magic sword and
| can be used with the two handed ability.
Weapon: | Razor Ring
Attack Power: | 68
Special Attribute: | Can attack from back row.
Weapon: | Regal Cutless
Attack Power: | 54
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, compatible with the magic sword and
| can be used with the two handed ability.
Weapon: | Rune Ax
Attack Power: | 68
Magic Power: | 3
Special Attribute: | Uses MP to cause critical hits, can be thrown.
Weapon: | Rune Chime
Attack Power: | 42
Special Attribute: | Can attack from back row with same strength, uses
| MP to inflict critical hits.
Weapon: | Rune Edge
Attack Power: | 57
Special Attribute: | Will sometimes use MP to increase damage of attack.
Weapon: | Sage Staff
Attack Power: | 50
Special Attribute: | Raises the power for the spell HOLY by 40%.
Weapon: | Sasuke's Daggar
Attack Power: | 96
Speed: | 1
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and compatible with magic sword.
Weapon: | Shock Whip
Attack Power: | 39
Special Attribute: | Can be used from the back row, randomly casts BOLT
| or Paralysis with each successive hit.
Weapon: | Short Spear
Attack Power: | 51
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown.
Weapon: | Shuriken
Attack Power: | N/A
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown.
Weapon: | Silver Bow
Attack Power: | 35
Special Attribute: | Can be used with the two handed ability, attack with
| same damage from back row.
Weapon: | Silver Harp
Attack Power: | 12
Special Attribute: | Used with two hands.
Weapon: | Spear
Attack Power: | 42
Special Attribute: | Does 2x damage if used with the JUMP command.
Weapon: | Staff
Attack Power: | 6
Special Attribute: | Nothing special.
Weapon: | Strato
Attack Power: | 117
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and can be used with the two handed
| ability.
Weapon: | Thief Knife
Attack Power: | 63
Speed: | 1
Special Attribute: | Compatible with the magic sword and randomly steals
| from an opponent as you attack him with each
| successive hit.
Weapon: | Thor's Hammer
Attack Power: | 78
Special Attribute: | Can be used from the back and row and with the two
| handed ability.
Weapon: | Tinkerbell
Attack Power: | 52
Special Attribute: | Attack from back row using same strength.
Weapon: | Trident
Attack Power: | 35
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, does 2x damage if used with JUMP.
Weapon: | War Hammer
Attack Power: | 35
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and can be used with the two handed
| ability.
Weapon: | Water Skill
Attack Power: | N/A
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown.
Weapon: | Whip
Attack Power: | 23
Special Attribute: | Can be used from back row, randonly causes
| paralysis.
Weapon: | Wind Lance
Attack Power: | 44
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown, does 2x damage if used with JUMP.
Weapon: | Wind Sword
Attack Power: | 41
Special Attribute: | Can be thrown and can be used with the two handed
| ability. Attacks with the aero elemental.
Weapon: | Wonder Rod
Attack Power: | -3
Magic Power: | 2
Special Attribute: | Can be used as item, can attack from back row.
Weapon: | Wodden Rod
Attack Power: | 5
Magic Power: | 1
Special Attribute: | Can be used from back row.
Weapon: | Yoichi's Bow
Attack Power: | 98
Speed: | 3
Vigor: | 3
Special Attribute: | Must be used with two hands, same attack strength
| from back row.

-----------------------------[ Armor Listings ]------------------------------

Armor Type: | Shield
Armor: | Aegis Shield
Defense: | 5
Magic Defense: | 0
Weight: | 4
Evade%: | 33
Magic Power: | 1
Special Attribute: | Randomly evades magic attacks.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Angel Ring
Defense: | 5
Magic Defense: | 10
Weight: | 1
Special Attribute: | Protects again Aging and Zombie.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Angel Robe
Defense: | 10
Magic Defense: | 11
Weight: | 2
Stamina: | 5
Special Attribute: | Protects from Zombie status and aging.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Black Costume
Defense: | 17
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 3
Vigor: | 1
Speed: | 1
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Black Hood
Defense: | 12
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 0
Speed: | 2
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Black Robe
Defense: | 14
Magic Defense: | 14
Weight: | 2
Magic Power: | 5
Special Attribute: | Increases the power of Black magic.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Bonemail
Defense: | 30
Magic Defense: | 5
Weight: | 3
Special Attribute: | Wearer becomes undead(hurt by Fire/White spells, etc.)
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Bronze Armor
Defense: | 4
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 8
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Bronze Plate
Defense: | 3
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 4
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Bronze Helmet
Defense: | 2
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 4
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Shield
Armor: | Bronze Shield
Defense: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Weight: | 5
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Circlet
Defense: | 10
Magic Defense: | 3
Weight: | 0
Magic Power: | 3
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Coral Ring
Defense: | 5
Magic Defense: | 5
Weight: | 1
Special Attribute: | Absorbs Water attacks, nullifies Fire attacks.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Coronet
Defense: | 4
Magic Defense: | 4
Weight: | 8
Magic Power: | 1
Special Attribute: | Raises Control ratio rate.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Cotton Robe
Defense: | 2
Magic Defense: | 4
Weight: | 2
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Crystal Helmet
Defense: | 13
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 4
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Crystal Mail
Defense: | 20
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 8
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Shield
Armor: | Crystal Shield
Defense: | 8
Magic Defense: | 0
Weight: | 5
Evade%: | 45
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Diamond Armband
Defense: | 4
Magic Defense: | 5
Weight: | 3
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Diamond Armor
Defense: | 15
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 8
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Diamond Plate
Defense: | 13
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 8
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Diamond Helmet
Defense: | 10
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 4
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Shield
Armor: | Diamond Shield
Defense: | 6
Magic Defense: | 0
Weight: | 5
Evade%: | 35
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Earth Robe
Defense: | 8
Magic Defense: | 10
Weight: | 2
Special Attribute: | Increases the power of Quake attacks by 50%.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Elf Cloak
Defense: | 0
Magic Defense: | 3
Weight: | 1
Speed: | 1
Magic Power: | 1
Special Attribute: | Randomly evades attacks.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Fire Ring
Defense: | 5
Magic Defense: | 5
Weight: | 1
Special Attribute: | Absorbs Fire attacks, nullifies Ice attacks.
Armor Type: | Shield
Armor: | Flame Shield
Defense: | 7
Magic Defense: | 5
Weight: | 5
Evade%: | 40
Special Attribute: | Absorbs fire attacks, nullifies Ice attacks.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Gaunlet
Defense: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Weight: | 5
Magic Defense: | 1
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Genji Armor
Defense: | 22
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 9
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Genji Glove
Defense: | 12
Magic Defense: | 1
Weight: | 6
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Genji Helmet
Defense: | 15
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 5
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Shield
Armor: | Genji Shield
Defense: | 9
Magic Defense: | 1
Weight: | 6
Evade%: | 50
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Giant's Glove
Defense: | 9
Magic Defense: | 1
Weight: | 14
Vigor: | 5
Speed: | -5
Stamina: | 5
Magic Power: | 5
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Gold Armor
Defense: | 12
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 8
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Gold Helmet
Defense: | 8
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 4
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Shield
Armor: | Gold Shield
Defense: | 4
Magic Defense: | 0
Weight: | 5
Evade%: | 30
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Green Beret
Defense: | 3
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 2
Vigor: | 1
Speed: | 1
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | HairOrnament
Defense: | 2
Magic Defense: | 0
Weight: | 2
Special Attribute: | Cuts MP use to 50% in battle, odd digits rounded up.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Hex Ring
Defense: | 25
Magic Defense: | 5
Weight: | 1
Special Attribute: | Wearer always goes into Condmned status.
Armor Type: | Shield
Armor: | Ice Shield
Defense: | 7
Magic Defense: | 5
Weight: | 5
Evade%: | 40
Special Attribute: | Absorbs Ice attacks, nullifies fire attacks.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Iron Armor
Defense: | 6
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 8
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Iron Helmet
Defense: | 4
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 4
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Shield
Armor: | Iron Shield
Defense: | 2
Magic Defense: | 0
Weight: | 5
Evade%: | 20
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Kaiser Knuckle
Defense: | 8
Magic Defense: | 0
Vigor: | 5
Weight: | 1
Special Attribute: | Increases damage done with FIGHT.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | KornagoGuard
Defense: | 0
Magic Defense: | 0
Weight: | 15
Special Attribute: | Catch monsters at 50% HP.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Kung Fu Suit
Defense: | 5
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 3
Vigor: | 1
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Leather Armor
Defense: | 1
Magic Defense: | 1
Weight: | 2
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Leather Shoes
Defense: | 2
Magic Defense: | 1
Weight: | 1
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Leather Helmet
Defense: | 1
Magic Defense: | 1
Weight: | 1
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Shield
Armor: | Leather Shield
Defense: | 0
Magic Defense: | 0
Weight: | 2
Evade%: | 10
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Luminous Robe
Defense: | 11
Magic Defense: | 12
Magic Power: | 2
Weight: | 2
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Mirage Vest
Defense: | 14
Magic Defense: | 4
Weight: | 3
Special Attribute: | Creates double image, ensures 100% evade rate.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Mythril Armor
Defense: | 9
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 8
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Mythril Helmet
Defense: | 6
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 4
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Mythril Glove
Defense: | 3
Magic Defense: | 0
Weight: | 5
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Shield
Armor: | Mythril Shield
Defense: | 3
Magic Defense: | 0
Weight: | 5
Evade%: | 25
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Ninja Suit
Defense: | 9
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 3
Speed: | 1
Special Attribute: | Allows for weaer to dodge attacks more easily.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Plumed Hat
Defense: | 2
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 2
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Poet Cap
Defense: | 6
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 2
Magic Power: | 2
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Poet Robe
Defense: | 6
Magic Defense: | 8
Weight: | 2
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Power Tasuki
Defense: | 11
Magic Defense: | 0
Weight: | 0
Vigor: | 3
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Power Wrist
Defense: | 3
Magic Defense: | 0
Weight: | 0
Vigor: | 3
Special Attribute: | Increase attack power.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Prism Dress
Defense: | 15
Magic Defense: | 3
Weight: | 3
Special Attribute: | Increases ratio of Sword Dance occuring in battle.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Protect Ring
Defense: | 10
Magic Defense: | 10
Weight: | 1
Stamina: | 5
Special Attribute: | Wearer is automatic to REGEN.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Red Shoes
Defense: | 11
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 1
Special Attribute: | Increases ratio of Sword Dance occuring.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Ribbon
Defense: | 12
Magic Defense: | 5
Stamina: | 5
Speed: | 5
Vigor: | 5
Weight: | 0
Special Attribute: | Protects against all abnormal statuses except Condemn
| and Zombie.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Robe Headband
Defense: | 6
Magic Defense: | 0
Vigor: | 3
Weight: | 2
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Silk Robe
Defense: | 4
Magic Defense: | 6
Weight: | 2
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Silver Armband
Defense: | 2
Magic Defense: | 3
Weight: | 3
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Silver Glasses
Defense: | 1
Magic Defense: | 1
Weight: | 1
Special Attribute: | Protects against Dark, Blind, etc.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | Silver Plate
Defense: | 7
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 0
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Theif's Glove
Defense: | 4
Magic Defense: | 0
Weight: | 1
Speed: | 1
Special Attribute: | Increase ratio of steal percentage.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Thornlet
Defense: | 20
Magic Defense: | 5
Weight: | 4
Special Attribute: | Gradually drains HP, use PROTECT RING to counter.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Tigermask
Defense: | 9
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 2
Special Attribute: | None.
Armor Type: | Armor
Armor: | White Robe
Defense: | 14
Magic Defense: | 14
Magic Power: | 3
Stamina: | 3
Weight: | 2
Special Attribute: | Increases the power of White Magic.
Armor Type: | Accessory
Armor: | Winged Shoes
Defense: | 0
Magic Defense: | 3
Weight: | 0
Special Attribute: | Haste2 is automatic on wearer.
Armor Type: | Helmet
Armor: | Wizard Hat
Defense: | 4
Magic Defense: | 2
Weight: | 4
Magic Power: | 1
Special Attribute: | None.

-----------------------------[ Item Listings ]-------------------------------

Item: | Use: | Outcome:
Antidote | Battle/Outside Battle | Cure for Poison
Cornucopia | Battle/Outside Battle | Cure for Mini status
Cottage | Outside Battle | Restores all HP/MP
Dark Matter | (use with MIX in battle) | Variable
Dragon Fang | (use with MIX in battle) | Variable
Dragon Seal | N/A | Special seal to look at
Ether | Battle/Outside Battle | Revives 40 MP
Elixir | Battle/Outside Battle | Revives all HP/MP
Eye Drop | Battle/Outside Battle | Cure for Blind/Flash/Dark
Giant Drink |(use with DRINK in battle) | Doubles Max HP
Hard Body |(use with DRINK in battle) | Raises Defense
Hero Drink |(use with DRINK in battle) | Raises Strength
Holy Water | Battle/Outside Battle | Cure for Zombie to 1 HP
Magic Lamp | Battle | Random Summon(infinite)
Maiden's Kiss | Battle/Outside Battle | Cure for Frog status
Omega Badge | N/A | Special medal to look at
Pheonix Down | Battle/Outside Battle | Revives ally to 15% HP
Potion | Battle/Outside Battle | Revives 500 HP
Power Drink |(use with DRINK in battle) | Raises Attack Power
Soft | Battle/Outside Battle | Cure for Stone/Break
Speed Drink |(use with DRINK in battle) | Raises Speed in battle
Tent | Outside Battle | Revives 1000 HP/100 MP
Tonic | Battle/Outside Battle | Revives 50 HP
Turtle Shell | (use with MIX in battle) | Variable

--------------------------[ Earth Magic Listings ]---------------------------

NOTE: Only with the Geomancer or the EARTH ability can you use Earth magic,
and also Earth magic requires no MP. And depending on which type of
area you're in, a certain magic spell will come out.

Earth Magic Name | Attack | Location/Area
Gust | Small damage Wind attack to one | Castles/Mountains
Sonic Boom | Strong wind attack to one | Castles
Twister | Drops opponent's HP down to one | Castles/Mountains
Wind Slash | Powerful Wind attack against all | Caves/Castles/Plain
Will O' Wisp | Fire damage and/or confu to one | Caves/Castles/Marsh
Stalagmite | An Earth like METEO attack | Caves/Mountains
Stalactite | A power Earth like COMET attack | Caves
Dust | Earth/Dark/Wind damage to all | Desert
Desert Storm | Earth/Wind damage to all targets | Desert
Quicksand | Causes a quicksand to eat target | Desert
Heat Sand | Earth/Fire damage to all targets | Desert
Branch Arrow | Tree attack against one target | Forest
Branch Spear | Stronger Tree attack against one | Forest
Rage | Wind/Dark atack against all | Forest
Vine Hell | Casts SLOW on all opponents | Forest
Peat Bog | Instant kill as opponent sinks | Marsh
Poison Mist | Drops opponent's HP down to 1 HP | Marsh
Earthquake | Powerful quake attack against all| Mountains/Plains
Big Wave | Powerful Water attack vs. all | Water areas
Phantom | Damage to one opponent | Water areas
Tsunami | Water attack against all | Water areas
Waterfall | Water attack against one | Water areas
Whirlpool | Randomly kills an opponent | Water areas

--------------------------------[ Dances ]-----------------------------------
|Dance | Description |
| Jitterbug | Drains HP from an opponent |
| Sword Dance | Increases your regular damage attack by four times |
| Tempt Tango | Casts Confusion one one opponent |
| Wonder Waltz | Drains a lot of HP from an opponent |

--------------------------[ Animal/Critter Attacks ]-------------------------

This list below is a list of all the Archer/Hunter's Animal attacks,
depedning on what level your at. If you are at level 50, you will do the
Wild Boar attack, you MUST be at the current level for that specific
animal attack if you wish for that attack to come out.

| Attack | Effect |User's Lvl|
| Bee Swarm | An attack on all opponents | Lvl 6 |
| Falcon | Reduces an opponent's HP to 33% | Lvl 21 |
| Mindia Rabbit | An odd occurance with no effect | Lvl 1 |
| Nightingale | Heals all party members of partial lost HP | Lvl 11 |
| Shunk | Casts Poison and Dark on all opponents | Lvl 31 |
| Squirrel | Small attack to one opponent | Lvl 1 |
| Tree Squirrel | Takes concentration away from opponents | Lvl 16 |
| Unicorn | Restores ample amount of HP/MP to allies | Lvl 51 |
| Wild Boar | Powerful attack against one opponent | Lvl 41 |

------------------------[ Chemist's Mix Item List ]--------------------------

Using the Chemist's MIX ability along with certain items and such, the
Chemist can create up to 128 different combinations, each with a varying

Item Mixed with | Antidote | Dark Matter | Ether | |
Tonic: | Neutralize | Dark Potion | X-Potion | |
Ether: | ResistPoison | Dark Tincture | Tincture | |
Antidote: | Antidote | Poison | Resist Poison | |
Maiden's Kiss: | Float | Toad Kiss | Lilith Kiss | |
Potion: | Neutralize | Dark Potion | Half-Elixir | |
Turtle Shell: | Turtle Shell(1)| Explosive | X-Potion | |
Dark Matter: | Poison | ShadowFlare | Dark Tincture | |
Dragon Fang: | Poison Breath | Dark Breath | Dragon Shield | |
Eye Drop: | Tonic2 | Gloom Gas | Resist Fire | |
Elixir: | Elixir | Dark Elixir | Elixir | |
Pheonix Down: | Resist Ice | Doom Potion | Reincarnate | |
Holy Water: | Samsom Might | Dud Potion | Tincture | |
Item Mixed with | Dragon Fang | Elixir | Eye Drop |
Tonic: | Dragon Power | Elixir | Eye Drop+ |
Ether: | Dragon Shield | Elixir | Resist Fire |
Antidote: | Poison Breath | Elixir | Tonic2 |
Maiden's Kiss: | Dragon's Kiss | Lilith Kiss | Lamia's Kiss |
Potion: | Dragon Power | (No Effect) | Eye Drop+ |
Turtle Shell: | Dud Potion | (No Effect) | Haste Water |
Dark Matter: | Dark Breath | (No Effect) | (No Effect) |
Dragon Fang: | Dragon Breath | (No Effect) | (No Effect) |
Eye Drop: | Gloom Sigh | (No Effect) | (No Effect) |
Elixir: | Giant Drink | (No Effect) | (No Effect) |
Pheonix Down: | Dragon Armor | Reincarnate | Resist Bolt |
Holy Water: | Hoary Water | Elixir | Element Might |
Item Mixed with | Holy Water | Maiden's Kiss | Pheonix Down |
Tonic: | Tonic+ | Maiden's Kiss+ | Ressurection |
Ether: | Tincture | Lilith Kiss | Reincarnate |
Antidote: | Samson Might | Float | Resist Ice |
Maiden's Kiss: | Blessed Kiss | Maiden's Kiss+ | Life Kiss |
Potion: | Potion+ | Maiden's Kiss+ | (No Effect) |
Turtle Shell: | Bacchus Wine | Drain Kiss | (No Effect) |
Dark Matter: | Dud Potion | Toad Kiss | (No Effect) |
Dragon Fang: | Hoary Water | Dragon's Kiss | (No Effect) |
Eye Drop: | Element Might | Lamia's Kiss | (No Effect) |
Elixir: | Elixir | Lilith Kiss | (No Effect) |
Pheonix Down: | Life Shield | Life Kiss | Pheonix Down |
Holy Water: | Holy Water+ | Blessed Kiss | Life Shield |
Item Mixed with | Potion | Tonic | Turtle Shell |
Tonic: | Lifewater | Tonic+ | Tincture |
Ether: | Half-Elixir | X-Potion | X-Potion |
Antidote: | Neutralize | Neutralize | Turtle Shell(1) |
Maiden's Kiss: | Maiden's Kiss+ | Maiden's Kiss+ | Drain Kiss |
Potion: | Potion+ | Lifewater | Dry Tincture |
Turtle Shell: | Dry Tincture | Tincture | Preventive |
Dark Matter: | Dark Potion | Dark Potion | Explosive |
Dragon Fang: | Dragon Power | Dragon Power | Dud Potion |
Eye Drop: | Eye Drop+ | Eye Drop+ | Haste Water |
Elixir: | Elixir | Elixir | Dud Potion |
Pheonix Down: | Ressurection | Ressurection | Remedy |
Holy Water: | Potion+ | Tonic+ | Bacchus Wine |

--------------------------[ Chemist Item Mix List ]--------------------------
Chemist Item | Effect of the Chemist Item |
Bacchus Wine | Casts BERSERK on one opponent |
Blessed Kiss | Casts HASTE and BERSERK and makes one immune to hits |
Dark Breath | Casts a fire attack against the opposition |
Dark Elixir | Brings down target's HP and MP to EXTREMELY low levels |
Dark Potion | Deals exactly 666 HP of damage to an opponent |
Dark Tincture | Drains 75% of an opponent's MP |
Doom Potion | Kills one target |
Dragon Armor | Casts Protes(Safe) and Shell a party member |
Dragon Breath | Casts BOLT, FIRE, and ICE damage on all opponents |
Dragon Power | Raises character's level by 20 levels |
Dragon Shield | Make oneself resistant to ICE, Bolt, and Fire attacks |
Drain Kiss | Sucks HP from one opponent |
Dry Tincture | Makes ETHER three times as effective |
Dud Potion | Casts Confusion and Timeslip or POISON on one opponent |
Element Might | Raises a user's Magic Power by 50% during battle |
Explosive | Sacrifice own life with Fire4 against the opposition |
Eye Drop+ | Restores a varied amount of HP and and cures Darkness |
Float | Casts Float |
Giant's Drink | Rises maximum HP to 200% in battle ONLY |
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Gloom Gas |
Casts DARK on one target |
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Gloom Sigh |
Casts DARK and CONFUSION on one opponent |
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Half Elixir |
Works exactly like an X-Potion |
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Haste Water |
Casts HASTE on a party member |
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Hoary Breath |
Summons a powerful Heaven attack |
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Holy Water |
Cures Zombie Effect and restores to one HP |
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Holy Water+ |
Cures Zombie status and cures target to 100% HP |
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Life Kiss |
Works like a PHEONIX DOWN and restores 50% HP/100% MP |
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lamia Kiss |
Confuses Target |
Life Shield | Make oneself immune to fatal attacks |
Lifewater | Casts REGEN on one character |
Lilith Kiss | Sucks the MP out of one opponent |
Maiden's Kiss+ | Relieves Frog Status and restores varied amount of HP |
Neutralize | Restores variable amounts of loss HP and cures Poison |
Potion+ | Restores 900 of loss HP |
Poison | Casts POISON on one opponent |
Poison Breath | Casts POISON on the entire opposition |
Preventitve | Casts SAFE on one opponent or party member |
Reincarnate | Works exactly like the spell ARISE |
Remedy | Works exactly like ESNA |
Resist Bolt | Make oneself immune to Bolt attacks during battle |
Resist Fire | Make oneself immune to Fire attacks during battle |
Resist Ice | Make oneself immune to Ice attacks during battle |
Resist Poison | Make oneself immune to Poison and Bio attacks in battle|
Ressurection | Works exactly like a Pheonix Down |
Samson Might | Raises a user's level by 10 levels in battle |
Tincture | Restores 80 of loss MP |
Toad Kiss | Casts FROG on one opponent |
Tonic(special) | Cures negative status effects in battle ONLY |
Tonic+ | Restores 90 of loss HP |
Tonic2(special) | Restores 100 of loss HP and casts ESNA |
Turtle Shell(1) | Raises a user's Defense Power by 50% during battle |
X-Potion | Restores 100% of loss HP |

NOTE: For the Tonic(special), you really won't notice the difference from
the regular Tonic in your inventory until you use it in battle, the
same goes for the Tonic2(special).


-+- Dallas(
Thanks to his MAJOR contribution of the FFV Monster Listing for this FAQ.
Don't forget to check out his Final Fantasy Anthology FAQ before you
look at mines, its super detailed and well formatted!

-+- David Cassady(
Thanks to his help with the weapons and armors listings.

-+- Sarah Jones(
Thanks to her MAJOR contributions to the FAQ, which involves a lot of
detailing towards the Karnak incident, items I've missed, and a whole
bunch of other stuff.

-+- Pikachu Butterfry(
Thanks to his help with the animals and Earth magic listings.

-+- Earthshaker(
Thanks to his help with numerous tips about various things on both games.

-+- David Slocumb(
For his help in providing the blue magic lists.

-+- Puffy Wulf (
Thanks for his tip on the World 2 part about the Tent in FF5.

-+- SuperGotenks5555(
Thanks to him about getting a second chance to acquire Ramuh in the
N-Zone/Cleft of Dimension.

-+- Eric Kilpatrick(
Thanks to him about telling me my mistake in X-Death's castle with Galuf
and the recovery spring.

-+- Dan Melville(
Thanks for helping me out on the FAQ with the Blue Monst magics.

-+- CokaColaCat(
Thanks to his or her tip about stealing Judge Staffs at the End of
World 2 in X-Death's castle.

-+- Jon Liu(
Thanks to him for telling me about a bunch of info like MPs for summons
and an easier way to defeat Bahamut in FF5.

-+- Wieslaw Czolpinski (
Thanks for telling me about the 4th Ribbon! Also about the Mirage Vest
item in Mirage Town, hmm...makes sense.

-+- KRH62497(
Thanks to him for even offering to help out on the Blue Magic listings.

-+- Nobody365135771(
Thanks for informing me about my 4th question about the content in FF4.

-+- issac ickes(
Thanks for giving me a new tip to defeat WrexSoul easier. Also thanks
for telling me about the tip on getting GrandTrain if you missed it
on your first encounter.

-+- Reyno Gaspar(
For his tips in the reflect spells and such, a very useful tip which can
be found in both the FF5 and FF6 tip section.

-+- Brian Panks(
Thanks for his numerous tricks and tips in the Final Fantasy 5

-+- Sandy/Matthew Connell(
Thaks for telling me about the 4th Ribbon, but someone beat you to it!

-+- Jera Alerian(
Thanks for the extra tip on stealing the Genji Helmet from Gilgamesh in
Exdeath's castle.

-+- Seth Randall (
For his notion on ExDeath's HP(look at FF5 walkthrough on 2nd world on
ExDeath's castle section).

-+- Square(
For making two of the finest games possible, but why the heck was there
no Final Fantasy 4?

-+- CJayc(
For his hard work and dedication to the site and also for posting up this
FAQ as well.

-+- Dingo Jellybean(
For typing up this FAQ (^__^)


Time of Completion: 71 hours, 01 minute, 23 seconds

Dingo Jellybean (C) 1999-2000

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PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Monster List

17.Октябрь 2013
Boss Guide

15.Октябрь 2013

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30.Июнь 2014
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