Monster Rancher 3

Monster Rancher 3

15.10.2013 18:55:16
Monster Rancher 3 Saucer Stone FAQ ver 1.5
For Sony Playstation 2
Uncopywrited work of JadeKnight
This FAQ is not yours. It is mine. I created it, and I say where it
goes. You cannot use this FAQ on your site unless you ask and I say you
can. You cannot change or edit or fold or mutiliate this FAQ for any
reason. This FAQ is protected by copyright laws and if you are found to
be editing or changing this FAQ, you will face the wrath of the law.
Plainly put, if you're gonna use this, ask me first.

JadeKnight- for actually writing this thing
Disgruntled GF- for not really being disgruntled ^_^
Tecmo- for making one of the coolest games ever
CJayC- for making the best gaming site on the net


1. Introduction
2. List of known monsters
2a. List of monsters from Music CDs
2b. List of monsters from game CDs
2c. List of monsters from DVDs
3. Tips on breeding
4. Contributor Credits
5. Version History

1. Introduction

For those of you who have never played Monster Rancher before, allow me
to tell you about it. You take the role of a Monster Breeder, who's sole
purpose is to become the champion breeder. Sounds simple, eh? It's far
from. Tecmo came up with one of the most novel ideas in gaming history,
instead of catching create them. Using music CDs, game
CDs and now DVDs, you create your own monsters to raise and battle with.
The game prompts you for a disc, it then reads the info from the disc
and somehow makes a monster for you. Don't ask me how it works, all I
know is that it does work, and it's great fun.

What I'm going to try to do here is come up with a comprehensive list of
monsters you can get in Monster Rancher 3. All of the monsters I list
are from actual CDs, and not the in game Saucer Stone fragments. I'm
going to need some help, so if you have some that you don't see on my
list, e-mail me and I'll add it to the list, along with your name in the
contributor credits. Deal? Cool. Let's get started.

One note however, if you don't see a monster in this FAQ or know someone
who has it, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET IT. Do NOT email me asking how to
get a certain monster. If it's not here, I DON'T KNOW. Understood? Also,
if the CD/Game/DVD is already listed here, don't send me the info again,
it just makes it harder to update.

2a. Music CD Monsters

I'll start with the disc name, and then the monster created from it.

Disc Name Monster

Vans Warped Tour '96 Baksheesh
Stevie Ray Vaughn- Greatest Hits Hare
Eminem- Slim Shady LP Viper
Rage Against the Machine- Evil Empire Strawberry
Korn- Korn Pepe
Korn- Life is Peachy Octopee
Korn- Follow the Leader Mogi
Dope- Felons and Revolutionaries Kuloro
Kittie- Spit Golem
Slipknot- Slipknot Colorpandora
Fatboy Slim- You've Come A Long Way, Baby Dakkung
Filter- Short Bus Hohocto
Sublime- Sublime Anubis
House of Pain- Same As It Ever Was Elebus
Jordan Knight- Give it to You Suzurin
Jamiroquai- Travelling Without Moving Isobe
Limp Bizkit- Three Dollar Bill Yall$ Peligoon
Limp Bizkit- Significant Other Kuloro
Lords of Acid- Voodoo U Beaklon
Lords of Acid- Lust Fukazukin
98 Degrees- ...And Rising Phowou
NOFX- White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean Olton
Nada Surf- High/Low Plant
Cypress Hill- Black Sunday Offshore
Orgy- Candyass Naga
Jewel- Pieces of You Gramper
Xzibit- 40 Days and 40 Nights Ootan
Powerman 5000- Tonight the Stars Revolt! Pashminer
Fear Factory- Demanufacture Mew
Fear Factory- Obsolete No Record
Fear Factory- Digimortal Kurincho
Saliva- Every Six Seconds Colorpandora
Aphex Twin- Come To Daddy Tiger
System of a Down- System of a Down Dakkung
One Minute Silence- Available in all Colors Suezo
One Minute Silence- Buy Now, Saved Later Lapislatel
Skinlab- Disembody: The New Flesh Mocchi
Marilyn Manson- Antichrist Superstar Lesione
Ice-T- O.G. Original Gangster Joker
Duncan Sheik- Duncan Sheik Mewkiri
South Park- Original Soundtrack Zoom
Kenny Wayne Shephard- Ledbetter Heights Octopee
Outkast- Stankonia Pancho
Crystal Method- Vegas Hare
Mudvayne- L.D. 50 Plant
TLC- Fanmail Palasaulo
Snoop Dogg- No Limit: Top Dogg Pashminer
ICP- The Amazing Jeckel Brothers Beaklon
Redman- Doc's Da Name Electrieel
Sixpence None the Richer- Sixpence Kuloro
Too Short- Life is... Anubis
Hatebreed- S.i.t.D.o.D. Dragon
Suicidal Tendancies- L.C.R. Scurfy
Wu-Tang Clan- Enter the Wu-Tang Naga
Pantera- Cowboys From Hell Dark Bringer
Pantera- Vulgar Display of Power Saboran
Pantera- The Great Southern Trendkill Raipenpenn
Biohazard- Live From Hamburg, Germany Hengar
Megadeth- So Far, So Good, So What? Mocchi
Prodigy- Fat of the Land Zaratan
Stabbing Westward- W.B.B.P. Tiger
Stone Temple Pilots- Core Psiroller
Snow- 12 Inches of Snow Octomee
Offspring- Smash Mew
Luscious Jackson- Fever In, Fever Out Dragon
Oasis- What's the Story, Morning Glory? Mogi
Type O Negative- Least Worst Of... Lesione
Garth Brooks- No Fences Lemlaria
Creed- My Own Prison Marimba
dam Sandler - Whats Your Name? Fukazo
Symphony of Evangelion
Disc 1 Mose
Disc 2 Golem
Neon Genesis Evangelion OST 1 Golem
Neon Genesis Evangelion OST 2 Strawberry
Neon Genesis Evangelion OST 3 Scorpi
Princess Mononoke OST (American version) Palasaulo
Sakura Taisen 2 OST Mewkiri
Eminem-Marshal Mathers LP Mumm
Sisqo- Unleash the Dragon Dragon(imagine that ^_^)

CD-R discs seem to have random results. I scanned 7 of them and came up
with these monsters:


I don't know what the method of extraction for a CD-R is, but I say

2b. Game CD Monsters

Same deal, game name followed by monster name.
Note: Some multi-disc games will produce different monsters, and some

Game CD Monster

Gran Turismo 3 Fuforunner
Dynasty Warriors 2 Ootan
NCAA Football 2002 Dakkung
Monster Rancher 3 Random from encyclopedia
Xenogears Hare
Front Mission 3 Octopee
Final Fantasy Tactics Tiger
Final Fantasy VIII
Disc 1 Forn
Disc 2 Windine
Disc 3 Fantuger
Disc 4 Nymph
Final Fantasy VII
Disc 1 Hare
Disc 2 Ogyo
Disc 3 Zoom
Einhander Mocchi
Chrono Cross
Disc 1 Fenril
Disc 2 Fenril
Final Fantasy IV(FF Chronicles) Ogyo
Chrono Trigger(FF Chronicles) Lesione
Lunar 2 Demo Disc Baku
Valkyrie Profile
Disc 1 Octopee
Disc 2 Tiger
Persona 2
Game Disc Suezo
Bonus Disc Suezo
Legend of Dragoon
Disc 1 Lesione
Disc 2 Plant
Disc 3 Mew
Disc 4 Dakkung
WWF: Smackdown! 2 Oh
Skies of Arcadia
Disc 1 Monzo
Disc 2 Monzo
SegaNet Webbrowser 2.0 disc Lapislatel
Jampak Summer 2k Hengar
OPM demo disc #17 Seniorin
OPM demo disc #24 Aspis
OPM demo disc #38 Coconut
OSDM demo disc #11 Fukazo
Ape Escape demo Munlee
ICO Hengar
Silent Hill 2 Mewkiri
Zone of the Enders Burstliner
MGS2 Demo Disc Pancho
Monster Rancher Card Game 2 No Record
DOA2 Magi
Driver 2 Baliroller
Monster Rancher 2 Petraden
Monster Rancher 1 Succhi
Tenchu: Stealth Assassins Suecho
Monster Rancher Battle Card Episode 2 Magi

This following bit is from Great info here-
"Found out what the DOA2 disc makes.

Izuna Zan/? Rare breed

To get Zan you have to be B rank while training in Brilla. Taya will
tell you about about a strange monster with weird acessories that
attacked her. When you meet it you find out after a few fights that it
belongs to none other than Gadamon. It was altered by special
acessories. After you find out about the acessories, after the third
fight, you'll be attacked by the creater of them. He'll have a pure
breed Zan, called Zan Altered. After you beat him he'll come back the
next week and tell you about how he got the monster and give you an item
to unlock them in the shrine. Now they're available from cds.

Izuna is easily one of the coolest looking monsters I've seen. And from
what I can tell it's STRONG! It is tied for the best looking in the game
with Fenril. In my opinion anywayz."

More great info from

"Monster Rancher Battle Card Episode 2 gives you:
Magi - Joker/? rare breed

To get a Joker train in Goat till Kai comes by and tells you about a
tournament, he'll give you an item and tell you to be at the arena at
night in November. Jenna will come the week after and tell you she
hasn't heard of a tourney at night, and that it sounds suspicious. Go to
Morx and the next week Mosha will come to talk to you about and
experience from when she was younger. Go back to Goat and wait till the
second of November, then go to the tourney. I won't say anything about
what will happen when you show up, just that the next sequence will lead
to a fight that will get you a Joker if you win.
DO NOT LOSE!!!! Trust me!
Magi looks really, REALLY, weird. I probably won't even train one. "

Side note- I finished this quest and didn't receive a Joker, I just got
the stone to take to the shrine. I used Ice-T and got a Joker,

2c. DVD Monsters

You guessed it, DVD name, monster name...see a pattern? Apparently, the
monsters you get from DVDs differ. Thanks to
(Daniel Nichols) for the info. Maybe it has something to do with the
region of the DVD?

DVD Name Monster

Disc 1 Galooda
Disc 2 Galooda
The Matrix Zan
Fight Club
Disc 1 Zan
Disc 2 Zan
Bedazzled Offshore
The Whole Nine Yards Forestra
Tombstone Griphyon
South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut Tiger
Saving Private Ryan Tanklon
Galaxy Quest Vulcan
Erin Brokavich Holstarin
Robocop: Criterion Edition Biansnow
Hard Boiled : Criterion Edition Zoom
Abyss: Special Edition Disk 1 Scissors
Abyss: Special Edition Disk 2 Tortboy
Ghostbusters Jell
American Pie: Unrated Colorpandora
Alien Tortboy
Aliens Tortboy
Alien3 Tortboy
Alien 4: Ressurection Rabiroller
Amazing Nurse Nanako #1 Kiki
Amazing Nurse Nanako #2 Dokkung
Armageddon: Criterion Edition Disk 1 Tortboy
Armageddon: Criterion Edition Disk 2 Windine
Army of Darkness: Limited Edition Tiger
Austin Powers - Widescreen Side Dokkung
Austin Powers - Full Screen Side Dokkung
Blade Momo
Bloodsucking Freaks Ryulon
Blue Submarine No. 6 Disk 1 Armadiroller
Blue Submarine No. 6 Disk 2 Beaklon
Blue Submarine No. 6 Disk 3 Mocchi (@)
Blue Submarine No. 6 Disk 4 Mocchi (@)
Blues Brothers Mocchi (@)
Brazil: Criterion Edition Disk 1 Suzurin
Brazil: Criterion Edition Disk 2 Peligoon
Brazil: Criterion Edition Disk 3 Sandlessie
Bride of Re-Animator - Unrated Side Sandlessie (@)
Bride of Re-Animator - R Rated Side Windine (@)
Bug's Life Collector's Edition Disk 1 Suzurin
Bug's Life Collector's Edition Disk 2 Koronit
Castle of Cagliostro Drydon (Rank A Legend)
Charlie's Angels Mewsneak (?)
Conan the Barbarian Vivaroller
Contact Electrieel
Cowboy Bebop: Session 1 Mew
Cowboy Bebop: Session 2 Dokkung
Cowboy Bebop: Session 3 Zaza
Cowboy Bebop: Session 4 Griphyon
Cowboy Bebop: Session 5 Merman
Cowboy Bebop: Session 6 Tiger
Cruel Intentions Naga
Dark Crystal Galun
Dead Alive Fukazo
Deep Blue Sea Tortboy
Def By Temptation Avalanche
Die Hard Marshmallow
Die Hard 2: Die Harder Pixie
Die Hard With A Vengeance Palasaulo
Disturbing Behavior - Widescreen Side Kobu
Disturbing Behavior - Full Screen Side Suecho (?)
Earthlight: Special Edition Electrieel (@)
Edward Scissorhands Scissors
Eegah! Biansnow (@)
El Mariachi/Desperado (Desperado Side) Raiden
El Mariachi/Desperado (Mariachi Side) Suzurin
Escaflowne #1 Electrieel (@)
Fight Club Disk 1 No Information
Fight Club Disk 2 No Information
Final Destination Dakkung
Gasaraki #1 Carame
Generator Gawl #1 Rank B Monster
Generator Gawl #2 Isobe
G.I. Joe: The Movie Sherbet
Godzilla Rank A Monster
Haunted Junction Disk 1 Baku
Haunted Junction Disk 2 Mocchi
The Hidden Fukazukin
Highlander Lapislatel
Hollow Man Ekidonna (?)
ID4 Disk 1 Rank A Monster
ID4 Disk 2 Ogyo
Interview with the Vampire Drarin (?)
Jack Frost (not the Michael Keaton movie) Mocchi (@)
Jaws Fukazo
The Last Starfighter Tortboy
The Iron Giant - Widescreen Side Golem
The Iron Giant - Full Screen Side Golem
Die Hard Ultimate Edition Disk 1 Fukazo (@)
Die Hard Ultimate Edition Disk 2 Tortboy (@)
Die Hard 2 Ultimate Edition Disk 1 Tortboy (@)
Die Hard 2 Ultimate Edition Disk 2 Pixie (@)
Die Hard 3 Ultimate Edition Disk 1 Tortboy (@)
Die Hard 3 Ultimate Edition Disk 3 Tortboy (@)
Legend of Crystania Raipenpenn
Lethal Weapon Mocchi
Lethal Weapon 2 Tortboy
Mars: The Red Planet Scorpi
Mass Extinctions Rank B Monster
Maze OVA Tortboy
MI:2 Lulu
MIB Disk 1 Mew
MIB Disk 2 Beaklon
Messenger: Story of Joan of Arc Fukazukin
Metallica: Cunning Stunts Disk 1 Rank A Monster
Metallica: Cunning Stunts Disk 2 Kaio
Metallica: S&M Disk 1 Vivaroller
Metallica: S&M Disk 2 Suezo
Mortal Kombat - Widescreen Side Electrieel
Mortal Kombat - Standard Side Offshore
The Mummy Tortboy
Perfect Blue Pixie
Nightmare Before Christmas Pepe
Once a Thief Colorpandora (@)
Outlaw Star Vol. 1 Disk 1 Warabi
Outlaw Star Vol. 1 Disk 2 Rank A Monster
Patlabor: The Movie Mocchi
Patlabor: The Movie 2 Tanuzo
Pee Wee's Big Adventure Mogi
Phantasm IV: Oblivion Colorpandora
Pitch Black: Unrated Elebus
Pokemon: The Movie Tanuzo (I was expecting a
Mew here. :) )
Ranma 1/2: Big Trouble in Nekonrun China Lapislatel
Ranma 1/2: Nihao My Concubine Zoom
Ranma 1/2: OVAs Disk 1 Suezo
Ranma 1/2: OVAs Disk 2 Lulu
Ranma 1/2: OVAs Disk 3 Colorpandora
Re-Animator Jiro
Record of Lodoss War Disk 1 Palosaulo
Record of Lodoss War Disk 2 Suzurin
Serial Experiments Lain Disk 1 Metanix
Serial Experiments Lain Disk 2 Rank A Monster
Serial Experiments Lain Disk 3 Mocchi
Serial Experiments Lain Disk 4 Zoom

3. Tips and Suggestions on Breeding

There is a Japanese promo soundtrack for Monster Rancher 3 that extracts
monsters based on the breeders level. If you have this disc, when you
scan it, it's called "Pandora's Disc". I got mine from Gamestop, so if
you can get one, I highly recommend it. Apparently the Pandora disc
produces different monsters every time you use it. I will of course add
the monsters as I reach the higher ranks.

Rank Monster
E Mocchi w/Rice Bowl
A Masala

Speed is one of the key attributes for your monster. If you can birth a
monster with a speed of 150+, KEEP IT! You will be able to attack 2-3
times for each one of your opponents attacks. You can always "Raise"
your monster for STR and DEF, but SPD is a winner.

During the "Venture", always get the Extract. Yes, it's expensive, but
you can find stones and Succulent Flowers that allow you to gain new
skills, and boost your attributes, respectively. Once you find the
"Lord" of your training area, use the stones to gain new skills. Skills
are just new attacks you can use in battle, and once gained, they will
prove invaluable.

"Guts" is similar to Mana or AP in other games. It dictates how and when
your monster can attack. I recommend not attacking until your guts are
full, then unleash everything you have on your opponent. Many moves have
the bonus of taking guts away from your enemy, which in turn takes their
moves away. Also, if you can take advantage of your opponents attack
range, you can almost win every fight without taking any damage.

4. Contributor Credits
======================================================================= (Daniel Nichols) for the info that DVDs don't
always produce the same monsters. (Christopher Finell) for the info about the
Pandora disc producing different monsters and for the Creed-My Own
Prison info. for TONS of Music and Game CD info. for lots Game and Music CD info. - for DVD and Game CD info - for an ENORMOUS DVD update

5. Version History

9-27-01: Version 1.0
Initial monster list
Basic strategies for battling and birthing
SEVERE gametime

9-28-01 Version 1.1
Added info about Pandora's disc
Added Creed- My Own Prison to Music CD list
Added TONS of Music and Game CD info
Changed name of FAQ to "Saucer Stone FAQ"

9-29-01 Version 1.2
Updated Music and DVD legend monsters
Minor updates
Added rank list for Pandora disc
More updates on Music and Game CDs

9-30-01 Version 1.3
HUGE DVD update
Added info on getting Joker

10-06-01 Version 1.4
Slight reformat of FAQ
Added various game disc info
This may be the last version for a while, no one seems to have anything
to offer that isn't up already.

10-14-01 Version 1.5
Final version
Updated the remaining hiddens (Zan/Joker)


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13.Октябрь 2013
General FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Monster List

13.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Dein Monster ist Mocchi, das gut trainiert ist. Ebenso jede Menge Infos über die Monster in der Encyclopedia.

12.Октябрь 2013
4 Monster für den VS Modus.

09.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019