Monster Rancher 3

Monster Rancher 3

13.10.2013 23:07:39
MONSTER RANCHER 3 FAQ for the playstation 2
version 1.4
created by Ultimategameplayer,
archaven, someone, lightwarmth, and THORATIC.
Emails are,
Date: 10-18-01

M-O-N-S-T-E-R R-A-N-C-H-E-R 3 F-A-Q

Welcome to the long awaited faq for the long awaited game. if
you have not ever played a monster rancher game then you are
missing out. This is one of the best series of all time. Highly
addictive gameplay and hundreds upon hundreds of play hours make
for one hell of a classic. If you liked pokemon, digimon, or are
just into sims like I am you should give monster rancher a
chance. Best game in the series? Well yes. It has all the best
features that the other monster ranchers did not have and they
threw out the features of the old monster ranchers that no one
wanted. I hope you enjoy the faq as much as I did writing it.
What its about

The game is about a persons rise to fame. You are that person
and you must try and become a great trainer in the land of
tochikan. Choose from over 400 monsters to raise, but beware,
this game if very addictive and can cause you to lose massive
amounts of sleep.

version history
version 1.0 original version
version 1.1 new dvd list by thoratic and a few extras
version 1.2 rearanched list by zdnetgameplayer and fixed some
grammar mishaps. I also got some info from black cat and added
a myths section.
Version 1.3 I added a great cd list by Erick Randolph you
Should check it out.
Version 1.4 added some stuff by lorn fang
Table of contents
*Copywrite info
*Comments by the FAQ makers
*New features by zdnetgameplayer
*Characters by zdnetgameplayer and greeble
*Game worlds by zdnetgameplayer
*In town by zdnetgameplayer
*Calendar by greeble
*Tips/hints for raising and winning
*Training info by greeble
*Cd list by zdnetgameplayer
*skills by lorn fang
*myths/glitches by zdnetgameplayer
*contact info.
Copywrite Info

This FAQ is copywriten by ultimategameplayer (also know as
Zdnetgameplayer), achaven13, someone, and lightwarmth.
Any distribution of this faq/walkthrough is prohibited. If we
Catch you with the FAQ without permission then you will be
Subject to
Federal action. The only website as of now that can have this
Faq is other than that is not allowed. You may download
The FAQ for your personal use but anything other than that
(I.e. selling, distributing, or publishing) is prohibited. If
You want to use this FAQ on your web site then please email me
At or lightwarmth at We probably will let you use the
Faq, but
We would like you to ask us first.

Zdnetgameplayer- I really enjoyed making this faq. It
was a really good experience and I got to work with
great faq makers. I hope that everyone gets to view our
faq because I think that it is very good. I hope the
rest of this faq making team had fun as well.

Greeble-(post comment here)
NEW FEATURES by zdnetgameplayer
This game is so much better than the first two. I love
how you don't have to stay at your boring ranch
the whole
time, and rarely visit somewhere else.
We now get 5, count em' 5 lush environments for our cute
and cuddly, baddy bashin, monsters to live and breed in.
Another great thing that has been added to the monster
rancher universe is the inclusion (or should I say
removal) of not having to train your
monsters to earn new
moves. I think that this is very good feature, because I
can remember spending countless hours and your monsters
dollars on training. Now you have to buy ran ran, which
lets you search the area for certain things, it is a
pretty cool thing, a lot better than the old training.
Not only do you get to train but you can also find items
saucer stone pieces and accessories. One of the coolest
features that have been added to the game is the
encyclopedia. The encyclopedia is great because it stores
all info on the monsters you taken off of disks. Once you
have taken a monster off a disk you don't ever need to
search for that disk again. A small feature but certainly
welcome. And last but certainly not least is the
inclusion of being able to make monsters off of dvds.

All around I think that the monster rancher formula has
been improved upon greatly.

CHARACTERS by zdnetgameplayer and greeble
This is not a long section because you are sort of
isolated in a small place. But I think that the
characters are all heartwarming so I think that they
disserve mention. But it that is only if you count the people
at your ranch. If you count the rivals too. Then you are
looking at a pretty good list of characters.

Fleria: she is your monster assistant. Though not as
memorable as the first monster rancher's assistant, I
think that she fits the new graphical change to a tee.
She is just a tad bit cocky but is ultimately a good
person. She loves blackmailing people into giving her

Grandpa Bragma : he is fleria's grandpa. He runs the shrine and
is really helpful early in your quest. Later in the game he
becomes extremely helpful, when he isn't moping about fleria
blackmailing him!

Gaddamon: your first rival, not to hard to beat though. She's
Obnoxious and rude, and likes to play mean tricks. Later she
Even causes some major trouble.

Other rivals: for each area (5) there are around 3 rivals
for you to face off against. Most are nice but some are
not. I guess you will have to get all the areas to find

Maya: a nice and peaceful young girl, but don't be fooled
By her peaceful appearance, she can pack a punch in
Battle and isn't afraid to play dirty.

Taya: Maya's brother, he is shy at first, but later he
Becomes rather obsessed with battling. He usually
Trains dragons, and he is very powerful in battle.

Mitia: a snooty self confident girl, her overall goal is
To get your ranch. While looking peaceful, she is
Actually rather conceited.

Taz: This young breeder is first seen trying to steal
Something. But later he actually appears to be
Quite a nice boy, a bit naïve though. He is prone
To training beaclons.

Jimsey: A lazy thief who is only in the breeding buisiness
For money. He is quite powerful when he wants to be
But also steals money. Don't let him get to you,
As he sometimes gives you free items.

YOU! Of course. You are the person who controls the game,
so you should be mentioned. Have fun!

Submitted by black cat

Burn- (From Goat) A hotheaded trainer who often rushes into battles,
without the person's consent, but is a nice guy deep down.

There's also... gah, two more, a woman from Goat (forgot her name), and
woman who visits you in Morx later in the game. If you need a short
description of these people and their names, I'll send it. It would
also be
a good idea if you included where the people battled you. (i.e. Goat,
Everywhere like Gadamon, Kalagari)

GAMEWORLDS by zdnetgameplayer
Brillia: you better bring a jacket if you want to enjoy
this place. This frigid area is one of the coldest places
you'll send your monster. Aside from the fact that its
covered in snow, its also home to the evil tempered zan.
It is a dangerous place, and should be used only by adult
monsters...though this is your own choice.

Brillia training

Snowball: life up
Knockdown: pow up, spd down
Bloom: int up, pow down
Icicle: spd up, def dwon
Avalanche def up, int down

Kalagari: this area is a very secluded and lush landscape.
It is dwarfed by a huge waterfall and is probably the
most beautiful place to train in. it offers a good
training area, and good venturing possibilities.
This is a good starting place for your monster if you are
sick of morx.

Kalagari training:

Repeat jump: life up
Hippo: pow up, spd down
Waterfall: int up, def down
Lotus: spd up, def dwon
Dive: def up, int down

Takerama: this is an area that should be feared. It is a
desert like area that has many perils. It is dangerous,
though not dangerous to dangerous for a starting monster.
It is home to desert monsters.

Takerama training:

Sand swim: life
Rock push: power up, spd Down
Balance: int. up, pow Down
Slide: spd up, def down
Cactus: def up, int down

Morx: morx is a nice woodlands area that is a very serene
area that all should enjoy. I really think this is the
best area to raise your monster, but that is just my
opinion. This area is home to the childlike mocchi, and
the monolith golem. This is the first area you start in.
it is a pretty good place to train. With tons of
potential, you should like this place
*This is going to be your learning area so you need to
remember to learn everything. The first thing is to try
out each raising tests at least once (I suggest two) the
second thing is to purchase the second or third best ran
ran, and then search for the training area (it is called
noisy hall). Once you have found it, just keep walking
around finding other items.
Then continue to train till you raise your trainer level
and get to go to other stages.

Morx's training options (there are also hidden ones but
you will have to find those for your self)
Trampoline: life up a little
Picking: power up a little
Blocking: int up a little
3step: speed up a little
Nut catch: defense up a little

Goat: what a weird name for a weird place. This is an
underwater area that is very dangerous. I don't think
that you should train here unless your monster is strong.
Plus it does not offer the same venture opportunities as
the other places do. This is home to any monsters you
would like, though it is best suited for water monsters.

Goat training

Hole: life up
Starfish: pow up, spd down
Bubbles: int up, pow down
Moray: spd up, def down
Fish: def up, int down
IN Town by zdnetgameplayer
The shrine: this is an old favorite and one of monster
staples. This is where most of the excitement of the game lies.
Just simply follow the easy steps and you will get a nice
to raise.
Step 1: take out the monster rancher 3 disk.
Step 2: insert cd/game/dvd disk and press x
Step 3: after the disk has been read, put the monster
rancher 3 disk back in and press x.
Step 4: the last step is to wait in excitement in
anticipation of getting the monster you really want, and
personally is my favorite.

Also while you are at the shrine you can put together
your saucer stone pieces you traded or found. It is a
cool way to get monsters that you don't have a cd for.

Calendar: (by greeble)
April (month 1):
Week 1: zip

Week 2: Brillia grand prix
Location: Brillia
Type: tournament
Entered: 4 (5)
Prize: 10000$
Rank: major 5 (S)

Week 3: wild waves cup
Location: Goat
Type: league
Entered: 6
Prize: 4000$ and a mocchis hat (works on mocchi)
Rank: B

Week 4: Mushroom cup
Location: morx
Type: league
Entered: 4
Prize: 2000$ moak soup
Rank: D

May (month 2):
Week 1: ripples tyro match
Location: Goat
Type: league
Prize: 1000$
Rank: E

Tropical Rumble
Location: kalagari
Type: league
Entered: 6
Prize: 4000$ and a large egg
Rank: A

Week 2:Zip

Week 3: Mirage cup
Location: takrama
Type: league
Entered: 4
Prize: 3000$ snake emblem (works on naga)
Rank: C

Week 4: Aurora Stone
Location: Brillia
Type: tournament
Entered: 8
Prize: An Aurora Stone
Rank: Free-for-all

June (month 3):
Week 1: zip

Week 2: morx all-stars
Location: Morx
Type: tournament
Entered: 4 (5)
Prize: 10000$
Rank: Major 5

Week 3: zip

Week 4: Tochikan festa
Location: Shrine
Type: league
Entered: 6
Prize: 500-5000$
Rank: E-S

July (month 4):
Week 1: zip

Week 2: red coral cup
Location: Goat
Type: league
Entered: 6
Prize: 2500$
Rank: C

Week 3: Yukiran memorial
Location: Brillia
Type: tournament
Entered: 4
Prize: 2000$ white ribbon (works on suzurin)
Rank: D

Week 4: Umbagi fall festa
Location: kalagari
Type: league
Entered: 6
Prize: 4000$ totem poll (works on jell)
Rank: B

TIPS/HINTS For raising and winning by zdnetgameplayer
*When feeding your monster at the beginning of the month
feed him the middle of the road meal. It saves money and
really doesn't affect the monster too much. If you have
played the game extensively and don't have a cash problem
then feel free to buy the most expensive "good" meal.
Though the best meal for your monster is bone n meat,
beware of overfeeding. It can cause your monster to
become overweight and in the long term cause him/her to
die young.

*Unlike before when you had to worry about your skill
rating, it has been taken out. Now all you have to do is
raise your speed, and you will hit better. It makes the
game a little easier by not making you train another

*Don't take too long training. Training your monster a
lot in the beginning is good, but don't over do it. A
super strong athlete may go far, but only to a certain
extent before it dies.

*If you love your monster then save often. Especially
towards the end of his\her life. Nothing is worse than
your monster dieing or getting KO'd and then having to
restart your game a year earlier. But dieing isn't always
a bad thing. When your monster dies it gives you a
monster heart that holds your old monsters stats. You
then can give it to your new monster, and essentially
raise his/her skills.

*Set up a schedule. This is where you really have to work
on. I always train my monster, let it rest, train some
more and battle. This is really a good plan. It keeps
your monster in shape and keeps them in good health.

*LET YOUR MONSTER REST! So many players don't let their
monsters rest enough, resulting in loss of life
expectancy of their pet. It can also cause your monster
to run away or get sick... another way to shorten your
monsters life. But if you don't want your monster to live go
ahead and let your monster not rest.

*At the beginning of every season you get to go on a
'venture'. Ventures are a way of training your monster.
But first you must buy ran ran. Once you have the ran ran
you want you can then start exploring. Once you find the
"light of earth" then press X and you will search that
place. If you find "noisy hall" then you can train your
monster. Noisy hall does not change position like other
items so remember its location. You can also find saucer
stone pieces, items, and ability raising items on

*Give up if you have to. If you have to give up a
tournament, that's ok. Sometimes if your monster looks as
if it will be koed then you should quit Imidiatly this
will help your monster stay alive longer.

*Stay as far away from your opponent as possible. This
will help you get more "guts" for your monster. Plus you
can wait to see when the best possible attack time is. I
find this one of my most coveted advice. Though if your
monster has a strong distance attack, you should probably
stay closer.

*Fight your rivals every time that they come to you. It
will help you to find their weaknesses and it will also
add to your stats. Trade with your rivals too. It will
help you get more monsters in your encyclopedia.

*If you don't have enough money to get good ran ran then
you just should get ran ran smell, it will at least let
you build your skills up.

*FIRST thing you do when you enter a new area is to find
the noisy hall where you can level up. This won't move so
you need to memorize this position.

*another piece of good info is to do training with your last
100 ran rans. You should do this because it lets you get the
most out of your ran rans by maximizing its worth. Try it and
you should see what I mean.
Ran ran types

Best monsters in my opinion:

Raiden: taken from cd: Kenny G duotunes
Raidens are easily one of my favorites. I think that they
look really cool and are very easy to train. You should get
the kalragi one if possible since it is very cool looking.
His attacks may not be the strongest, but he is very good at
hitting his opponent.

Zan: taken from cd: matrix
Though he is not the best monster at the beginning because
it is very stubborn and grumpy. I don't use this guy much
because he makes me mad at the beginning. But if you are
patient then go for it…he is really powerful when in its

Dragon: taken from the sleepy hollow dvd
Dragons are my favorite breed of monster. They are a little
stubborn and pride full, but they are very worth it. I like
then because they are a powerhouse. My 1 year old dragon
could do 262 hit points worth of damage in one hit with his
level five bite. He is very worth it. The only drawback is
that they don't live exceptionally long.

Other good monsters:


Types or ran ran:

Leaf-small amount of time to search
Fruit-longer time to search
Extract- a long time to search
Smell-free, and is really good for quick searches.

Submitted by black cat:
Ran Ran Leaf | 500 $ | 200 |
Ran Ran Fruit | 1000 $ | 400 |
Ran Ran Extract | 2000 $ | 600 |
Ran Ran Smell | 0 $ | 30 |

Training methods (greeble)
Okay, one of the toughest parts in the game is getting your
Bundle of fluff (or spikes) ready for the next battle.
It can be boring and dull, but it pays off. This section is
To help you get your monster ready for all of the tough battles
Ahead. Ready? I thought so!

Spd: this stat puts up your ability to dodge, block and hit the
other monster.
It is wise to train any monster in a lot of speed, or else the
other monster
Will always hit it. This is one of the toughest things to train
on some monsters. But it is so worth it!

Lif: Another biggie, this is important because it relates to
how long you can stay alive in battle. This is generally the
first thing you should train. It is very important so you
should train it in large amounts.

Pwr: For some monsters, this is the biggest thing about
training. See, for a lot of monsters, most of there attacks
depend on power. You should usually train this or intelligence
3rd. Power attacks are usually yellow on the place in battle
that shows the picture of the attack.

Int: this stat also what helps your attacks in battle.
Depending what you want to train, this should be 3rd. For
instance, a suzurin has mostly intelligence attacks so you
should train it in intelligence and then power. Intelligence
attacks are in green.

Dfc: This stat helps you have less damage done to you. It is
Pretty important, but I always train it last. You decide
whether you want it or not.
Section *.*

By Someone

Battle Tips

The extremely common battle, usually an easy task if you know
what to do. Being through 273 battles, I've come up with
several battle tactics, depending on the monster your facing
and the stats your current monster possess. Aside from these,
here are valid points you should use when battle a monster of
this species.

General Tips: High speed is usually something that everyone
should think about before making a monster, even if you have a
golem, at least 300 speed would be preferred. It will help in
the future. Aside from that, status usually depends on the

EXAMPLES: Zan: High speed and strength can get you an instant
Durahan: High defense, power and average speed make
this a good monster to start as.
Dragon: On the other hand some monsters like this
one can benefit from having all above average stats,
although this is a challenge for most, if
attainable, you can have a destructive monster on
your side.

Specific Tips:

*Note: Regardless of any of these strategies, pushing your
opponent against the wall, but making sure not to let him push
you back, usually helps.

Suezo: The mascot of monster rancher, this monster usually
isn't much of a threat unless it attacks you within mid-range.
It would then pull off an attack that swallows your monster
then spits it out, causing major damage. The best defense
against this is to stay in close, the worst he could do is use
an attack that lowers your guts or his low level close range

Moochi: Relatively every Moochi I have encounter possessed only
one close range attack, a head-butt attack which is easily
avoided, and yet again weak. As with the Suezo's strategy, stay
close, and push him against the wall, stay far enough that
you'd stay in close range, but the opponent has room to move
forward, just to be pushed back again.

Jell: These guys usually are paired with a relatively high
defense, and mid to high speed, yet weak defense and sometimes
weak attack as well. The mid-range hammer attack can be strong
so stay close or far from this one, but not in the middle.

Octopee: These monsters are very weak, but usually carry high
defense, stay in close and allow it to use its spin attack. A
very weak attack and its usually dodged, this monster poses no
serious threat.

Momo: This monster relies on long range to midrange attacks, it
sometimes has two close range attacks, both of which are
usually nothing to worry about. Again, a relatively weak

Golem: Now we're getting somewhere…this beast is usually paired
with immense strength (duh…) and a strong defense, it usually
has a low speed, so a monster with mid to high range speed
(compared to your current rank) can easily dodge most of it's
attacks. In the future levels however, It usually possesses MAX
strength, and immense speed. This could be something to worry
about, because the speed status is what determines how often
you strike a blow, and how often you dodge one, this is very
important to remember in the future, because most monsters have
ridiculously high speed.

Zoom: A fast, and sometimes strong opponent, this beast's life
is not too high, nor is its defense, but it has incredibly high
speeds, so make sure your guts are at max before releasing
every attack you can muster. Usually one hit, and this monster
goes down.

Tiger: Oddly enough, Zoom and Tiger share very similar
characteristics. Both usually major in speed and power, but the
strategy is changed ever so slightly, for this monster, usually
staying in the mid-range attack basis is your best option.
Especially if it's a low level Tiger. The two mid range attacks
(the beginning ones) They have terrible accuracy and low attack
power, making this an easy kill.

Hare: Their mid range attack (Umpa or something…) is usually
quite strong, again this monster too majors in speed, so high
speed would definitely benefit you. His close range attack does
mid to low damage, so this monster is not as easy as it looks.
The best option is to beat with outright force, since most
hare's have incredibly low Life. One hit usually takes these
guys out, but if their speed outmatches yours, expect every hit
to be dodged with ease.

Mew: The most important thing to remember is to stay away from
the mid or long range attack. Hawaiian is a devastating attack
(to Guts anyway) So always stay close. In close range the worst
it can do is Scratch you. Besides this, it may have mid to high
speed, but not high enough that it should pose a threat to your

Beaklon: This one can go one of two ways. Some of the Beaklons
have high defense and incredibly high power. Which suits
they're appearance best in my opinion. On the other hand the
Mose form (which is common in the end of the game by the way.)
Usually has high speed, and strong power. Again with most other
monsters staying close is the best way to survive. Especially
with this monster, its mid-range attack (that dash thing) is
incredibly strong, but misses frequently. Close range, they use
the Horn Sweep attack (now that I think about it, I was NEVER
hit by this attack) and the Back Fist attack, which is another
extremely powerful attack yet misses too much. Overall, try to
kill this beast as fast as possible, that basically the best
thing to do.

Dragon: King of the monsters, these guys could easily kill any
monster with one move. Usually fire breath (long range) or
Inferno (mid range). Besides that, stay close and it will use
either tail swipe or Bite, both strong moves. However with a
monster with high speeds, this won't be a problem as both moves
will be avoided. If this advice is followed, the Dragon
shouldn't pose much of a threat.

Dakkung: This monster is relatively weak, its average in all
stats but somewhat lacking in defense, an easy kill for the
trained monster…there's really no advice to give on this one…

Baku: Huge dog is all I can say to describe this gargantuan
beast, for some reason, even with 400 power, this thing can
half the energy of a monster with high defense. So be careful.
It usually has low defense, so attacking it fast is your best

had to get that off my chest…these things are the worst enemies
u can face, not cause they're strong, its cause of they're
annoyingly high speed. They can dodge all of your attacks for
the entire fight and hit you for ten damage minimum and still
win the battle. Best bet is to wait for 99 Guts and unleash
everything at once (this goes for all high speed monsters).

Durahan: another of the coolest monsters in the game, and a
personal favorite of mine. They come in all status types, from
high defense and power to high speed and life…this is usually
random…however they are commonly in the high defense range. Too
counter this, make sure u have high speed, to block the
Durahan's strong attacks. Then slowly beat away at it, and the
it will eventually fall.

Nagas: Now that I think about it…these guys are pretty rare…I
only sometimes see them in a desert tournament and rarely
Gadamon has one…be that as it may, not much strategy is needed
for this monster. He has a high speed that the rest of his
stats which are average to below average. Because of this, the
same strategy that is used on the Pixie would work here.

Colorpandoras: Hmm…I've only fought one of these in my 200-and
some battles…anyway, they are pretty weak…generally anything
could take these down with ease.

Plants: Weak monster, weak attacks, small defense and low
speed…I haven't been able to find one strong Plant monster, so
there aren't any advanced techniques on this one.

Hengar: Another personal favorite, these guys are extremely
well trained for some reason. All of their stats are far above-
average, and they usually posses one extremely powerful attack
(ion cannon, and Omega Blade for example). In order to beat
these guys, staying close is a must for many reasons.

1) far range attack: Ion cannon…can you say insta-kill?
2) mid-range attack: (some) Omega Blade
3) Mid range attack: Core attack (usually level or 9)

As for close range, the hengers have the weak mega blade
attack, which is usually dodged and not worth much damage. Also
they use a status attack which brings up their guard a lot.
Stay close, and attack frequently.

Lesione: Another form of the pixie but stronger. They have
strong attacks and dodge just as much if not more so than the
pixies. The strategy is mixed…sometimes they have the attack
which bounces you against their nose and launching u far away.
This attack is powerful and it's a close range. Sometimes they
have powerful mid-range attacks as well but they usually use
the lesihorne attack, which brings your guts down somewhat.

Suzurin: Yet another pixie, but exactly alike in many ways,
they fight like pixies, being weak and with low level guts
moves, and dodge just as much, use the same strategy on this
monster as you did with the pixie.

Psiroller:The guys are annoying, they have above average speed,
they are pretty strong. Stay close, they're far and mid-range
attacks are strong, but they're close range doesn't do as much
damage, but still poses a threat. Luckily though, this move is
dodged easily.

Pancho: Stay close, trust me on this, up close, they seem to
ALWAYS have the Magic Hand technique learned. A weak technique
and dodged just as easily as the rest of his moves.

Mogi: Stay mid range, its head bang attack is strong, as is its
Dig attack from far-range. For Mid-range however it uses the
scratch attack a lot, its weak and is meant to lower your Guts,
but it doesn't do that well either.

Raiden: No Info.

Gitan: No info

Ogyo: No info

Zan: Normally, I would place Joker here since I fought it
first, but I believe the Joker is far stronger than the Zan so
here's how it works…

First things first, make sure no stories are currently
activated. Next step, move on over to Brillia and wait a few
weeks (sometimes it works immediately), Maya should appear,
grief stricken and warning you of a strong monster that
attacked her. Wait a few weeks, all of a sudden some really
upbeat music will play, it is then that the Brillia Henger with
two odd-looking accessories will attack you without warning.
This monster is pathetic, just kill it with one attack. Be
warned however, it has high speed. That's over with, moving on…

Wait a few weeks, Taya will come in and warn you as Maya did.
After this, that same upbeat music appears again and that
Brillia Henger strikes again…defeat and it runs off…a few more
weeks later and the Henger arrives but this time Gadamon with
it. So you know who this monster belongs to now. So you beat it
as before…done and done…but before she leaves, she says a
scientist named Nahze modified her monsters to defeat yours.
She leaves before you can learn more about this. So after a few
more weeks…some wierdo shows up? Yes its an odd looking guy
with a huge nose…he goes a little crazy and lo and behold, he
has a cool looking Zan with him. (that breast plate however
looks questionable if you ask me…) He battles you immediately
and you'd think his dark and evil looking monster would pose a
challenge. Fortunately for you, he has the stats of an average
B monster…even worse he has no defense and relatively low life.
One correct strike could bring this terror down.

The fight is over, congratulations, you just completed the
hardest part of the quest. All that's left is to give the Zan
disk to Grandpa Braghma, and find a CD containing the Zan, good

Joker: Now this guy is definitely one of my favorite monsters.
It's unfortunate that I have yet to attain this particular
monster. Anyway here's his story.

After completing Burn and Ms. Jenna's quick story-lines, your
on to Kai's. His starts when Ms. Jenna and Burn warn you of his
antics…coincidentally enough, he arrives shortly after…he
offers you 2000G to lose to him in a tournament. Fleria is gets
angry and talks back to Kai, which to say the least angers him.
He starts a battle with you with a Rank A relatively strong
Naga type monster. This thing is kinda strong, but has weak
defense so hit it with a strong attack and it should go down in
two to three turns. After this he leaves…

Few more weeks and he comes back apologizing, and as a friendly
gesture, gives you an antique item, he then invites you to
battle in the dead of night on the 2nd week of November. Fleria
is reluctant to accept but he says he'll ask when the time
comes. A week later, Ms. Jenna arrives and warns you not to
accept anything from Kai, and to just ignore him. Burn does the
same a few weeks later.

Some advice for you, train all of your monsters stats to at
least 400-550, and speed and power should both be extremely
high. Why you ask? Because…

2nd week of November, Kai asks you to go to the Luna Battle. You
can allow this or deny his gesture, either way, you can always
go to the tournament next year and for years to come.

Should you accept his mission he will take you to the basic
Goat arena, yet a lot darker, considering its around mid-night.
Kai arrives with his Naga type monster and says he'll defeat
your monster with a major handicap in his favor…before he can
do this though, the antique item he gives you will activate and
float into the air. It explodes in a flash of light, and a
shadow could be seen standing on one of the statues in the
background. Upon closer inspection, the shadow is seen to be
holding a rather large scythe. It is then that a new man
arrives from who knows where…I won't spoil it for you but soon
he fights you…tip of advice. DON"T LOSE! ALWAYS SAVE BEFORE THE

Now on to the battle, this guys stats are around 400-480…but
his defense is considerably low, here's his weak spot, two
strong attacks should kill him. For me, it took three from my
Durahan. Try to stay close because his mid-range and far-range
attacks are easily one hit kills…but that's not saying much
because his close-range attack does the same. Chaos Slash is
extremely powerful (and cool looking at that) and if it
connects, your dead, luckily it misses frequently, so high speed
is a must.

If your lucky or strong enough, the joker shall die, and he
gives you an item that will allow you to regenerate this
monster from any Saucer Stone that contains it. Give this item
to Grandpa Bragma.

Congratulations! You got the joker
Cd List by zdnetgameplayer

The beatles, white album disk 2 electrieel

The coors, special edition psiroller

The beatles, sgt. Peppers lonely heart club
ban dakkung

The body guard soundtrack bosco

The beach boys summer in paridise merman

The badlees, river songs momo

The roots of rock and blues pixie

Better than fiction marshmellow

Bon appetit entertaining with style gitan

The big chill soundtrack durahan

Beaches soundtrack psiroller

The classic arron Neville bosco

Blues traveler,four mew

Crash test dummies, god shuffled his
Feat plant

The rolling stones, hot rock disk 1 marimbal

The rolling stones, hot rock disk
2=== avalanche

Romantic gypsy guitar baku

R.E.M, green konta

Robert plant, now and zen merman

Ray charles, greatest hits volume 1 jell

Queen, greatest hits ogyo

Paul Simon, graceland electrieel

Pearl jam, nothing as it seems pixie

The police, every breath you take kakao

Oingo boingo, alive mew

Oliver and company soundtrack suezo

Nature sings the blues mew

Madonna, you must love me mew

Horowitz plays Mozart konta

Robert plant, pictures at eleven zan

Red hot chili peppers, one hot minute zoom

R.E.M, new adventures in Hi Fi mocchi

Spice girls, spice world colorpandora

Saturday night fever soundtrack lapislatel

Sound effects, transpertation momo

Sound effects, animals colorpandora

Sister hazel, fortress yuppee

Sheryl crow, Tuesday night music club hare

Sade, promise strawberry

Shaggy, hot shot hotrod

Tracy chapman ogyo

Titanic soundtrack fukazo

Ted Hawkins, happy hour naga

Tubes, the completed backward
principle kuririn



1. Blue Velvet - MOGI
119 147 098 107 067

2. Romper Stomper (disc 1) - BREEZA
122 117 133 130 114

3. Romper Stomper (disc 2) - RYOZAN

139 168 119 133 150
4. Re-Animator - JIRO
096 141 091 113 097

5. Bride of Re-Animator (unrated side) - SANDLESSIE
151 141 116 108 122

6. Bride of Re-Animator (r-rated side) - WINDINE
125 102 160 135 092

7. Killer Klowns from Outer Space - TIGER
111 121 116 158 092

8. Meet the Feebles - GALUM
125 111 112 168 113

9. Pink Floyd - The Wall - ANGEL
111 095 170 157 112

10. Evil Dead (Elite version) - HOTROD
094 152 079 141 128

11. Evil Dead 2 (limited edition tin) - COCONUT
155 061 128 076 108

12. Army of Darkness (director's cut) - TIGER
097 146 093 137 105

13. Hellraiser (limited edition tin ) - SCISSORS
106 153 060 112 149

14. Hellraiser 2 (limited edition tin ) - ELECTRIEEL
142 138 110 086 104

15. Maniac (limited edition tin) - KONTA
111 118 126 164 105

16. Let Sleeping Corpses Lie (limited edition tin) - GRILIEF
161 121 122 100 115

17. The Beyond (limited edition tin) - FLEECE
101 157 129 093 111

18. City of the Living Dead (EC version) - MOGI
096 165 143 118 080

19. House by the Cemetery (Anchor Bay version) - LESIONE
138 120 121 106 110

20. New York Ripper (Anchor Bay version) - FUKAZO
107 158 144 124 100

21. Shock - LULU
084 123 084 153 95

22. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - HENGAR
089 148 139 143 095

24. Clerks - DARK BRINGER
106 142 131 131 107

25. The Matrix - ZAN
090 150 100 180 090

26. Silence of the Lambs (Criterion version) - SHELLUNCHO
110 098 127 092 200

27. Hannibal (disc 1) - SPEARMINT
104 137 100 148 104

28. Hannibal (disc 2) - JELL
104 108 129 088 155

29. Beastie Boys Anthology (disc 1) - OCTOPEE
099 130 121 141 070

30. Beastie Boys Anthology (disc 2) - TORTBOY
102 145 119 084 133

31. Seven (disc 1) - FUKAZO
121 154 132 112 110

32. Seven (disc 2) - DAKKUNG
077 115 128 132 112

33. Hard Boiled - KAKAO
093 113 138 109 124

34. Phantasm - PSIROLLER
129 140 066 139 093

35. The Amityville Horror (ws side) - OCTOMEE
114 117 143 112 057

36. The Amityville Horror (ff side) - SENIORIN
113 115 131 131 140

37. Fright Night (ws side) - MOCCHI
098 100 126 146 135

38. Fright Night (ff side) - RYOZAN
123 150 126 136 140

39. Mountaintop Motel Massacre - RABBIROLLER
124 125 062 156 105

40. C.H.U.D. - MARIRIN
124 110 112 156 155

41. The Stuff - MARIRIN
135 127 120 140 137

42. House - FLEECE
090 137 138 123 116

43. House 2 - TIGER
095 127 108 173 101

44. Sleepaway Camp - OGYO
108 107 133 109 073

45. Alice Sweet Alice - KAIO
102 183 098 057 150

46. Hell Night - HENGAR
076 155 168 158 080

47. Prom Night - ZAZA
115 106 072 168 108

48. Halloween - FUKAZO
106 151 140 102 096

49. Halloween (extended cut) - LAPISLATEL
134 170 087 066 175

50. Halloween II - METANIX
106 151 140 102 096

51. Halloween III - JELL
091 115 158 103 140

52. Friday the 13th - DRAGON
129 165 142 121 155

53. Twitch of the Death Nerve - MOGI
114 150 107 116 105

54. Black Christmas - PSIROLLER
113 135 076 126 085

55. The Blair Witch Project - PANSY
080 100 050 155 100

56. Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 - CARAME
104 097 123 092 137

57. Book of Shadows (soundtrack side) - GOLEM
110 174 109 055 152

58. The Exorcist (version you've never seen) - TORTBOY
118 131 128 095 139

59. The Shining - LESIONE
148 135 123 111 108

60. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (ws side) - COCONUT
151 075 153 093 095

61. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (ff side) - SCISSORS
104 160 057 106 170

62. The Thing - LULU
074 127 085 143 099

63. Jaws - FUKAZO
105 150 130 100 100

64. Pirahna - ISOBE
104 112 131 136 123

65. Videodrome - ELECTRIEEL
148 137 108 064 083

66. Jacob's Ladder - PSIROLLER
129 148 076 128 088

67. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer - KAIO
113 182 088 054 158

68. Tetsuo: The Iron Man - GITAN
121 096 136 108 092

submitted by RJM:

Scary Movie DVD - Has a Unique Joker which has a white
jacket, and a
Pink Hammer. Think he was called Prankster. His wings are
playing cards
Joker card of course).

Fantasia 2000 DVD - Has the base Joker.

Hope that helps you get started on the joker's.

Zan -

Fight Club (Disc 1 and 2) have the water Zan. He's a red
version who
apparently likes Crabs, and their life style, so it's taken
to copying
He also has an accessory, a write band that looks like

Durahn Armor -
Antz DVD -
Monster - Ruin Sector - Durahn Jungle armor, has
antennae and a
rather nice sword. Resembles an Ant in a lotta ways, so a
pretty bad

Naga's -

Hallow Man DVD has a VERY nice looking Naga. It's apparently
a Naga
came from Darkness. Has somewhat of a Bat's head, demonic
looking skin,
two horn/tusks coming off it's back.

Moochi -
Think it was Street Fighter 3, or Alpha for playstation, has
a Sumoochi
Sumo wrestler Moochie. Got the Games mixed up when I loaded
them, so
have to double check that and send you the correct Street
fighter title
unlocks Sumoochi.

Cd list by Erick Randolph:

Weird Al Yankovich, Dare To Be Stupid

Momo (Momo/Morx)
Life:77 Pow:95 Int:87 Spd:163 Def:86
Tail Whip, Machine Gun

Elton John, The Big Picture

Bambiimew (Mew/Morx)
Life:86 Pow:122 Int:116 Spd:150 Def:120
Quiet, Loud Voice
Head, Scratch

Styx, Greatest Hits

Fukazo (Suezo/Goat)
Life:109 Pow:155 Int:129 Spd:114 Def:116
Sharp Eyes, Touchy, Sharp Fangs
Tail Whip, Bite

David Bowie, Scary Monsters

Bambiimew (Mew/Morx) (Which isn't a very Scary Monster at all..)
Life:98 Pow:110 Int:125 Spd:160 Def:79
Quiet, Groovy Moves
Head, Scratch

Elton John, Don't Shoot Me I'm Only The Piano Player

Kuloro (Jell/Morx)
Life:132 Pow:94 Int:115 Spd:98 Def:133
Jell Body, Chlorophyll
Jell Charge, Jell Cannon

Pink Floyd, Animals (I was half-expecting a big pink flying pig
Baku, but
I shouldn't be willful ;)

Hare (Hare/Morx)
Life:83 Pow:143 Int:109 Spd:143 Def:99
Fast Footwork, Resists Water
Mini Punch, Uncho

AC/DC, Back in Black

Beaklon (Beaklon/Morx)
Lif:99 Pow:169 Int:78 Spd:86 Def:151
Tough Skin, Aggressive, Dimples
Beaban, Super Charge

Jesus Christ Superstar (stage version), Disc 1

Coconut (Plant/Goat)
Life:165 Pow:66 Int:137 Spd:82 Def:115
Cheerful, Chlorophyll
Stab, Flower Dance

Cheech and Chong (The one that starts with Blind Melon Chitlin' and
with Waiting for Dave)

Octopee (Octopee/Goat)
Life:118 Pow:126 Int:113 Spd:140 Def:79
Miminta, Octo Ink

Frank Zappa, Sheik Yerbouti

Kakao (Jell/Kalaragi)
Life:105 Pow:116 Int:134 Spd:118 Def:138
Jell Body, Cheerful
Jell Charge, Jell Hammer

Elton John, Duets

Pepe (Momo/Goat)
Life:101 Pow:98 Int:80 Spd:167 Def:108
Resists Cold, Sweet Smell
Tail Whip, Dunk

Billy Joel, Greatest Hits, Volume One

Tiger (Tiger/Brillia)
Life:102 Pow:134 Int:105 Spd:170 Def:97
Cool, Resists Cold, Clean
Tiger Spike, Tiger Fang

Billy Joel, Greatest Hits, Volume Two

Jell (Jell/Goat)
Life:126 Pow:90 Int:130 Spd:107 Def:154
Jell Body, Whimsical
Jell Charge, Jell Sweep

Meat Loaf, Bat Out Of Hell

Kobu (Baku/Takrama)
Life:175 Pow:134 Int:92 Spd:92 Def:99
Gluttonous, Easygoing, Dim-witted, Aquaphobic
Sneeze, Baku Advance

Fiona Apple, Tidal

Offshore (Mogi/Goat)
Life:110 Pow:139 Int:99 Spd:98 Def:141
Independant, Groovy Moves
Headbang, Dig

Elton John, The One

Mocchi (Mocchi/Morx)
Life:120 Pow:110 Int:134 Spd:156 Def:137
Soft Skin, Eats Anything
Monta, Mocchiri

Bob Dylan, Time Out Of Mind (Note: This is a burned disc my brother
gave me
for a birthday, so it may not give the same monster as the real one, I

Momo (Momo/Morx)
Life:81 Pow:95 Int:88 Spd:174 Def:91
Independent, Whimsical
Tail Whip, Machine Gun

Frank Zappa, Broadway The Hard Way

Suezo (Suezo/Morx)
Life:99 Pow:132 Int:168 Spd:121 Def:120
Sharp Eyes, Selfish, Cold Limbs
Tail Whip, Lick

Helter Skipper and the Gilligan Mansons, General Ed's Naked Circus
You won't find this one in stores, it was a disc made by a friend of
from Washington state, who had a quirky little band. This is the only
they put out, and is only included for completeness.)

Warabi (Mocchi/Takarama)
Life:131 Pow:111 Int:122 Spd:134 Def:147
Soft Skin, Resists Heat
Mocchiri, Koloron

Green Day, Warning

Hare (Hare/Morx)
Life:80 Pow:147 Int:102 Spd:143 Def:92
Fast Footwork
Mini Punch, Uncho

Green Day, Nimrod

Colorpandora (Colorpandora/Kalaragi)
Life:152 Pow:51 Int:67 Spd:109 Def:85
Pinball, Swing

Sting, Brand New Day

Elebus (Golem/Brillia)
Life:97 Pow:180 Int:128 Spd:46 Def:146
Cool, Unselfish, Weak Heart
Finger Flick, Mega Kick

Jamiroquai, Travelling Without Moving

Lulu (Momo/Goat)
Life:102 Pow:103 Int:91 Spd:160 Def:93
Quiet, Groovy Moves
Dunk, Scratch

The Police, Every Breath You Take

Fleece (Mogi/Brillia)
Life:100 Pow:123 Int:148 Spd:109 Def:108
Cool, Groovy Moves
Punch In, Scratch

Frank Zappa, Just Another Band From L.A.

Ogyo (Ogyo/Goat)
Life:118 Pow:101 Int:127 Spd:127 Def:93
Fin Slap, Tail Slap

Frank Zappa, Strictly Commercial

Ootan (Gitan/Morx)
Life:106 Pow:117 Int:133 Spd:106 Def:90
Thunderbolt, Gang Raid

Elton John, Made In England

Colorpandora (Colorpandora/Kalaragi)
Life:143 Pow:71 Int:56 Spd:114 Def:97
Nice, Sweet Smell
Pinball, Swing

*** This is where I Left Off

Genesis, Turn It On Again: The Hits

Spearmint (Hare/Goat)
Life:103 Pow:155 Int:102 Spd:130 Def:92
Fast Footwork, Narcissistic
Mini Punch, Spin Bang

Fiona Apple, When The Pawn

Leon (Baku/Kalaragi)
Life:153 Pow:168 Int:83 Spd:60 Def:94
Gluttonous, Easygoing
Ear Slap, Sneeze

Alice Cooper, Mascara and Monsters

Phowou (Raiden/Takrama)
Life:110 Pow:157 Int:112 Spd:113 Def:82
Plow Kick, Smash Fist

Elton John, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Dakkung (Dakkung/Brillia)
Life:94 Pow:121 Int:125 Spd:142 Def:111
Bow, Ab Boomerang

Fatboy Slim, The Rockafeller Skank

Maririn (Suzurin/Goat)
Life:110 Pow:117 Int:121 Spd:156 Def:146
Modest, Weak Vs. Water (...? On a creature from Goat?)
Pokorin, Pokkorin

Train (self titled deubt album)

Tortboy (Mew/Goat)
Life:123 Pow:118 Int:129 Spd:89 Def:142
Relaxed, Resists Water
Head, Poko Punch

Green Jelly, Cereal Killer Soundtrack

Pepe (Momo/Brillia)
Life:108 Pow:107 Int:81 Spd:150 Def:102
Resists Cold
Tail Whip, Dunk

Green Jelly, 333

Mocchi (Mocchi/Morx)
Life:111 Pow:104 Int:119 Spd:152 Def:137
Soft Skin
Monta, Mocchiri

Baby's First Classics

Suezo (Suezo/Takrama)
Life:95 Pow:124 Int:164 Spd:135 Def:99
Sharp Eyes, Selfish
Tail Whip, Lick

Baby's First Mozart

Mew (Mew/Kalaragi)
Life:116 Pow:112 Int:114 Spd:127 Def:87
Cheerful, Aquaphobic, Snoring
Scratch, Hawaiian

The Best Of Santana

Gitan (Gitan/Brillia)
Life:117 Pow:103 Int:137 Spd:107 Def:73
Refined, Sharp Ears, Clean
Ear Slap, Gang Raid

Star Trek: Envoy

Golem (Golem/Morx)
Life:119 Pow:174 Int:93 Spd:46 Def:156
Stone Body, Careful, Unselfish
FInger Flick, Slap

Star Trek: Cacophony

Tiger (Tiger/Brillia)
Life:114 Pow:124 Int:98 Spd:146 Def:86
Cool, Resists Cold
Tiger Spike, Tiger Fang

B*Witched, Awake and Breathe

Galum (Tiger/Goat)
Life:108 Pow:133 Int:123 Spd:140 Def:99
Tiger Spike, Tiger Fang

The World's Greatest Christmas Songs

Isobe (Mocchi/Goat)
Life:123 Pow:122 Int:125 Spd:137 Def:110
Soft Skin, Lung Capacity
Monta, Tounge Lick

Hooverphonic, The Magnificent Tree

Zoom (Zoom/Morx)
Life:113 Pow:133 Int:99 Spd:137 Def:106
Tail Attack, Tackle

Windham Hill Records Piano Sampler

Lesione (Lesione/Goat)
Life:153 Pow:130 Int:114 Spd:93 Def:121
Spoiled, Sharp Fangs
Fin Slap, Tail Whip

John Secada, Better Part of Me

Kobu (Baku/Takrama)
Life:177 Pow:144 Int:97 Spd:74 Def:97
Gluttonous, Easygoing, Dim-witted
Sneeze, Baku Advance

Mannheim Steamroller, A Fresh Aire Christmas

Scurfy (Hare/Kalaragi)
Life:92 Pow:175 Int:89 Spd:119 Def:93
Fast Footwork, Aggressive, Resists Lightning
Uncho, Spin Bang

Band to Band Combat '99

Zoom (Zoom/Morx)
Life:108 Pow:126 Int:105 Spd:141 Def:100
Honest, Weak Vs. Water
Tail Attack, Tackle

Ultimate Fakebook, This Will Be Laughing Week

Electrieel (Baku/Goat)
Life:152 Pow:141 Int:110 Spd:73 Def:103
Gluttonous, Weirdo, Lung Capacity
Ear Slap, Lick

Carmageddon 2, PC-CDROM

Mewkiri (Mew/Takrama)
Life:117 Pow:149 Int:127 Spd:142 Def:105
Head, Scratch

Pro Pinball: Timeshock!, PC-CDROM

Kyuza (Hengar/Morx)
Life:111 Pow:136 Int:138 Spd:150 Def:83
Radar, Faithful
Mega Blade, Beam

Quake 1, Windows version, PC-CDROM

Kyuza (Hengar/Morx)
Life:119 Pow:133 Int:128 Spd:137 Def:96
Radar, Faithful, Insulation
Mega Blade, Beam

Half-Life: Opposing Force (part of the Adrenaline Pack), PC-CDROM

Zoom (Zoom/Morx)
Life:116 Pow:143 Int:97 Spd:144 Def:107
Tail Attack, Tackle

Half-Life: GOTYE (part of the Adrenaline Pack), PC-CDROM (Note: The
Fortress disc in the Adrenaline Pack has no audio tracks, so just gives

Pashminer (Zoom/Brillia)
Life:123 Pow:125 Int:94 Spd:162 Def:123
Narcissistic, Weak Vs. Water
Tail Attack, Jump Kick

Half-Life: Blue Shift, PC-CDROM

Elebus (Golem/Brillia)
Life:93 Pow:167 Int:114 Spd:56 Def:155
Cool, Unselfish
Finger Flick, Mega Kick

Gunman Chronicles, PC-CDROM

Tiger (Tiger/Brillia)
Life:111 Pow:127 Int:109 Spd:147 Def:82
Cool, Resists Cold
Tiger Spike, Tiger Fang

Homeworld Soundtrack

Octopee (Octopee/Goat)
Life:109 Pow:122 Int:120 Spd:132 Def:71
Miminta, Octo Ink

Outlaws, Disc 1, PC-CDROM

Elebus (Golem/Brillia)
Life:91 Pow:175 Int:127 Spd:62 Def:142
Cool, Unselfish
Finger Flick, Mega Kick

Outlaws, Disc 2, PC-CDROM

Psiroller (Psiroller/Brillia)
Life:137 Pow:141 Int:86 Spd:120 Def:75
Mosin, Backspin

Dragon Ball, The Saga of Goku box set, Trimark Home Video, Disc 1, DVD

Kiki (Momo/Kalaragi)
Life:87 Pow:102 Int:103 Spd:179 Def:87
Cheerful, Dimples
Machine Gun, Scratch

Dragon Ball, The Saga of Goku box set, Trimark Home Video, Disc 2, DVD

Zoom (Zoom/Morx)
Life:117 Pow:128 Int:83 Spd:163 Def:109
Honest, Dimples
Tail Attack, Tackle

Gunsmith Cats: Bulletproof!, ADV Films, DVD

Jell (Jell/Goat)
Life:107 Pow:97 Int:133 Spd:104 Def:147
Jell Body, Whimsical, High Output
Jell Charge, Jell Sweep

The Man Who Fell To Earth, Fox Lorber Home Video, DVD

Ogyo (Ogyo/Goat)
Life:108 Pow:100 Int:132 Spd:118 Def:83
Pride, Resists Lightning
Fin Slap, Tail Slap

Jesus Christ Superstar, Widescreen, Universal, DVD

Karakrarakkung (Dakkung/Takrama)
Life:68 Pow:90 Int:151 Spd:141 Def:85
Pride, Rock Head
Ab Boomerang, Bad Feeling

Pink Floyd: The Wall, Columbia Music Video, DVD

Angel (Pixie/Brillia)
Life:111 Pow:95 Int:170 Spd:157 Def:112
Serious, Light Aura, Dimples
Raycast, Star Light

Smoke, Mirrors, And Paranoia, York Entretainment, DVD

Anubis (Tiger/Takrama)
Life:77 Pow:138 Int:153 Spd:137 Def:65
Tiger Fang, Tiger Charge

Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, PS2

Panko (Momo/?)
Life:80 Pow:110 Int:85 Spd:170 Def:85
Machine Gun, Dunk

Kessen, PS2

Kaio (Golem/Goat)
Life:126 Pow:171 Int:91 Spd:68 Def:172
Stone Body, Aggressive
Mega Kick, Rocket Punch

Tekken Tag Tournament, PS2

Sumocchi (Mocchi/?)
Life:100 Pow:100 Int:110 Spd:140 Def:150
Soft Skin
Mocchiri, Tounge Lick

Onimusha, PS2

Enki (Durahan/?)
Life:125 Pow:150 Int:90 Spd:85 Def:140
Armor, Combative
Lightning, Avalanch

Timesplitters, PS2

Hare (Hare/Morx)
Life:99 Pow:139 Int:93 Spd:136 Def:91
Fast Footwork
Mini Punch, Uncho

The Bouncer, PS2

Baum (Golem/?)
Life:100 Pow:170 Int:100 Spd:60 Def:150
Nice, Unselfish
Finger Flick, Slap

Dark Cloud, PS2

Dakkung (Dakkung/Brillia)
Life:89 Pow:105 Int:117 Spd:156 Def:130
Independent, Weak Vs. Magic
Bow, Ab Boomerang

Tobal No. 1, PS1

Eggukung (Dakkung/?)
Life:90 Pow:100 Int:105 Spd:125 Def:95
Bow, Ab Boomerang

The Granstream Saga, PS1

Durahan (Durahan/Morx)
Life:91 Pow:148 Int:90 Spd:79 Def:195
Armor, Stoic
Thunder Wind, Lightning

Ogre Battle Limited Edition, PS1

Hibis (Lesione/Kalaragi)
Life:150 Pow:124 Int:144 Spd:98 Def:106
Cheerful, Chlorophyll, Cold Limbs
Fin Slap, Head Slap

Top Gun: Fire at Will, PS1

Momo (Momo/Morx)
Life:99 Pow:102 Int:90 Spd:157 Def:72
Tail Whip, Machine Gun

Breath Of Fire IV, PS1

Raiden (Raiden/Morx)
Life:120 Pow:133 Int:105 Spd:127 Def:68
Judo Chop, Heel Drop

Legend of Mana, PS1

Raiden (Raiden/Morx)
Life:134 Pow:129 Int:93 Spd:126 Def:76
Judo Chop, Heel Drop

Chrono Cross, Disc 1, PS1

Fenril (Tiger/?)
Life:95 Pow:145 Int:90 Spd:135 Def:100
Tiger Charge, Somersault

Chrono Cross, Disc 2, PS1

Fenril (Tiger/?)
Same as Above (I tend to feel a little ripped off in this one, only
getting one creature for two discs.. Heh.)

Final Fantasy IV, PS1

Ogyo (Ogyo/Goat)
Life:93 Pow:95 Int:131 Spd:121 Def:80
Fin Slap, Tail Slap

Chrono Trigger, PS1

Lesione (Lesione/Goat)
Life:153 Pow:132 Int:123 Spd:94 Def:103
Fin Slap, Tail Whip

Final Fantasy VIII, Disc 1, PS1

Farn (Pixie/Morx)
Life:85 Pow:120 Int:130 Spd:170 Def:75
Whimsical, Wind Wisdom
Somersault, Wind Lance

Final Fantasy VIII, Disc 2, PS1

Windine (Pixie/Goat)
Life:105 Pow:75 Int:160 Spd:135 Def:85
Refined, Water Wisdom
Somersault, Star Light

Final Fantasy VIII, Disc 3, PS1

Fantuger (Pixie/?)
Life:85 Pow:115 Int:135 Spd:165 Def:65
Somersault, Wind Lance

Final Fantasy VIII, Disc 4, PS1

Nymph (Pixie/?)
Life:100 Pow:80 Int:165 Spd:130 Def:100
Raycast, Starlight

Legend of Dragoon, Disc 1, PS1

Lesione (Lesione/Goat)
Life:166 Pow:121 Int:126 Spd:108 Def:117
Fin Slap, Tail Whip

Legend of Dragoon, Disc 2, PS1

Plant (Plant/Morx)
Life:151 Pow:63 Int:130 Spd:89 Def:90
Quiet, Chlorophyll
Stab, Pollen

Legend of Dragoon, Disc 3, PS1

Mew (Mew/Kalaragi)
Life:91 Pow:138 Int:110 Spd:139 Def:105
Cheerful, Aquaphobic
Scratch, Hawaiian

Legend of Dragoon, Disc 4, PS1

Dakkung (Dakkung/Brillia)
Life:87 Pow:108 Int:149 Spd:152 Def:131
Bow, Ab Boomerang

Final Fantasy IX, Disc 1, PS1

Colorpandora (Colorapandora/Kalaragi)
Life:162 Pow:63 Int:74 Spd:122 Def:106
Pinball, Swing

Final Fantasy IX, Disc 2, PS1

Baku (Baku/Brillia)
Life:179 Pow:134 Int:63 Spd:61 Def:96
Gluttonous, Honest, Thick Fur
Ear Slap, Lick

Final Fantasy IX, Disc 3, PS1

Tiger (Tiger/Brillia)
Life:102 Pow:133 Int:129 Spd:162 Def:106
Cool, Resists Cold
Tiger Spike, Tiger Fang

Final Fantasy IX, Disc 4, PS1

Raiden (Raiden/Morx)
Life:134 Pow:129 Int:93 Spd:126 Def:76
Judo Chop, Heel Drop

Fighter Maker, PS1

Galum (Tiger/Goat)
Life:109 Pow:129 Int:115 Spd:142 Def:113
Quiet, Vegetarian
Tiger Spike, Tiger Fang

Kingsley's Adventure, PS1

Raipenpenn (Raiden/Brillia)
Life:124 Pow:142 Int:126 Spd:161 Def:92
Heel Drop, Smash Fist

Final Fantasy VII, Disc 1, PS1

Hare (Hare/Morx)
Life:87 Pow:148 Int:124 Spd:152 Def:111
Fast Footwork
Mini Punch, Uncho

Final Fantasy VII, Disc 2, PS1

Ogyo (Ogyo/Goat)
Life:112 Pow:108 Int:149 Spd:127 Def:101
Fin Slap, Tail Slap

Final Fantasy VII, Disc 3, PS1

Zoom (Zoom/Morx)
Life:119 Pow:132 Int:100 Spd:137 Def:87
Tail Attack, Tackle

Suikoden, PS1

Suezo (Suezo/Takrama)
Life:86 Pow:143 Int:153 Spd:129 Def:120
Sharp Eyes, Selfish
Tail Whip, Lick

skills by lorn fang
Monster Rancher 3 Skills List

Note: There are 4 different kinds of elements and
3 different kinds of stones, making a total of
12 different attacks that are possible to get
with each monster (some exceptions, like the
Dragons only have 10 moves).

Bits: Give you basic moves.You can find bits on
searches during the season changes, when you try
to search a spot and your assistant pops up and
says " I have a bad feeling about this, are you
sure you want to search here?" , then it is
either a bit or a saucer stone piece. Note: its
takes 100 off your Ran Ran timer to search these
places instead of the normal 50. There are Jade
bits, Aqua bits, Aurora bits, and Flare bits.
Jade bits are found in Kalaragi . Aqua bits are
found in Goat . Aurora bits are found in Brillia.
Flare bits are found in Takrama. It seems that
Morx has at least aqua and jade bits as well,
possibly all different ones. Special Note: It
seems that while its random where you find them
they do appear in certain spots more than others.

Orbs: Give you better moves. These are really
difficult to get. You have to be on a search
during the season change once again and encounter
a random battle with a random monster, the
monster you encounter must be a special monster
(a ? monster). If you win (most of them aren't
too powerful) the monster will leave behind an
orb. Note: battles take 300 off your Ran Ran
timer. Aqua orbs are found in Goat, Jade orbs in
Kalragi, Flare orbs in Takrama, Aurora orbs in

Stones: Give you the strongest moves. Strangely
enough these are easier to aquire than orbs and
the moves they give you are more powerful. All
you have to do is enter one of the "free for all
Tournaments" (listed at the bottom of the battles
screen under "f") and win to receive them. Most
of the Monsters in these tournaments are C cup
class or lower. There are once again the Jade,
Aqua, Aurora, and Flare varities and you can find
them in the respected tournaments of those

Take any of these items to a any Lord Monster and
he will give you a skill ( Really too bad you can
only have 4 at a time though

Note: you can only have 1 of any of these in your
inventory at a time. If you find or aquire
another one you will be asked to drop one of

Passing on skills: If you have a monster heart
and give it to a new monster your new monster
will either get a new skill or have one of his
skills leveled up, sometimes to maximum level.
You can find out what will happen by checking the
Heart Data, it will show you what skill will be
transferred when given to the new monster. If the
monster already has that skill it will be leveled
up, if not he will aquire it at level one. Hint:
The skill you raise to the highest level is the
one that will be transferred to a new monster
when it is given a heart. So get a stone from a
tournament when your monsters toward the end of
its life and keep it in your inventory, then when
that monster dies and you start to raise another
one you can instantly give it a new skill with
the monster heart and within 3 months a fourth
skill on the first search that monster goes
through with the stone you had saved in your
inventory! This makes it easy to get the best
skills high in level because you have them at the
beginning of the monsters life.

Note on Monster hearts: they will transfer 1/5 of the
statistics to the new monster. For instance if the dead
monster had 500 power when it died, it will then give
the new monster a boost of 100 in power when you feed it
the heart. That sounds kind of canibal doesn't it?
Anyway, another neat trick I thought up with this is to
Raise a monster that has a tendency for one skill and
really go heavy on that skill maxing it out at 900 or
so, then you give this heart to a monster that isn't
good at that attribute and it gets a nice boost. This
helps for things like giving Golems better speed (give
'em a zoom, zan, or hare heart that you had built up the
speed on).

secret monsters by zdnetgameplayer
There are a few secret monsters in monster rancher 3 which make
you go through a certain event to get them. Here are the
monsters and how to get them. Most are easy, though a few will
take a few hours of training to get them.

To get a dragon:
you must first beat the offical A tournament this monster will
be unlocked.

to get a durahan:
you must first beat the offical A tournament this monster will
be unlocked.

to get a joker:
after you have gotten into the Goat area play until you meet
Kai. He will later give you an item and invite you to a
tournament in November. Now wait until you speak with Ms. Jenna
and she will say something about Grandma Mosha. Go into Morx
and speak with Grandma Mosha. When asked to fight say "yes".
Now go back to Goat and fight in the November tournament. If
you beat the Joker you will unlock the Joker breed.

to get pancho:
you must first beat the offical B tournament this monster will
be unlocked.

to get zan
Oncyou must first beat the offical C tournament visit Brilla.
Play there until you get to a storyline in which you have to
fight a Zan. If you defeat it you will later recieve a sauser
stone to bring to the shrine. When grandpa sees it he will
research the item. Then you can take cd to the shrine and get


Dodarian Fruit glitch:

A lot of people when they are in the kalrogl jungle can not find
The dodarian fruit gadamon talks about. All you have to do to get
Fruit is to beat her when she has the kid captured. She will then
Release the kid and give you the dodarian fruit.

contact info

if you wish to give us info on our faq or suggestions, or even
stuff you think we should add, please send an email to, or

your feedback is appreciated as it will help make the faq the best it could be.
You will be credited if you send info in.

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13.Октябрь 2013
General FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Monster List

13.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Dein Monster ist Mocchi, das gut trainiert ist. Ebenso jede Menge Infos über die Monster in der Encyclopedia.

12.Октябрь 2013
4 Monster für den VS Modus.

09.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019