Monster Rancher 3

Monster Rancher 3

13.10.2013 23:08:28
Monster Rancher 3 Monster List Ver 11.08.01
Written By:
Additional Contributions from:
Nathan Storberg:
Great Job Guys! Keep 'em coming!
(further names to be added as contibutors donate information)


This document Copyright 10-08-2001, 10-11-2001, 10-13-2001, 10-15-2001,
10-19-2001, 11-08-2001 Adrian McDaniels. I am obligated to mention
that stealing copyrighted work for personal gain is illegal, so please,
if you want to reproduce my work here, please be honest about it,
at least keep the original contributors' (including myself) list intact
so credit will go to those it is due.
In the best case scenario, this FAQ will only be posted at
and my website
(All nice and spiffy because it's all in html with nifty pictures :)
until I get a request from someone who wants to post it somewhere else.

I could go on, but why bother. I wrote this because of the depressing
lack of many other lists like it, so take any information you need:
Copy it, paste it, print it out, download it; but if you re-post it, again,
please give credit where credit is due and list all of the pages contributors
including myself. Hopefully, there will be at least a few people out there
that this may help.

10.09.01: If you do contribute, please specify how you want to be
identified in the contributor list; thanks much.
10.10.01: If you would like to contribute a monster list to be included
please make sure that the format is as follows:
Monster Band:Album/DVD name/Game Name(version)
The monster needs to be either a description of the monster
or the monster's genotype and geographic attribute ie:
Zan/Ocean - Dragon/jungle - Durahan/Desert - Pixie/Forest
Henger/Tundra - Zan/? (If you are submitting a question mark
monster, please provide a description as well. It is not a
requisite, just helpful.)

Dedicated to My Best Friend Shana, without whose patience (at letting me
hog the game all of the time ~_^) this list would not be possible;
and Dave, for his help in finding a few nice monsties.


i. Introduction
ii. List of monster genotypes
iii. List of monsters found on CDs
iv. List of monsters found on DVDs
v. List of monsters found on Game CDs
vi. Miscellaneous other info you may or may not find useful
vii. Frequently Asked Questions (sort of)
viii. Version history and propers given for updates


Although it may be safe to assume that most who read this have played
Monster Rancher 1 & 2, I must (for argument's sake) take it as read that
quite a few of the readers have not. If you have, please skip past.
The Monster Rancher Series, called Monster Farm in Japan, was one of
the first (if not THE first) monster raising games, predating even
Pokemon (Pocket Monsters) if I remember correctly. It was made wholly
unique by the fact that a new interactive spin (no pun intended) was
included into the play of the game. The 'spin' I am referring to is the
ability to generate monsters from any data disc small enough to fit into
the drive of your Playstation. I'm still not sure on what the game reads
from the discs, but it seems to include the number of tracks, the unique
number assigned to certain music/DVD/game titles encoded into the disc's
data tracks and (in the previous games at least) the size of the data
tracks. You then took the monster home and raised it as you do in the
third installment of the game. That is where the similarities end
(aside from keeping some of the originals games' monsters). In MR1 and 2,
you trained in one area, your farm, and your creature had its very own
barn to sleep in, while you and your assistant (a role taken over by Fleria
in MR3 as your "mentor") stayed in a housein the background. Whenever you
built up enough money, your assistant would let you know that you could
build your house or barn bigger. The advantage being that a bigger house
let you keep many more items in your inventory, and a bigger barn let you
raise bigger monsters such as Golems, Beaklons, and Baku. Another change
in the MR series is that in MR2, you could send your monster off to train
for a month in a different land, where they would raise their stats
dramatically and learn new attacks. This, of course, cost your character
a nice piece of change. The main change; the most disappointing one so far,
is that the ability to breed your monsters has been removed. Instead of
letting your monsters die, as in MR3, you froze them and raised another
monster until it was also ready to die. When you had two monsters that you
wanted to breed (preferrably two that you have actually raised) you would
tell the gentleman at the hibernation facility to breed the two monsters.
This was like giving a monster heart to you monster in MR3, except for the
fact that you ended up with a new monster that took the primary trait from
the first monster you selected, and the sub trait from the second to form a
new monster (or was that vice versa) giving you a completely new monster
(maybe), because one of the other changes to the game was to exchange the
subtraits of your monster (land of origin in this game, monster type in the
old games). For example a Zuum's traits were Zuum/Zuum, while a translucent
blue Zuum's traits would be Zuum/Gel. Likewise the removal of many of my
favorite monster types is also a bummer, the addition of the Raiden and
(especially) Zan makes up for it.

I have so far beaten everything in the game, all four big 5 tourneys, and
the strongest of the monsters. (a few times actually), so if you have a CD
that you don't know what is on, e-mail me with a description of the shadow
that appears and I will tell you the monster associated with it if you
really want to know.

On to the Monster List. If you have any info I don't please feel free
to send me updates. Monsters you see listed here in Ver 1 are only the
ones I felt like writing down: just the interesting ones. ; )
Any and all updates will be listed though, so send as many as you like.

List of Monster Genotypes

Suezo: A yellow ball with a tail, one BIG eye and a big
mouth... If it were purple with a horn.......
Mocchi: A nauseatingly cute monster whose name literally refers to
the ball of sticky rice wrapped in seaweed that it is named
Jell: A blob of clear, blue gel/liquid.
Octopee: It sort of looks like they took Q-bert, stuck long floppy
ears on him, and gave him a blobby body with four blobby
little legs.
Momo: An anthropomorphic squirrel that carries a walnut
Golem: A colossal man made of stone.
Zoom: A medium sized Dromaeosaur (Deinonychus and Velociraptor
were Dromaesauridae) sans the eviscerating sickle claw.
Tiger: A wolf with horns (?).... Why it is called tiger, I do not
Hare: An anthropomorphic hare... Kind of like a fat Bugs Bunny...
A fat -brown- Bugs Bunny.
Mew: Why did they have to pick this name? Were they trying to
confuse my friend who plays Pokemon? In the previous games,
they were called Cat Dolls. They are basically little
Beaklon: A cool big Stag Beetle.. Or Rhinoscerous Beetle.... Anyway,
it is called Kabuto in Japanese. I'm not sure who came
first, Beaklon from MR2 or Megakabuterimon from Digimon, but
who cares?
Dragon: Dragon. 'nuff said, huh? (you need to be A rank to breed
these, though, so get to work. ; )
Dakkung: Acompletely rediculous monster left over from MR2 (why, god,
why?) that seems to be a duck made of colorful round(ish)
blocks. (egg shaped body) (why did they have to omit the
worm and leave this atrocity in the game?)
Baku: A giant furry dog (Saint Bernard?)
Pixie: A small (bat) winged girl with horns and a barbed tail. (I
do miss all of the different variations of her from Monster
Rancher 2)
Durahan: A ghostly suit of armor. In my humble opinion, one of the
coolest monsters in the games. It is a suit of armor with a
cape and sword and no one inside.
Rank A is needed to raise this monster.
Naga: A humanoid torso on a serpentine lower body. Nowhere near
as cool as they used to be, but hey at least they kept them.
(My favorite is the Aspis, the desert/egyption Naga)
Color- A trio of... creatures that used to be a caterpillar-like
Pandora: monster in the previous game that only broke into its
component pieces during special attacks or after getting
hit. But.... One of its new animations has it in a very
compromising position with one of its siblings.... ew.
Just... ew.
Plant: A Large bulb with leaves and roots and a huge flower.
Henger: A Transforming Robot! Too cool! Another of my favorites.
Zan: Possibly the coolest monster of the entire game, maybe even
the entire series. I'll leave the description out because
it is a secret monster that you need to release from a disc
stone and I don't want to ruin it for you.
I'll tell you how to do it at the end of the FAQ.
Lesione: A small blue (sort of cute) Plesiosaur. The name could
possibly be taken from Nessie, the fabled Loch Ness Monster.
Suzurin: Another impossibly cute monster. This one seems to be made
of small bells. (hotel front desk)bell hat, bell arms, bell
Psiroller: A cutesy blue rhinocerous that rides around clutching onto
a large tire. It does have a pretty devestating attack
called cannonball in which it tears off and zips around the
world before ramming you.
Pancho: A Pumpkin... A clamshell pumpkin with a cute little monster
For some reason, you need to be Rank B to raise this thing.
Mogi: Snoopy? With a cone shaped drill hat and huge front paws
with big claws.
Raiden: Another of my favored monsters, referred to as a Gryph in
some mythos, as a tengu in others. It's not either actually,
rather an anthropomorphic eagle. Some of its other forms
Gitan: The only cute monster I like. Sort of a floating.. well...
to me, it looks like a purple floating, cannibalistic devil
bunny with a beaver-like tail.
Ogyo: Another neat monster. An incredibly feminine, pink, dolphin
with long blond pigtails.
Joker: Another very cool monster I shall with-hold the description
of. I will reveal the basics of how to unlock it at the end
of the FAQ.

Monsters found on CDs

As stated before, these are not all of the monsters unlocked from my CD
collection, just the interesting ones I wrote down before I decided to
write an FAQ on them (and before I knew that you could pull them out of
the Encyclopedia ;) I will also list monsters by their description, not
their proper name, because unless you have already unlocked the monster,
you will have absolutely no idea what I am talking about, or what the
monster is.
And now, in no particular order except the order I wrote them down in. ;)

Eagle Armor Durahan: AC/DC: Blow up your video
Humanoid Griffon: AC/DC: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Offspring: Americana (Thanks Nathan)
Multi-colored Dolphin: AC/DC: For those about to rock
Snow-Patrol Henger: AC/DC: High Voltage
Ogyo (Pink Dolphin): AC/DC: Highway to Hell
(Panzer) Dragoon (sorta): AC/DC: Let there be Rock
Dragon: AC/DC: Who made Who
Pancho (pumpkin): KISS Alive 2, Disc 1
Faerie (grey, spiky hair): KISS Alive 3
Egyptian Asp Plesiosaur: KISS Greatest
Green Dolphin: The Mask (movie soundtrack)
Knight (Durahan): Chico and the Gypsies: Vagabundo
Mr. Spock's Music From Outer Space
Monkey Suezo (w/big ears): The Who: Tommy Disc 1
Arctic Squirrel: The Who: Tommy Disc 2
Shark Naga: Beatles Anthology 1 Disc 2
Pelican man (raiden): Dr. Demento (either 20th or 25th
anniversary, sorry, for some reason
I didn't write down which one.)
Ice Beetle: Jane's Addiction: Ritual de la habitual
Scorpion Beetle: George Carlin Classic Gold disc 1
Ice Naga: Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits
Bunny Suezo: Kid Rock: Devil without a cause
Monty Python Instant CD collection disc 1
Phoenix: Monty Python Instant CD collection disc 2
Ice Golem: Monty Python Instant CD collection disc 3
Nordic Armor: Sarah McLachlan: Fumbling towards ecstasy
Old Grandpa Zoom: Wierd Al Greatest Hits 2
Pixie: Enya The memory of trees
Bear Roller: Cranberries (The Couch picture CD)
Ocean Golem: Cranberries To the faithful departed
Fawn Kitty: Carpenters Singles 1969-1973
Wooden Bell Girl: 10,000 Maniacs Unplugged
Beetle: No Doubt: Tragic Kingdom
Raiden: Cranberries: Everybody else is doing it...
Cat in Giraffe suit: Natalie Merchant: Tigerlily
Angel (Pixie): Dire Straits: Money For Nothing
Pixie: Metallica: Load
Genie Pacho in Lamp: Guns N Roses: The Spaghetti Incident?
Leafy Plesiosaur: Guns N Roses: Appetite for Destruction
Sand Jell: Bubble Gum Crisis: Best Collection
Green Forest Wolf: Bryan Adams: So far so good (Don't ask)
Camel Baku: Sting: Best of 1984-1994
Unidentified Zan: Men in Black Soundtrack (Thanks mr_socko!)
Arctic Naga: Cheryl Crow: The Globe Sessions
Pineapple Mocchi: Pharoah Soundtrack: Music to build
Pyramids By
Green Zan w/Blades on arms: Men in Black Soundtrack
Red Zan w/Chitin: Millenium Love Songs (
Locomotive Henger: Train: Drops of Jupiter (Thanks Joy!)
(Section below contributed by Dr. Snotspill)
TV Shaped Plant (? attrib): Parlophone
Golden Golem: Robbie Robertson
Unidentified Zan: Crash Test Dummies: God shuffled his feet
Assassin Henger: Natalie Imbruglia: Left of the middle
Pharoah Dakkung: Ginger Baker Trio: Going back home
Very powerful Ice Naga: Run Lola Run Soundtrack
(Section below contributed by Nathan Storberg and Jordan)
Ice Golem: Prince the hits 1
Orange Pancho: Go Fish: Part of the Proof
Pineapple Mocchi: Go Fish: More than a story
Mogi: Worship: Green Disc 1
Ice Golem: Worship: Green Disc 2
Beaklon: Worship: Offerings
Tiger (wolf): Green Day: Insomniac
Jell: Mortal Kombat soundrack
Bell Girl: StaticX: Wisconsin Death Trip
Wolf King: StaticX: Machine
Girl Dolphin: Ozzy Ozbourne: The Ozzman Cometh
Brown Colorpandora: Black Sabbath: We sold our soul for
Rock and Roll
Pixie: ICP: Great Milenko
Durahan: Alien Ant Farm (?)
Brown Jell: Limp Bizket: Nookie
Morx Suezo: Rob Zombie: Hellbilly Deluxe

Monsters found on DVDs

Special Red Henger: Galaxy Quest
Hotrod Zoom (Black & Red): Heavy Metal 2000 (Thanks Aarong!)
Special Pixie: Priss from- Blade Runner (Widescreen side)
Shark Dragon: KISS The Second Coming
Dragon: Godzilla
Tiger Dragon: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Snow Patrol Henger: Pink Panther Strikes Again (Widescreen)
Snow Plesiosaur: Young Lesbians (please don't ask)
Bell Girl w/ Bat symbol: Batman (Standard Side)(Thanks Jacjr476)
Robo(?) Golem: Robotech The Macross Saga Disc 4
Zan: Matrix
Resident Evil Code Veronica X Preview DVD
Red Zan: Drunken Master (Hong Kong)
Red Zan with Cast on arm: Fight Club (Both Discs)
Unidentified Zan: Dungeons and Dragons (Thanks mr_socko)
Unidentified Joker: Batman (Widescreen Side) (Thanks Jacjr476)
Prankster Joker: Scary Movie (thanks Schombaliah,
(Section below contributed by Dr. Snotspill)
Joker: Fantasia 2000
Bird Durahan: Gladiator
Block Golem: Ghost in the Shell
Angel Pixie: Baraka
(Section below contributed by Nathan Storberg and Jordan)
Cat in Giraffe suit: Lethal Weapon 4
Lesione: Happy Gilmore
Tiger (wolf): Lost in Space
Plant: Nightmare on Elm Street
Ocean Bellgirl: Stargate
Mogi (Snoopy?) Step Mom
Joe Cool! (Mogi): Lady and the Tramp 2
Dakkung: Toy Story
Totem Pole Dakkung: Toy Story 2
Desert Hare: Waterboy
Turtle Kitty: Mummy Returns
Ice Beaklon: Boogie Nights

Monsters found on Game CDs

Zan Ninja: Tenchu 2
Henger: Armored Core 2
Durahan: Armored Core Master of Arena (both discs)
White Mocchi: Monster Rancher (Thanks Dr Snotspill)
Teranadon man: Monster Rancher 2
Sailor Moon Dolphin (sorta) Tecmo's Deception
Egyptian Naga: Tecmo Superbowl
Cold Pill Trio: Tech Romancer
Gitan (See list): Wipeout 3
Playstation Underground 3.1 Disc 1
Golem: Warpath Jurassic Park
Green Henger Red Kanji: Official PS Mag #16
Playstation Underground 4 Disc 2
Black and Red Zoom: Supercross Circuit Demo
Dragon: Space Bunnies Must Die Demo
Ocean Gitan: Panzer Dragoon (Saturn)
Phoenix Raiden: Playstation Underground 1 Disc 1
Palm Tree Sapling (plant): Playstation Underground 1 Disc 2
Wolf with HUMONGOUS horns: Playstation Underground 2 Disc 1
Tiger Striped Mogi: Playstation Underground 3 Disc 1
Rhino w/ Wheel: Playstation Underground 3 Disc 2
Totem Pole Dakkung: Playstation Underground 2.2 Disc 2
Dakkung Playstation Underground 2.3 Disc 1
Arctic Plesiosaur (Barney?): Playstation Underground 2.3 Disc 2
Pixie: Playstation Underground 3.1 Disc 2
Shark Suezo: Playstation Underground 3.3 Disc 2
Cold Pill Colorpandoras: Marvel v Capcom2(DC)(Thanks Dr. Snotspill)
Bird Durahan: Lunar SSS: Disc 2 (Thanks Dr. Snotspill)
Jester Momo: Gauntlet Dark Legacy (Thanks Aarong!)
Red Zan: Code Veronica X Demo (Thanks Schombalia!)
(Section Below contributed by ShadowZX99)
Tree Golem: The Bouncer
Sumo Mocchi: Tekken Tag Tournement
Henger w/Giant Cannons: Zone of Enders
Ninja Zan: Dead or Alive 2
Samurai Armor: Onimusha
Zoom Jogger Girl: Gran Tourismo 3
Kabuki Suezo: Tenchu (Not the Greatest Hits version)
Black Wolf: Chrono Cross (Both Discs)
Nymph: Final Fantasy 8 (Disc not specified)
Fantuger: Final Fantasy 8 (Disc not specified)
(Section below contributed by
Pancho inside an afro: Unison
Ninja Zan: Dead or Alive: Hardcore
Honeybee Hare: Tomba 2
Psiroller in racing suit: CD included with PS2 DVD remote
Zan: Jade Coccoon Demo
(Section below contributed by Nathan Storberg and Jordan)
Arctic Hare: Sonic Adventure 2
Lesione: Crazy Taxi
Legend of Legaia
Legend of Dragoon Disc 1
Black and Red Zoom: Sonic Adventure
Mew: NFL Gameday 2001
Um Jammer Lammy
Legend of Dragoon Disc 3
Hare: FF7 Disc 1
Resident Evil 3
Tony Hawk 2
Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete Disc 1
Xenogears Disc 1
Ogyo: Warcraft 2: The Dark Saga
FF7 Disc 2
Zoom: FF7 Disc 3
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Parasite Eve Disc 2
Wild Arms 2 Disc 2
Colorpandora: FF9 Disc 1
Baku: Parasite Eve Disc 1
Parasite Eve 2 Disc 1
FF9 Disc 2
Tiger (wolf): FF9 Disc 3
Final Fantasy Tactics
Parasite Eve 2 Disc 2
Raiden: FF9 Disc 4
Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete Disc 2
Legend of Mana
Rival Schools Disc 1
Rival Schools Disc 2
Plant: Resident Evil 2 Claire
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Legend of Dragoon Disc 2
Momo: Top Gun
Tenchu (Greatest Hits)
Jell: NFL Blitz 2k
Need For Speed 3: Hot pursuit
WWF War Zone
Henger: Jade Cocoon
Final Fantasy 5
Road Rash 3D
Wild Arms 2 Disc 1
Naga: Mega Man X5
Mega Man X4
Snow Mocchi: Alien Trilogy
Desert Plesiosaur: Tekken
Egyptian Naga: NHL 2k
Bird Colored Beaklon: NFL 2k
Snow Plesiosaur: Nascar 98
Turtle Mew: Rugrats in Paris
Ocean Mogi: Summoner
Joker: Monster Rancher Battle Cards: Episode 2
Mocchi: Mega Man 8
Durahan: Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete Disc 3
Colorpandora: Need For Speed
Psiroller: Need For Speed High Stakes
Evil Zone
Mexican Bell-Monster: Nightmare Creatures
Octopee: Front Mission 3
Wild Arms
Evil Dead: Hail to the King Disc 1
Suzurin: Evil Dead: Hail to the King Disc 2
Final Fantasy 6
Farn (Morx Pixie): Final Fantasy 8 Disc 1
Mer-Pixie: Final Fantasy 8 Disc 2
Fantuger (??? Pixie): Final Fantasy 8 Disc 3
Nymph (??? Pixie): Final Fantasy 8 Disc 4
Dakkung: Legend of Dragoon Disc 4
Xenogears Disc 2
King Tiger: Rampage World Tour
Pancho: Road Rash (Greatest Hits)
Viking Durahan: Tail of the Sun
Unknown: Tetris Plus
Eggukung (??? Dakkung): Tobal #1
Takrama Mocchi: WWF Attitude
Ice Mocchi: WWF In Your House
Golem: WWF Smackdown!
Wrestler Golem: WWF Smackdown! 2: Know Your Role
Frequently Asked Questions (sort of)

Nathan asks:
I just got monster rancer 3, 2 days ago and I cant figure out how to
get more training lands I have 2 the one you start out with and a
sand one but I cant get any more. And I need to know how to get
differnt trainging land it weird though I have 2 monsters of the fame
of super hero and I still not get differnt training spots.
Now, I can only speak for myself and two others here, but the areas
seemed to open up as our fame as breeders went up. Not only did they
open up, but they opened fairly quickly. I had them all open by my
third monster, my friend by his fourth. Though, conversely, it may
not have anything to do with fame at all, but how long you train in
one spot. My apologies for not having more detailed info on this,
but I had already opened up all of the areas before I even considered
posting an FAQ about the game.


Xboxattic asks:
Ok, I have gotten 3 accessories from battles, yet they are just ???
I don't know what to do to be able to use them. I might have just
missed something in the game, or it just might be explained later on,
but for the sake of my sanity, do you know how to get the accessories
This actually had my friends and me perplexed for a while until I was
entering a tournament and wondered why there was a picture of a specific
monster. It took a moment for me to realize that the pictures on the
tournament entry screen were telling me what kind of an accessory it
was and what monster it was for. Opening up more monster genotypes
proved my theory correct, so there you go.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ has a quesion I can't answer properly as I never took
this storyline:
In the kalagari region gadamon kidnaps jimsey, and gadamon wants a fruit
called the dodorino friut. gadamon says she will return jimsey if you
give her the fruit. later on sanasha comes by and shows were the fruit
is located, and once the seasons change i go to the spot sanasha was
talking about and fleria tells me that it is not the place the fruit is
located. so if you would please tell me how to get the fruit to move the
story line along. because since i cant move the storyline along i cant
get a zan. respond a.s.a.p. thanks.
Retaya wrote in to let us know that she is stuck in the same spot.
Please, if anyone can help, please e-mail your responses to both of us
(Him, so he will get it right a way, me so that I may post it for
others.) as soon as you are able. Thanks in advance.
From what I have read about this sub-plot, and from a few e-mails I
received that made vague or half references to it, there is a glitch
in the game that makes the only dodorin fruit available from Jimsey
Supposedly, if you don't beat Gadamon, there is no way to get a Dodorin
Fruit and rescue Jimsey. The only thing I feel comfortable in
suggesting is to re-load from before you were confronted, change
training areas and work on your monster's stats there until you feel
your monster is strong enough to beat Gadamon's.
Another thing: If you have a very powerful monster, but are afraid that
he is going to die soon so put him into hibernation and begin raising
a new monster, the monsters owned by the NPCs like Gadamon will be
somewhere nearly as powerful (if not as powerful) as the monster
you have in hibernation.
In short: If you have a S ranked monster in hibernation, and are raising
an E rank, Gadamon will attack you with an S rank and wipe the walls
with your monster.

Kooster asks:
During training, do you use the directional pad and buttons? I found the
games documentation to be very lacking in this area and not much help.
Really the only thing you can do is tell the monster to train. You just
select the type of training and either watch the monster train or skip
the little training movie. There have been some to say that if you
rapidly press circle or square you will get a better result, but it
does not matter at all. If your monster is going to fail, it will
fail no matter what you do. Re-load all you want, short of using a
different training in a different land, and that is not gaurantee

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ asks:
How long does it take for a monster to adapt and change in a certain
Pretty much, you feed the region specific foods to your monster fairly
constantly. If your monster likes the food, great! If not, it's
going to get pretty darn stressed out, even if you alternate the
region specific food with a food the monster likes. Stress shortens
life spans, so I saved onto a different memory card and began the
unfriendly process of changing my monsters. Then when they were
unlocked in the encyclopedia, I could transfer them to my original
save at my liesure.

Miscellaneous Info

Additional Training Areas:
These become available as you gain fame as a **breeder** (or after
you have spent a certain length of time in a particular area). The
order in which they become available seems to be random.
Additional Training Exercises:
Monsters will occasionally open these up as you search for items and
such during season changes.
Elemental Orbs and Bits:
Available only through the Ran Ran ventures. You will find the bits
when you find the light of the earth. You will find the Orbs when
you fight and defeat the rare monsters that will ambush you while you
search (random encounters while making individual searches).
Pachos, Dragons, and Durahans:
Available after you have raised a monster above B and A ranks
I'm sure you would like this kept as a surprise, so I will reveal to
you the location of the plot development.
While you are training in Brillia (The snowfields) you will need to
make your monster as powerful as you can for the rank that it is in,
or if you want a challenge, dont. In any case, once you and your
monster's fame has risen high enough The encounters (plural) will
begin. Stay there and it will come to pass. Though if you want to
know details, there are other FAQs out there with them, sorry.
Like above, you will need to be famous, but your monster will not
need to be high ranked. You will need to be training in Goat (The
Ocean) and you will need to piss off a certain person (not hard, just
kick their monster's ugly butt) They will make several more
appearances, and let you in on a little secret. This secret you can
spread or keep, it doesn't matter. Just make sure your monster is
extremely powerful for the rank that it is in (like A ranked stats
for a C ranked monster, which is easy if you have a monster heart)
Both Zan and Joker I unlocked with Drydon (nordic armor) before I
defeated all 5 of the Big 5.
Jokers on CD:
I currently don't own any CDs or DVDs with Jokers on them, so any
clues to the titles would be greatly appreciated.
Getcheffy contributes:
Not sure, but I think Monster Rancher Battle Card is a Joker

Zero Contributes:
I think I know how you get additional training lands. You need to
get fame in the lands, which you do by winning tournaments in those
lands. It seems like 3-grade tournaments or higher are good for
this. Also, I don't think free-for-all tournaments count.

Any other Info you need:
I can't gaurantee that I'll reply to all e-mails, but if you do have
any questions, and I can answer them, I'll post them in the FAQ
The Great Milenko wrote in with:
from wat ive found the way to unlock certain training
areas is not to have high fame it is to make ur self
famous in that region. example- the more tournaments u
enter in te desert region the higher ur fame in that
region. when u get high fame in that region u unlock
that region. i unlocked all regions by my second
monster who also won 4 of the big 5 tournaments. well
i hope i helped
Holier than you think?;)
I saw your excellent FAQ on Monster Rancher 3, which I intend to buy
soon. I noticed that on Monster Rancher 2, MANY "holy" CDs, or
christian music or bible study CDs... had LOTSA Jokers on them, which
I found Hilarious, thankfully, the programmers weren't without humor
in MR 2, perhaps the same for MR3. Hope ye find ye Jokers...
Zan Abilities:
as for the bits and stones, i know that the jade stone contains one
of the best skills for the zan race, being the rear raid, it has a
very high hit ratio, and the damage is pretty decent too....
my fav move for the zan...
Hey me too, that attack alone (even untrained with noisy halls) can get
you all the way to the top of the monster food chain. Give your Zan
a high speed and strength and you will be unstoppable (Just don't
forget your HP and endurance)
Monster Farming:
If you have a very powerful monster, but are afraid that
he is going to die soon so put him into hibernation and begin raising
a new monster, the monsters owned by the NPCs like Gadamon will be
somewhere nearly as powerful (if not as powerful) as the monster
you have in hibernation.
In short:
If you have a S ranked monster in hibernation, and are raising an E
rank, Gadamon will attack you with an S rank and wipe the walls with
your monster.
Version History

10.08.01: Original posted October 8th, 2001

10.11.01: Contributions and questions from Schombaliah,,,
Jacjr476, xboxattic, and thanks for a sizable
monster list update from Nathan Storberg:
Added some monsters found on the Underground
subscription discs; others from Fight Club and
Keep 'em coming, folks!
10.13.01: Joker Disc updates from Jacjr476 and DrSnotspill
more contributions from Nathan Storberg and his
friend Jordan, new contributors: Zero and
Questions from: and
10.15.01 Contributions from ShadowZX99, The_great_milenko15
More monsters from Nathan Storberg and more from my
meager CD/DVD/Game collection, and finally
Thanks to for his additions
of monsters with ? attributes.
10.19.01 Contributions from who added more (?)
monsters to the list as well as a couple of Zan
updates. Mike for some info that should be very
helpful. Aarong for the Jester Momo and Hotrod.
and for a question that is surely
on everyone's mind.
11.08.01 Sorry it took me so long to get this out, but I got
a little disheartened at some sites for not posting
my updates, that and I've only had 6 contribution
e-mails since the 19th.
More contributions from Dr. Snotspill, Nathan S, Joy,
and Schombaliah, and Reteya brought us back to an old
unanswered question about the Dodorin Fruit.
Added more to the monster lists, the question section,
and a fine contribution to the Misc info section.

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13.Октябрь 2013
General FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Monster List

13.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Dein Monster ist Mocchi, das gut trainiert ist. Ebenso jede Menge Infos über die Monster in der Encyclopedia.

12.Октябрь 2013
4 Monster für den VS Modus.

09.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
11.Февраль 2016