Monster Rancher 3

Monster Rancher 3

16.10.2013 02:00:12
Monster Rancher 3 - General FAQ V1.07
For Sony Playstation 2 10.28.01
This is my first published FAQ. Instead of making a huge cd list, I am
concentrating on mysterious and legendary monsters. We have tried 100's
of discs and got bunches of average monsters. I just added the list of
the rest of the monsters at the end of this FAQ. All these monsters are
from our cds and dvds if anyone wants to add some to our lise email us
at I hope this helps.
Copyright Stuff:
This document Copyright 2001 by JYL and Rigel.
This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright
Convention of 1976. It is for private and personal use only--it cannot
be reprinted in part or in whole, or reproduced in any way or in any
form (written or otherwise). It is a free document that cannot be used
in any sort of commercial transaction, including selling it or giving
it away as a gift. This FAQ cannot be referenced, altered, or used by
anybody (including webmasters, publishers, and magazine staff) without
my express written permission.
I. Rengenerating Monsters
A. Legendary Monster List
B. Rank B Monster List
C. Mysterious Monster List
D. No Record List
E. Pandora Discs
F. Saucer Stones
II. Battles and Quests
A. Calendar
B. Quests
C. The Big 5
III. Items
A. Items
1. Venture Items
2. Mucchi's Items
a. Depleting Items
b. Durable Items
3. Food Items
4. Accessories
5. Bits, Stones and Orbs
IV. Monster Atributes
A. Personality Attributes
B. Combat Attributes
C. Wisdom Attributes
D. Illnesses
E. Other Attributes
V. Tochikan Breeders
1. Talking with Breeders
VI. Tips
A. Unlocking Regions
VII. Disc List
VIII. Wrap up
1. Version History
2. Credits
I. Rengenerating Monsters:
A. Legendary Monster List:
o-(Durahan Type)-o
Highlander - - - -> Cool Hand Luke (Standard)
Aqua "Aquarium"
NIN "Pretty Hate Machine" *
Durahan - - - -> Faith No More "King for a day" *
Pablo Honey
Forestra (?) - - - -> Monster Rancher Hop-A-Bout (Pandora Disc)

o-(Dragon Type)-o
Shimurug - - - -> Pop Will Eat Itself "amalgamation"
Zarafan - - - -> Prodigy "Fat of the land"
Druger - - - -> Terry Mullin "Speaker Phreaker"
Fafneel - - - -> Psykosonic
Dragon - - - -> Velvet Underground
"Peel Slowly and See" Disc 1
PJ Harvey "Tales from the city..." *
Tigon (?) - - - -> Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

B. Rank B Monster List:
o-(Pancho Type)-o
Kurincho - - - -> Nick Drake "Way to Blue"
Pancho - - - -> Silverman
Shironcho - - - -> Led Zepplin III
C. Mysterious Monster List:
o-(Moochie type)-o
Sumocchi - - - -> Tekken Tag Tournament
Street Fighter EX3
o-(Zoom type)-o
Fuforunner - - - -> Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec

o-(Tiger Type)-o
Fenril - - - -> Crono Cross

o-(Mew Type)-o
Mewsneak - - - -> Charlie's Angels

o-(Dakkung Type)-o
Eggukkung - - - -> Tobal #1

o-(Pixie Type)-o
Nymph - - - -> Final Fantasy VIII Disc 4
Pansy - - - -> Bjork "Selmasongs"
Fantuger - - - -> Final Fantasy VIII Disc 3
Fay - - - -> Blade Runner

o-(Naga Type)-o
Ekidonna - - - -> Bjork "Homogenic"

o-(Lesione Type)-o
Coral - - - -> Monster Rancher Hop-A-Bout (Pandora Disc)
Metal Head - - - -> Metallica "Metallica" ???

o-(Psiroller Type)-o
Baliroller - - - -> DVD PLAYER LECTEUR DVD

o-(Mogi Type)-o
Blackie - - - -> Radiohead "Kid A"

o-(Gitan Type)-o
Maestan (?) - - - -> Bob Marley "Legend" ???

o-(Beaklon Type)-o
Cantalos - - - -> Creed "Human Clay" ???

o-(Rayden Type)-o
Petraden - - - -> Monster Rancher 2
D. No Record List:
o-(Zan Type)-o
Izuna (?) - - - -> Dead or Alive 2:Hardcore
Tenchu: Stealth Assasins
Retsu - - - -> Velvet Underground
"Peel Slowly and See" Disc 3 *
Fight Club !
Zan - - - -> Vertical Horizon
DJ Garth "San Fransisco session Volume 3"

* This monster has the best stats, attributes, etc.
(?) Indicates a rare monster
! Fight Club Zan comes with arm bandage accessecory.
??? Didn't yeild this result on my cds.

Note: For a complete list of found monsters and cds and dvds
check out our disc list at the end of the FAQ!
E. Pandora Discs:
Currently there are two Pandora Discs known so far. One is a Japanese
promo disc for Monster Rancher 3 and the other is the PSone Monster
Rancher Hop-A-bout game.

Monstor Rancher Hop-A-Bout Pandora Disc
Class S Forestra 85 130 85 75 175
Class A Random
Class B Random
Class C Mocchi 110 100 120 140 130 Rice Bowl
Class D Random
Class E Suezo 95 120 150 120 100 Suezo Eye

Vulcan 80 140 140 150 80
Coral 140 135 90 115 110
Nedel 100 180 100 50 145

Pandora Disc
Class S Masala 100 130 90 80 175
Class A Random
Class B Random
Class C Mocchi 110 100 120 140 130 Rice Bowl
Class D Random
Class E Suezo 95 120 150 120 100 Suezo Eye

Rayrin ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Beaklock 90 140 50 65 150
Valkyrie 95 135 135 150 100

F. Saucer Stones:
Saucer Stone pieces can be attained by venturing during the
season change. The can also be traded for with other breeders.
While venturing there is a good chance to find them if you
search where Fleria gets her 'Bad Feelings'.

Monster Type - Disc Color - Rarity = Result
Suezo - Olive Green - = ???
Moochie - Light Pink - = ???
Jell - Light Blue - c° = ???
Octopee - Red Orange - b° = ???
Momo - Light Orange - c° = ???
Golem - Grey - c° = ???
Zoom - ??? - = ???
Tiger - Dark Blue - c° = ???
Hare - Biege - c° = ???
Mew - Green Yellow - = ???
Dragon - ??? - = ???
Dakkung - ??? - = ???
Baku - Brown White - b° = ???
Pixie - Bright Pink - b° = ???
Durahan - ??? - = ???
Naga - Purple - = ???
Colorpandora - Purple - = ???
Plant - Dark Orange - c° = ???
Hengar - ??? - = ???
Lesione - Bluish White - = ???
Suzurian - Salmon - = ???
Beaklon - Brown - b° = ???
Psiroller - Blue Green - b° = ???

It seems that the monster will be a monster that you don't have.
(E.G. I got a momo from four momo piece.) I am not sure if these
will give you rare monsters or not. Some say that they do.
II. Battles:
A. Calendar:
| January | February | March * | April |
| 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 |
| - 5b Bg Dm | Ak - Ct Fb | - 5m - TF | - Cg Db Bk |
| | Eg | | |
| May | June * | July | August |
| 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 |
| At - Em Ft | 5g Ck - TF | - Bb Ag Dt | Cm Ek 5t Fg |
| | | | |
| September * | October | November | December * |
| 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 |
| Bt Dg - TF | - Am Eb 5k | Bm Dk Cb Fk | Et Ab - TF |
| | | | |

First letter equals the level of tournament
S, A, B, C, D, E, F = free Tournament, 5 = Big Five Tournamnent
Second letter equals location of tournament
m = Morx, t = Takrama, k = Kalaragi,
b = Brilla, g = Goat
TF = Tochikan Festa
Months with an * indicate a season change.

B. Quests:
Quests stories happen in each region.

"The Missing Mushrooms"
One day Fleria notices that all the mushroom have been stolen. This prevents
you from training in any skill that uses a mushroom (e.g. Life, Str,...).
Grampa Bragma stops by and visits you and Fleria tells him about the mushrooms.
Anyway a week passes and your monster finds a note on a stump. It says "Return
the tree!" The next week, Grandma MOsha visits. You show her the note and she
laughs. Something is up. She says whoever did it will probably be back. The
next week you see a little boy and he fights you with his Beaklon.

(Beaklon) | 220 | 264 | 127 | 166 | 231
Attacks: Supercharge, Beaban
Tip: Has no long range attack, stay in long range

Adter losing the boy takes off without returning the mushrooms. Mosha returns
the next week. She finally admits the boy is her nephew, named "Taz." Mosha
returns the mushrooms. Two weeks later the boy returns and apologizes in his
own way, by giving you "Tonburi Sap."

"Grandpa's Treasure"
One day Grandpa stops by to check on you. He see how you are doing and he leaves.
It turns out Grandma Mosha was hiding in the bushes. She was spying and says she
has known Grandpa for a long time. Next you go to the shrine and tell Grandpa
about Grandma. He is worried about what she has told you. Then he asks you a
favor. He asks you to retrieve a treasure that she took form him a long time
ago. He warns you against opening the treasure. He threatens not to let you
revive and more monsters if you look in the treasure. Grandma returns in a
week. You ask about the treasure. She says that she didn't steal it and it
weird of Grandpa to put it that way. She offers it back if you beat her
in a fight.

(Lesionne/sea) | 557 | 232 | 208 | 396 | 151
Attacks: Supercharge, Beaban
Tip: Monster may get stronger and/or change over a few battles.

If you don't meet the monster the first time go to Grandpa Bragma and he will
talk to you and give you an energy ball. When you finally beat Grandma Mosha's
monster Grandpa will you give you a Large Egg.

C. The Big 5:
Brilla Battle Grand Prix - Tournament Format - 4 entered - 10,000 prize

Monster Name Lif Pow Int Spd Def
(Metanix) | 280 | 541 | 572 | 573 | 472
Attacks: Geam, Core Attack, Giga Shooter, Mixing Echo
Tip: Has no short range attack, stay in short range

(Angel) | 227 | 217 | 666 | 624 | 347
Attacks: Fairy Dust, Star Gather, Milky Way, Heal Ring
Tip: Has no short range attack, stay in short range

(???) | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ???

(Hengar/?) | 277 | 573 | 702 | 725 | 590
Attacks: Mega Blade, Ice Cannon, Giga Shooter, Ray Field
Tip: He is the best in Kalaragi, Good Luck!
Note: Algestes is a cross breed of a Hengar and a Durahan.

Morx All Stars - Tournament Format - 4 entered - 10,000 prize

Monster Name Lif Pow Int Spd Def
(Bearroller) | 537 | 560 | 253 | 631 | 274
Attacks: Mosin Zero to Sixty, Spin, Cannonball

(Mocchi) | 545 | 478 | 466 | 368 | 537
Attacks: Tongue Lick, Mossama, Mocchi Spray, Mochiki
Tip: You need help beating a Mocchi?

Breezer - Rival Haz
(Tiger) | 147 | 579 | 206 | 827 | 87
Attacks: Tiger Spike, Tiger Fang, Tiger Spike, Tiger Charge
Tip: Weak health, use strong attack and kill with one hit!

(???) | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ???

(Forestra) | 348 | 740 | 667 | 375 | 770
Attacks: Thunder Wind, Lightning, Strong Gust, Heaven Bolt
Tip: Watchout for Heaven Bolt (Long-Range).
Note: The Forestra monster type can be regenerated from a
Pandora Disc.

Kalaragi Cup - Tournament Format - 4 entered - 10,000 prize

Monster Name Lif Pow Int Spd Def
(Fafneel) | 520 | 626 | 311 | 293 | 456
Attacks: Dragon Tail, Dragon Bite, Grave Throw, Wing Blade
Tip: Has no mid range attack, stay in mid range

Jaguar Rave
(Tigre) | 460 | 563 | 535 | 510 | 422
Attacks: Punch In, Scratch, Head Spin, The Earth
Tip: Has no long range attack, stay in long range

(Tokunbokun) | 174 | 544 | 580 | 562 | 582
Attacks: Bad Feeling, Random Hit, Three Piece, Self Bomb
Tip: He has really low health, you can probably kill with one good hit

(Bealock) | 613 | 794 | 411 | 408 | 658
Attacks: Back Fist, Super Charge, Beattack, Beakrocket
Tip: He is the best in Kalaragi, Good Luck!
Note: Exaton is a cross breed of a Beaklon and a Golem.

III. Items:
A. Items:
Venture Items:
Ran Ran Smell: A free smell that gives you 30 movement points in venturing.
Ran Ran Leaf: The leaf of a Ran Ran that gives you 200 movement points and
costs 500g.
Ran Ran Fruit: The fruit of a Ran Ran that gives you 400 movement points
and costs 1000g.
Ran Ran Juice: The Juice of a Ran Ran that gives you 600 movement points
and costs 2000g.

Aromascargo: A snail that gives monsters new attributes. (e.g. sweet smell,
sharp ears, etc..)
Evil Leech: Always has bad effect from stat loss to tiredness and stress.
Gawdfly: A butterfly that gives you bad attributes (e.g. dry skin)
Noisy Bug: A bug which opens up the "Noisy Hall" which allows monsters to
train in their attacks.
Nabanakawa: A banana peel that refreshes you.
Spade Leaf: Increases stats
Succulent Fruit: A flower that will raise one of your stats.
Shelley: A shell that teaches you "Water Secrets" and other attributes

Mucchi's Items:
Honey Candy (120g): "Candy made by condensing honey and sugar."
Nitro Juice (300g): "Juice made by squeezing Nitro berries. Has a
very stimulating taste."
Moak Soup (300g): "Soup made by simmering various types of mushrooms.
Adjusts nutritional balance."
Bitter Garlic (400g): "Vegetable hated by monsters because of its
extreme bitterness."
Yam Rice Cake (200g): "Fills the stomach, but has very little calories."
Energy Ball (1000g): "Medicine that cures many diseases."
Monster Nip (150g): "Innocent monsters love it when you shake it front
of them."
Pretty Flower (100g): "Beautiful flower that warms the heart of anyone
looking at it."

Glowing Rock (5000g): "Its beautiful glimmer calms the heart of a monster."
Shining Rock (25000g): "Its beautiful shine calms the heart of a monster."
Silver Goblet (5000g): "Drinking water from this goblet will reduce the
monster's tiredness a little."
Golden Goblet (25000g): "Drinking water from this goblet will reduce some
of the monster's tiredness."
Herbal Incense (3000g): "The sweet smell clams the spirit and lets the monster
sleep peacefully."
Medicine Box (4000g): "First aid kit for injuries in battles."

Food Items:

Macky Fish (120g): "Fish available in the Goat region. A little fishy
but taste good."
Bone-in Meat (200g): "A feast for monsters. Beware of overfeeding."
Carrot (60g): "A vegetable with distinct sweetness. Full of vitamins."
Nuts (70g): "Small in amount, but crunchy and nutritous."
Stem Mushroom (80g): "Mushrooms that contain some stimulants."
Hasgan Peach (100g): "Fruit that grows in high plains. Very juicy
and tasty."
Vine Grass (180g): "A medical plant that tastes bad, but is good for
the body."
Morx Mushroom (70g): "Mushroom that grows in the Morx region."
Mango (10g): "Fruit that grows in the Kalaragi region. Extremely sweet."
Nothing (0g): "Very effective for monsters with no discipline.
Use it for punishment."
B. Accessories:
-(Gitan Type)-
Mask (500g): "You can play with its many faces."
Necklace (2000g): "An accessory shared among Gitans."
Clown Nose (5000g): "A bright red nose. Why do they wear such things?"
Wig (8000g): "A fashionable item thought to be quite stylin'."
Skull (2000g):
Snakes (3000g): "Three snakes that like the top of Gitan's head."

C. Bits, Stones and Orbs:
Each monster has a potnetial of up to 12 different attacks. These are
obtained by aquiring skill itmes. There are 3 different types of skill
items, bits, stones and orbs. Each type of skill item comes in four
different colors, red (Flare), blue (Aqua), white (Aurora)and green (Jade).
Bits are used to acquires basic attacks and are the easiest to find. You
can find bits in the venture part of the game. Stones create a strong attack.
You can win stones by beating the one four free tournaments. Orbs create a
special attack. It is still not certain how one finds orbs.

IV. Monster Atributes:
Monster attributes can be found when regenerating a monster, can be aquired by
finding Escargot on venturing, by raising a monster, or by eating a Heart of
a previous monster. Some attributes affect monsters behavior/personality and
others affect in battle. Most of them are self explanatory.

Personality Attributes:
Obedient, Normal, Easygoing, Fearless, Nervous, Combative, Aggressive, Stubborn,
Independent, Pride, Show-off, Relaxed, Refined, Serious, Cool, Careful, Nice,
Impatient, Spoiled, Reliable, Faithful, Weird, Difficult, Energetic, Relaxed,
Cheerful, Quiet, Honest, Frivolous, Timid, Unfriendly, Obstinate, Shy, Sensitive,
Passionate, Stoic, Bashful, Indignant

Combat Attributes:
Earth Secrets: "Greatly increases the damage done by earth by Earth attacks."
Radar = helps accuracy of hitting monsters
Sharp Fangs
Sweet Smell: "A strange sweet smell that clouds the mind of enemies."
Armor: "Damage is decreased, but has a hard time dodging."
Sweet Voice: "Increases the sucess rate if Singing attacks."
Fast Footwork = helps avoid attacks
Hard head
Flexible tail
Sharp ears
Weak v. Magic = doesn't do well against magic attacks
Resists Heat = protection from heat
Resists Cold = protection from cold
Thick Fur = helps asborb damage from attacks
Sharp Horns
Stone Body
Weak Heart
Lung Capacity
Soft Skin = takes more damage from attacks
Sharp Eyes
Sharp Ears: "Doesn't miss a sound!"

Eating Attributes:
Vegetarian = likes to eat vegetables, doesn't like meat
Eats Anything = "Loses preference for foods, but any food
eaten is okay
Gluttonous = likes to eat alot

Wisdom Attributes:
Ice Wisdom
Heart Wisdom
Life Wisdom

Arthritis: "Shoulders hurt, and is easily irritable."
Cold: "Wind may bring diseases. Let's be careful."
Dry Skin: "Fatigue and stress are the enemies of beauty"

Other Attributes:
Perceptive: "Hey, I found some money!"
Narcissistic: "I am absolutely gorgeous, aren't I?"
Aquaphobic = fear of water
Dimples: "charm point that can be seen while laughing"

Note: This list is not complete. Entries followed by a ":" are taken
directly from game. Ones followed by "=" were written by me. Ones not
followed by anything are yet to be filled in or are somewhat obvious.

V. Tochikan Breeders:
Grandpa Bragma: He is the first person you meet and he helps you regenerate
monsters from the shrine. Occasionally he will stop by and check up on you.
Fleria: You are her "assistant". She will be at your side and help you take
care of your monster. She talks alot and is somewhat self asborbed.
Gadamon: She is Fleria's arch rival and she will always be up to no good.
Mitia: She is a new breeder who trys hard but isn't very good.
Grandma Mosha: A somewhat arrogant older breeder from Morx. She has connections
with Grandpa Bragma.
Taz: Mosha's nephew who likes Beaklons and is a nuisance.
Lek: A simple boy from Kalaragi.
Sansha: A fiesty fisherwoman from Kalaragi.
Lord Burn: Arrogant ruler of Goat.
Ms. Jenna: A famous breeder that took care of Fleria.
A. Talking with Breeders:
"Because of selfish people like you, Breeders cannot train monsters
anywhere they want!"
"If you have a good Breeder reputation like me, you can train your
monsters anywhere you want."
"I don't have any advice to give you!"
"Great breeders like me win tournaments, held in other lands. so I
have a good reputation!"
"You haven't put a picture on your mask yet? Your behind the times!
Everyone else has already put pictures on their masks..."
"When we searched around, my monster found an accessory. My monster's
smart enough to find an accessory in a large place like that!"
"I was told to be nice to the monsters when they are stressed"
"Did you know that you're supposed to let your monsters rest once
in a while?"
"They say monsters get stressed when they can't rest."
"Monsters get sick easily when they are tired. Maybe be I am training
them too hard, too."
"I see monsters are wearing 'mushrooms' as accessories. You can probably
find one if you search in Morx."
"Sometimes you can find really rare accessories during a search."
Grandma Mosha:
"A monster's parameters will change depending on its chracteristics."
"If your monster has the characteristics "Hard Scales," it will slow
down, but damages done by your opponents will be decreased.
Characteristics are very important."
"When a monster does well in training, parameters increase. But you
already knew this odn't you?"
Taz: "If you lose by a K.O. from getting damaged a lot, yuor monster will
get hurt. You have to be careful!"

VI. Tips:
~ It is easier to let a monster control itself but it is often better
to control it yourself.
~ Try to stay in a zone where the other monster don't have an attack.
~ Always try to block, and push off monsters.
~ Always keep your monster well rested, it will live longer.
A. Unlocking Regions:
In order to unlock new regions you need to win tournaments in those regions.
After you win so many championships in a certain region you will get more and
more fame in that region. The higher level of tournament the more fame you
recieve after winning. With enough fame in a particular region it will become
available as a place to train. The hardest place to attain is goat because you
need a lot of fame to get there. My only tip is to fight, fight, FIGHT!
VII. Disc List:
Suezo Type
Fukazo - - - -> Odd Numbers "Retrofitted for Today" *
Seven Disc 1
Suezo - - - -> Spun "SanFransicko"
Monzo - - - -> Smashing Pumpkins "pisces iscariot"
Tanuzo - - - ->

Moochie Type
Sherbert - - - -> Prodigy "Music for the gilted generation"
Koloro - - - -> Pink Floyd "Momentary Lapse of Reason"
Moochie - - - -> Toad the Wet Sprocket "Dulcinea"
Global Underground Vol. 3 Disc 1
Prodigy "The Prodigy expierence"
Possum Dixon "New Sheets"
Snatch *
The Killer
Sumocchi (?) - - - -> Tekken Tag Tournament
Street Fighter EX3

Jell Type

Marshmallow - - - -> Possum Dixon "Star Maps" *
Pink Floyd "Division Bell"
Jell - - - -> Gran Turismo
Kakao - - - -> United DJS of America "Taylor - LA"
Kuloro - - - -> Rusted Root "When I woke"

Octopee Type
Octopee - - - ->
Octomee - - - -> The Mummy
Hohocto - - - -> Sloe "Happy"
Yuppee - - - -> Stir of Echos

Momo type
Pepe - - - -> The Verve "A Northern Soul" *
Tribal American Artists "Beat Your Meat"
Ruby "Salt Peter"

Golem type
Elebus - - - -> Trainspotting #2
Kaio - - - -> Velvet Underground "The Best of.."
Kessen *
Lapislatel - - - -> Highlander
Night of the Living Dead
Lemlaria - - - -> Pulp "Goes to the Disco"
Golem - - - -> Janes Addiction "Live and Rare" *
Oasis "Definately maybe"
Taxi Driver
Nedel (?) - - - -> Monster Rancher Hop-A-Bout (Pandora Disc)

Zoom type
Pashminer - - - ->
Palasaluo - - - -> Ween "Chocolate and Cheese"
Hotrod - - - -> 'Bullitt'
Gramper - - - ->
Zoom - - - -> Antipop
Fuforunner (?) - - - -> Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec
Run Lola Run

Tiger Type
Tiger - - - -> Susan Vega "99.9 Fareniheit Degrees"
Pulp "Different Class" *
Galum - - - -> Tony Bennet "The Best of..."
Dark Crystal
Wag the Dog *
Anubis - - - -> Bjork "Volumen"
Ryolun - - - -> Bjork "Always full of Love"
Remus - - - -> Tracy Lords "1000 Fires"
Fenril (?) - - - -> Crono Cross

Hare Type
Strawberry - - - -> Oasis "Be here now"
Spearmint - - - -> Velvet Underground "Loaded"
Metallica "Metallica"
Freddy Got Fingered
Bjork "Big Time Sensuality" *
Jiro - - - ->
Hare - - - ->

Mew Type
Konta - - - -> X-Men
Tortboy - - - -> Pulp Fiction "Soundtrack"
Jurrasic Park CE
Mew - - - -> Nitzer Ebb "Big Hit"
Requiem for a Dream
One-Eyed Jacks
Goodfellas *
Mewsneak (?) - - - -> Charlie's Angels

Beaklon Type
Beaklon - - - -> Gran Turismo 2 Simulation Mode
Bealock - - - -> Pandora Disc

Dragon type
Shimurug - - - -> Pop Will Eat Itself "amalgamation"
The Lost Weekend
Zarafan - - - -> Prodigy "Fat of the land"
Druger - - - -> Terry Mullin "Speaker Phreaker"
Fafneel - - - -> Psykosonic
Dragon - - - -> Velvet Underground
"Peel Slowly and See" Disc 1
PJ Harvey "Tales from the city,
tales form the sea" *
Playstation Mag #50
Tigon (?) - - - -> Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Dakkung Type
Dakkung - - - -> Duran Duran "Duran Duran" *
Nirvana "Incesticide"
Patti Smith "Horses"
Seven Disc 2
Wakkang - - - -> Duran Duran "Decade"
Karakarakung - - - ->
Tokunbokun - - - -> PJ Harvey "To Bring you my love" *
NIN "The Downward Spiral"
Dokkung - - - -> Global Underground Vol. 3 Disc 2
Eggukkung (?) - - - -> Tobal #1

Baku Type
Baku - - - -> Robert Plant "Principles of Moments"
Final Fantasy VII Interactive Sampler CD
In the Company of Men
Labrynth *
Electrieel - - - -> Natural Born Killers Soundtrack
Baksheesh - - - -> Supergrass "In it for the money"

Pixie Type
Pixie - - - -> Vertigo
Bound *
Night Flyer - - - -> Oasis "Nothing Changes"
Farn - - - -> Final Fantasy VIII Disc 1
Nymph (?) - - - -> Final Fantasy VIII Disc 4
Pansy (?) - - - -> Bjork "Selmasongs"
Valkyrie (?) - - - -> Pandora Disc
Fantuger (?) - - - -> Final Fantasy VIII Disc 3
Fay (?) - - - -> Blade Runner

Durahan Type
Highlander - - - -> Cool Hand Luke (Standard)
Aqua "Aquarium"
NIN "Pretty Hate Machine" *
Durahan - - - -> Faith No More "King for a day" *
Pablo Honey
Forestra (?) - - - -> Monster Rancher Hop-A-Bout (Pandora Disc)

Naga Type
Ryozan - - - -> Sublime "Robbin the hood"
PJ Harvey "Rid of Me"
Naga - - - ->
Viper - - - -> Psykosonic "Unlearn"
Ekidonna (?) - - - -> Bjork "Homogenic"

Colorpandora Type
Koronit - - - -> Urge Overkill "Saturation"
Fukazukin - - - -> Bjork "Vespertine"
Colorpandora - - - -> Late Night Sessions III Disc 2
Pulp "His n hers" *
Machines of Love and Grace "Gilt"
Bushido Blade
Marimba - - - -> Papas Culture "but..."
Korodango - - - -> Bride of Chucky

Plant Type
Saboran - - - -> Sugarcubes "It's it"
XTC "Skylarking"
Plant - - - ->

Hengar Type
Skullwave - - - ->
Hengar - - - -> Velvet Underground
"Peel Slowly and See" Disc 2 *
Sugar Cubes "Stick around for Joy"
Bjork "Hidden PLace"
Vulcan (?) - - - -> Monster Rancher Hop-A-Bout (Pandora Disc)

Lesione Type
Biansnow - - - -> Angel Heart
Lesione - - - -> Sugar Cubes "Life's too good"
Sandlessie - - - -> School of Fish "Human Cannonball"
Hibis - - - ->
Metal Head (?) - - - -> Metallica "Metallica" ???
Coral (?) - - - -> Monster Rancher Hop-A-Bout (Pandora Disc)

Suzurian Type
Maririn - - - -> Radiohead "Amnesiac"
Seniorin - - - -> United DJS of America
"Franky Bonez" Vol. 6 *
Bad Lieutenant
Kuririn - - - -> Velvet Underground
"Peel Slowly and See" Disc 5 *
Spy Kids
Suzurian - - - -> Rocky Horror Picture Show Soundtrack

Psiroller Type
Armadiroller - - - -> Rage against the Machine
"Battle of Los Angeles"
Psiroller - - - -> The Beta Band "Sampler"
Underworld, Beaucoup Fish
Saga Frontier *
Bearroller - - - -> Evergrace
Baliroller (?) - - - -> DVD PLAYER LECTEUR DVD (for remote)

Pancho Type
Shironcho - - - -> Led Zepplin III
Shelluncho - - - -> Annie Hall
Pancho - - - -> Silverman
Kurincho - - - -> Nick Drake "Way to Blue"

Mogi Type
Fleece - - - -> Bob Marley "Legend"
Offshore - - - -> Creed "Human Clay"
Mogi - - - -> Primus "Sailing the seas of cheese"
Pulp "It"
"What's the story Morning Glory"
Playstation Mag #51 *
Tigre - - - ->
Blackie (?) - - - -> Radiohead "Kid A"

Raiden Type
Peligoon - - - -> Ambient Music Vol. 3 Disc 1
Griphyon - - - -> Sneaker Pimps "Becoming X"
Raiden - - - -> Tricky "Blowback"
Cecil B Demented
Petraden (?) - - - -> Monster Rancher 2

Gitan Type
Gitan - - - -> Terry Mullin "Mix Not Stirred Vol. 2"
Gran Turismo 2 Arcade Mode *
Cactun - - - -> The Crow Sountrack
Ootan - - - ->
Maestan (?) - - - -> Bob Marley "Legend" ???

Ogyo Type
Ogyo - - - -> Pulp "This is Hardcore" *
Pearl Jam "Even flow"
Galberra - - - -> Rusted Root "Remember"

Zan Type
Izuna (?) - - - -> Dead or Alive 2:Hardcore
Tenchu: Stealth Assasins
Retsu - - - -> Velvet Underground
"Peel Slowly and See" Disc 3 *
Fight Club !
Zan - - - -> Vertical Horizon *
DJ Garth
"San Fransisco session Volume 3"

* This monster has the best stats, attributes, etc.
(?) Indicates a rare monster
! Fight Club Zan comes with arm bandage accessecory.
??? Didn't yeild this result on my disc.
VIII. Wrap Up:
A. Version History:
v1.01 -> Two days after getting the game we made it to rank S and started
searching for legendary and mysterious monsters. Also started a monster
attribute section. Will update soon and add more sections.
v1.02 -> Added many more monsters to rare list. Recieved Zan Saucer Stone and
added names to replace No Record on Zan List.
v1.03 -> Started the Pandora Disc section and the Great 5 Tounanament Section
more to come soon.
v1.04 -> Made the faq fit in 80 character rows. Added a section on found saucer
stone pieces and a section on the calendar. Updated Attribute section. Added
index and item section as well as sections on Tochikans.
v1.05 -> Omitted "Unlocking Regions" section by request
v1.06 -> Added a more comprehensive disc list at end of FAQ. Created a new
"Unlocking Regions" section. Various other little updates.
v1.07 -> Minor updates, filled in some blanks, and added some dvds (rentals).
B. Credits:
Rigel <- That's me, I wrote this it's my game. <->
JYL <- My girlfriend, she owns most of the cds. And she erased my game.
Doh! I was fourteen years in and had a fourth gen monster and had
beaten half of the big five. Doh, Doh, DOH! Oh well, I guess it will
better for the FAQ that way.

If you want to add to this faq e-mail me at

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13.Октябрь 2013
General FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Monster List

13.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Dein Monster ist Mocchi, das gut trainiert ist. Ebenso jede Menge Infos über die Monster in der Encyclopedia.

12.Октябрь 2013
4 Monster für den VS Modus.

09.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
11.Февраль 2016